Last Nights"One Inch Hillary Make-Up Job".Now That's A Sign That She Is Covering Up!

if thats what she wears for make up, i cant imagine how much make up she will need when shes in a coffin

Gee, you guys sound a lot like lefties talking about Sarah Palin. Let me You said we were obsessed.
it will only be obsession like yours if hillary loses and we are still talking about her 8 years from now.
while she is running its fair game.
Of course, now that I recall, didnt obama call her a pig? and he still was able to get the liberal whore vote? maybe Trump isnt in as much trouble as you might like to think. can't talk about what she actually said, all you can do is comment on her looks and come up with wild conspiracy theories about her health.

Mean girl much?
Yeah, because leftwing douche bags would never talk about Trump's appearance!

Can you morons say anything without coming off as the world's biggest hypocrites?

Why do you want to vote for a 70-year-old man who dyes his hair blonde? Doncha' think that ranks right up there with something Liberace would do if he were alive? can't talk about what she actually said, all you can do is comment on her looks and come up with wild conspiracy theories about her health.

Mean girl much?
Yeah, because leftwing douche bags would never talk about Trump's appearance!

Can you morons say anything without coming off as the world's biggest hypocrites?
now I am pretty sure that either Lucas or Speilburg will make the next summer box office smash,,,,"Godzilla VS the Hildabeast"

Memes are the last bastion for Trump's beloved poorly educated.
if thats what she wears for make up, i cant imagine how much make up she will need when shes in a coffin

Gee, you guys sound a lot like lefties talking about Sarah Palin. Let me You said we were obsessed.
it will only be obsession like yours if hillary loses and we are still talking about her 8 years from now.
while she is running its fair game.
Of course, now that I recall, didnt obama call her a pig? and he still was able to get the liberal whore vote? maybe Trump isnt in as much trouble as you might like to think.
No, Obama didn't call anyone a pig, pig. If he did you would have linked to it. Wait, righties are too lazy to link their comments to fact. Sorry, mouth breather. can't talk about what she actually said, all you can do is comment on her looks and come up with wild conspiracy theories about her health.

Mean girl much?
Yeah, because leftwing douche bags would never talk about Trump's appearance!

Can you morons say anything without coming off as the world's biggest hypocrites?
now I am pretty sure that either Lucas or Speilburg will make the next summer box office smash,,,,"Godzilla VS the Hildabeast"

Memes are the last bastion for Trump's beloved poorly educated.
nah it's fine
someone should buy the rights to her head shot without make up and make a product out of it,,like a deterrent for cockroaches and mice,,like making these 3 inch posters/head shots of Hillary and just leave them all over the place {like along the lower moulding} then u will never get cockroaches again !!!
I dont know if I would chance it. It does seem as if she is attracting an awful large number of south american cock roaches into the country right now. can't talk about what she actually said, all you can do is comment on her looks and come up with wild conspiracy theories about her health.

Mean girl much?
Yeah, because leftwing douche bags would never talk about Trump's appearance!

Can you morons say anything without coming off as the world's biggest hypocrites?
now I am pretty sure that either Lucas or Speilburg will make the next summer box office smash,,,,"Godzilla VS the Hildabeast"

Memes are the last bastion for Trump's beloved poorly educated.
nah it's fine

^^^^^ See.
if thats what she wears for make up, i cant imagine how much make up she will need when shes in a coffin

Gee, you guys sound a lot like lefties talking about Sarah Palin. Let me You said we were obsessed.
it will only be obsession like yours if hillary loses and we are still talking about her 8 years from now.
while she is running its fair game.
Of course, now that I recall, didnt obama call her a pig? and he still was able to get the liberal whore vote? maybe Trump isnt in as much trouble as you might like to think.
No, Obama didn't call anyone a pig, pig. If he did you would have linked to it. Wait, righties are too lazy to link their comments to fact. Sorry, mouth breather.
no, he did mention lipstick on a pig at some point, maybe it was the rest of the democrats that picked up the comment and stuck it to Palin, however regardless of all this, I have no clue why you just apologized to your mother. I could be wrong but Im not aware that she was posting here.
someone should buy the rights to her head shot without make up and make a product out of it,,like a deterrent for cockroaches and mice,,like making these 3 inch posters/head shots of Hillary and just leave them all over the place {like along the lower moulding} then u will never get cockroaches again !!!

You should stop ripping off Kelly Oxford's photo for your avatar. She's about as diametrically opposed to your bullshit as one can get.
No she isn't, douche bag. You obviously don't know a thing about her. Yes, you feel qualified to pontificate about her!
Her makeup made her look around 55... Who is her makeup artist? Or did she have an eye lift while she was taking off the past week? And the make up cover the bruises and redness? I don't know how long it takes for an eye lift to heel? Never had one, though my mom has...guess I should ask her?

I would love to know who she has doing her makeup!

Donald looked more pink yesterday on my tv screen and not orange, even his hair had a pink tinge....he looked sick, and he has gotten extremely over weight this past year....looks 280 lbs or so....
He scarpered out of the hall quickly last night and had a lot of trouble getting around to the other side of his vehicle.
Maybe the cocaine was wearing off and he needed another snort.

I'd never say that but many are.
the make up job makes Hillary look like a missing dancer from the MJ "Thriller Video" only this dancer would of been dancing with a walker(with the tennis balls)
the make up job makes Hillary look like a missing dancer from the MJ "Thriller Video" only this dancer would of been dancing with a walker(with the tennis balls)
she could do a break dancing version of it, then she could just lay on the floor and have a seizure and fit right in. Nobody would know.
someone should buy the rights to her head shot without make up and make a product out of it,,like a deterrent for cockroaches and mice,,like making these 3 inch posters/head shots of Hillary and just leave them all over the place {like along the lower moulding} then u will never get cockroaches again !!!

You should stop ripping off Kelly Oxford's photo for your avatar. She's about as diametrically opposed to your bullshit as one can get.
No she isn't, douche bag. You obviously don't know a thing about her. Yes, you feel qualified to pontificate about her!

She hates Trump like any woman with a functioning cerebral cortex does.
someone should buy the rights to her head shot without make up and make a product out of it,,like a deterrent for cockroaches and mice,,like making these 3 inch posters/head shots of Hillary and just leave them all over the place {like along the lower moulding} then u will never get cockroaches again !!!

You should stop ripping off Kelly Oxford's photo for your avatar. She's about as diametrically opposed to your bullshit as one can get.
No she isn't, douche bag. You obviously don't know a thing about her. Yes, you feel qualified to pontificate about her!

She hates Trump like any woman with a functioning cerebral cortex does.

Woman who can think hate Hillary. She has fucked over more women than Trump could shake a stick at.

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