Larry Correia on the "mandatory training," silliness many on the gun side believe in........


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Larry Correia is a best selling author, accountant, firearm instructor and shooter.......he wrote the great Monster Hunter International books.....and now has a book defending the 2nd Amendment coming out Jan. is an excerpt from the book taking on the silliness of our side believing in the "mandatory training," drivel from the anti-gun fanatics....and some of our own people...

Time and Money

The more training you mandate, the more it costs in time and money to check those boxes. So now the rich guy who can easily afford time off work to go to his nearby shooting range with instructors on staff can exercise his rights. But the poor single mom who lives in the city that drove off all its shooting ranges can’t afford the days off. No rights for her. Oh well. Too bad she has a stalker. If he shows up again, she should just call 911 and hope.

If you’ve already got the law written so that it requires a shooting portion, what is to keep some future anti-gun bureaucrat who hates the idea of regular people being armed from tweaking the test to make it so difficult that nobody can pass it? And even if it is only as difficult as the qual for, say, the old air marshal test (which is the only federal qual I’ve ever shot that’s legitimately challenging), and you personally are a badass gunslinger killer of cardboard, do you want to force that requirement on your mom? Sorry, Mom, you don’t get to carry a gun to use at conversational distance against a rapist, because I don’t feel safe knowing you can’t shoot the SEAL Team Six pistol qualifier.

When people who are nominally on my side tell me that they want mandatory training to weed out the unworthy, I’ll tell them Sure, let’s do that. Except I think you should shoot at least as good as me (and odds are that since I’m a fanatic who used to do this for a living, with my own private shooting range at my house, I’m way better than they are). I’ll make a super test that only hardcore shooters with big practice-ammo budgets can pass. So no permit for you. That’ll keep out the riff raff.

Yeah, they don’t like that idea.

Show Me the Numbers

That’s basically what this fixation on mandatory training comes down to. Feelings. There are some on the pro-gun side who are no different from the anti-gunners who want to ban everything because it makes them feel unsafe. Regardless of your feelings, show me the numbers. If mandatory training made a huge difference in safety, how come Alaska and Vermont’s permit holders, subject to no required training, were about as safe as Utah’s and Arizona’s, despite Utah’s minimum four-hour requirement, and Arizona’s historic 16 hours of training?

I have my copy on the way.....he is a great author and as you can see....he understands the issues .......
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