Large Muslim SUNNI mobs sexually harass scores of young women on New Years Eve in Germany -

Women at Cologne Train Station Assaulted by Youths


That's what BBC, The Guardian, and other European outlets reported. Here's the true headline: 1000 Muslims commit mass sexual assaults of women around Cologne train station.

Note a slight difference there?

The savage exploitation of girls and young women is, unfortunately, a cross-cultural phenomenon, but only in Islamic law does it carry divine sanction. These Muslims in Cologne no doubt don’t think they have done anything wrong — these women, after all, are just Infidels.

Oh yeah, you Muslims and sympathizers attack the messenger. You certainly can't show proof it's wrong or is not citing the correct references. That's what makes you such shoddy types that nobody pays attention to. This story is @ Germany: 1000 Muslims commit mass sexual assaults of women around Cologne train station
Sexual assaults or Sexual Harassment? Why does the story change?
even shite hardliner and extremist are better than normal sunnis.
they never raped and kill and terror european and usa people .
london metro attack
paris attack
boston attack
munich attack
california attack
all of them is sunni job.
New Fatwa permits rape of non-Sunni women in Syria
New Fatwa permits rape of non-Sunni women in Syria
Raymond Ibrahim | Tuesday Apr 2, 2013 1:49 PM



Yet another Islamic cleric recently made it permissible for the Islamic fighters waging a jihad in Syria—politely known as “the opposition”—to rape the nation’s women.

Salafi Sheikh Yasir al-‘Ajlawni, a Jordanian of origin who lived in Damascus, Syria for 17 years, posted a YouTube video last week where he said he was preparing to issue a “legitimate fatwa” making it legal (in the eyes of Islam) for those Muslims fighting to topple secular president Bashar Assad and install Sharia law to “capture and have sex with” all non-Sunni women, specifically naming Assad’s own sect, the Alawites, as well as the Druze and several others, basically, all non-Sunnis and non-Muslims.

more : New Fatwa permits rape of non-Sunni women in Syria
We Americans are absolute Fools if we ever let another immigrant in from the following:

Saudi Arabia
and people from these countries who have been allowed into England, Germany, Sweden, France by the Fools who are in charge there.

We don't want to discriminate by religion---just Cultures which have not yet progressed Socially beyond the 8th Century.
Shia terrorists give nazi salute.


even shite hardliner and extremist are better than normal sunnis.
they never raped and kill and terror european and usa people .
london metro attack
paris attack
boston attack
munich attack
california attack
all of them is sunni job.
New Fatwa permits rape of non-Sunni women in Syria
New Fatwa permits rape of non-Sunni women in Syria
Raymond Ibrahim | Tuesday Apr 2, 2013 1:49 PM



Yet another Islamic cleric recently made it permissible for the Islamic fighters waging a jihad in Syria—politely known as “the opposition”—to rape the nation’s women.

Salafi Sheikh Yasir al-‘Ajlawni, a Jordanian of origin who lived in Damascus, Syria for 17 years, posted a YouTube video last week where he said he was preparing to issue a “legitimate fatwa” making it legal (in the eyes of Islam) for those Muslims fighting to topple secular president Bashar Assad and install Sharia law to “capture and have sex with” all non-Sunni women, specifically naming Assad’s own sect, the Alawites, as well as the Druze and several others, basically, all non-Sunnis and non-Muslims.

more : New Fatwa permits rape of non-Sunni women in Syria
The UK Home Office has barred Spencer and Geller from travel to the UK for "making statements that may foster hatred that might lead to inter-community violence".

Robert Spencer (author) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not saying no one was sexually harassed, happens everyday , everywhere, but here is a Jew and a Greek Catholic who belong to the same organizations and promote islamphobia. Neither is worth reading and don't buy their hate books.

Of course those stupid sheits in the UK government have barred them. They tell the TRUTH and make them look likes the asses they are.
Who gives a shit what the difference is between the two sects of the Devil's Cult? Let them fight it out among themselves and LEAVE THE REST OF US ALONE.
What happens when you let masses of satan worshipers in your country.

They don't worship Satan, they worship the god of the Old Testament, God/ Allah/ YHWH...

Even so, I have nothing against devil worshippers

From your own subjective perspective... perhaps. But objectively, Muslims most certainly worship the same God as Jews and Christians, albeit through their own cultural Weltanschauung...
What happens when you let masses of satan worshipers in your country.

They don't worship Satan, they worship the god of the Old Testament, God/ Allah/ YHWH...

Even so, I have nothing against devil worshippers

From your own subjective perspective... perhaps. But objectively, Muslims most certainly worship the same God as Jews and Christians, albeit through their own cultural Weltanschauung...
From your own subjective perspective... perhaps. But objectively, Muslims most certainly worship the same God as Jews and Christians, albeit through their own cultural Weltanschauung...
Please start yer own thread somewhere here and explain this fully. If you can.

I figger yer just blowing smoke because yer afraid of Islam.
This is what Europeans can expect in the “new normal.” A number of my readers didn’t venture out. “It’s way too dangerous on the streets of Berlin on New Year’s Eve.”

For those who did, a large group of Muslims sexually harassed scores of young women in and around the main train station of Cologne. They even ripped off one girl’s stockings and underwear.

“They were with their hands really everywhere. This is something I’ve never experienced,” said one 22-year old victim. “When we called for help, they laughed.” Bags and valuables had “been robbed.” And one 17-year-old is quoted as saying: “I had fingers on every orifice”….. here

It sounds just like Tahrir Square in Egypt, when “freedom movement” revelers were sexually attacking any woman that dare venture out. Think Lara Logan.

The media insist the evildoers aren’t refugees, however there are people on social media who were there say otherwise. According to a post on a big local group on Facebook in Cologne, most of the perpetrators were speaking Arabic. That post got deleted pretty fast. Mark Zuckerberg is Merkel’s mop up boy now.

Translation of this KSYA article [here]:

Sexual harassment on New Year’s Eve –

Cologne police assumes that there have been 40 different offenders.

The extent of sexual assaults on women on New Year’s Eve at Cologne Central Station is gradually becoming more evident. Investigators assume that there have been over 40 different offenders. 30 victims have already filed charges.

Cologne. The police has an investigation team set up to investigate the sexual assaults on women on New Year’s Eve around the main train station. More than 30 victims have already filed a complaint with the police. According to information of the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”, the investigators assume that there have been over 40 different perpetrators that know each other. However, to date, no one was reliably identified and there have been no arrests.

The perpetrators supposedly consist of young men known to the police, who are committing larcenies by trick and burglaries downtown and in the amusement districts like the Zülpicher Straße for many months. Victims and witnesses told the police they had a North African male appearance.

But in the night of Friday, they supposedly haven’t acted alone or in pairs as usual, but in a large group. In the areas Alter Wartesaal / main train station / Domplatte they are said to have offended women badly, taunted, surrounded and robbed them.

A 22-year-old women spoke to the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” the day after, describing how the perpetrators physically and sexually harassed her and her friend.

The other victims had the same experience, she said. The robbers succeeded to hide in the crowd so that police wasn’t able to track them down.
The police denied rumors in internet forums, according to which the perpetrators were refugees. An investigator said: “The recent leads go significantly towards police-known serial offenders, refugees have nothing to do with them.”


To clarify what exactly happened, video recordings are evaluated. Other victims who have been at the main train station and the cathedral on New Year’s Eve in the period between midnight and 4 A.M. and haven’t filed charges are requested to contact the police. [detailed contact information omitted]

- See more at: Large Muslim mobs sexually harass scores of young women on New Years Eve in Germany | Pamela Geller
Nothing in the article says it was Sunni muslims.

Most likely it was Shia garbage committing the assaults. ...... :cool:
its not important that article say or ........
fact is fact .they are sunni

Not important? Face is fact? You were there? You were taking a survey?
This is what Europeans can expect in the “new normal.” A number of my readers didn’t venture out. “It’s way too dangerous on the streets of Berlin on New Year’s Eve.”

For those who did, a large group of Muslims sexually harassed scores of young women in and around the main train station of Cologne. They even ripped off one girl’s stockings and underwear.

“They were with their hands really everywhere. This is something I’ve never experienced,” said one 22-year old victim. “When we called for help, they laughed.” Bags and valuables had “been robbed.” And one 17-year-old is quoted as saying: “I had fingers on every orifice”….. here

It sounds just like Tahrir Square in Egypt, when “freedom movement” revelers were sexually attacking any woman that dare venture out. Think Lara Logan.

The media insist the evildoers aren’t refugees, however there are people on social media who were there say otherwise. According to a post on a big local group on Facebook in Cologne, most of the perpetrators were speaking Arabic. That post got deleted pretty fast. Mark Zuckerberg is Merkel’s mop up boy now.

Translation of this KSYA article [here]:

Sexual harassment on New Year’s Eve –

Cologne police assumes that there have been 40 different offenders.

The extent of sexual assaults on women on New Year’s Eve at Cologne Central Station is gradually becoming more evident. Investigators assume that there have been over 40 different offenders. 30 victims have already filed charges.

Cologne. The police has an investigation team set up to investigate the sexual assaults on women on New Year’s Eve around the main train station. More than 30 victims have already filed a complaint with the police. According to information of the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”, the investigators assume that there have been over 40 different perpetrators that know each other. However, to date, no one was reliably identified and there have been no arrests.

The perpetrators supposedly consist of young men known to the police, who are committing larcenies by trick and burglaries downtown and in the amusement districts like the Zülpicher Straße for many months. Victims and witnesses told the police they had a North African male appearance.

But in the night of Friday, they supposedly haven’t acted alone or in pairs as usual, but in a large group. In the areas Alter Wartesaal / main train station / Domplatte they are said to have offended women badly, taunted, surrounded and robbed them.

A 22-year-old women spoke to the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” the day after, describing how the perpetrators physically and sexually harassed her and her friend.

The other victims had the same experience, she said. The robbers succeeded to hide in the crowd so that police wasn’t able to track them down.
The police denied rumors in internet forums, according to which the perpetrators were refugees. An investigator said: “The recent leads go significantly towards police-known serial offenders, refugees have nothing to do with them.”


To clarify what exactly happened, video recordings are evaluated. Other victims who have been at the main train station and the cathedral on New Year’s Eve in the period between midnight and 4 A.M. and haven’t filed charges are requested to contact the police. [detailed contact information omitted]

- See more at: Large Muslim mobs sexually harass scores of young women on New Years Eve in Germany | Pamela Geller
Nothing in the article says it was Sunni muslims.

Most likely it was Shia garbage committing the assaults. ...... :cool:
its not important that article say or ........
fact is fact .they are sunni

Not important? Face is fact? You were there? You were taking a survey?
we can know soon

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