Lara Trump ‘absolutely’ considering North Carolina Senate run


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May 1, 2021
Lara Trump ‘absolutely’ considering North Carolina Senate run
Lara Trump ‘absolutely’ considering North Carolina Senate run

She’s been a pastry chef, a personal trainer and a TV producer – but Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of the former US president and wife of his son Eric, now has her eye on something bigger.

As rumours fly about the political futures of not only Donald Trump but his eldest daughter and “heir apparent” Ivanka, the 38-year-old has confirmed she is “absolutely” considering a run for Senate in her native North Carolina, having hitched her wagon to the Trump train in 2016.
While her father-in-law often joked to donors that he “couldn’t pick (her) out of a line-up”, Ms Trump is a “household name” in her home state, one Trump campaign adviser told The New York Times, describing the mother-of-two as “very charismatic” with “a natural instinct for politics”.
“She would be formidable,” former White House official and 2016 Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told the publication.
“She has the trifecta: She can raise money, raise awareness of key issues and raise attention to her face.
“Unlike many typical politicians, she connects with people and is a compelling messenger.”
If I lived in North Carolina, I vote for her!

She is smart as a whip! I would too.
I don't see her making it out of the primaries with Pat McCrory in the race. I mean here in my neck of the woods she could make a stand. But on the coast, not a chance. In the Triangle McCrory is going to clean her clock. In Charlotte, Asheville, democrats will switch parties just to vote against her.
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I don't see her making it out of the primaries with Pat McCrory in the race. I mean here in my neck of the woods she could make a stand. But on the coast, not a chance. In the Triangle McCrory is going to clean her clock. In Charlotte, Asheville, democrats will switch parties just to vote against her.

You are in the area? Well I guess you know. That's too bad. Is the other guy solid or a Romney RINO type?
I don't see her making it out of the primaries with Pat McCrory in the race. I mean here in my neck of the woods she could make a stand. But on the coast, not a chance. In the Triangle McCrory is going to clean her clock. In Charlotte, Asheville, democrats will switch parties just to vote against her.

You are in the area? Well I guess you know. That's too bad. Is the other guy solid or a Romney RINO type?
He has supported Trump if that is what you mean. Governor, 14 year stint as mayor in Charlotte. He is the Republican's party's best shot at holding the seat. But it is going to be tough to hold. Trump won North Carolina, but Cooper, a Democrat won the governor's race. There is a huge block of moderate voters in North Carolina that don't toe the party line, either party. A Trump will run those voters to the democrat. She needs to stay at FOX news. But then again, I want the seat to flip anyway.
Lara Trump ‘absolutely’ considering North Carolina Senate run
Lara Trump ‘absolutely’ considering North Carolina Senate run

She’s been a pastry chef, a personal trainer and a TV producer – but Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of the former US president and wife of his son Eric, now has her eye on something bigger.

As rumours fly about the political futures of not only Donald Trump but his eldest daughter and “heir apparent” Ivanka, the 38-year-old has confirmed she is “absolutely” considering a run for Senate in her native North Carolina, having hitched her wagon to the Trump train in 2016.
While her father-in-law often joked to donors that he “couldn’t pick (her) out of a line-up”, Ms Trump is a “household name” in her home state, one Trump campaign adviser told The New York Times, describing the mother-of-two as “very charismatic” with “a natural instinct for politics”.
“She would be formidable,” former White House official and 2016 Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told the publication.
“She has the trifecta: She can raise money, raise awareness of key issues and raise attention to her face.
“Unlike many typical politicians, she connects with people and is a compelling messenger.”

Ah yes, another unqualified, uneducated, unskilled, Trump running for public office. Blonde, botoxxed, and fully supportive of her white supremacist father-in-law, even if her couldn't pick HER out of a line up.

Notice her "formibable skills": She can raise money. How is that helpful to her constituents? She can raise awareness of key issues. What would those be exactly. Can she articulate them? And raise attention to her face. Whatever the fuck that means. She connects with people and is a compelling messenger.

Baffblegab, pure and simple. There isn't a single reason in there why Lara is such a great candidate, other than her last name is Trump. Given her involvement in family finances, and they way things are going with those, Trump may have to pick her out of a line-up.
Lara Trump ‘absolutely’ considering North Carolina Senate run
Lara Trump ‘absolutely’ considering North Carolina Senate run

She’s been a pastry chef, a personal trainer and a TV producer – but Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of the former US president and wife of his son Eric, now has her eye on something bigger.

As rumours fly about the political futures of not only Donald Trump but his eldest daughter and “heir apparent” Ivanka, the 38-year-old has confirmed she is “absolutely” considering a run for Senate in her native North Carolina, having hitched her wagon to the Trump train in 2016.
While her father-in-law often joked to donors that he “couldn’t pick (her) out of a line-up”, Ms Trump is a “household name” in her home state, one Trump campaign adviser told The New York Times, describing the mother-of-two as “very charismatic” with “a natural instinct for politics”.
“She would be formidable,” former White House official and 2016 Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told the publication.
“She has the trifecta: She can raise money, raise awareness of key issues and raise attention to her face.
“Unlike many typical politicians, she connects with people and is a compelling messenger.”

If North Carolina is one of the few states where election rigging is almost impossible, then I hope that she runs and wins.

It would be delicious to see the sour reaction of entities such as Chuck and Nancy and all those media types!
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The trumps, in general, are bottom of the barrel trash.

How did GOPers sink this low?
The trumps, in general, are bottom of the barrel trash.

How did GOPers sink this low?

Reagan cobbled together a coalition of crazies to vote Republican because he couldn't win any other way. The Moral Majority was really a bunch of radical fundamentalist television preachers, many of whom ended up in sex and money scandals, and whose basically existed to swindle the gullible. Oral Roberts promoted faith healing. Others promoted "prosperity Christianity". They oppose the Equal Rights Amendment for women, reproductive and abortion rights for women, equal rights for gays, and segregation.

Reagan also invited the disaffected southern racists who deserted the Democratic Party after Johnson pushed through the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, both of which the Republicans have been chipping away at for the past 40 years.

Reagan thought he could control the crazy. But what has happened is that the crazy has taken over, and Republicans are refusing to disavow it.

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