Lack of immigration enforcement


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


When border patrol agents catch illegals crossing the border they can check their identity and determine whether to arrest them or send them back across the border. But if they get past border patrol agents into the inner cities they cannot be asked their immigration status.

They have made it to home base and safe from questioning about their immigration status. When they are caught they tell the agents that they will keep trying until the get past border patrol agents.

Lack of interior enforcement is the problem why we have 20 million illegal aliens in this country and cannot control illegal immigration.

Our government will not enforce our immigration laws and will not let states enforce them either so illegal immigration rages on. Until this changes we will continue to have illegal immigration.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform with amnesty for the 20 million will do nothing to stop illegal immigration or secure our border.

"Making immigration easier” will to solve the illegal immigration problem. The only people who want to come here are the poorest, uneducated and criminal. And making immigration “easier” for these will only result in more of the poorest, uneducated and criminal. Can you imagine the nightmare effect of “making immigration easier” will cause this country and Americans?

If we do not stop Obama that is what we can look forward to here and it will make Mexico a desirable place for American to move to. All the poor, uneducated and criminals will be gone and American businesses will be moving there.

Do anyone realize the burden that could be place on this country if we united all the illegal aliens in the country with their families members? We will get the poor, uneducated, disabled and criminal. You had better be thinking about it come 2012 because Obama is not.


When border patrol agents catch illegals crossing the border they can check their identity and determine whether to arrest them or send them back across the border. But if they get past border patrol agents into the inner cities they cannot be asked their immigration status.

They have made it to home base and safe from questioning about their immigration status. When they are caught they tell the agents that they will keep trying until the get past border patrol agents.

Lack of interior enforcement is the problem why we have 20 million illegal aliens in this country and cannot control illegal immigration.

Our government will not enforce our immigration laws and will not let states enforce them either so illegal immigration rages on. Until this changes we will continue to have illegal immigration.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform with amnesty for the 20 million will do nothing to stop illegal immigration or secure our border.

"Making immigration easier” will to solve the illegal immigration problem. The only people who want to come here are the poorest, uneducated and criminal. And making immigration “easier” for these will only result in more of the poorest, uneducated and criminal. Can you imagine the nightmare effect of “making immigration easier” will cause this country and Americans?

If we do not stop Obama that is what we can look forward to here and it will make Mexico a desirable place for American to move to. All the poor, uneducated and criminals will be gone and American businesses will be moving there.

Do anyone realize the burden that could be place on this country if we united all the illegal aliens in the country with their families members? We will get the poor, uneducated, disabled and criminal. You had better be thinking about it come 2012 because Obama is not.

In the city I live in in Mexico they already have a plastics manufacturing plant, they are building a new auto manufacturing plant, and that is just to name two. These are businesses that used to hire Americans. Pretty soon people will have to move to Mexico just to get a job.

Politicians should be put in jail.
I for one have given up the fight. The illegals seem to be winning every battle. I find that the problem is that we have too many latinos in high places who care more about bringing in the illegals and once here doing for them. They are the ones making decisions that serve the illegals. And of course the bleeding heart librals who fight right along with them. They don't care about the american taxpayer who pays for the perks that these latino and bleeding heart liberal politicians give the illegals!!! Sorry folks, but we have not only lost the battle, we have lost the war!
Defeatism is not an American characteristic. Pull yourself together.

Entering or attempting to enter the United States without being inspected by U.S. immigration officials is a crime punishable under immigration law by 6 months imprisonment and/or a fine. (This never happens) A second illegal entry or attempt is punishable by 2 years imprisonment and/or a fine (this never happen either) under immigration law. 8 U.S.C. § 1325

While entering illegally is a crime, being in the U.S. illegally is not a crime. Being in the U.S. without legal immigration status is a violation of civil law. (Another example of a civil law violation would be failing to provide proper handicapped access to a building that is open to the public.)

Illegal Immigrants | Deportation | Hartford Immigration Lawyer | Legal Residency | Green Card | Marriage Petition

Unless this is changed, it does not mean anything to those that are here illegally. This is one of the reason our immigration system is broken. The law is broken. If it is a crime to enter the country illegally it should also be a crime to be in the country illegally.
Our flawed immigration laws are the reason we have 20 million in the country illegally and Comprehensive Immigration Reform will not fix it.
Illegal aliens in Conn. have more rights than some U.S. citizens.
Yep, it's all Obama's fault. All those 12 or 15 or 20 million illegals that are here have come since January 20, 2009.
Yep, it's all Obama's fault. All those 12 or 15 or 20 million illegals that are here have come since January 20, 2009.

No, what is his fault is not securing the borders so no more get it, refusing to enforce current immigration laws already on the books, and taking states to court to prevent them from enforcing current immigration laws.

THAT is what is Obama's fault.
And that's been the "fault" of every president since at least the 1970s and will be the fault of Obama's successors.

Yep, it's all Obama's fault. All those 12 or 15 or 20 million illegals that are here have come since January 20, 2009.

No, what is his fault is not securing the borders so no more get it, refusing to enforce current immigration laws already on the books, and taking states to court to prevent them from enforcing current immigration laws.

THAT is what is Obama's fault.
And that's been the "fault" of every president since at least the 1970s and will be the fault of Obama's successors.

Yep, it's all Obama's fault. All those 12 or 15 or 20 million illegals that are here have come since January 20, 2009.

No, what is his fault is not securing the borders so no more get it, refusing to enforce current immigration laws already on the books, and taking states to court to prevent them from enforcing current immigration laws.

THAT is what is Obama's fault.

No, not to the same degree. Obama is wanting amnesty for these buttmunches as well. Other presidents didn't take the state to court to prevent them from following immigration law.

Obama blew it.
And that's been the "fault" of every president since at least the 1970s and will be the fault of Obama's successors.

No, what is his fault is not securing the borders so no more get it, refusing to enforce current immigration laws already on the books, and taking states to court to prevent them from enforcing current immigration laws.

THAT is what is Obama's fault.

No, not to the same degree. Obama is wanting amnesty for these buttmunches as well. Other presidents didn't take the state to court to prevent them from following immigration law.

Obama blew it.

Reagan wanted amnesty for illegals and got it. Bush II wanted amnesty for them and didn't get it. It appears that Obama will be in the latter category. Perhaps the next one will succeed.
And that's been the "fault" of every president since at least the 1970s and will be the fault of Obama's successors.

No, not to the same degree. Obama is wanting amnesty for these buttmunches as well. Other presidents didn't take the state to court to prevent them from following immigration law.

Obama blew it.

Reagan wanted amnesty for illegals and got it. Bush II wanted amnesty for them and didn't get it. It appears that Obama will be in the latter category. Perhaps the next one will succeed.

(sigh) let's hope not. They don't deserve it. Think of all the people that spent thousands of dollars and spent years doing it the right way. It's just not fair. Break the law and they are rewarded, follow the law and they are punished. There is certainly something wrong with that.

There is more wrong with Obama taking any state to court to prevent them from following the laws. That's just unacceptable.
No, not to the same degree. Obama is wanting amnesty for these buttmunches as well. Other presidents didn't take the state to court to prevent them from following immigration law.

Obama blew it.

Reagan wanted amnesty for illegals and got it. Bush II wanted amnesty for them and didn't get it. It appears that Obama will be in the latter category. Perhaps the next one will succeed.

(sigh) let's hope not. They don't deserve it. Think of all the people that spent thousands of dollars and spent years doing it the right way. It's just not fair. Break the law and they are rewarded, follow the law and they are punished. There is certainly something wrong with that.

There is more wrong with Obama taking any state to court to prevent them from following the laws. That's just unacceptable.

You seem interested only in bashing Obama and not addressing the real issues.
Let's hope that NO president will give amnesty! Once was enough and look at where it got this country. Reagan did not expect it to turn into such a mess! If this country had put the laws in practice that were legislated when the 1986 amensty took place, we would not have this invasion now. We will see more people coming across now that some of them think that they can't be deported when caught. These people have NO clue!!! And apparantly neither does the U.S. government.
Reagan wanted amnesty for illegals and got it. Bush II wanted amnesty for them and didn't get it. It appears that Obama will be in the latter category. Perhaps the next one will succeed.

(sigh) let's hope not. They don't deserve it. Think of all the people that spent thousands of dollars and spent years doing it the right way. It's just not fair. Break the law and they are rewarded, follow the law and they are punished. There is certainly something wrong with that.

There is more wrong with Obama taking any state to court to prevent them from following the laws. That's just unacceptable.

You seem interested only in bashing Obama and not addressing the real issues.

Obama is a HUGE part of the problem with illegals. They need to be shot on sight slithering into our country illegally just as if they were breaking into a bank to steal from them.

Obama is taking states such as AZ an AL to court to prevent them from enforcing laws on the books and you seem to have your knickers in a twist that I don't like this? For real?

Illegals need to stop sucking off the teats of the American taxpayers.

And that's been the "fault" of every president since at least the 1970s and will be the fault of Obama's successors.

No, not to the same degree. Obama is wanting amnesty for these buttmunches as well. Other presidents didn't take the state to court to prevent them from following immigration law.

Obama blew it.

Reagan wanted amnesty for illegals and got it. Bush II wanted amnesty for them and didn't get it. It appears that Obama will be in the latter category. Perhaps the next one will succeed.

President Bush did not want amnesty.
Let's hope that NO president will give amnesty! Once was enough and look at where it got this country. Reagan did not expect it to turn into such a mess! If this country had put the laws in practice that were legislated when the 1986 amensty took place, we would not have this invasion now. We will see more people coming across now that some of them think that they can't be deported when caught. These people have NO clue!!! And apparantly neither does the U.S. government.

If, if, if.... It's not just an accident that the immigration laws aren't enforced, and haven't been enforced for decades. And, although the immigration rights folks would like an amnesty, the status quo serves them, and the employer class, quite nicely.
Let's hope that NO president will give amnesty! Once was enough and look at where it got this country. Reagan did not expect it to turn into such a mess! If this country had put the laws in practice that were legislated when the 1986 amensty took place, we would not have this invasion now. We will see more people coming across now that some of them think that they can't be deported when caught. These people have NO clue!!! And apparantly neither does the U.S. government.

If, if, if.... It's not just an accident that the immigration laws aren't enforced, and haven't been enforced for decades. And, although the immigration rights folks would like an amnesty, the status quo serves them, and the employer class, quite nicely.

How is it an accident to take states to court to prevent them from following laws? No worries, you won't get to keep your own illegal status long or that of your friends and family. The Supreme court is siding with us, the states.

Even an idiot can see that illegals can't even get jobs anymore. GAWD!

Adios amego!
Let's hope that NO president will give amnesty! Once was enough and look at where it got this country. Reagan did not expect it to turn into such a mess! If this country had put the laws in practice that were legislated when the 1986 amensty took place, we would not have this invasion now. We will see more people coming across now that some of them think that they can't be deported when caught. These people have NO clue!!! And apparantly neither does the U.S. government.

If, if, if.... It's not just an accident that the immigration laws aren't enforced, and haven't been enforced for decades. And, although the immigration rights folks would like an amnesty, the status quo serves them, and the employer class, quite nicely.

How is it an accident to take states to court to prevent them from following laws? No worries, you won't get to keep your own illegal status long or that of your friends and family. The Supreme court is siding with us, the states.

Even an idiot can see that illegals can't even get jobs anymore. GAWD!

Adios amego!

Just the same old petty party-political partisanship without the slightest interest in actually addressing the issue.

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