LA pastor Jesse Lee Peterson has emerged as the right's most vocal anti-gay, allegations of his gay past are roiling his macho followers

Why do you continue to support the GOP, when I have shown uou several examples of how racist they are.

You are the one who is afraid to admit you date white men and have mixed kids.
you’ve shown no examples of the party being racist

the dnc and in particular joey xiden? tons of it…and you won’t leave the plantation
I have shown plenty, you're in denial because you want to be accepted by those who think you are beneath them.
no you actually haven’t.

meanwhile you voted for joey “racial jungle” xiden who’s only claim to fame is fighting against desegregation and the racist crime bill

congrats…plantation boy
no you actually haven’t.

meanwhile you voted for joey “racial jungle” xiden who’s only claim to fame is fighting against desegregation and the racist crime bill

congrats…plantation boy
If you could close your mouth and get off your knees you would see who the real racist are. You already know, don't you? The sad part is you will keep selling out to be accepted by whites who don't like you. I guess you think because a white man will screw you that white folks love you.
no you actually haven’t.
Who is stopping the John Lewis Voting Bill?

Who is stopping the George Floyd Policing Bill?
meanwhile you voted for joey “racial jungle” xiden who’s only claim to fame is fighting against desegregation and the racist crime bill.
Damn Biden is all you've got, black folks didn't vote for Biden because we think he is so grand. Black folks wanted to see Trump gone, that is the only reason Biden got our vote.
congrats…plantation boy.
Plantation boy? That's funny. I don't understand how a black woman who bows down to white folks, allows white men to use her as a sex toy and is afraid to tell folks she has mixed kids could call a REAL black man a derogatory name. That is almost criminal.
I was gay, a drunk, a murderer, a liar, a thief, etc. Then I was saved. Doesn't matter what you were. It matters what you are now. A sinner is a sinner, period. When you turn your life over to Jesus, you are a new creation.
I was gay, a drunk, a murderer, a liar, a thief, etc. Then I was saved. Doesn't matter what you were. It matters what you are now. A sinner is a sinner, period. When you turn your life over to Jesus, you are a new creation.
Ah yes, the tried and tested 'get out of Hell free' card of salvation. Always a crowd pleaser.

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