Kyle Rittenhouse should be awarded a congressional medal...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has advanced such legislation and I shall be raising hell with my congress critter if he doesn't co-sponsor it.

Kyle Rittenhouse is one of those unique Americans that stands up against insanity, criminals and walks into chaos in order to establish order.
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The sort of dude who volunteers to clean up his community when bed wetting leftist pieces of shit from outside his community tried to destroy it.

Give me 1000 Kyle Rittenhouses and 1000 helicopters and I would clean this country up in a week.
Obviously this will not happen under this administration, In fact Biden and his Marxist cabal have indicated they will try to find a federal reason to go after Kyler Rittenhouse. after Gov. Evers, AG Ellison and the prosecutors in Kenosha failed to railroad this teenager.
However, it may happen after Donald Trump is re-elected in 2024...
Kyle Rittenhouse said he supports BLM and he only killed whites. He said this on the Tucker Carlson show.

I wouldn't mind him getting a medal.

I wouldn't mind either, considering that 85% of the BLM supporters are white.

Imagine that? The 15% black demographics in this country even applies to a black folk's organization like BLM

:laughing0301: :lmao::21::auiqs.jpg:

New Report Reveals Demographics of Black Lives Matter Protesters Shows Vast Majority Are White, Marched Within Their Own Cities
They didn't deserve it.

Just as Kyle doesn't deserve a Medal of Honor.
Peaceful protesters don't deserve to be shot, rioters on the other hand, do and for the record, he shot no one who wasn't trying to literally attack him and everyone has the right to defend their life against attackers. Hitting people in head with a skateboard has killed people and thus, deadly force was being used against Rittenhouse and kicking people in the head has killed people, so deadly force was attempted against Rittenhouse. As for child molester Rosenbaum, I say good riddance. That ended his ability to create more child victims and prior to Rittenhouse shooting him, he shouted at Rittenhouse that he was going to kill him and followed with, "f**k you" as he lunged towards Rittenhouse to take the rifle. He got what he deserved and ended his perversion on kids.
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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has advanced such legislation and I shall be raising hell with my congress critter if he doesn't co-sponsor it.

Kyle Rittenhouse is one of those unique Americans that stands up against insanity, criminals and walks into chaos in order to establish order.

How quaint, 2 psychopaths in love.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has advanced such legislation and I shall be raising hell with my congress critter if he doesn't co-sponsor it.

Kyle Rittenhouse is one of those unique Americans that stands up against insanity, criminals and walks into chaos in order to establish order.

Kyle Rittenhouse said he supports BLM and he only killed whites. He said this on the Tucker Carlson show.

I wouldn't mind him getting a medal.

You're a lying Leftist, nice try misinterpreting Kyle Rittenhouse statement you failed.
Here's the quote:
"I'm not a racist person. I support the BLM movement."​
"I support peacefully demonstrating," the teen added, during his first TV appearance since his acquittal on Friday where he was found not guilty of all five charges against him in his murder trial.​
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They didn't deserve it.

Just as Kyle doesn't deserve a Medal of Honor.
Well of course not, he wasn't serving in the military in a foreign theater of war, or even in an insurgency against a foreign enemy on US Territory.

I'd still give the kid a medal for stepping in 2 1/2 piles of shit while putting out a dumpster fire and then having to tolerate some bed wetting sociopath lawyers trying to imprison him for it.

He shot one in the back. That is called a backshooter.
Apparently you didn't watch the trial. The bullet struck his back at an angle that showed that he was in a lunging position whereby the bullet entered the back at an extreme angle consistent with his downward lunge. Go back and review the trial.
Apparently you didn't watch the trial. The bullet struck his back at an angle that showed that he was in a lunging position whereby the bullet entered the back at an extreme angle consistent with his downward lunge. Go back and review the trial.
Was he shot in the back or not? Get over it.
Same roid rage pervert who voted against awarding the Congressional Medal to the Capitol cops who protected her ass on Jan 6th.
Protected her from whom? No one wanted to harm her.

Besides leftist sociopath democrook political whores anyway.

I mean that seriously, before long republicrat political whores better show up for work in congress armed so the democrooks can't assault them.
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He shot one in the back. That is called a backshooter.

It's called an "anchor shot." If I'm not mistaken, he shot him in the front twice first. Once the shithead was down, Kyle put two anchor shots in him to keep him down.

Although the correct procedure is "two to the chest, one anchor shot to the head." That's called the "Mozambique Drill", look it up.

I don't know why I'm telling you this shit.
The sort of dude who volunteers to clean up his community when bed wetting leftist pieces of shit from outside his community tried to destroy it.

Give me 1000 Kyle Rittenhouses and 1000 helicopters and I would clean this country up in a week.

Kyle is a dumb drop out.. This is the high point of his life. He couldn't fly a helicopter with all the training in the world.. The Marine Corps turned him down.

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