Kurt Schlichter explains the democrat party plan......destroy the U.S. economy to win....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.
See when infowars warned ppl lets say a yr to six months out it's a conspiracy ----

when an approved assumed source says it's so then suddenly it's really going to happen and yes this is true only we knew about it months ago.

While prick authoritarian control freaks get off controlling ppl it was then a conspiracy because pussies always want to wash away the truths we tell.

The goal is to destroy America ( Taking over the west) you all laughed.

Destroying the family you all still fkn laugh-

Because your idiots who can't see what's falling right in front of you morons.


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If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

Honestly, you Trump supporters take stupid to a level I have not seen in my lifetime. It's a vast conspiracy to damage the moron sitting in the Oval Office? I mean it's not like he doesn't do that to himself, right? Because, he's just Sooo competent. Maybe if he actually shows interest in being President instead of always running for it, a lot of this shut down might not be necessary. Damaging the economy would not be a great way to grab power in this country. Because you'd be responsible for fixing it. And if it didn't work out, your neck would be on the block. Yeah, not the way I'd go about it.
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

Honestly, you Trump supporters take stupid to a level I have not seen in my lifetime. It's a vast conspiracy to damage the moron sitting in the Oval Office? I mean it's not like he doesn't do that to himself, right? Because, he's just Sooo competent. Maybe if he actually shows interest in being President instead of always running for it, a lot of this shut down might not be necessary. Damaging the economy would not be a great way to grab power in this country. Because you'd be responsible for fixing it. And if it didn't work out, your neck would be on the block. Yeah, not the way I'd go about it.
Seriously, these Trumpers are real morons. The shutdown comes from the Trump Administration and is supported by nearly every governor regardless of party.

Trumpist idiots always need a scape goat. These people should seek professional help.
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If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.
Who is in charge rigt now? Donald Trump. Not the democrats. A virus is sinking the economy not Trump and not Democrats. Quit being a fucking baby. Every thing on this earth is basically designed to kill you. The only conspiracy here is mother nature plotting to kill you. It aint never been any different.
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

Honestly, you Trump supporters take stupid to a level I have not seen in my lifetime. It's a vast conspiracy to damage the moron sitting in the Oval Office? I mean it's not like he doesn't do that to himself, right? Because, he's just Sooo competent. Maybe if he actually shows interest in being President instead of always running for it, a lot of this shut down might not be necessary. Damaging the economy would not be a great way to grab power in this country. Because you'd be responsible for fixing it. And if it didn't work out, your neck would be on the block. Yeah, not the way I'd go about it.

Oh.....I get it....you are a moron.......

You actually have no clue what you are talking about and obviously didn't read the article....

Here.....the highlights...again....

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.
Trump is doing a good enough job on his own to destroy the Obama economy
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.
Who is in charge rigt now? Donald Trump. Not the democrats. A virus is sinking the economy not Trump and not Democrats. Quit being a fucking baby. Every thing on this earth is basically designed to kill you. The only conspiracy here is mother nature plotting to kill you. It aint never been any different.

Moron....the democrat party Governors are not opening up their states......

We were told that the reason to completely destroy the U.S. economy and doom generations of American Children to economic ruin was to simply flatten the curve of the virus....not to stop it....but to keep it from overwhelming the hospitals and healthcare system...

Now...... The army and navy hospitals are closing up.....without ever having been needed....... hospitals are laying off Doctors and Nurses and are going into Bankruptcy...... we had so many ventilators that we didn't even use close to all of them......and we didn't use nearly all of our ICU bed capacity....

Sooooo....that means that the numbers projected for deaths were completely and utterly wrong...... it also means that going forward, the excuse to destroy the U.S. economy was reached weeks ago......

We were told we needed to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened and going forward our healthcare system and hospitals can handle the Chinese Virus patients going forward...

The only reason to destroy the U.S. economy is over.......so, according to that, it is time to simply reopen the economy...

The democrats will not reopen the economy because with 6 months to the election....President Trump could very well get the economy on the road to recovery, and they will not allow that to happen........

The democrats will keep the U.S. economy destroyed for as long as possible.....wreck and ruin is their tactic....control is their goal...
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

Honestly, you Trump supporters take stupid to a level I have not seen in my lifetime. It's a vast conspiracy to damage the moron sitting in the Oval Office? I mean it's not like he doesn't do that to himself, right? Because, he's just Sooo competent. Maybe if he actually shows interest in being President instead of always running for it, a lot of this shut down might not be necessary. Damaging the economy would not be a great way to grab power in this country. Because you'd be responsible for fixing it. And if it didn't work out, your neck would be on the block. Yeah, not the way I'd go about it.

Oh.....I get it....you are a moron.......

You actually have no clue what you are talking about and obviously didn't read the article....

Here.....the highlights...again....

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

I read most of it. Just another alt-right hack on a fringe site bloviating his "opinion" with the agenda of propping up Trump. Not like you right wingers are selective when ingesting your pablum. His "opinion" is bullshit. No one is going to wreck an economy on purpose. You're desperate for a diversion or a deflection that takes the heat off of Trump.
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.
Who is in charge rigt now? Donald Trump. Not the democrats. A virus is sinking the economy not Trump and not Democrats. Quit being a fucking baby. Every thing on this earth is basically designed to kill you. The only conspiracy here is mother nature plotting to kill you. It aint never been any different.

We are a nation of INDIVIDUAL STATES. Trump is not KING and can not wave a magic wand to stop the virus response.
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

Honestly, you Trump supporters take stupid to a level I have not seen in my lifetime. It's a vast conspiracy to damage the moron sitting in the Oval Office? I mean it's not like he doesn't do that to himself, right? Because, he's just Sooo competent. Maybe if he actually shows interest in being President instead of always running for it, a lot of this shut down might not be necessary. Damaging the economy would not be a great way to grab power in this country. Because you'd be responsible for fixing it. And if it didn't work out, your neck would be on the block. Yeah, not the way I'd go about it.

Oh.....I get it....you are a moron.......

You actually have no clue what you are talking about and obviously didn't read the article....

Here.....the highlights...again....

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

I read most of it. Just another alt-right hack on a fringe site bloviating his "opinion" with the agenda of propping up Trump. Not like you right wingers are selective when ingesting your pablum. His "opinion" is bullshit. No one is going to wreck an economy on purpose. You're desperate for a diversion or a deflection that takes the heat off of Trump.

The democrats are doing everything in their power to destroy the U.S. economy.......they know that a poor, frightened, desperate population is easy pickings for their power grab....they know that FDR made huge advances in growing government, and they see this as an even bigger opportunity.....they are all insulated from any damage......pelosi has her 13 dollar a gallon ice cream in just one of her mansions......so the economic destruction of generations of Americans is simply the eggs they will use to make their Green New Deal omelete.....
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.
Who is in charge rigt now? Donald Trump. Not the democrats. A virus is sinking the economy not Trump and not Democrats. Quit being a fucking baby. Every thing on this earth is basically designed to kill you. The only conspiracy here is mother nature plotting to kill you. It aint never been any different.

Moron....the democrat party Governors are not opening up their states......

We were told that the reason to completely destroy the U.S. economy and doom generations of American Children to economic ruin was to simply flatten the curve of the virus....not to stop it....but to keep it from overwhelming the hospitals and healthcare system...

Now...... The army and navy hospitals are closing up.....without ever having been needed....... hospitals are laying off Doctors and Nurses and are going into Bankruptcy...... we had so many ventilators that we didn't even use close to all of them......and we didn't use nearly all of our ICU bed capacity....

Sooooo....that means that the numbers projected for deaths were completely and utterly wrong...... it also means that going forward, the excuse to destroy the U.S. economy was reached weeks ago......

We were told we needed to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened and going forward our healthcare system and hospitals can handle the Chinese Virus patients going forward...

The only reason to destroy the U.S. economy is over.......so, according to that, it is time to simply reopen the economy...

The democrats will not reopen the economy because with 6 months to the election....President Trump could very well get the economy on the road to recovery, and they will not allow that to happen........

The democrats will keep the U.S. economy destroyed for as long as possible.....wreck and ruin is their tactic....control is their goal...
blah,blahblah trumps in charge.Republican goveners have their state closed. Take your stupidity and stick it where the sun dont shine. The whole world pretty well closed . Your a fucking joke and one I am tired of hearing. The virus tanked the economy. so just shut the fuck up you lying peice of shit.
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

Democrats want to destroy America. Don't make me laugh. Democrats aren't running this pandemic. Donald Trump is.

Democrats don't have to destroy America because Republicans are so damn good at it. George W. Bush took over a balanced budget, better job growth than Ronald Reagan, and a nation at peace, and handed off the highest deficits in history, two eight year old wars draining the blood and treasure of the nation, and an economy in freefall with a cratered stock market and shedding 500,000 jobs a month.

Barrack Obama turned this mess around, tripled the stock market, reduced the deficit to under $1 billion, and handed off the longest recovery in American history, and an economy that was adding 200,000 jobs a month.

And now we have Donald Trump. Hundreds of thousands sick and tens of thousands dying. Hospitals in hot zones overwhelmed and unable to cope. Selling all of America's protective gear to China and keeping none for Americans. 30 million unemployed. Worried more about the stock market. Once again bailing out corporations and not people.
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

Honestly, you Trump supporters take stupid to a level I have not seen in my lifetime. It's a vast conspiracy to damage the moron sitting in the Oval Office? I mean it's not like he doesn't do that to himself, right? Because, he's just Sooo competent. Maybe if he actually shows interest in being President instead of always running for it, a lot of this shut down might not be necessary. Damaging the economy would not be a great way to grab power in this country. Because you'd be responsible for fixing it. And if it didn't work out, your neck would be on the block. Yeah, not the way I'd go about it.
The conspiracy is to destroy the country. Trump is just in the way.
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

Democrats want to destroy America. Don't make me laugh. Democrats aren't running this pandemic. Donald Trump is.

Democrats don't have to destroy America because Republicans are so damn good at it. George W. Bush took over a balanced budget, better job growth than Ronald Reagan, and a nation at peace, and handed off the highest deficits in history, two eight year old wars draining the blood and treasure of the nation, and an economy in freefall with a cratered stock market and shedding 500,000 jobs a month.

Barrack Obama turned this mess around, tripled the stock market, reduced the deficit to under $1 billion, and handed off the longest recovery in American history, and an economy that was adding 200,000 jobs a month.

And now we have Donald Trump. Hundreds of thousands sick and tens of thousands dying. Hospitals in hot zones overwhelmed and unable to cope. Selling all of America's protective gear to China and keeping none for Americans. Worried more about the stock market. Once again bailing out corporations and not people.

You guys are delusional.......clinton, the rapist, only had a good economy because he was riding the Reagan Boom...which even Bush the 1st Couldn't completely ruin with his democrat tax increases........ and he also lost the House to the Republicans for the first time in 40 years and they forced clinton to balance the budget....but at the end....his tax increases ended the Reagan boom.......then, Bush the 2nd got hit with 9/11 after bill the rapist clinton failed to deal with the growing muslim problem.....then, the housing market collapsed because bill clinton used the Community Reinvestment ACt....created by jimmy carter......to crush the American housing market...using janet reno and the justice department to threaten American banks into making bad loans to people who couldn't pay them back...then the democrat in congress prevented Bush the 2nd from fixing the problem....and the market crashed.......obama came in, and in the typical American hating mold of demcorats.....didn't want the U.S. economy to recover and did everything he could to keep us from growing out of the democrat created recession......

It took Trump only 3 years to get the economy booming after obama tried to keep it down....

You don't know what you are talking about.....
If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

Honestly, you Trump supporters take stupid to a level I have not seen in my lifetime. It's a vast conspiracy to damage the moron sitting in the Oval Office? I mean it's not like he doesn't do that to himself, right? Because, he's just Sooo competent. Maybe if he actually shows interest in being President instead of always running for it, a lot of this shut down might not be necessary. Damaging the economy would not be a great way to grab power in this country. Because you'd be responsible for fixing it. And if it didn't work out, your neck would be on the block. Yeah, not the way I'd go about it.
The conspiracy is to destroy the country. Trump is just in the way.

Trump isn't "in the way", Trump is the guy who is doing it.

If you don't understand the democrat party by now......you should be reading Kurt Schlichter....he can explain the tactics and goals of the democrat party better than anyone......he sees them for what they are...

Democrats are never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, and this Wuhan Flu is a very good crisis indeed if your goal is leftist hegemony. The Trump economy was booming after the near-decade of the Obama doldrums, and people were getting a taste of prosperity. But a happy, prosperous America is something the Democrat dudes can’t abide. All the Democrats had to sell were recycled cries of “RACISM!” and “RUSSIA!” and their standard-bearer was that sinewy weirdo Grandpa Badfinger, who was promising to drag us all back into the nightmare of globalist failure. The future looked grim, which means it actually looked bright for the rest of us.

So, the Chinese coronavirus was a dream come true, a deus ex pangolin that finally, after an endless series of leaks, impeachments, investigations, and media meltdowns, might be the magic bullet that actually takes Trump down.

Most of them are cunning enough to try to hide it, but some of them will bray it out loud, as party leader AOC did when the related oil crash hit. She was positively giddy that millions more Americans were facing destitution, but even she was aware enough to eventually understand that was a bad look and delete her hi-five tweet.

The Democrats want to slow walk the reopening too. They are an urban party, and those cramped petri dish cities are going to take awhile to recover. But out in the fresh, clean open spaces of red America, there’s no need for this continued lockdown nonsense. Yet the Democrats, aided and abetted by the scuttling cockroaches that comprise the media, are demanding that every place be treated like the worst place. We’re terrible monsters for – let me get this right – wanting to go back to work and not go bankrupt.
No, their scheme is to leverage the crisis to keep these Trump-friendly areas down as long as possible to do as much damage as possible to POTUS and hurt his chances in November. When you add the blizzard of lies from the media blaming Trump for not taking a break from the bogus impeachment charade to lockdown the country back before we actually had any cases at all, their strategy is clear – use the pandemic as a weapon. Which means the worse we’re hit, the better off they are.

Democrats want to destroy America. Don't make me laugh. Democrats aren't running this pandemic. Donald Trump is.

Democrats don't have to destroy America because Republicans are so damn good at it. George W. Bush took over a balanced budget, better job growth than Ronald Reagan, and a nation at peace, and handed off the highest deficits in history, two eight year old wars draining the blood and treasure of the nation, and an economy in freefall with a cratered stock market and shedding 500,000 jobs a month.

Barrack Obama turned this mess around, tripled the stock market, reduced the deficit to under $1 billion, and handed off the longest recovery in American history, and an economy that was adding 200,000 jobs a month.

And now we have Donald Trump. Hundreds of thousands sick and tens of thousands dying. Hospitals in hot zones overwhelmed and unable to cope. Selling all of America's protective gear to China and keeping none for Americans. Worried more about the stock market. Once again bailing out corporations and not people.

You guys are delusional.......clinton, the rapist, only had a good economy because he was riding the Reagan Boom...which even Bush the 1st Couldn't completely ruin with his democrat tax increases........ and he also lost the House to the Republicans for the first time in 40 years and they forced clinton to balance the budget....but at the end....his tax increases ended the Reagan boom.......then, Bush the 2nd got hit with 9/11 after bill the rapist clinton failed to deal with the growing muslim problem.....then, the housing market collapsed because bill clinton used the Community Reinvestment ACt....created by jimmy carter......to crush the American housing market...using janet reno and the justice department to threaten American banks into making bad loans to people who couldn't pay them back...then the democrat in congress prevented Bush the 2nd from fixing the problem....and the market crashed.......obama came in, and in the typical American hating mold of demcorats.....didn't want the U.S. economy to recover and did everything he could to keep us from growing out of the democrat created recession......

It took Trump only 3 years to get the economy booming after obama tried to keep it down....

You don't know what you are talking about.....

Still more right wing Selective Memory Disorder. Obama got handed a hot mess from Bush Jr and proceeded to turn it around to a sustained level of growth. A flourishing economy which was gift wrapped and handed to Trump..who did nothing to earn it.
Honestly, why didn't you just lead with Democrats...Bad!!!, Republicans...Good, Just, Righteous.
Seems the writer of the opinion piece is basically saying that despite controlling only the House, it is the Democrats in charge of things. I'm not buying most of that as I don't see the job of being president as being totally over Trump's head.

One thing about opinion pieces that interests me are the mini-biography that are usually linked to the author's name. This Kurt Schlichter guy has some decent credentials in regards to the military and foreign affairs. Sometimes with others it makes me wonder where they dig up these guys?

Kurt Schlichter (Twitter: @KurtSchlichter) was personally recruited to write conservative commentary by Andrew Breitbart. He is a name partner at a growing Los Angeles trial lawyer, a retired Army Infantry colonel with a masters in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College, and a former stand-up comic.
source: Kurt Schlichter - Tipsheet – Breaking Political News & Conservative Analysis - Kurt Schlichter

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