Krugman Poll on Canadian Healthcare

Japan Life Expectancy / World rank:

82.6 / 1

Sweden Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.9 / 7

France Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.7 / 10

Canada Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.7 / 11

US Life Expectancy:

78.2 / 38

Source: The United Nations Population Prospects, 2006 revision

The numbers don't lie.

Well done, now please show us the source as to the corellation between longevity, and healthcare please. I will be waiting.....
But, here is a study done by UCLA.

One study among many, done during a period that conservatives were in power.

Media feels it has an obligation to "Speak truth to power". Now that Democrats are in office, if you ran the same study, the results would be different.

And that being said, there is a difference between rationally criticizing someone's policy and calling them a "Facist" a la Glenn Beck.
Japan Life Expectancy / World rank:

82.6 / 1

Sweden Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.9 / 7

France Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.7 / 10

Canada Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.7 / 11

US Life Expectancy:

78.2 / 38

Source: The United Nations Population Prospects, 2006 revision

The numbers don't lie.

Of course they lie.

The WHO figures are simply accepted from any member nation.

The WHO does not gather the information itself.
Among insured Americans, 82 percent rate their health coverage positively. Among insured people who've experienced a serious or chronic illness or injury in their family in the last year, an enormous 91 percent are satisfied with their care, and 86 percent are satisfied with their coverage. : U.S. Health Care Concerns Increase

“…when one digs deep enough, one finds that only 8 million folks can be classified as "chronically uninsured;" that's still a problem, of course, but a much more manageable one, and puts the lie to the canard that our system is irretrievably broken.”
InsureBlog: Vindicated!

“Once you whittle it down, you start to realize that the number of hard-core uninsured who are citizens is in fact fairly small — perhaps half the reported 47 million or less. (about 7.6%)” Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- The '47 Million Uninsured' Myth


no I'm not....and nobody else should be either when you are citing a poll conducted on less than 5000 people on a media call list like it's a real indicator of how all Americans feel....... ABC:lol: - they should stick to T.V shows like Full House

Thank you for carefully observing rules #2, 3, 4, and 9 of the Liberal Libretto

Through skillful machinations, I was able to get my hands on the (apocryphal) “Liberal Libretto”, as ratified by Saul Alinsky.
Actually, I pointed over a libs shoulder and shouted ‘watch out’ and grabbed the book.

Here is the full set for you to review.

1. Always be the first to accuse, and make certain to accuse the opponent of exactly what you are doing.

2. Refuse to accept the statements of any opposing view, from individuals or media, unless reliably liberal.

3. Always assure the opposition that you know what is better for the proletariat, even if there are polls that claim the opposite.
a. Assure the compliant that you are only looking out for their best interests, as in “look, it’s not about me…”
b. Claim the public has been ‘brainwashed,’ and politicians bought.

4. Be sure to you carry your ‘concern’ as though it was a hypodermic needle, but one filled with poison. Furrow your brow, look vaguely sad, (think Leon Panetta) but watch for opportunities to stab, to use abusive language, using your (imagined) superiority to allow you to do violence to the reputation of those who have alternative views.

5. If you find yourself in a debating ‘box,’ where the true answer will sink a liberal talking point, either
a. Claim that the question is ‘above my pay grade.’
b. Look astounded, and claim that the questioner is a racist, sexist or homophobe. Or fascist, or, always good, nazi.
c. Make up any term as opprobrium, as long as it sounds ominous.
d. Learn phrases such as ‘it’s time to move on,” or ‘let’s put this behind us.”
e. If all else fails, shrug your shoulders and say “ I’m only interested in discourse.”

6. Claim to misunderstand, obfuscate, deflect and change the subject, and, if all else fails, allege that you misspoke.
a. Remember, left-wingers may make a ‘mistake,’ for right-wingers, it is a lie!
b. When relating a series of events that lead to a conclusion, if it is a right-wing conclusion, we must never see the connection!
c. Any exposure of detrimental information must be referred to as either ‘fear-tactics,’ or ‘red-baiting.’

7. Never, never criticize in any way any government or movement that is totalitarian, homicidal or anti-American.
a. Claim to idolize despots and tyrants. But always state how their people love them.
b. The corollary applies: never support traditional American values. Important terms: imperialist, oppressor
c. Deny atrocities by tyrants. If not possible, explain they were necessary. Finally, justify them, and, show how America was ultimately at fault.
d. Support government officials and appointees.
I. This does not apply to uniformed government employees such as police or military.

8. Remember to spend appropriate time in front of the mirror practicing outrage, shock, and disbelief, or, and best, a sarcastic sneer.

9. Remember, as a liberal, you never have to apologize, be accurate, nor have any knowledge. No matter how many times your talking points are shown to be wrong, continue to repeat them.

10. Remember the gullible and grumbling always identify with vague terms like ‘hope’ ‘change’ ‘new’ ‘empathy’ and ‘better.’

Both Saul, and, I'm sure, the Public School Education System, are very, very proud of you.

I will pass that on to my liberal friends...I'm sure they will laugh they're asses off when I tell them it was from a Neo-Con.
Japan Life Expectancy / World rank:

82.6 / 1

Sweden Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.9 / 7

France Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.7 / 10

Canada Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.7 / 11

US Life Expectancy:

78.2 / 38

Source: The United Nations Population Prospects, 2006 revision

The numbers don't lie.

Well done, now please show us the source as to the corellation between longevity, and healthcare please. I will be waiting.....

and then you can do the same with your so called cancer survival rates.
But, here is a study done by UCLA.

One study among many, done during a period that conservatives were in power.

Media feels it has an obligation to "Speak truth to power". Now that Democrats are in office, if you ran the same study, the results would be different.

And that being said, there is a difference between rationally criticizing someone's policy and calling them a "Facist" a la Glenn Beck.

Oh of course, look at Political Chic's post number would fall under #3. This is an Epic Fail on your part.
Japan Life Expectancy / World rank:

82.6 / 1

Sweden Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.9 / 7

France Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.7 / 10

Canada Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.7 / 11

US Life Expectancy:

78.2 / 38

Source: The United Nations Population Prospects, 2006 revision

The numbers don't lie.

Well done, now please show us the source as to the corellation between longevity, and healthcare please. I will be waiting.....

and then you can do the same with your so called cancer survival rates.

Canuk...Why don't you do a little damn home work, and show it's not? Get off your lazy ass and do it....oh yeah, I know why, being a socialist, you like other people to do the work for you. :lol:
the Liberal Libretto

Good lord, it's like you took the right-wing talking-head playbook and inserted the terms "liberal" and "proletariat" in the appropriate spots.

The possible exception would be your insertion of "Racist" and "Homophobe", but that's obvious, since there are pretty much no monority Republicans, and Republicans have a stranglehold on Homophobia.

But I guess that adheres to rule one:

1. Always be the first to accuse, and make certain to accuse the opponent of exactly what you are doing.

Most people call that "projecting". ROFL.
no I'm not....and nobody else should be either when you are citing a poll conducted on less than 5000 people on a media call list like it's a real indicator of how all Americans feel....... ABC:lol: - they should stick to T.V shows like Full House

Thank you for carefully observing rules #2, 3, 4, and 9 of the Liberal Libretto

Through skillful machinations, I was able to get my hands on the (apocryphal) “Liberal Libretto”, as ratified by Saul Alinsky.
Actually, I pointed over a libs shoulder and shouted ‘watch out’ and grabbed the book.

Here is the full set for you to review.

1. Always be the first to accuse, and make certain to accuse the opponent of exactly what you are doing.

2. Refuse to accept the statements of any opposing view, from individuals or media, unless reliably liberal.

3. Always assure the opposition that you know what is better for the proletariat, even if there are polls that claim the opposite.
a. Assure the compliant that you are only looking out for their best interests, as in “look, it’s not about me…”
b. Claim the public has been ‘brainwashed,’ and politicians bought.

4. Be sure to you carry your ‘concern’ as though it was a hypodermic needle, but one filled with poison. Furrow your brow, look vaguely sad, (think Leon Panetta) but watch for opportunities to stab, to use abusive language, using your (imagined) superiority to allow you to do violence to the reputation of those who have alternative views.

5. If you find yourself in a debating ‘box,’ where the true answer will sink a liberal talking point, either
a. Claim that the question is ‘above my pay grade.’
b. Look astounded, and claim that the questioner is a racist, sexist or homophobe. Or fascist, or, always good, nazi.
c. Make up any term as opprobrium, as long as it sounds ominous.
d. Learn phrases such as ‘it’s time to move on,” or ‘let’s put this behind us.”
e. If all else fails, shrug your shoulders and say “ I’m only interested in discourse.”

6. Claim to misunderstand, obfuscate, deflect and change the subject, and, if all else fails, allege that you misspoke.
a. Remember, left-wingers may make a ‘mistake,’ for right-wingers, it is a lie!
b. When relating a series of events that lead to a conclusion, if it is a right-wing conclusion, we must never see the connection!
c. Any exposure of detrimental information must be referred to as either ‘fear-tactics,’ or ‘red-baiting.’

7. Never, never criticize in any way any government or movement that is totalitarian, homicidal or anti-American.
a. Claim to idolize despots and tyrants. But always state how their people love them.
b. The corollary applies: never support traditional American values. Important terms: imperialist, oppressor
c. Deny atrocities by tyrants. If not possible, explain they were necessary. Finally, justify them, and, show how America was ultimately at fault.
d. Support government officials and appointees.
I. This does not apply to uniformed government employees such as police or military.

8. Remember to spend appropriate time in front of the mirror practicing outrage, shock, and disbelief, or, and best, a sarcastic sneer.

9. Remember, as a liberal, you never have to apologize, be accurate, nor have any knowledge. No matter how many times your talking points are shown to be wrong, continue to repeat them.

10. Remember the gullible and grumbling always identify with vague terms like ‘hope’ ‘change’ ‘new’ ‘empathy’ and ‘better.’

Both Saul, and, I'm sure, the Public School Education System, are very, very proud of you.

I will pass that on to my liberal friends...I'm sure they will laugh they're asses off when I tell them it was from a Neo-Con.

Don't assume PC is a neo-con, and why don't you look up the definition of a neo-con? You could really learn something, and not paste the label on anyone who is a conservative.
Of course they lie.

Of course! Any organization that uses numbers and facts to presentthe public with information must be lying if said information doesn't adhere to what Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly are telling you, right?

Damn those pesky facts. Always getting in the way of the "Fair and Balanced" agenda.

You see, if I were like you, I'd be posting data from Keith Olberman's show...
But instead I go out and search for reliable information, rather than someone's opinion.
Look at the major newspapers in America...all across the nation,

Mudoch owns the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post here in New York.
In Washington there's the Washington Times, in Chicago there's the Tribune, in LA there's the the LA Times.

Every major market seems to have a major conservative newspaper.

Seems pretty balanced to me.

The media is not liberal enough.

Most of the media is owned by monied interests....just like the Congress.
the Liberal Libretto

Good lord, it's like you took the right-wing talking-head playbook and inserted the terms "liberal" and "proletariat" in the appropriate spots.

The possible exception would be your insertion of "Racist" and "Homophobe", but that's obvious, since there are pretty much no monority Republicans, and Republicans have a stranglehold on Homophobia.

But I guess that adheres to rule one:

1. Always be the first to accuse, and make certain to accuse the opponent of exactly what you are doing.

Most people call that "projecting". ROFL.
Say what you want, but don't dismiss the UCLA study. It's not like UCLA is a right wing fact they are a liberal school...not like Cal. but they are liberal
Japan Life Expectancy / World rank:

82.6 / 1

Sweden Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.9 / 7

France Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.7 / 10

Canada Life Expectancy / World rank:

80.7 / 11

US Life Expectancy:

78.2 / 38

Source: The United Nations Population Prospects, 2006 revision

The numbers don't lie.

Canadians live and average of 2.5 years longer? Wow!!

Similarities & Differences Between Canada & United States
Thank you for carefully observing rules #2, 3, 4, and 9 of the Liberal Libretto

Through skillful machinations, I was able to get my hands on the (apocryphal) “Liberal Libretto”, as ratified by Saul Alinsky.
Actually, I pointed over a libs shoulder and shouted ‘watch out’ and grabbed the book.

Here is the full set for you to review.

1. Always be the first to accuse, and make certain to accuse the opponent of exactly what you are doing.

2. Refuse to accept the statements of any opposing view, from individuals or media, unless reliably liberal.

3. Always assure the opposition that you know what is better for the proletariat, even if there are polls that claim the opposite.
a. Assure the compliant that you are only looking out for their best interests, as in “look, it’s not about me…”
b. Claim the public has been ‘brainwashed,’ and politicians bought.

4. Be sure to you carry your ‘concern’ as though it was a hypodermic needle, but one filled with poison. Furrow your brow, look vaguely sad, (think Leon Panetta) but watch for opportunities to stab, to use abusive language, using your (imagined) superiority to allow you to do violence to the reputation of those who have alternative views.

5. If you find yourself in a debating ‘box,’ where the true answer will sink a liberal talking point, either
a. Claim that the question is ‘above my pay grade.’
b. Look astounded, and claim that the questioner is a racist, sexist or homophobe. Or fascist, or, always good, nazi.
c. Make up any term as opprobrium, as long as it sounds ominous.
d. Learn phrases such as ‘it’s time to move on,” or ‘let’s put this behind us.”
e. If all else fails, shrug your shoulders and say “ I’m only interested in discourse.”

6. Claim to misunderstand, obfuscate, deflect and change the subject, and, if all else fails, allege that you misspoke.
a. Remember, left-wingers may make a ‘mistake,’ for right-wingers, it is a lie!
b. When relating a series of events that lead to a conclusion, if it is a right-wing conclusion, we must never see the connection!
c. Any exposure of detrimental information must be referred to as either ‘fear-tactics,’ or ‘red-baiting.’

7. Never, never criticize in any way any government or movement that is totalitarian, homicidal or anti-American.
a. Claim to idolize despots and tyrants. But always state how their people love them.
b. The corollary applies: never support traditional American values. Important terms: imperialist, oppressor
c. Deny atrocities by tyrants. If not possible, explain they were necessary. Finally, justify them, and, show how America was ultimately at fault.
d. Support government officials and appointees.
I. This does not apply to uniformed government employees such as police or military.

8. Remember to spend appropriate time in front of the mirror practicing outrage, shock, and disbelief, or, and best, a sarcastic sneer.

9. Remember, as a liberal, you never have to apologize, be accurate, nor have any knowledge. No matter how many times your talking points are shown to be wrong, continue to repeat them.

10. Remember the gullible and grumbling always identify with vague terms like ‘hope’ ‘change’ ‘new’ ‘empathy’ and ‘better.’

Both Saul, and, I'm sure, the Public School Education System, are very, very proud of you.

I will pass that on to my liberal friends...I'm sure they will laugh they're asses off when I tell them it was from a Neo-Con.

Don't assume PC is a neo-con, and why don't you look up the definition of a neo-con? You could really learn something, and not paste the label on anyone who is a conservative.

I'm a member of the conservative party here in Canada and we really are a crazy bunch....we actually expect real conservative policies. I'm sure Ann Coulter isn't a Neo-Con either in your special little world.
you have lived in Canada and experienced healthcare here or do you just have a couple of opinions of the whiners your media has gotten a hold of?

of course nobody who lives in the USA has a complaint about their healthcare.

are you denying that you send high risk pregnancies to the US OF KKKA? or that a female member of your parliament came to the US OF KKKA to receive treatment for her breast cancer????? really???

no I'm not denying some people who have the money to spend sometimes travel to other nations to recieve treatment from a Dr of their choice and that happens in your nation as well...but I fail to see what that has to do with your crumbling system that allows millions of it's own citizens to go with no coverage at all?

Please try to be more accurate.

Every single individual in the United States of America has healthcare.

Every one.

Even visitors.

Not everyone has insurance.

Inaccuracy is the hallmark of your posts.
are you denying that you send high risk pregnancies to the US OF KKKA? or that a female member of your parliament came to the US OF KKKA to receive treatment for her breast cancer????? really???

no I'm not denying some people who have the money to spend sometimes travel to other nations to recieve treatment from a Dr of their choice and that happens in your nation as well...but I fail to see what that has to do with your crumbling system that allows millions of it's own citizens to go with no coverage at all?

Please try to be more accurate.

Every single individual in the United States of America has healthcare.

Every one.

Even visitors.

Not everyone has insurance.

Inaccuracy is the hallmark of your posts.

if you don't have insurance wonder girl what happens?:eusa_pray:
Well done, now please show us the source as to the corellation between longevity, and healthcare please. I will be waiting.....

and then you can do the same with your so called cancer survival rates.

Canuk...Why don't you do a little damn home work, and show it's not? Get off your lazy ass and do it....oh yeah, I know why, being a socialist, you like other people to do the work for you. :lol:

freaking A:lol::lol:
no I'm not....and nobody else should be either when you are citing a poll conducted on less than 5000 people on a media call list like it's a real indicator of how all Americans feel....... ABC:lol: - they should stick to T.V shows like Full House

That's utterly silly.

A poll of 5000 will have an accuracy of 3% 95% of the time.

You're casting your hat in with the far right in America if you say that media polls are biasesd.
and then you can do the same with your so called cancer survival rates.

Canuk...Why don't you do a little damn home work, and show it's not? Get off your lazy ass and do it....oh yeah, I know why, being a socialist, you like other people to do the work for you. :lol:

freaking A:lol::lol:

I know it's hilarious ..... dipshit askes someone to do something and then we he get's asked to do the same he pulls out the only defence he has - it must be socialism:lol: my guess....he's a grade ten dropout.
Canuk...Why don't you do a little damn home work, and show it's not? Get off your lazy ass and do it....oh yeah, I know why, being a socialist, you like other people to do the work for you. :lol:

freaking A:lol::lol:

I know it's hilarious ..... dipshit askes someone to do something and then we he get's asked to do the same he pulls out the only defence he has - it must be socialism:lol: my guess....he's a grade ten dropout.

you are hilarious,,have you seen any Americans in line,, did ya ask em?

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