Krugman Hides The Truth

It goes without saying. Reagan and Friedman were failures.

You mean it 'goes without thinking.'

"We call this period, 1982-2007, the twenty-five year boom-the greatest period of wealth creation in the history of the planet. In 1980, the net worth-assets minus liabilities-of all U.S. households and business ... was $25 trillion in today's dollars. By 2007, ... net worth was just shy of $57 trillion. Adjusting for inflation, more wealth was created in America in the twenty-five year boom than in the previous two hundred years."

Aggregates are irrelevant. Most US families did poorly during that time. The wealth went to the richest segments of the population.

I know a good deal more; although command of Krugman would be enough to establish superiority in any test of understanding.

Wanna see an amazing coincidence?


Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.

Market forces only strike Democrat-run cities?????

How about making an argument. How did party of the mayor cause the poverty?
It goes without saying. Reagan and Friedman were failures.

You mean it 'goes without thinking.'

"We call this period, 1982-2007, the twenty-five year boom-the greatest period of wealth creation in the history of the planet. In 1980, the net worth-assets minus liabilities-of all U.S. households and business ... was $25 trillion in today's dollars. By 2007, ... net worth was just shy of $57 trillion. Adjusting for inflation, more wealth was created in America in the twenty-five year boom than in the previous two hundred years."

Aggregates are irrelevant. Most US families did poorly during that time. The wealth went to the richest segments of the population.


Another 'Oh, yeah...' post??

Now you're abusing the privilege.

Now....get ready for a real post:

1. There are those who have been mislead into believing that American workers’ incomes have not risen in recent times.

a. Like this:
“In the 25 years from 1980 to 2004, a period during which U.S. gross domestic product per person grew by almost two-thirds, the wages of the typical worker actually fell slightly after accounting for inflation.”

2. The statistics that claim the above fail to include the value of benefits such as health insurance and retirement benefits, etc., which have represented a growing share of compensation over the years.
See Cox and Alm, “The Myths of Rich and Poor,” p.21

a. Nor do these sophists separated full time workers from part time (part time work has been growing, another indicator of rising prosperity). Of course, including the weekly wages of part timers pulls down the statistical average.

b. Under Reagan, folks who didn't need the money took part time jobs. Under the food-stamp President, Obama, there aren't full time jobs.
"75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns" 75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns

3. In actuality, the income of full time wage and salary workers increased between 1980 and 2004, and so did real income- either by 13% or 17%, depending on which price index is used in the calculation.
Reynolds, “Income and Wealth,” p. 63.

a. If health and retirement benefits are included, as they should be, worker compensation rose by almost a third.

And, even this is illusory, as it doesn’t include the “statistically invisible (not on taxes) returns inside IRA and 401(k) plans.”
Reynolds, op. cit., p.64.

b. And, the way real income is computed tends to understate its growth (money income divided by some price index, to account for inflation), and government indexes are open to questions of accuracy. Many economists regard the CPI as inherently- even intentionally- an exaggeration of inflation.

c. An example: while the price of automobiles is increasing, also increasing are the features, once defined as add-ons, or found only in luxury autos. Therefore, not all of the increase is simply inflation. And this is true of many if not most consumer products.

4. Still think only the richest did well?
"Most US families did poorly during that time. The wealth went to the richest segments of the population."


The broadest and most accurate measure of living standard is real per capita consumption. That measure soared by 74% from 1980 to 2004.


God bless President Reagan, huh?

I know a good deal more; although command of Krugman would be enough to establish superiority in any test of understanding.

Wanna see an amazing coincidence?


Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.

Market forces only strike Democrat-run cities?????

How about making an argument. How did party of the mayor cause the poverty?

That is the point.
Aggregates are irrelevant. Most US families did poorly during that time. The wealth went to the richest segments of the population.


Another 'Oh, yeah...' post??

Now you're abusing the privilege.

By responding in kind?

I don't think so.

Now....get ready for a real post:

1. There are those who have been mislead into believing that American workers’ incomes have not risen in recent times.

a. Like this:
“In the 25 years from 1980 to 2004, a period during which U.S. gross domestic product per person grew by almost two-thirds, the wages of the typical worker actually fell slightly after accounting for inflation.”

That's right. Real income was stagnant for the typical worker.
Aggregates are irrelevant. Most US families did poorly during that time. The wealth went to the richest segments of the population.


Another 'Oh, yeah...' post??

Now you're abusing the privilege.

By responding in kind?

I don't think so.

Now....get ready for a real post:

1.There are those who have been mislead into believing that American workers’ incomes have not risen in recent times.

a.Like this:
“In the 25 years from 1980 to 2004, a period during which U.S. gross domestic product per person grew by almost two-thirds, the wages of the typical worker actually fell slightly after accounting for inflation.”

That's right. Real income was stagnant for the typical worker.

Yeah whatever. You're impervious to anything except what's fed to you by the Progressive Collective
You listen here, worm.....
...If I was as ugly as you I wouldn't say hi to folk, I'd say boo!
You would not know. I am not delusional enough to post my picture. You are. So, there you go, me insignificant delusional con tool.

Did you notice that ‘awesome’ ends with ‘me,’ and ‘ugly’ begins with ‘u.’
Wow. You actually have the ability to comprehend characters of the alphabet. Good for you, pc. Good for you.
Aggregates are irrelevant. Most US families did poorly during that time. The wealth went to the richest segments of the population.

2. The statistics that claim the above fail to include the value of benefits such as health insurance and retirement benefits, etc., which have represented a growing share of compensation over the years.

See Cox and Alm, “The Myths of Rich and Poor,” p.21

That's absurd.

Give me a link.
Aggregates are irrelevant. Most US families did poorly during that time. The wealth went to the richest segments of the population.

2. The statistics that claim the above fail to include the value of benefits such as health insurance and retirement benefits, etc., which have represented a growing share of compensation over the years.

See Cox and Alm, “The Myths of Rich and Poor,” p.21

That's absurd.

Give me a link.

"Give me a link."
Judging by your clueless condition, you must mean "Give me a clue."

Clean off your was right there:

Cox and Alm, “The Myths of Rich and Poor,” p.21

Myths Of Rich And Poor: Why We're Better Off Than We Think Paperback
by Michael W. Cox (Author) , Richard Alm (Author)

[ame=] Myths Of Rich And Poor: Why We're Better Off Than We Think (9780465047833): Michael W. Cox, Richard Alm: Books[/ame]

Maybe an adult will help you get a library card.
You would not know. I am not delusional enough to post my picture. You are. So, there you go, me insignificant delusional con tool.

Did you notice that ‘awesome’ ends with ‘me,’ and ‘ugly’ begins with ‘u.’
Wow. You actually have the ability to comprehend characters of the alphabet. Good for you, pc. Good for you.

Calm down, worm......You're as handsome as the day you left Goldblum's flychamber.
Did you notice that ‘awesome’ ends with ‘me,’ and ‘ugly’ begins with ‘u.’
Wow. You actually have the ability to comprehend characters of the alphabet. Good for you, pc. Good for you.

Calm down, worm......You're as handsome as the day you left Goldblum's flychamber.
That's the cool thing about you, PC. Even though you are "taking part" in an Economic board, you do not have to change. Being incapable of economic discourse, you simply continue on with your infantile drivel. And an occasional cut and paste. But mostly, simply infantile drivel. Which is part of being a congenital idiot, of course. Just keep in mind, PC, it is just bad luck. Not your fault at all.
Aggregates are irrelevant. Most US families did poorly during that time. The wealth went to the richest segments of the population.


Another 'Oh, yeah...' post??

Now you're abusing the privilege.

By responding in kind?

I don't think so.

Now....get ready for a real post:

1. There are those who have been mislead into believing that American workers’ incomes have not risen in recent times.

a. Like this:
“In the 25 years from 1980 to 2004, a period during which U.S. gross domestic product per person grew by almost two-thirds, the wages of the typical worker actually fell slightly after accounting for inflation.”

That's right. Real income was stagnant for the typical worker.

Now that's just bullshit. I graduated college got married and entered the work force full time in 1980. I was making $900 per month anf thought I was living like a king. Since that time, between my wife and I, our income increased by a factor of 15. Now it went stagnant about 5 or 6 years ago and then my wife lost her job of 22 years at one of those "large evil banks", so things are much tighter now than when Obama took office, but to say that real income was stagnant from 1980 to 2004 is bullshit.....even for simpletons flipping burgers.
Wow. You actually have the ability to comprehend characters of the alphabet. Good for you, pc. Good for you.

Calm down, worm......You're as handsome as the day you left Goldblum's flychamber.
That's the cool thing about you, PC. Even though you are "taking part" in an Economic board, you do not have to change. Being incapable of economic discourse, you simply continue on with your infantile drivel. And an occasional cut and paste. But mostly, simply infantile drivel. Which is part of being a congenital idiot, of course. Just keep in mind, PC, it is just bad luck. Not your fault at all.

Worm...I think of you when I’m are lonely. Then I’m content to be alone.
In the interests of full disclosure, I despise NYTimes economist Paul Krugman.
I believe him to be dishonest,
....and far less knowledgeable in the area of economics than his credentials would lead one to believe.

This 'economist' recently wrote about the demise of Detroit, and his piece documents exactly what I said above.

1. "Detroit is “just an innocent victim of market forces.” There is no bigger lesson here, said New York Times economist Paul Krugman. “For the most part, it’s just one of those things that happens now and then in an ever changing economy” (July 21). What garbage.

2. .... Detroit filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. The filing, if approved, would make it the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history, and probably the biggest municipal bankruptcy of any advanced nation ever.
But according to [Krugman], there is no lesson to be learned here!

3. The city has lost close to two thirds of its population...., Detroit high schools had a dismal 65 percent graduation rate. ....The children of Detroit have a better chance of going to prison than graduating on time. Almost half of Detroit adults are considered functionally illiterate....Detroit has become a city of single mothers and delinquent dads. It is a tale of welfare addiction, family breakdown and social disintegration. No lesson?

4. Krugman talks about innocent victims. Well, there are a lot of victims in Detroit. It is the most dangerous big city in America and one of the most dangerous in the world. The gang activity and crime rates make Cúcuta, Colombia, and Sao Luis, Brazil, blush. Detroit is the city of 11,000 unsolved homicides. Bodies lie in streets for hours due to morgue cutbacks. Victims are stuffed in trunks. Or left in the streets. Or dumped in abandoned buildings, which are then lit on fire. For the living, police response times average almost an hour.

5. Apparently, a population crash from 2 million to 700,000 is just one of those things. The white flight is historic and well documented. But there is also black flight. And the flight of the dead. That’s right: People are actually exhuming dead relatives to move them out of the city because it is too dangerous to visit the cemeteries.

6. ... the city owes money to more than 100,000 vendors, contractors and other lenders. The city emergency manager thinks the bill comes to around $19 billion, but it might be more.... the average annual per capita income of a Detroit resident is a measly $13,969—less than the average per capita income of a resident in Romania, Botswana or Belarus. Over the past 60 years, Detroit has gone from one of the most prosperous cities in the world, with the highest standard of living, to one of the world’s poorest.

7. During that whole time, the city was run by one political party, adhering to a specific economic philosophy. Politicians said they wanted to create a “fairer” city by raising taxes on businesses and productive individuals and redistributing it. The effect was to drive business out and make everyone poor... This same economic philosophy is currently being nationalized.

8. Want to fix Detroit? Then stop pretending it is just a random victim of a changing economy. It is not! Detroit is a victim, but it is a victim of an imploding national culture, not some mysterious market forces.

9. ... the same thing is happening to many American cities. Despite America’s unparalleled agricultural, mineral, scientific and geographic resources, cities across the country are in various stages of Detroitification." Detroit Bankruptcy?Nothing to See Here -

10. Liars like Krugman are lavishly paid to hide the truth. This is the truth:

The legacy of Barack Obama: Nidal Hasan is alive, and Detroit is Dead.

And this is the legacy of the Liberals: Barack Obama's America.

Well, after all that, you completely failed to explain how Krugman is supposedly "hiding" the truth.
In the interests of full disclosure, I despise NYTimes economist Paul Krugman.
I believe him to be dishonest,
....and far less knowledgeable in the area of economics than his credentials would lead one to believe.

This 'economist' recently wrote about the demise of Detroit, and his piece documents exactly what I said above.

1. "Detroit is “just an innocent victim of market forces.” There is no bigger lesson here, said New York Times economist Paul Krugman. “For the most part, it’s just one of those things that happens now and then in an ever changing economy” (July 21). What garbage.

2. .... Detroit filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. The filing, if approved, would make it the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history, and probably the biggest municipal bankruptcy of any advanced nation ever.
But according to [Krugman], there is no lesson to be learned here!

3. The city has lost close to two thirds of its population...., Detroit high schools had a dismal 65 percent graduation rate. ....The children of Detroit have a better chance of going to prison than graduating on time. Almost half of Detroit adults are considered functionally illiterate....Detroit has become a city of single mothers and delinquent dads. It is a tale of welfare addiction, family breakdown and social disintegration. No lesson?

4. Krugman talks about innocent victims. Well, there are a lot of victims in Detroit. It is the most dangerous big city in America and one of the most dangerous in the world. The gang activity and crime rates make Cúcuta, Colombia, and Sao Luis, Brazil, blush. Detroit is the city of 11,000 unsolved homicides. Bodies lie in streets for hours due to morgue cutbacks. Victims are stuffed in trunks. Or left in the streets. Or dumped in abandoned buildings, which are then lit on fire. For the living, police response times average almost an hour.

5. Apparently, a population crash from 2 million to 700,000 is just one of those things. The white flight is historic and well documented. But there is also black flight. And the flight of the dead. That’s right: People are actually exhuming dead relatives to move them out of the city because it is too dangerous to visit the cemeteries.

6. ... the city owes money to more than 100,000 vendors, contractors and other lenders. The city emergency manager thinks the bill comes to around $19 billion, but it might be more.... the average annual per capita income of a Detroit resident is a measly $13,969—less than the average per capita income of a resident in Romania, Botswana or Belarus. Over the past 60 years, Detroit has gone from one of the most prosperous cities in the world, with the highest standard of living, to one of the world’s poorest.

7. During that whole time, the city was run by one political party, adhering to a specific economic philosophy. Politicians said they wanted to create a “fairer” city by raising taxes on businesses and productive individuals and redistributing it. The effect was to drive business out and make everyone poor... This same economic philosophy is currently being nationalized.

8. Want to fix Detroit? Then stop pretending it is just a random victim of a changing economy. It is not! Detroit is a victim, but it is a victim of an imploding national culture, not some mysterious market forces.

9. ... the same thing is happening to many American cities. Despite America’s unparalleled agricultural, mineral, scientific and geographic resources, cities across the country are in various stages of Detroitification." Detroit Bankruptcy?Nothing to See Here -

10. Liars like Krugman are lavishly paid to hide the truth. This is the truth:

The legacy of Barack Obama: Nidal Hasan is alive, and Detroit is Dead.

And this is the legacy of the Liberals: Barack Obama's America.

Well, after all that, you completely failed to explain how Krugman is supposedly "hiding" the truth.

Au contraire....

You have completely failed to live up to the faith your fifth grade teacher had in you.
In the interests of full disclosure, I despise NYTimes economist Paul Krugman.
I believe him to be dishonest,
....and far less knowledgeable in the area of economics than his credentials would lead one to believe.

This 'economist' recently wrote about the demise of Detroit, and his piece documents exactly what I said above.

1. "Detroit is “just an innocent victim of market forces.” There is no bigger lesson here, said New York Times economist Paul Krugman. “For the most part, it’s just one of those things that happens now and then in an ever changing economy” (July 21). What garbage.

2. .... Detroit filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. The filing, if approved, would make it the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history, and probably the biggest municipal bankruptcy of any advanced nation ever.
But according to [Krugman], there is no lesson to be learned here!

3. The city has lost close to two thirds of its population...., Detroit high schools had a dismal 65 percent graduation rate. ....The children of Detroit have a better chance of going to prison than graduating on time. Almost half of Detroit adults are considered functionally illiterate....Detroit has become a city of single mothers and delinquent dads. It is a tale of welfare addiction, family breakdown and social disintegration. No lesson?

4. Krugman talks about innocent victims. Well, there are a lot of victims in Detroit. It is the most dangerous big city in America and one of the most dangerous in the world. The gang activity and crime rates make Cúcuta, Colombia, and Sao Luis, Brazil, blush. Detroit is the city of 11,000 unsolved homicides. Bodies lie in streets for hours due to morgue cutbacks. Victims are stuffed in trunks. Or left in the streets. Or dumped in abandoned buildings, which are then lit on fire. For the living, police response times average almost an hour.

5. Apparently, a population crash from 2 million to 700,000 is just one of those things. The white flight is historic and well documented. But there is also black flight. And the flight of the dead. That’s right: People are actually exhuming dead relatives to move them out of the city because it is too dangerous to visit the cemeteries.

6. ... the city owes money to more than 100,000 vendors, contractors and other lenders. The city emergency manager thinks the bill comes to around $19 billion, but it might be more.... the average annual per capita income of a Detroit resident is a measly $13,969—less than the average per capita income of a resident in Romania, Botswana or Belarus. Over the past 60 years, Detroit has gone from one of the most prosperous cities in the world, with the highest standard of living, to one of the world’s poorest.

7. During that whole time, the city was run by one political party, adhering to a specific economic philosophy. Politicians said they wanted to create a “fairer” city by raising taxes on businesses and productive individuals and redistributing it. The effect was to drive business out and make everyone poor... This same economic philosophy is currently being nationalized.

8. Want to fix Detroit? Then stop pretending it is just a random victim of a changing economy. It is not! Detroit is a victim, but it is a victim of an imploding national culture, not some mysterious market forces.

9. ... the same thing is happening to many American cities. Despite America’s unparalleled agricultural, mineral, scientific and geographic resources, cities across the country are in various stages of Detroitification." Detroit Bankruptcy?Nothing to See Here -

10. Liars like Krugman are lavishly paid to hide the truth. This is the truth:

The legacy of Barack Obama: Nidal Hasan is alive, and Detroit is Dead.

And this is the legacy of the Liberals: Barack Obama's America.

Well, after all that, you completely failed to explain how Krugman is supposedly "hiding" the truth.
Just normal PC cut and paste. PC haunts the bat shit crazy con web sites. You can usually find her sources for cutting and pasting far right wing dogma fairly quickly by a simple google search. Here, she got her material by simply cutting and pasting an article by Matt Faherty, a staff libertarian working for He has no economic background, and simply does the sort of drivel that PC likes. And that con nut cases that people like PC love. No impartial evaluation of anything. Just posting the talking points.
Oh, by the way, the piece by Faherty was from the organization he works for, Heartland.Org. About as far right a bat shit crazy con web sit as can be found.
While every point she posts could be argued, and looked at rationally, those that follow hearland and hundreds of other nut case right wing sites never care. They just love the raw meat. Which is why it is of no value at all. Simply posting for others like herself. Those uninterested, and generally incapable of, actually looking at any issue and discussing it. Just is not part of their dna. They love being told what to believe and they love being pissed off. Odd. But that is PC, and her ilk.
You may notice that she does not link her drivel. Nor name the "economist" that she quoted in the beginning. Still waiting for that.
Last edited:
That's absurd.

Give me a link.

"Give me a link."
Judging by your clueless condition, you must mean "Give me a clue."

Clean off your was right there:

Cox and Alm, “The Myths of Rich and Poor,” p.21

Myths Of Rich And Poor: Why We're Better Off Than We Think Paperback
by Michael W. Cox (Author) , Richard Alm (Author)

[ame=] Myths Of Rich And Poor: Why We're Better Off Than We Think (9780465047833): Michael W. Cox, Richard Alm: Books[/ame]

Maybe an adult will help you get a library card.

That's a citation not a link. I want a link to an online source.

Alternatively, assuming you've actually read the book, you can summarize the authors' arguments. If that's not possible, which I suspect, you can give me a link to the page where you copied your citation.
That's absurd.

Give me a link.

"Give me a link."
Judging by your clueless condition, you must mean "Give me a clue."

Clean off your was right there:

Cox and Alm, “The Myths of Rich and Poor,” p.21

Myths Of Rich And Poor: Why We're Better Off Than We Think Paperback
by Michael W. Cox (Author) , Richard Alm (Author)

[ame=] Myths Of Rich And Poor: Why We're Better Off Than We Think (9780465047833): Michael W. Cox, Richard Alm: Books[/ame]

Maybe an adult will help you get a library card.

That's a citation not a link. I want a link to an online source.

Alternatively, assuming you've actually read the book, you can summarize the authors' arguments. If that's not possible, which I suspect, you can give me a link to the page where you copied your citation.
You have to understand. PC can not read much. Just enough to support her copy and paste duties. She is always out there looking for stuff from right wing nut cases. In this case, a book byMichael W. Cox, an outspoken libertarian and conservative nut case. OOPS. I forgot. Libertarian and nut case is a real case of repeating yourself. He is a favorite of the CATO institute, which is the Koch brothers founded and run organization that professes to be libertarian, and is known to pay supportive economists big bucks.
The other author of the book PC is pushing is Richard Alm. Alm can best be defined as mini me to Cox. He is also now a professor at smu, and a supporter of CATO. And SMU is among colleges one of the most bought and paid for universities around. Corporate owned SMU. A perfect place for the two.
Another impartial source by PC. Why look for impartial sources when you can find a good libertarian pair to use. So, if you are going to get an economist to push your nut case right wing agenda, you would use this book and these authors. Which makes you wonder: Why bother to read the drivel of a con tool like PC. Just more of her copy and paste. And what more can you expect. She is a true con tool, bought and paid for.

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