Kristie Noem In Trouble

Herein lies the problem…
Politicians of both parties do this all the time and I hope this leads to hundreds of such investigations throughout the US.
This not unusual and not surprising at all…

Anyone that believe a politician will not abuse their office to benefit their children is naive…

Is it wrong?

Yes, but again most Politicians do it…
This not unusual and not surprising at all…

Anyone that believe a politician will not abuse their office to benefit their children is naive…

Is it wrong?

Yes, but again most Politicians do it…
Just stopping by to note the irony.

Sherry Bren's testimony before a legislative panel was the first time that she has spoken in depth in public about Kassidy Peters' application and about a meeting that her mother called last year to discuss the appraisal process. The panel began looking into the July 2020 meeting at the governor's mansion after The Associated Press first reported on it in September.
Noem called the meeting a week after the state's Appraiser Certification Program notified her daughter that her application was headed for denial. Peters ultimately obtained the certification four months later, in November 2020, and Bren said she was subsequently “forced to retire" from a program that she had led since its inception in 1991.
Bren testified that she felt “intimidated” at the July meeting, where she said Peters’ unsuccessful application was discussed in detail and a plan was formulated that gave her another chance to apply.

Why would the program notify her that her application was headed for denial if they weren't proposing a remedy? The real question is, was she qualified to receive the license when it was issued?

Why would the program notify her that her application was headed for denial if they weren't proposing a remedy? The real question is, was she qualified to receive the license when it was issued?

They notified her that she failed. Twice
If it is it should be prosecuted.

Banks get robbed all the time too moron
Wow, now you listen up you little fucking bitch just because you want to kill someone for doing everything that every politician has done doesn’t mean you should get your wish!

If that bitch in South Dakota was a Democrat your stupid fucking ass would either be silent or defending the nonsense, so who the fuck are you kidding MORON!

You wouldn’t be calling for any prosecution and in fact you would write something about Trump and then excuse the crime!

So fuck you MORON and your “ It should be Prosecuted “ bullshit because you are a lying fucking hack that only want to go after one side when your side is as bad!

Clean your side up first before bitching about the opposition because you damn well know every politician uses their political office to gain a better advantage for their family and I mean every politician!

Got it MORON!
Wow, now you listen up you little fucking bitch just because you want to kill someone for doing everything that every politician has done doesn’t mean you should get your wish!

If that bitch in South Dakota was a Democrat your stupid fucking ass would either be silent or defending the nonsense, so who the fuck are you kidding MORON!

You wouldn’t be calling for any prosecution and in fact you would write something about Trump and then excuse the crime!

So fuck you MORON and your “ It should be Prosecuted “ bullshit because you are a lying fucking hack that only want to go after one side when your side is as bad!

Clean your side up first before bitching about the opposition because you damn well know every politician uses their political office to gain a better advantage for their family and I mean every politician!

Got it MORON!
What I that you are triggered by this exposure of GOP corruption

Defend the cult at all costs huh?

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