Knox County, TN Mayor Glenn Jacobs speaks out against mask mandate...he used to wear a mask as WWE's Kane


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

In the 2001 Royal Rumble, Kane wore a mask for 54 minutes and eliminated 11 people.

Mayors of shithole cities know the cities are populated by shitheads and that’s their constituency so they have to appease and appeal to those who engage in unlawful conduct, all at the expense of the productive and law abiding.
Kane is the exception but he’s all big and burly and detested by the hide under your bed queens.

In the 2001 Royal Rumble, Kane wore a mask for 54 minutes and eliminated 11 people.


Mr. Bearer wore a mask in 2001 because of the burns he received in a funeral home fire as a kid- not because of any fear of a virus or a pandemic.
Mayors of shithole cities know the cities are populated by shitheads and that’s their constituency so they have to appease and appeal to those who engage in unlawful conduct, all at the expense of the productive and law abiding.
WTF are you babbling about and what do you imagine it has to do with one dumbass tRumpling voting against reasonable public health measures?
WTF are you babbling about and what do you imagine it has to do with one dumbass tRumpling voting against reasonable public health measures?
They are ineffective public health measure and more a sign of compliance and submittal
Kane has always been a bit of a rebel. I always wondered why the state athletic commission didn't lift his wrestling license after he electrocuted a promoter's son's testicles.

Please try to be serious. We're talking about life and death here.

You are the one not being serious. We have ALREADY had mandatory mask orders on the books for literally months.

That's fine, I guess towns and states and stores can do whatever they want depending on their constitutions and charters.

However, I am pointing out the fact that it isn't a panacea for the Corona Panic, if the goal is to get rid of the virus.
They are ineffective public health measure and more a sign of compliance and submittal
Yeah, doesn't reduce the spread at all.... :(

So I suppose you think only a complete lockdown will work.... And you look forward to it..... sheesh!!!! :rolleyes-41:
Ineffective? Research says if we all wore masks for 4-6 weeks we'd have this under control. Doesn't sound ineffective to me. You're just spewing the party line. Go ahead. Here, I'll even help:

I saw a commercial a couple of weeks ago of a breath freshener product. Bad breath can go through the masks we wear. So the product promoted use it before putting the mask on. Have not seen the commercial since. That tells me that the virus can go through also.

Walmart isn't a town.

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