Kitchen Saints: Species Dartmouth


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Sep 22, 2013
Commerce just might reorient our socialization storytelling...

This yarn was inspired by Toy Story.



A superheroine named Squirrel-Girl was studying at the prestigious Ivy League school Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. Squirrel-Girl was studying psychology and how modern consumerism consciousness created labyrinths of convenience-based behaviors and networking (e.g., eBay, eTrade, esurance, etc.). Squirrel-Girl realized the modern convenience-based capitalism was altering the human species itself, making it more like a 'bike-riding' species!


A consumerism 'trophy' would be, for example, an iconic Disney wrist-watch with metal-band featuring a picture of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse on the face. Squirrel-Girl purchased a Disney wrist-watch so she could trumpet America's fascination with commercial aesthetics and the 'design of consumerism.' Squirrel-Girl considered her Disney wrist-watch a sort of
'civilization-IQ medal.' She started looking at social perspectives on Burger King, McDonald's and Wendy's --- fast-food chains in America symbolizing the amenities of consumerism and consumerism hospitality. She wondered if all this 'consumption aesthetics' would bring humanity dangerously close to the vices of gluttony and avarice.


Squirrel-Girl appreciated how many prominent American college football teams such as the Penn State Nittany Lions and the Notre Dame Fightin' Irish were given special social stages/spotlights on national television, as iconic games were broadcasted on major American TV networks including NBC and ABC. All this access to collegiate athletics culture on national television revealed a modernism focus on the aesthetics of commercial traffic and media imagination. Squirrel-Girl decided to count how many TV ads about fast-food restaurants were presented during a given televised Penn State or Notre Dame college football game.


After she did that, Squirrel-Girl decided to evaluate the role of sociological imagery presented in the public domain (i.e., Hollywood mosaic). Squirrel-Girl counted some of the major/symbolic films in Hollywood history such as Elia Kazan's East of Eden, Richard Lester's Superman III, and Steven Spielberg's Minority Report. Squirrel-Girl noted that the sociological images/ideas presented in these iconic American films reflected a species-fascination with behaviour modification (and idealization!). She began looking at Americans' love of graphic imagery in cinema, representative of a social interest in public expressiveness. She wondered what modern intellectuals thought about regarding the 'boundaries' of traffic yoga(!).


A consumerism-analyst working for Consumer Reports helped Squirrel-Girl evaluate the statistical sales of toy water-guns during the hot summer months in America. Squirrel-Girl discovered that the spike in sale of water-guns during the long hot summers represented the human species' incredible utilization of behaviour imagination in the realm of lifestyle-based consumerism. Water-guns after all symbolized humanity's love of the natural elements and the synthesis of peace-promotional violence-simulation games (meant for psychiatry). Consumerism was almost...metaphysical(!).


A terrible war broke out in the summer of 2018 between a team of secret American paramilitary crusaders known as G.I. Joes and a lethal super-terrorist organization operating in nuclear North Korea called Cobra. The G.I. Joes and Cobra were vying for dominion in social sectors regarding global confidence in commercial traffic after the trauma of 9/11 (after the World Trade Center, a beacon of commerce, in NYC was destroyed by terrorists). The G.I. Joes and Cobra forces were fighting in Megiddo (Israel) and the Great Outback (Australia), and laser-weapons (newly-invented) were employed, so Squirrel-Girl helped G.I. Joe dispel Cobra using her special invisibility-mist generating magic of her large squirrel-tail. It was nearly a commerce-threatening apocalypse...but Squirrel-Girl was relieved(!).


After the end of the Joe-Cobra War (which lasted 2 years), Toys 'R Us (a prominent American toy-store chain/franchise) started selling war-memorabilia themed nifty water-soaker plastic toy crossbows, and kids were purchasing countless numbers of these guns in the summer of 2020! These water-soaker crossbows were called Water-Bows and Squirrel-Girl concluded that capitalism would be 'saved' by the forces of shared imagination and peace-promoting toys(!).


As expected, Squirrel-Girl returned to her alma mater, Dartmouth College, and decided to start teaching a course in the Anthropology department titled Commerce Inferno: Modern Traffic. It was a very popular course in which Squirrel-Girl discussed the sociological impact of consumerism aesthetics on mob psychology and how consumerism aesthetics drove public discourse and social imagination. Squirrel-Girl realized consumerism was like a 'wishing-well' and she wondered if the popularity of Outback Steakhouse restaurants and Red Lobster restaurants represented a 'species carnality.'


Squirrel-Girl recommended to the Dartmouth Hood Museum of Natural History and Art to create a special exhibition of kitchen-toys and toy cooking sets popular among young girls in America. This kitchen-toy exhibition at the Hood would reflect humanity's special love of archaeologically cataloguing its own imagination regarding commerce-aesthetics. She wanted to then compare kitchen-toy appeal with Barbie dollhouses (to better appreciate how consumerism frills even reached gender-consciousness issues).


A student at Dartmouth College named Ridley Scott took Squirrel-Girl's intriguing anthropology course and decided to make a film about humanity evolving to embrace all kinds of survivalism-oriented behaviors reflective of consumption and contracts. Scott's film, Alien: Covenant, presented a story of human space-explorers engaging with a terrifying predatory alien species known as the 'Xenomorph' challenging humans' sense of convenience-based terrestrial exploitation. The film was shown during the Dartmouth Film Society's cinema series in the autumn term of 2026.


Alien: Covenant was a big favorite of Squirrel-Girl's and she purchased the Blu-ray version of the film to enjoy on her Samsung HDTV in her newly-purchased Manhattan apartment. Squirrel-Girl noted how the terrifying Xenomorphs from Scott's film symbolized humanity's fear-consciousness regarding threats to convenience-based survivalism and compared the Xenomorph to a modern era Internet super-virus which could destabilize layers of commerce grids on the info/trade-superhighway (i.e., eBay,, etc.).


GOD: It seems modern traffic generates patterned imagination.
SATAN: That's what Squirrel-Girl was studying...
GOD: She helped the G.I. Joes tackle Cobra during the War.
SATAN: Yes, she was a real pro-human heroine(!).
GOD: I liked her Dartmouth anthropology course.
SATAN: So did Ridley Scott.
GOD: Films like Alien: Covenant and The Purge: Anarchy symbolize 'species Sophism.'
SATAN: Yes, The Purge: Anarchy is about urbanization-paranoia.
GOD: Modern traffic make for good 'mob folklore.'
SATAN: I'm a big fan of Coming to America and Ravenous.
GOD: Someone should make a documentary called Kitchen Saints: Species Dartmouth!
SATAN: Yes! A documentary exploring modern intellectualism in globalization.
GOD: If an alien intelligence invades Earth, will humanity defend capitalism?
SATAN: I think Squirrel-Girl will remind any sentient being of the value of networks.
GOD: Squirrel-Girl is very optimistic...
SATAN: We may 'require' social optimism in the modern era.
GOD: Will Squirrel-Girl be remembered as a Joan of Arc?
SATAN: She'll certainly be considered a 'gatekeeper.'




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