Kids Aren’t Suffering From ‘Video Game Addiction.’ They’re Suffering From A Lack Of Parenting.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Parents in Canada have filed a class action lawsuit against Epic Games, the company that made the popular video game Fortnite. The distraught plaintiffs accuse the devious minds behind Fortnite of intentionally creating it to be “as addictive as possible.” This addiction has destroyed their children’s lives, they say.

Another generation taught not to take responsibility for their own actions?

10-year-old children aren’t going out and buying their own games. They aren’t buying their own TVs, phones, and computers, either. If a child is playing games for several hours a day, it is because his parents have chosen to invest a considerable amount of money into fueling the hobby. So, why is your kid playing video games so much? Let us solve the mystery: it is because you are allowing and funding it.

It’s nice to read a common sense approach to a supposed epidemic.

Full editorial @ WALSH: Kids Aren’t Suffering From ‘Video Game Addiction.’ They’re Suffering From A Lack Of Parenting.
Parents in Canada have filed a class action lawsuit against Epic Games, the company that made the popular video game Fortnite. The distraught plaintiffs accuse the devious minds behind Fortnite of intentionally creating it to be “as addictive as possible.” This addiction has destroyed their children’s lives, they say.

Another generation taught not to take responsibility for their own actions?

10-year-old children aren’t going out and buying their own games. They aren’t buying their own TVs, phones, and computers, either. If a child is playing games for several hours a day, it is because his parents have chosen to invest a considerable amount of money into fueling the hobby. So, why is your kid playing video games so much? Let us solve the mystery: it is because you are allowing and funding it.

It’s nice to read a common sense approach to a supposed epidemic.

Full editorial @ WALSH: Kids Aren’t Suffering From ‘Video Game Addiction.’ They’re Suffering From A Lack Of Parenting.

Walsh is good...
Parents in Canada have filed a class action lawsuit against Epic Games, the company that made the popular video game Fortnite. The distraught plaintiffs accuse the devious minds behind Fortnite of intentionally creating it to be “as addictive as possible.” This addiction has destroyed their children’s lives, they say.

Another generation taught not to take responsibility for their own actions?

10-year-old children aren’t going out and buying their own games. They aren’t buying their own TVs, phones, and computers, either. If a child is playing games for several hours a day, it is because his parents have chosen to invest a considerable amount of money into fueling the hobby. So, why is your kid playing video games so much? Let us solve the mystery: it is because you are allowing and funding it.

It’s nice to read a common sense approach to a supposed epidemic.

Full editorial @

Walsh is good...
Blame solves all doesn't it. Once we can blame someone else, we are relinquished from any and all social and/or societal responsibility. That's what imprinting the guilt/sin/blame paradigm is all about. By the way, we train younguns to operate drone strikes and such.
Kids have "suffered" from a lack of parenting since FDR was president. What parent could spend quality time with their kid when dad was in the military and mom was trying to keep food on the table? Kids today are truly addicted to video violence and spoiled by constant electronic entertainment. I don't have a solution but it's a cheap shot to blame it on the parents.

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