Key Swing State Michigan Officials Retracted Their Votes to Certify 2020 Election, Say They Certified Under Threats and Duress

Death threats are not a legally recognized form of protest. Public assembly is. The problem with the right is they really have no idea how to protest effectively. They end up acting how their garbage news tells them leftists act.
Disturbing the peace is not a legit form
of protest. Unless you’re a democrat bigot.
However, it's only the 'patriots' of one political side you want jailed, isn't that right?
I already said people who make death threats should be jailed. I didn't qualify that statement in any way.
Disturbing the peace is not a legit form
of protest. Unless you’re a democrat bigot.
It's up to the local authorities to make a judgment if a protest is breaking any laws. Protests are often loud and disruptive as they should be if you want them to work. You show up with bail money in your pocket fully expecting to be arrested or you stay away. You don't fight the police and you don't bring anything that can be used as a weapon like solid flagpoles and bear spray.
To you isn't that anyone who voted for Trump?
No, the majority of people that voted for him were not crazy enough to believe that Insurrection was the right course of action.
No, the majority of people that voted for him were not crazy enough to believe that Insurrection was the right course of action.
I don't know of one person in real life that is a conservative that thinks that what the moron's did at the capitol was justified...In fact I have argued in here that they did more damage acting like that than good...That's why I call them the moron's, and idiots...

But, that liberals in law enforcement, and our judicial system have really showed their asses too by placing them in solitary, some for over a year now...The slow walking of these Trespassing crimes is beyond the pale....
No, it wasn't. The summer of 2020 was a response to police brutally and murder.

J6 was an attempt to subvert our Democracy.
So, CHOP, or CHAZ or what ever you want to call the zone taken over in Seattle wasn't an attempt to subvert our Republic? These people tried to claim an autonomous nation for God's sake...

See Otto, this is what I am talking about...Jan 6, and horrible a display as that was, I would say that the so called summer of love, was much worse, regardless of the reason behind the unrest.
I don't know of one person in real life that is a conservative that thinks that what the moron's did at the capitol was justified...In fact I have argued in here that they did more damage acting like that than good...That's why I call them the moron's, and idiots...

But, that liberals in law enforcement, and our judicial system have really showed their asses too by placing them in solitary, some for over a year now...The slow walking of these Trespassing crimes is beyond the pale....
You can't believe in both things. The latter means that you're very sympathetic to the lie.
So, CHOP, or CHAZ or what ever you want to call the zone taken over in Seattle wasn't an attempt to subvert our Republic? These people tried to claim an autonomous nation for God's sake...

See Otto, this is what I am talking about...Jan 6, and horrible a display as that was, I would say that the so called summer of love, was much worse, regardless of the reason behind the unrest.
No, it was a failed attempt to occupy a very small part of a city. Hell a conservative restaurant owner tried to do it in NY during the pandemic lockdowns and ran over a cop.

It's not even close to the same thing. To claim it means you have no sense of scale.

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