Kerry on Biden: He ‘Literally Had Not Been Aware of What Had Transpired’ on Submarine Deal


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The dipshit Biden is clueless. Who is running the ship (and badly at that)?

In an interview with French television, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry helpfully explains that President Biden simply had no idea that the U.S.-U.K.-Australia deal on submarines would irk the French government, and “had not been aware of what had transpired.”

Kerry: President Biden asked me about it, and I told him, and expressed–
Interviewer, surprised: You told Joe Biden that it was not the right-
Kerry: He asked me. He said, ‘what’s the situation?’ and I explained exactly, uh… He was he had not been aware of that, he literally, literally had not been aware of what had transpired. And I don’t want to go into the details of it, but suffice it to say, that that the president… My president is very committed to, um, strengthening the relationship and making sure that this is a small event of the past and moving on to the much more important future.

Golly, who could have possibly predicted that John Kerry would go rogue, act like he’s the smartest guy in the room, and tell an anecdote where the president comes across as a clueless, oblivious novice?

Remember, questioning the 78-year-old president’s ability to remember what he’s been told in briefings, or handle the pressures of the job, is absolutely unacceptable, or at least that is what I keep getting told.​

Was Biden informed of the deal?
May not have gone to the President for permission
Was Biden informed of the deal?
May not have gone to the President for permission
The Executive branch (POTUS) is ultimately responsible for executing our foreign policy and dealing with our allies. Pissing off one of our oldest allies seems like an issue worthy of the time and effort of POTUS. This decrepit, angry old perv is just pathetic. If a history of this coup is ever written it will show that the Tan Messiah was running things from an insecure location. And people like YOU, cheered the death of our nation...
I can't believe Americans want their president to tell an ally he knew they were being screwed and in order to forward America's interests colluded with it.
Makes a change.
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Jesus. Its his job to be aware of what's going on especially since it concerns a close ally.

The fact that he says he didn't know anything about it sure speaks volumes. He's the POTUS and he SHOULD know. Good Lord and just think he's the man running the US of A. Good Lord.
Jesus. Its his job to be aware of what's going on especially since it concerns a close ally.

The fact that he says he didn't know anything about it sure speaks volumes. He's the POTUS and he SHOULD know. Good Lord and just think he's the man running the US of A. Good Lord.
Good question

He should have been given a heads up of potential diplomatic impacts but wasn’t.

As far as I am concerned, Fuk the French

If things get hot in that region, it will be the US coming to the rescue, not France

If Australia buys a nuclear sub from us instead of a conventional sub from France…..they are better off
No he should have been on top of it. It is a major ally after all. If Trump had done that you would have been screaming bloody murder and you know it.
The dipshit Biden is clueless. Who is running the ship (and badly at that)?

In an interview with French television, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry helpfully explains that President Biden simply had no idea that the U.S.-U.K.-Australia deal on submarines would irk the French government, and “had not been aware of what had transpired.”​
Golly, who could have possibly predicted that John Kerry would go rogue, act like he’s the smartest guy in the room, and tell an anecdote where the president comes across as a clueless, oblivious novice?​
Remember, questioning the 78-year-old president’s ability to remember what he’s been told in briefings, or handle the pressures of the job, is absolutely unacceptable, or at least that is what I keep getting told.​

Kerry is a Rockefeller's Love-child and he's Bill Clinton's brother from a different mother.

But Kerry is right sometimes like a broken clock.


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