Kennedy Clan Want's Warren


May 23, 2014
Kennedys Pushing Elizabeth Warren to Run Against Hillary

Clinton's scramble to Cape Cod to meet with Bobby Jr. after rumor mill says Kennedy's have been urging Liz Warren to run in 2016. The Kennedy's feel she will represent the far left of the party, and supposedly even President Obama has been talking favorably of a Warren Presidency to carry on his legacy, vs. Hillary who he does not trust. Civil war in Democrat Party! :badgrin:
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I find it funny that the two major candidates for Democratic Party nomination, the party that rails against the rich...meets with one the wealthiest families in America to kiss-ass. Ain't life funny!
Dude, you're wasting your time. Presidents aren't elected, but selected. There is nobody out there that can ease your suffering because they're bought and paid for.

I voted from the age of 18. I stood in line to get registered. I voted in every damn election, and I voted for Clinton and Bush II as I changed from a stinking liberal to a true conservative, or at least that is what I thought at the time. I will never, ever vote in a federal election again. It's a sham. Nobody on either ticket will save us from this mess.

The CIA, for example, vets all candidates. You don't get to play president without the status quo signing off on your candidacy.
Dude, you're wasting your time. Presidents aren't elected, but selected. There is nobody out there that can ease your suffering because they're bought and paid for.

I voted from the age of 18. I stood in line to get registered. I voted in every damn election, and I voted for Clinton and Bush II as I changed from a stinking liberal to a true conservative, or at least that is what I thought at the time. I will never, ever vote in a federal election again. It's a sham. Nobody on either ticket will save us from this mess.

The CIA, for example, vets all candidates. You don't get to play president without the status quo signing off on your candidacy.

I think Bill's actions support your view. According to another news report Slick Willie was in full campaign mode, shaking hands, memorizing all the Kennedy kids names. Apparently Hill's was not to thrilled about going sailing and Bubba reminded her that when trying to win over the Kennedy's sailing is a must. American politics! :lol:
ok, The Kennedy's were a clan all right

filled with rapist, murderers, rum runners, adulterers , and they put these people on some pedestal and in government to run our damn lives

I just can't get over the people who supports the Democrat party
Dude, you're wasting your time. Presidents aren't elected, but selected. There is nobody out there that can ease your suffering because they're bought and paid for.

I voted from the age of 18. I stood in line to get registered. I voted in every damn election, and I voted for Clinton and Bush II as I changed from a stinking liberal to a true conservative, or at least that is what I thought at the time. I will never, ever vote in a federal election again. It's a sham. Nobody on either ticket will save us from this mess.

The CIA, for example, vets all candidates. You don't get to play president without the status quo signing off on your candidacy.

I think Bill's actions support your view. According to another news report Slick Willie was in full campaign mode, shaking hands, memorizing all the Kennedy kids names. Apparently Hill's was not to thrilled about going sailing and Bubba reminded her that when trying to win over the Kennedy's sailing is a must. American politics! :lol:

I hate that SOB. He inherited a time in the U.S. when bubbles were about to burst and people were making serious bank that he had little to do with. I was one of them. He's a complete fraud, although he's 100 X more brilliant than the SOB we have in WH now.
Yes. Liz Warren is an excellent choice

I think it would be really interesting! Can you imagine both party nominations coming down to the conventions after no winner in either primary? Wow!
Liz will run.
There will be an anti Hillary push at some point.

The Libs love Lizzie's anti business you didn't build that, anti Wall Street,tax the living shit out of anyone in the country who is productive, pro cradle to the grave nanny state bull shit.
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Dude, you're wasting your time. Presidents aren't elected, but selected. There is nobody out there that can ease your suffering because they're bought and paid for.

I voted from the age of 18. I stood in line to get registered. I voted in every damn election, and I voted for Clinton and Bush II as I changed from a stinking liberal to a true conservative, or at least that is what I thought at the time. I will never, ever vote in a federal election again. It's a sham. Nobody on either ticket will save us from this mess.

The CIA, for example, vets all candidates. You don't get to play president without the status quo signing off on your candidacy.

I think Bill's actions support your view. According to another news report Slick Willie was in full campaign mode, shaking hands, memorizing all the Kennedy kids names. Apparently Hill's was not to thrilled about going sailing and Bubba reminded her that when trying to win over the Kennedy's sailing is a must. American politics! :lol:

I hate that SOB. He inherited a time in the U.S. when bubbles were about to burst and people were making serious bank that he had little to do with. I was one of them. He's a complete fraud, although he's 100 X more brilliant than the SOB we have in WH now.
But R.C., I'm sure he could "feel your pain." :lol: He is a weasel.
Liz will run.
There will be an anti Hillary push at some point.

The Libs love Lizzie's anti business you didn't build that, anti Wall Street,tax the living shit out of anyone in the country who is productive, pro cradle to the grave nanny state bull shit.

It could be final tipping point to far left for Democratic Party. Will Hillary have enough traditional liberals to stave off the assault of the socialist? Will 2016 be the Alamo for anyone left in Democratic Party who is not a left winger?
Seems Hillary will be doomed before she even starts.
The Obama's and Valerie Jarrett don't care much for the Clintons.
Seems Hillary will be doomed before she even starts.
The Obama's and Valerie Jarrett don't care much for the Clintons.

Is going to be interesting. Hillary team also pissed off South Carolina Dems and it should be third or fourth on primary calendar.
Yes. Liz Warren is an excellent choice


I agree. Liz Warren is an excellent choice for the Democrats. She will be best at getting the Left-wing Loon Agenda out there so the adoring voters can admire it.
Yes. Liz Warren is an excellent choice


I agree. Liz Warren is an excellent choice for the Democrats. She will be best at getting the Left-wing Loon Agenda out there so the adoring voters can admire it.

GOP praying for Warren. Dems praying for Cruz. What if we get both? OMG!
Yes. Liz Warren is an excellent choice


I agree. Liz Warren is an excellent choice for the Democrats. She will be best at getting the Left-wing Loon Agenda out there so the adoring voters can admire it.

GOP praying for Warren. Dems praying for Cruz. What if we get both? OMG!

There will be a definitive opinion on "natural born" by the USSC.
Could you imagine a Warren-Sanders ticket, vs. a Cruz- Bachman ticket! Oh about polar opposites.

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