Kavanaugh and the Witch Hunt Grand Jury

william the wie said:
It depends on how many senate seats the Ds lose in the mid-terms. the Inquisition stinks to high heaven.
Grassley Isn't Dumb
Kavanaugh Will Be Seated On The Supreme Court
As Promised In Grassley's Opening Statements
And Since

I'll Watch To See A Vote
The Minute Kav And Ford's Testimony Ends

Her Lawyers Can Stall To The Wire
Then The Vote
Testimony Or Not
This hearing will make for great campaign ads.

Guilty until proven innocent.

No cross examination for the accused.
A lot of deep staters either are rolling over on everyone in sight or will do so. That means several D senators and reps will be under investigation for the failed coup and they are not usually allowed to vote while under felony investigation. The Kavanaugh inquisition which plays well in the Blue states plays badly in the red and purple states. That will cost at least some Senate seats.

My question is why are D leaders following a strategy that does not rise to the level of idiocy much less the moronic? What's your theory?
Democrats think they can get away with murder.
Democrats think they can get away with murder.

Trump made that claim and he even named the 'bloody' location! Can't you get anything right, Muddy?
We're talking reality here now.
Sorry that you live in a fantasy 24/7.
While the Ds may or may not have gotten away with murder the key points are:

The Inquisition will hurt the Ds badly in battleground senate states but probably not in the house. The senate is the must win struggle

The deep state will be hurting the Ds by October.

The Antifas are hurting the Ds now.

The SALT cap is hurting the Ds now.

If China come to the table on trade and with their debt levels that is necessary the Ds are in deep trouble.
william the wie said:
It depends on how many senate seats the Ds lose in the mid-terms. the Inquisition stinks to high heaven.
Grassley Isn't Dumb
Kavanaugh Will Be Seated On The Supreme Court
As Promised In Grassley's Opening Statements
And Since

I'll Watch To See A Vote
The Minute Kav And Ford's Testimony Ends

Her Lawyers Can Stall To The Wire
Then The Vote
Testimony Or Not
This hearing will make for great campaign ads.

Guilty until proven innocent.

No cross examination for the accused.
Nonsense, more ignorance from the right.

The American people can keep Kavanaugh off the Court if they believe he likely committed sexual assault and lied about it; Kavanaugh serves or doesn't serve at the pleasure of the people, subject to their determination as to whether he’s fit to serve – this is not a state verses a criminal defendant process, it’s a political process.

Kavanaugh is not being charged with a crime or prosecuted, he would have the right to due process if that were the case.

Republicans, predictably, want to twist this into the American people being compelled to prove Kavanaugh is ‘guilty’ consistent with the standards of criminal due process, or failing to do so, Kavanaugh gets the appointment.

He doesn't get the appointment if the American people say he doesn't merit the job, for whatever reason or reasons; should the people decide Blasey Ford is being truthful, then Kavanaugh doesn’t sit on the Supreme Court.
william the wie said:
It depends on how many senate seats the Ds lose in the mid-terms. the Inquisition stinks to high heaven.
Grassley Isn't Dumb
Kavanaugh Will Be Seated On The Supreme Court
As Promised In Grassley's Opening Statements
And Since

I'll Watch To See A Vote
The Minute Kav And Ford's Testimony Ends

Her Lawyers Can Stall To The Wire
Then The Vote
Testimony Or Not
This hearing will make for great campaign ads.

Guilty until proven innocent.

No cross examination for the accused.
Nonsense, more ignorance from the right.

The American people can keep Kavanaugh off the Court if they believe he likely committed sexual assault and lied about it; Kavanaugh serves or doesn't serve at the pleasure of the people, subject to their determination as to whether he’s fit to serve – this is not a state verses a criminal defendant process, it’s a political process.

Kavanaugh is not being charged with a crime or prosecuted, he would have the right to due process if that were the case.

Republicans, predictably, want to twist this into the American people being compelled to prove Kavanaugh is ‘guilty’ consistent with the standards of criminal due process, or failing to do so, Kavanaugh gets the appointment.

He doesn't get the appointment if the American people say he doesn't merit the job, for whatever reason or reasons; should the people decide Blasey Ford is being truthful, then Kavanaugh doesn’t sit on the Supreme Court.
After the Kangaroo court and the spectacle they conducted during the hearings, it's very likely this woman was their Hail Mary. All of the ridiculous demands they have made just to get her to testify was designed to cause the Republicans to lose patience. The rest of it is just NAGs accusing old white men of sexism. Democrats that are calling for Trump's impeachment are now saying that Judge Kavanaugh should be impeached.
This is just another attempt to de-legitimize Trump.

It's nothing but a media circus.

Tucker Carlson Blasted Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Over Her Circular Reasoning
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A lot of deep staters either are rolling over on everyone in sight or will do so. That means several D senators and reps will be under investigation for the failed coup and they are not usually allowed to vote while under felony investigation. The Kavanaugh inquisition which plays well in the Blue states plays badly in the red and purple states. That will cost at least some Senate seats.

My question is why are D leaders following a strategy that does not rise to the level of idiocy much less the moronic? What's your theory?
Democrats think they can get away with murder.
Some have.
After the Kangaroo court and the spectacle they conducted during the hearings, it's very likely this woman was their Hail Mary. All of the ridiculous demands they have made just to get her to testify was designed to cause the Republicans to lose patience. The rest of it is just NAGs accusing old white men of sexism. Democrats that are calling for Trump's impeachment are now saying that Judge Kavanaugh should be impeached. This is just another attempt to de-legitimize Trump.

ITS OVER, the 4th and final witness, a classmate of Ford's at her all girl school who Ford says was at the party just issued a statement saying it never happened and she's never met Kavanaugh.
After the Kangaroo court and the spectacle they conducted during the hearings, it's very likely this woman was their Hail Mary. All of the ridiculous demands they have made just to get her to testify was designed to cause the Republicans to lose patience. The rest of it is just NAGs accusing old white men of sexism. Democrats that are calling for Trump's impeachment are now saying that Judge Kavanaugh should be impeached. This is just another attempt to de-legitimize Trump.

ITS OVER, the 4th and final witness, a classmate of Ford's at her all girl school who Ford says was at the party just issued a statement saying it never happened and she's never met Kavanaugh.

I don't hear any fat lady singing
A lot of deep staters either are rolling over on everyone in sight or will do so. That means several D senators and reps will be under investigation for the failed coup and they are not usually allowed to vote while under felony investigation. The Kavanaugh inquisition which plays well in the Blue states plays badly in the red and purple states. That will cost at least some Senate seats.

My question is why are D leaders following a strategy that does not rise to the level of idiocy much less the moronic? What's your theory?

When are all your prophesies going to happen? Any day now?

Probably when they find evidence of Kavanaugh’s attempted rape of Ford.
This issue has really exposed how supportive republicans are of rapists and the act of rape.

Any evidence whatsoever of attempted rape? It seems four people she claimed were at the “party” claim they weren’t at the “party”.

Also, by your logic, you are saying Democrats support violence against women because of the way they have supported Ellison.

You partisan assholes are something else.
A lot of deep staters either are rolling over on everyone in sight or will do so. That means several D senators and reps will be under investigation for the failed coup and they are not usually allowed to vote while under felony investigation. The Kavanaugh inquisition which plays well in the Blue states plays badly in the red and purple states. That will cost at least some Senate seats.

My question is why are D leaders following a strategy that does not rise to the level of idiocy much less the moronic? What's your theory?

When are all your prophesies going to happen? Any day now?

Probably when they find evidence of Kavanaugh’s attempted rape of Ford.

Have you found the "crime" scene yet?
A lot of deep staters either are rolling over on everyone in sight or will do so. That means several D senators and reps will be under investigation for the failed coup and they are not usually allowed to vote while under felony investigation. The Kavanaugh inquisition which plays well in the Blue states plays badly in the red and purple states. That will cost at least some Senate seats.

My question is why are D leaders following a strategy that does not rise to the level of idiocy much less the moronic? What's your theory?

When are all your prophesies going to happen? Any day now?

Probably when they find evidence of Kavanaugh’s attempted rape of Ford.
.....right after they find evidence of Russian Collusion of course. :04:
A lot of deep staters either are rolling over on everyone in sight or will do so. That means several D senators and reps will be under investigation for the failed coup and they are not usually allowed to vote while under felony investigation. The Kavanaugh inquisition which plays well in the Blue states plays badly in the red and purple states. That will cost at least some Senate seats.

My question is why are D leaders following a strategy that does not rise to the level of idiocy much less the moronic? What's your theory?

When are all your prophesies going to happen? Any day now?

Probably when they find evidence of Kavanaugh’s attempted rape of Ford.

Have you found the "crime" scene yet?
First find out when it happened.
william the wie said:
It depends on how many senate seats the Ds lose in the mid-terms. the Inquisition stinks to high heaven.
Grassley Isn't Dumb
Kavanaugh Will Be Seated On The Supreme Court
As Promised In Grassley's Opening Statements
And Since

I'll Watch To See A Vote
The Minute Kav And Ford's Testimony Ends

Her Lawyers Can Stall To The Wire
Then The Vote
Testimony Or Not
This hearing will make for great campaign ads.

Guilty until proven innocent.

No cross examination for the accused.
Nonsense, more ignorance from the right.

The American people can keep Kavanaugh off the Court if they believe he likely committed sexual assault and lied about it; Kavanaugh serves or doesn't serve at the pleasure of the people, subject to their determination as to whether he’s fit to serve – this is not a state verses a criminal defendant process, it’s a political process.

Kavanaugh is not being charged with a crime or prosecuted, he would have the right to due process if that were the case.

Republicans, predictably, want to twist this into the American people being compelled to prove Kavanaugh is ‘guilty’ consistent with the standards of criminal due process, or failing to do so, Kavanaugh gets the appointment.

He doesn't get the appointment if the American people say he doesn't merit the job, for whatever reason or reasons; should the people decide Blasey Ford is being truthful, then Kavanaugh doesn’t sit on the Supreme Court.

Of course it is easier to pretend and spin that Kavanaugh attempted to rape Ford in spite of the fact that no evidence whatsoever exists and even her friend, she claimed was there, says she wasn’t there or knows nothing. Then you assholes then claim several women with more evidence than this, lied about Clinton raping them. At least try to pretend to be consistent.

I am an American and Kavanaugh has no evidence whatsoever against him in this case and we can only hope that most Americans are smarter and more objective than a ignorant, lying partisan such as yourself.
A lot of deep staters either are rolling over on everyone in sight or will do so. That means several D senators and reps will be under investigation for the failed coup and they are not usually allowed to vote while under felony investigation. The Kavanaugh inquisition which plays well in the Blue states plays badly in the red and purple states. That will cost at least some Senate seats.

My question is why are D leaders following a strategy that does not rise to the level of idiocy much less the moronic? What's your theory?

When are all your prophesies going to happen? Any day now?

Probably when they find evidence of Kavanaugh’s attempted rape of Ford.

Have you found the "crime" scene yet?

Why would they? They don’t know when, they don’t know where and all her witnesses that she claim were there, claim they weren’t there.
"Kavanaugh has calendars from summer 1982 that he plans to give the Senate that don't show a party that matches Blasey Ford's description, according to someone working for his confirmation. Calendars can't prove it didn't happen but his team will argue there is no corroboration."
citing a self proclaimed nutjob in need of therapy is possibly a new low for the Ds although their defense of D politicians raping women and children is a definite contender for the Sleaze party's low point.
"Kavanaugh has calendars from summer 1982 that he plans to give the Senate that don't show a party that matches Blasey Ford's description, according to someone working for his confirmation. Calendars can't prove it didn't happen but his team will argue there is no corroboration."

Those calendars mean as much as her claiming it did happen. I put no weight in those.
citing a self proclaimed nutjob in need of therapy is possibly a new low for the Ds although their defense of D politicians raping women and children is a definite contender for the Sleaze party's low point.

I don’t see the need to call Ford names, we don’t know her motivations, we don’t really know her. If she has a false memory that can be very traumatic for her, and she can actually feel he trauma if it actually happened.

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