Kasich Throwing Away His Chances Refusing To Go Negative!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
John Kasich is making a fatal and catastrophic mistake in his run for President in deciding not to engage in negative campaigning. There is a difference between negative campaigning and insult campaigning. Negative campaigning includes criticism of another candidate's policies, character as it relates to the job of President and any other factor about the candidate that is relevant to how he or she would perform as President. Insult campaigning includes personal attacks, name calling and comments that disparage another candidate that have no relevance on how he or she will do the job of President.

When asked about this decision Governor Kasich says legitamitely something like this Presidential election cycle campaigning has gone to unprecedented lows it is really gutter level behavior. The Governor is absolutely correct this writer is in his fifties and never during his lifetime has he seen a Presidential campaign with such undignified and lacking in a code of decency behavior. But that is no reason for a candidate to go to the other extreme and be this super virtuous candidate like Governor Kasich is acting. Okay Governor raise the level of campaigning in America from what is transpiring but just to the level Americans have been used to prior to this election cycle. A lot of good presidential candidates in America's history used negative campaigning as part of their overall campaign strategy. Two things that comes to mind are Ronald Reagan's statements when he said during a campaign "the Democrats think the government is the solution, I think its the problem" or "Democrats think that Washington knows best how to spend your money I think you, the American people, knows best how to spend your own money".

Governor Kasich said this past thursday night that his plan to win the nomination is that he foresees as the campaign season carries on the other three non-Trump candidates will drop out and he and the Donald will be left and his superiority as a candidate will shine through and voters en masse will flock to him. On one point here I agree with John that he is a far superior candidate, conventional candidate that is, the problem is that the American voter lost confidence in the conventional candidate conventional candidates have bought them nothing but loss through the years - that is not to say these voters could not be persuaded that the right conventional candidate won't let them down. John's contention that the other candidates will drop out even if they lose their state in its primary race is flat out wrong, most importantly to buttress this argument consider Cruz and Rubio have the money to carry on until the end and secondly and also of critical importance is that both candidates have large voting blocs behind them Cruz the evangelicals and the fundamental conservatives and Rubio the establishment; John is living in a complete dream world if he thinks these guys will drop out. If Governor Kasich's plan is to hope for a brokered convention and to see himself as the compromise candidate he is destroying that possibility with his new found virtue of not engaging in negative campaigning. The Republican party needs a Presidential candidate that can take on and beat Hillary Clinton probably the best politician that America has seen since Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt and they are going to choose a candidate that doesn't engage in negative campaigning not a chance not a snowball's chance in hell!

For Heaven sake's Mr. Kasich your in an election race you're competing for votes, it makes a difference when a candidate points out an opposing candidates shortcomings in policy or character. A candidate never knows when or where voters will make their final decision to vote for a candidate a candidate doing his or her best cannot take reasons for voting for them off the table because it is not nice. Every time a candidate opens his mouth during a campaign he or she needs to be trying to close a sale for a citizens vote and a short coming of an opponent could be the difference in success there.

This is some of the things a candidate Kasich should be saying on the campaign trail. To fix America America's got to get major legislation through Congress and I've done it as a chairman in Congress and there is two ways to do it. A President creates an environment where Party leaders can get in a room and draft a bill where both parties make concessions but can claim a win or the second type where you have a compellingly good idea, like the Medicare Part "D", and you build political support for it you start at the grass root level and move to the politicians in Washington until you create a juggernaut of political force that pushes the bill through to law. Donald Trump doesn't have the character to do this work. He picks fights with every Tom, Dick and Harry which will cause him to be resoundly hated in Washington. He also has got this idiosyncrasy where he always has got to win and other people have got to lose to get major legislation through Congress the President has to be about just getting the job done, fixing America's problems. Governor Kasich should also be mentioning that the Donald does not have the character to do the hard gritty patient work of building a grass roots movement to pass needed policy reforms; the Donald's character is he is always looking to cut the great deal and it is going to be cut quickly America needs a President that will build deals not cut them. Governor Kasich should be saying on the campaign trail that Trump's impulsive character is a real problem for a person that wishes to be President along with the situation that he doesn't have the moral lines that ordinary Americans have take for instance his comment that America should target for killing the spouses of the 911 Hijackers or his comment America should let Vladimir Putin, an evil dictator, go into Syria and clear out all the rebels for we don't know who these rebels are anyway.

Governor Kasich should be saying on the campaign trail yes Ted Cruz will be a reliable fundamental conservative as President but he doesn't have the make-up to govern as President America doesn't need a President that won't sign imperfect budget bills causing shutdowns of the Federal Government America doesn't need a President that won't raise the debt ceiling causing the value of Treasury bonds to dramatically fall resulting in a world-wide financial collapse. Governor Kasich should be saying that Marco Rubio is a figure head for the establishment the whole reason for the unprecedented anger amongst the American people seen this election season is that Washington only works for the establishment not ordinary people it makes no sense to send the establishment's representative to the Oval Office. Look at Rubio's comments while in Congress he was often spouting off that Congress should just pass the bills that the far-right House caucus was working on, he showed no concern that these bills would throw large numbers of Americans under the bus. A President Rubio will be a rubber stamp for the far-right Republican Caucus in Congress something the majority of American's don't want. Moreover, Marco Rubio's lack of experience equates that he won't have much ability or legislative know how to take on and defeat the far-right forces in Congress.

Governor Kasich believes he is right forsaking negative campaigning because he has a lot of Americans coming up to him and uttering words of support for him not engaging in negative campaigning for raising the bar. The problem is that there is not enough of these Americans for him to garnish enough votes to win the nomination he has got to broaden his horizons to the broad swath of American's that have other decision making processes for their vote if he is to become the Republican nominee. Governor Kasich thinks that people that have not run for political office have no business criticizing those that are running for office, the Governor would probably benefit from picking up a dictionary and reading the words "arrogant" and "narrow minded" he should remember the countless Americans that voice their opinions about the Presidential elections although not having any political experience have a lot at stake in this election the federal government has a profound effect on our lives. Governor Kasich believes that the public commentators that call for him to whole heartedly get in the Presidential race and start criticizing other candidates and fight for this job treat this whole matter of the American Presidential election as a form of entertainment its like watching a sports contest for these people, this writer doesn't think so the Governor would be closer to the mark if he held the viewpoint that these commentators care about the country and want it to be a truly great country. Governor Kasich believes that journalists that ask him questions like Governor aren't you making a huge mistake in deciding to permanently abstain from engaging in negative campaigning during this Presidential election race are journalists that are scraping the bottom of the character barrel to increase their ratings an accurate assessment would be Governor that they are acting like your good neighbor!
He should rip Rubio to shreds as an anti american bigot. Kasich is looking at a post in the Trump administration.
Kasich is running for VP. Best way to do that is not to piss anyone who is winning off
I think Kasich is actually trying to win by taking the high road and avoiding Trump's three ring circus.

In any case, his best chance lies in a brokered convention with the hope he has a significant number of delegates
I think Kasich is actually trying to win by taking the high road and avoiding Trump's three ring circus.

In any case, his best chance lies in a brokered convention with the hope he has a significant number of delegates

Somebody running for the GOP ticket has got to have the maturity over the age of 13...

This isn't a running for the position of assistant night manager at Mc Donalds. This is a contest for one of the most difficult jobs in the world in one of the most crisis-ridden times in American history..

If Trump or Rubio get the nomination (Cruz can't, but more on that later...) we're doomed...

I've always said a Christie/Kasich ticket would simply be unbeatable. If they announced that, Hillary would just have to concede this June, hang up her hat and walk away.
Don't we have enough of a food fight at the debates?
Kasich is being smart about this...
Someone besides Carson has to be an adult here.
Kasich seems like a nice enough guy but he obviously doesn't have the fire in his belly. His campaign is almost like the mess we ended up with McCain who was such a nice guy that he even ordered his staff not to use Obama's middle name. Republicans want a candidate who understand their frustrations with the democrat party. They don't want a RINO or a nice guy who vows to cave into democrat demands in order to appear bipartisan.
I think Rubio an Cruz are trying to fight for the Trump supporters vote. But, do they really understand the people that support Trump?

1. They don't seem to care if Trump is not a real conservative.

2. The fact that he is a true outsider that openly address the problems they want resolved is more important than his campaign antics

3. Tossing Insults and dirty campaign tactics actually works against Cruz and Rubio because they are supposed to be the adult and remain composed.

Trump role is "maverick leader". Anger without composure tends to work for Trump. Besides, Cruz and Rubio are 'well positioned' in the Senate, so why remove them?

The more I think about it, the more I realized the others chances depends on having a brokered convention. However, it is still possible for Trump to win there!
Actually, there is a difference between negative and critical campaigning. Kasich's mistake seems to be that he couldn't understand that difference. He failed to go critical for fear of becoming negative. Trump set the tone of the campaign where all criticism campaigning was also negative mud slinging campaigning. Kasich wanted to present an alternative to Trump's mud slinging and has attempted to rely strictly on positive campaigning. In doing so, Kasich has largely failed to catch enough attention in an election cycle where the electorate craves criticism of the status quo.
I see it as just the opposite. I see Trump and Cruz as willing to sacrifice the general election in order to win the nomination. Like the saying goes, united we stand, divided we fall.
Kasich is running on the issues, not emotion. RW voters no longer care about issues inside their party but rail about the Democrats and their failed policy on EVERY issue. This is one F'd up election year.
John Kasich is making a fatal and catastrophic mistake in his run for President in deciding not to engage in negative campaigning. There is a difference between negative campaigning and insult campaigning. Negative campaigning includes criticism of another candidate's policies, character as it relates to the job of President and any other factor about the candidate that is relevant to how he or she would perform as President. Insult campaigning includes personal attacks, name calling and comments that disparage another candidate that have no relevance on how he or she will do the job of President.

When asked about this decision Governor Kasich says legitamitely something like this Presidential election cycle campaigning has gone to unprecedented lows it is really gutter level behavior. The Governor is absolutely correct this writer is in his fifties and never during his lifetime has he seen a Presidential campaign with such undignified and lacking in a code of decency behavior. But that is no reason for a candidate to go to the other extreme and be this super virtuous candidate like Governor Kasich is acting. Okay Governor raise the level of campaigning in America from what is transpiring but just to the level Americans have been used to prior to this election cycle. A lot of good presidential candidates in America's history used negative campaigning as part of their overall campaign strategy. Two things that comes to mind are Ronald Reagan's statements when he said during a campaign "the Democrats think the government is the solution, I think its the problem" or "Democrats think that Washington knows best how to spend your money I think you, the American people, knows best how to spend your own money".

Governor Kasich said this past thursday night that his plan to win the nomination is that he foresees as the campaign season carries on the other three non-Trump candidates will drop out and he and the Donald will be left and his superiority as a candidate will shine through and voters en masse will flock to him. On one point here I agree with John that he is a far superior candidate, conventional candidate that is, the problem is that the American voter lost confidence in the conventional candidate conventional candidates have bought them nothing but loss through the years - that is not to say these voters could not be persuaded that the right conventional candidate won't let them down. John's contention that the other candidates will drop out even if they lose their state in its primary race is flat out wrong, most importantly to buttress this argument consider Cruz and Rubio have the money to carry on until the end and secondly and also of critical importance is that both candidates have large voting blocs behind them Cruz the evangelicals and the fundamental conservatives and Rubio the establishment; John is living in a complete dream world if he thinks these guys will drop out. If Governor Kasich's plan is to hope for a brokered convention and to see himself as the compromise candidate he is destroying that possibility with his new found virtue of not engaging in negative campaigning. The Republican party needs a Presidential candidate that can take on and beat Hillary Clinton probably the best politician that America has seen since Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt and they are going to choose a candidate that doesn't engage in negative campaigning not a chance not a snowball's chance in hell!

For Heaven sake's Mr. Kasich your in an election race you're competing for votes, it makes a difference when a candidate points out an opposing candidates shortcomings in policy or character. A candidate never knows when or where voters will make their final decision to vote for a candidate a candidate doing his or her best cannot take reasons for voting for them off the table because it is not nice. Every time a candidate opens his mouth during a campaign he or she needs to be trying to close a sale for a citizens vote and a short coming of an opponent could be the difference in success there.

This is some of the things a candidate Kasich should be saying on the campaign trail. To fix America America's got to get major legislation through Congress and I've done it as a chairman in Congress and there is two ways to do it. A President creates an environment where Party leaders can get in a room and draft a bill where both parties make concessions but can claim a win or the second type where you have a compellingly good idea, like the Medicare Part "D", and you build political support for it you start at the grass root level and move to the politicians in Washington until you create a juggernaut of political force that pushes the bill through to law. Donald Trump doesn't have the character to do this work. He picks fights with every Tom, Dick and Harry which will cause him to be resoundly hated in Washington. He also has got this idiosyncrasy where he always has got to win and other people have got to lose to get major legislation through Congress the President has to be about just getting the job done, fixing America's problems. Governor Kasich should also be mentioning that the Donald does not have the character to do the hard gritty patient work of building a grass roots movement to pass needed policy reforms; the Donald's character is he is always looking to cut the great deal and it is going to be cut quickly America needs a President that will build deals not cut them. Governor Kasich should be saying on the campaign trail that Trump's impulsive character is a real problem for a person that wishes to be President along with the situation that he doesn't have the moral lines that ordinary Americans have take for instance his comment that America should target for killing the spouses of the 911 Hijackers or his comment America should let Vladimir Putin, an evil dictator, go into Syria and clear out all the rebels for we don't know who these rebels are anyway.

Governor Kasich should be saying on the campaign trail yes Ted Cruz will be a reliable fundamental conservative as President but he doesn't have the make-up to govern as President America doesn't need a President that won't sign imperfect budget bills causing shutdowns of the Federal Government America doesn't need a President that won't raise the debt ceiling causing the value of Treasury bonds to dramatically fall resulting in a world-wide financial collapse. Governor Kasich should be saying that Marco Rubio is a figure head for the establishment the whole reason for the unprecedented anger amongst the American people seen this election season is that Washington only works for the establishment not ordinary people it makes no sense to send the establishment's representative to the Oval Office. Look at Rubio's comments while in Congress he was often spouting off that Congress should just pass the bills that the far-right House caucus was working on, he showed no concern that these bills would throw large numbers of Americans under the bus. A President Rubio will be a rubber stamp for the far-right Republican Caucus in Congress something the majority of American's don't want. Moreover, Marco Rubio's lack of experience equates that he won't have much ability or legislative know how to take on and defeat the far-right forces in Congress.

Governor Kasich believes he is right forsaking negative campaigning because he has a lot of Americans coming up to him and uttering words of support for him not engaging in negative campaigning for raising the bar. The problem is that there is not enough of these Americans for him to garnish enough votes to win the nomination he has got to broaden his horizons to the broad swath of American's that have other decision making processes for their vote if he is to become the Republican nominee. Governor Kasich thinks that people that have not run for political office have no business criticizing those that are running for office, the Governor would probably benefit from picking up a dictionary and reading the words "arrogant" and "narrow minded" he should remember the countless Americans that voice their opinions about the Presidential elections although not having any political experience have a lot at stake in this election the federal government has a profound effect on our lives. Governor Kasich believes that the public commentators that call for him to whole heartedly get in the Presidential race and start criticizing other candidates and fight for this job treat this whole matter of the American Presidential election as a form of entertainment its like watching a sports contest for these people, this writer doesn't think so the Governor would be closer to the mark if he held the viewpoint that these commentators care about the country and want it to be a truly great country. Governor Kasich believes that journalists that ask him questions like Governor aren't you making a huge mistake in deciding to permanently abstain from engaging in negative campaigning during this Presidential election race are journalists that are scraping the bottom of the character barrel to increase their ratings an accurate assessment would be Governor that they are acting like your good neighbor!
He's a Rino nobody cares...

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