Karl Marx's grave vandalized. LOL


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
This is hilarious. It was attacked twice within a month. One attacker used a hammer.


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I may not like Communism, and certainly not the Marxist incarnation of it. However, vandalizing a grave is evil and dare I say some seriously bad karma is sure to follow.
Fuck that, I'd bash the fuck out of that given the chance. Too bad I left my sledge at my friend's house.
Oh, fer Pete's sake. I don't think that's a very good idea to mess with the dead. I draw the line at burning an effigy or a large picture of bad people, but not vandalizing a graveyard. The man is dead, and has already talked over his life's issues with St. Peter. Since I wasn't there, I don't know if St. Peter chewed him out or gave him a pass for being a believer. If St. Peter sees somebody trying to take over his job, he may not respond well when it's their turn to go to the roast at the gate on judgment day.

Sorry, no pats on the back from me, guys. It's not nice to mess with St. Peter.
Good, it gives me the opportunity to use the word "schadenfreude." Marx was an arrogant scumbag whose failed theories caused nothing but grief and misery. I wish someone had shat on that pig's grave already. After eating a bunch of Ex-Lax and god knows how much KFC.
Father , forgive us for we have a hard time forgiving people whose theories result in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, although you gave your own killers forgiveness as they were killing your body with spears and torture.. Amen.
The irony being, one was charged an entry fee for visiting Highgate Cemetery. Surely the proletariat should have got in for free.

Each according to his needs, and all that.

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