Kansas affirms transgender surgery for minors

It just isn't genital surgery, but also mastectomies to try and transform little girls into little boys and hormone treatments, not to mention all of the coaching that libs do to encourage little boys that surgery can transform them into a little girl.

Kids are stupid, they actually believe this line of bullshit, if you'll look at the number of children identifying as "Shemales" and "Trannies" nowadays compared to my own youth.
That doesn’t answer the question.

Has that kind of surgery even been done in Kansas?
Republicans? Hell, this is the most “Pro Choice” solution to the question ever posted on this board. It’s as leftist as you can get. Get behind it or admit you are in a damn cult. More interested in getting votes than doing the right thing.

And there is not a single thing in my proposal that says the father can’t give support voluntarily you putz. My proposal gets rid of authoritarian child support if abortion is legal. Man, I am truly the most Pro Choice member of this board by a long way!
Hey Norm? Go talk this nonsense somewhere else. I know you think you are on to something here but you're not. LOL
And actual surgery is rare below the age of 18 and only done is special circumstances

"rare" perhaps, but not unheard of.

Any dicketomies on minors just isn't acceptable. Someone should be at least 25 or 30 before they are mature enough to make this decision IMHO.

They have to be smart enough to realize that the operation won't make them into a "woman" at all, but will just make them a guy with a mutilated penis.

If they are mature enough to accept that, fine.
"rare" perhaps, but not unheard of.

Any dicketomies on minors just isn't acceptable. Someone should be at least 25 or 30 before they are mature enough to make this decision IMHO.

They have to be smart enough to realize that the operation won't make them into a "woman" at all, but will just make them a guy with a mutilated penis.

If they are mature enough to accept that, fine.
If you’re worried about your kid cutting his dick off… tell him not to do it

What the fuck?

And has that EVER happened ANYWHERE… against the parent’s wishes

If you’re worried about your kid cutting his dick off… tell him not to do it

What the fuck?

And has that EVER happened ANYWHERE… against the parent’s wishes


Parents in many states have their children removed from the home if they don't affirm their child's tranny or homo status.

In some states, teachers are even barred from sharing this information from parents.

The fact that you allude to, that it hasn't reached epidemic proportions yet is a reason to take immediate action, before it does.

Liberalism is imposed incrementally.
So the guy who bears no real responsibility… he didn’t engage in activity that lead to pregnancy?

Of course he’ll never have his body distorted nearly beyond belief . Never risk his life trying pass a nearly ten pound object out of an orifice that barely can squeeze a penis in.

Never have to bear the child of a rapist

Never have to care for the result of all that unless he FEELS like it. She of course has no choice in the matter even though both engaged in that activity which brought it about

And? That doesn't give her the right to kill her unborn child.
I’ve heard exactly zero argument from you 🦜.

Butt hurt or something?

Anyone who had anything to do with it or voted for it should be executed, jailed, or kicked out with their citizenship revoked. I don't care which one but one of them should happen.
Sue the doctors and hospitals who negligently performed an operation or procedure that was inappropriate for the patient.

This is a patient, not a "customer". Just because they may have signed off on an inappropriate procedure doesn't immunize the doctor.
sorry, you can only sue for negligence