

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Keep It Simple Stupid

It's a philosophy I try hard to live by- today's world is so convoluted it's near impossible to maintain that thought.
Up is down, black is white, 2 + 2 = 5 (depending on who's talking and which way the wind is blowing) - left is right, right is left (and wrong?)- a mask protects you, so you insist, that you're not protected unless the other person is wearing a mask :rolleyes: really. Convoluted thinking- straying from KISS.

It seems everything is an esoteric endeavor- WTF? No. It isn't. I read, quite some time ago, what a true intellectual is, (and no, I'm not claiming I am, so just STFU and read). A true intellectual makes the complicated seem simple. A pseudo-intellecual makes the simple appear complicated- esoteric as it were- why? What is to be gained by pretending to be something you aren't, unless of course, there is an agenda. There is also the fake it til you make it thought- hmmmm- there is some truth in that. But, at some point one has to realize making it (depending on what it is) ain't really all it's cracked up to be- especially when you become the butt of jokes- like the msm is- not to mention the inhabitants (to be polite) in the District of Criminals, ALL of them- not just some-

Why do voters emulate the offenders? I don't get it- KISS- it ain't rocket science.

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