Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

  • Yes

  • No

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Not really. There are 600 or so visitors who see these threads every hour who know the deal.

You were wrong and posted something totally off point. Your posts lack any level of credibility to be taken as true debate.

Fact remains you can not lawfully assault people for words absent a clear and present ability to inflict harm such as brandishing a gun or other weapon.

Or risk lethal self-defensive actions.

Ask Treyvon, Mike Brown or McGlocklin
You were forced to defend your assertion, you got smarmy, then you got smacked down. That fact won't change.

The point is this: was the shooter justified in murdering a man who struck him for verbally abusing his wife then stepped offering no further threat to the mean. In mitigation, even the man had been convicted of assault and battery, the judge probably would have entered a conviction but no penalty.
You were forced to defend your assertion, you got smarmy, then you got smacked down. That fact won't change.

The point is this: was the shooter justified in murdering a man who struck him for verbally abusing his wife then stepped offering no further threat to the mean. In mitigation, even the man had been convicted of assault and battery, the judge probably would have entered a conviction but no penalty.

The man effectuated lawful lethal self-defense within the bookends of the law according to the Chief Law Enforcement Officer and investigators of Pinellas County. Who also offered a categorical step by step summary of the relevant law and how the shooters actions specifically fell within his claim of lawful self-defense. A claim so certain and well-supported for the shooter by the cops it had to be coordinated with the State Attorney.

I defend my assertion with pride and joy every time.
And that will be reviewed despite your pride and joy.

Have a good evening. It's Dodgers baseball!
You were forced to defend your assertion, you got smarmy, then you got smacked down. That fact won't change.

The point is this: was the shooter justified in murdering a man who struck him for verbally abusing his wife then stepped offering no further threat to the mean. In mitigation, even the man had been convicted of assault and battery, the judge probably would have entered a conviction but no penalty.

You have no idea what the shooter said to the wife. He was well within his rights to talk to her about the fact they should not have parked in the handicap spot....the news has had reports on that down here...many people do it and this citizen was bold enough to tell the lady that. they should not be parking in a handicap spot.
Thee is no evidence the shooter verbally abused the girlfriend.

To murder is a legal term and there is no relevancy for that term in this case. What is relevant is that the shooter was justified to use deadly force based on the florida law of self defense backed up by the stand your ground law.

It all happened very quickly as pointed out by the police investigator. It is true and you will see if you watch the video the black guy did take a step backward a mili-second before he got shot. No case can be made that the shooter was aware of that. The shooter said he was in fear of his life and he had every right to be....certainly a reasonable fear in this case. He was assaulted as in knocked to the ground and had no way of knowing what the black guy might do next. He was on the ground and easy prey if the black guy wanted to continue the assault as in kick him in the head or whatever.

In hindsight everything is always 20/20 however in the real world when cases of assault like this happen.... one is forced to make decisions very quickly or their life may be taken from them or they may suffer grievious bodily harm. The law of self defense exists to protect the innocent as in to enable them to defend themselves in a legal manner and with the use of deadly force if they reasonably believe their life is in danger or that they may suffer grievious bodily harm.

The big mistake in this case was made by the deceased black guy. He rushed out of the store and without bothering to find out what was going on commitdted assault. When he exited the store all he saw was a older white man talking to his girlfriend. Is that any excuse for assaulting the man...of course not. He made a terrible and tragic mistake by doing that and it cost him his life. Case closed. no further comments needed.
this guy had a pistol
..you can't go around telling people what to do or not do---now tell me what you would do if someone without authority told you, that you:
went through a red light,
did not stop at a stop sign,
your grass needs to be cut, etc etc-
'''hey--you didn't stop at that stop sign''
'''hey, hey you, you went through that red light''
-I would tell the guy to get moving/FOff/etc ..FU!!!
..the guy with the pistol--even without one--is not authority and should've just taken a pic/etc if he was so upset about it

...the victim OBVIOUSLY was not attacking/not about to attack when the guy pulled out his pistol = unjustified shooting
...even the police give warnings to ''drop the gun''/''get down'' before shooting if possible
this guy had a pistol
..you can't go around telling people what to do or not do---now tell me what you would do if someone without authority told you, that you:
went through a red light,
did not stop at a stop sign,
your grass needs to be cut, etc etc-
'''hey--you didn't stop at that stop sign''
'''hey, hey you, you went through that red light''
-I would tell the guy to get moving/FOff/etc ..FU!!!
..the guy with the pistol--even without one--is not authority and should've just taken a pic/etc if he was so upset about it

...the victim OBVIOUSLY was not attacking/not about to attack when the guy pulled out his pistol = unjustified shooting
...even the police give warnings to ''drop the gun''/''get down'' before shooting if possible

Can anyone say incoherent? Prejudicial? Biased and cannot even get the facts of case correct. Absolute malarky in a nutshell.

As a citizen you have the right to make a citizen's arrest if you see someone violating the law. There is no evidence that the shooter was attempting to make a citizen's arrest thought it would have been legal if he had done so. From all the evidence it appears the shooter was just telling the woman that they should not have parked in a handicapped spot. Nothing illegal about that. He had every right to tell her that, as in, Perfectly legal.

Yes, the guy had a concealed weapon and he had a permit to have one. Again, perfectly legal. Folks we are a nation of laws...it would behoove some on this thread to know what the law is regarding self defense.

The victim committed assault, by knocking the white guy to the ground. You seem not even to know that???
..you can't go around telling people what to do or not do---now tell me what you would do if someone without authority told you, that you:
went through a red light,
did not stop at a stop sign,
your grass needs to be cut, etc etc-
'''hey--you didn't stop at that stop sign''
'''hey, hey you, you went through that red light''

First two examples I am in my car = keep driving.

The grass example is on my property = find out what the issue through the closed locked door (armed). I dont open my door for strangers. Call cops

In every case I would not assault the person complaining about my actions
..you can't go around telling people what to do or not do---now tell me what you would do if someone without authority told you, that you:
went through a red light,
did not stop at a stop sign,
your grass needs to be cut, etc etc-
'''hey--you didn't stop at that stop sign''
'''hey, hey you, you went through that red light''

First two examples I am in my car = keep driving.

The grass example is on my property = find out what the issue through the closed locked door (armed). I dont open my door for strangers. Call cop

In every case I would not assault the person complaining about my actions
bullshit!!!!most males would tell the guy to FOff
most humans do not like to be told they did something wrong--even by cops!!!!!!
what if he followed you till you stopped and got out??
what if you parked illegally and someone kept bugging you about it??
you shouldn't give a FK about parking there because---you parked there
so someone telling you were wrong would piss you off
this guy had a pistol
..you can't go around telling people what to do or not do---now tell me what you would do if someone without authority told you, that you:
went through a red light,
did not stop at a stop sign,
your grass needs to be cut, etc etc-
'''hey--you didn't stop at that stop sign''
'''hey, hey you, you went through that red light''
-I would tell the guy to get moving/FOff/etc ..FU!!!
..the guy with the pistol--even without one--is not authority and should've just taken a pic/etc if he was so upset about it

...the victim OBVIOUSLY was not attacking/not about to attack when the guy pulled out his pistol = unjustified shooting
...even the police give warnings to ''drop the gun''/''get down'' before shooting if possible

Can anyone say incoherent? Prejudicial? Biased and cannot even get the facts of case correct. Absolute malarky in a nutshell.

As a citizen you have the right to make a citizen's arrest if you see someone violating the law. There is no evidence that the shooter was attempting to make a citizen's arrest thought it would have been legal if he had done so. From all the evidence it appears the shooter was just telling the woman that they should not have parked in a handicapped spot. Nothing illegal about that. He had every right to tell her that, as in, Perfectly legal.

Yes, the guy had a concealed weapon and he had a permit to have one. Again, perfectly legal. Folks we are a nation of laws...it would behoove some on this thread to know what the law is regarding self defense.

The victim committed assault, by knocking the white guy to the ground. You seem not even to know that???
this is just like Zimmerman--someone with a pistol going out of there way for something VERY trivial
..no--fuck that idiot--he knew he had a pistol and went to talk shit
if someone did that to me, I'd tell them to FOff very blatantly --as most people would
when you have a weapon, you have to go out of your way NOT to start shit
this is starting shit for NO reason
I ask how many here--how many of you have confronted someone over illegal parking???!!!?????
NONE of you--right??--meaning this guy is an idiot
that's what's different/odd/etc
MOST people do not make a big deal out of illegal parking
that's what's different/odd/etc
MOST people do not make a big deal out of illegal parking

Not relevant. As has been pointed out--in America if you see someone violating the law you are legally entitled to make a citizens arrest. Though in this case there is no evidence the shooter was attempting to make a citizens arrest. He was just talking to the woman and telling her they should not have parked in the handicap spot. Entirely legal behavior.
bullshit!!!!most males would tell the guy to FOff
most humans do not like to be told they did something wrong--even by cops!!!!!!
what if he followed you till you stopped and got out??
what if you parked illegally and someone kept bugging you about it??
you shouldn't give a FK about parking there because---you parked there
so someone telling you were wrong would piss you off

Until someone put their hands on me I would not engage.
I ask how many here--how many of you have confronted someone over illegal parking???!!!?????
NONE of you--right??--meaning this guy is an idiot

You need to take a course in logic...as in what you are saying is totally illogical. Some people when they see other people doing something illegal will confront them. And, that is perfectly wihin their right to do so. What the majirity might do in a case like this means nothing as in no relevance to this case.
this guy had a pistol
..you can't go around telling people what to do or not do---now tell me what you would do if someone without authority told you, that you:
went through a red light,
did not stop at a stop sign,
your grass needs to be cut, etc etc-
'''hey--you didn't stop at that stop sign''
'''hey, hey you, you went through that red light''
-I would tell the guy to get moving/FOff/etc ..FU!!!
..the guy with the pistol--even without one--is not authority and should've just taken a pic/etc if he was so upset about it

...the victim OBVIOUSLY was not attacking/not about to attack when the guy pulled out his pistol = unjustified shooting
...even the police give warnings to ''drop the gun''/''get down'' before shooting if possible

Can anyone say incoherent? Prejudicial? Biased and cannot even get the facts of case correct. Absolute malarky in a nutshell.

As a citizen you have the right to make a citizen's arrest if you see someone violating the law. There is no evidence that the shooter was attempting to make a citizen's arrest thought it would have been legal if he had done so. From all the evidence it appears the shooter was just telling the woman that they should not have parked in a handicapped spot. Nothing illegal about that. He had every right to tell her that, as in, Perfectly legal.

Yes, the guy had a concealed weapon and he had a permit to have one. Again, perfectly legal. Folks we are a nation of laws...it would behoove some on this thread to know what the law is regarding self defense.

The victim committed assault, by knocking the white guy to the ground. You seem not even to know that???
this is just like Zimmerman--someone with a pistol going out of there way for something VERY trivial
..no--fuck that idiot--he knew he had a pistol and went to talk shit
if someone did that to me, I'd tell them to FOff very blatantly --as most people would
when you have a weapon, you have to go out of your way NOT to start shit
this is starting shit for NO reason

You can legally carry a concealed weapon if you have a permit to do so. The shooter had a permit and he was perfectly within the law to have the weapon. There are no stipulations under the law that if you are armed you must go out of your way to do anything. BTW this guy had every right to tell the woman they should not have parked in the handicap spot. The Shooter did nothing illegal, nothing whatsoever. The black guy however comitted assault and he had been arrested for assault before this incident.

No one should think they are entitled to just walk up and knock someone to the ground for talking to your g/f.

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