Just so we are clear. California using the wrong pronoun is more egregious than passing AIDS.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

People can now be sent to prison for using the wrong pronouns based on what someone PREFERS. Somehow, you are supposed to know what someone prefers.

Yes, knowingly (key is KNOWINGLY) passing AIDS onto someone is no longer a real crime. Oh, don't worry. The rich AIDS people will be fine, since the AIDS drugs that you would need to take would ONLY cost $2000, to $5000 dollars a month.

So, Hollywood will be fine. That is the real issue, right? Right!?

Cant we seriously decide to kick California out? That is what they want. Extend the wall, take away ALL of their finsancial aid, let it burn to the fucking ground. I would take real honest to God pleasure watching that pathetic state burn. Also, ban any entrance of ANY Hollywood asshole from entering.
What are the Prog talking points on this?

Have you guys gotten your emails from your leaders, yet?
What are the Prog talking points on this?

Have you guys gotten your emails from your leaders, yet?
After reading what media matters and maddow tells them to say, their reaction will be something.....like this.

Calling someone by the wrong pronoun can land you in jail for a year, but it's perfectly fine to knowingly infect someone with the AIDS virus.


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