Just paid $25 for a late breakfast at Denny’s- how can anybody still support the lockdowns and printing of trillions of dollars that caused this ?

Those new prices are baked in and won't be reduced significantly no matter which party is in power. There is a neo-Marxist junta in place in DC that has infiltrated most of our agencies and is aided by a complicit media apparatus. The America I was born into in 1960 is over. The ONLY way to return our Constitutional Republic will be through revolution and the Left nearly has full control over our military as well. When next year's election is rife with the same kinds of problems that 2020 had, we are on our way to chaos.
Well, I’m still optimistic for a bright future. And I don’t think it’s going to be necessary to have a revolution.

But your point is noted I mean, if people are willing to pay the price, why would a company lower the price. But it all started with the politicians, including Democrats and Republicans agreeing to the lockdowns and the stimulus money. That started everything sort of snowball effect.

We just need to go back to how things were back in the day. Patriotism is at an all-time low in this country country and that’s a problem.
paying for groceries and going out to eat are two different things,, so which one do you want to talk about??

as for this thread,, the cost was so high because you gave triple the tip,, so why do we need to hear you complain when its your fault the bill was so high??

as child we never went out to eat because we never had the money and that was the late 60s and eaarly 70s,, so how is today dofferent than back then??

beings the poor will always be among us there will always be people that cant afford to go out to eat,,, let alone leave a big tip like you did,,
OK with respect you’re not reading the posts. The prices at the restaurant before tip are astronomical. Do you see the price of a grand slam was considerably less 3 years ago compared to now

It’s not reasonable for a sub at Subway to cost more than $12 today when not too long ago You had the five dollar foot-long.

Grocery prices are astronomical as well.
Median family income last year (obviously higher now) was $92,750 so a meal a Denny's costs them maybe 90 minutes of work?
Yet 60% of young men in America are single. And their wages are not keeping up with inflation. So you have a lot of single households iow more like tiny apartments or young adults living with their parents across the country. That’s a problem we didn’t have in the past. Also a study recently said by 2030 40% of young women will be single and without a child so it’s going to be affecting both people. So that’s going to affect the statistics you talk about above.

You see it’s not just going out to eat, it’s the cost of living in this country that is astronomical compared to what it was just three years ago. These used to be things that traditional Democrats tackled, but they’re too busy talking nonsense about race relations or foreign wars. Perhaps a distraction from our bad economy today

Consider one thing for example, the price of a home being 50 to 100% more in cost today compared to under Donald Trump. So there is nothing normal or good about our economy under Joe Biden today. And I don’t even believe in playing politics I’ll vote for the best candidate. I’m a traditional democrat in the mold of jfk and I will vote for Donald Trump again in 24 because we had a better economy under him.
OK with respect you’re not reading the posts. The prices at the restaurant before tip are astronomical. Do you see the price of a grand slam was considerably less 3 years ago compared to now

It’s not reasonable for a sub at Subway to cost more than $12 today when not too long ago You had the five dollar foot-long.

Grocery prices are astronomical as well.
well I have spoken to those 3 times,,

other than the coffee I see no problems with the prices,,

the super slam has a lot of food that most people wont finish and then you had pie,,

you would have been better to use home alone for an example of high prices than what you did,,

and if you think dennys is high you should stay away from the higher end breakfast plases like big bisquit, first watch or a few others I dont go to,,
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No doubt a "superslam" breakfast is a lot more than just coffee and toast. At less than ten bucks it sounds like a good deal.
It would be an OK deal if the sausage links and bacon were up to par. But they are tiny. They only give you two eggs. Of course with the coffee and substituted pancakes The price went up by six dollars to over $16 before tax and tip.

But again brother the cost of the same meal was less than five dollars not too long ago. Throw in the coffee and substitute of pancakes and maybe it’s a few dollars more certainly not $16 though.
Millions of Americans are employed by the restaurant industry. Somebody has to support it.
Why? I can cook. Unless I am away from home and starved and don't expect to be home anytime soon, I don't need to eat out. I've gone days without food. One exception might be if I want to go somewhere just for the festivity with a group or because they make something I like that I can't make myself. The other exception is because I'm too lazy to make a lunch and take it with me and so, eat out at lunch while at work.

And I rarely go out to eat.
Last time I ate out was two years ago and I was furious. Not only was the food far below that which I had there previously, but the price was insane. In the final analysis, I could have eaten better for half the cost had I just thawed out a box of frozen fish sticks.

Lot of people in America just don’t know any better and they get robbed
Now you are onto something. Most people don't know any better and just live by the axiom that "this is what things cost now." Wouldn't be the first time I blew up in a restaurant and chewed them out for the quality and prices of their food, I dunno, maybe I'm just crazy, but I know what restaurants pay for stuff and I know the cost of running a business, so all that's left is the skill. If I'm going to go out, I'll go somewhere with a master chef and pay a premium price for absolutely delectable stuff he specializes in.
$ 16.00 for breakfast for one person is ridiculous.

Wasn’t that long ago Dennys had biscuits,gravy and eggs for $4.00.
its 5 dollars now,,

of course things are getting more expensive,, but his complaint is 25 bucks and he gave triple the tip,,

other than 369 for coffee I dont see a problem with the prices,, other places are far higher for that much food,,,,
Hmm. Restaurants buy that stuff in a large volume usually from a restaurant food supply depot at far lower cost than you'll ever see in a supermarket, I know, because I belong to such a place. I just checked my local supermarket where the common riff raff shop everyday and based on just buying a dozen large eggs and one pack of breakfast links, an egg would cost me about 14¢ each and the links 21¢ each and I didn't even try to swing a deal.

So my guess is that if a restaurant serves you two eggs, a couple of pancakes, a couple of slices of toast and a cup of coffee, they are out about 40 cents out of pocket. Add a couple sausage links or a few strips of bacon, then make it about 60-70 cents. The rest is overhead: labor, rent, utilities and profit.
Very well said. it’s an excellent point made by you.

And by the way, I did not get toast included with my meal. It was two pancakes, two eggs, two pieces of bacon and two pieces of sausage. The sausage and bacon were very small. And it was $10 for that, including an additional three dollars for substituted pancakes and another $3.70 for coffee.

I think what we have going on Here is a combination of corporate greed and the effects of the lockdowns. Now we would not have the former without having the ladder in the first place. If they’re never would have been man-made lockdowns because of a fake virus printing of trillions of dollars and stimulus checks…. literally giving people $1000 a week to not go to work to sit at home and do nothing. If that kind of thing would not have happened we would not be where we are at today and what we have today are astronomical home prices, and a very noticeable Raise in the prices of going out to eat or shopping at a grocery market.

I suppose there are still still a few local Mom and pop shops that have reasonable prices when it comes to breakfast. few and far between it seems like
It was $24.18 total including tip. I tipped six dollars and so that was the total.

But again, what some of the people are not understanding is the price of the food itself was much lower during the Trump administration compared to now.

So the combination of the stimulus money but more importantly, perhaps the lockdowns iow forcing people to stay inside their homes caused this economic downturn we’re dealing with right now. Who would’ve ever thought we would see this in America. People getting paid $1000 a week in “stimulus “ to not work to sit at home. And it went on for almost a year.

Of course, right when the fake virus took off you had people hoarding supplies. Remember that the disgraceful behavior of some Americans to buy up a bunch of paper towels or toilet paper and then sell them online for astronomical prices. Behavior and is against Christianity and that was also part of the problem. Of course, this caused the prices of goods to increase in many of these supply chains and companies have simply kept the prices high because people are willing to pay for it. And so it’s the peoples fault for paying such high prices.

Like for example I don’t pay $150 per tire for my four-door sedan at Mr. Goodyear. I’ll get tires for about $100 apiece from a guy I know and he will install them and do my mechanical work for much less than these places like Mr. Tire or Mr. Goodyear.

You got these major corporations in this country, utterly robbing people blind, and on top of it, all, they pay a shit wage to their employees

I wish it was the 1950s when employees and employers were incredible. Look at all the trouble we have today.
Ah, back in the days where people actually worked for a living.
Very well said. it’s an excellent point made by you.

I think what we have going on. Here is a combination of corporate greed and the effects of the lockdowns. Now we would not have the former without having the ladder in the first place. If they’re never would have been man-made lockdowns, because of a fake virus printing of trillions of dollars and stimulus checks literally giving people $1000 a week to not go to work to sit at home and do nothing. If that kind of thing would not have happened we would not be where we are at today and what we have today, our astronomical, home prices, and a very noticeable Raise in the prices of going out to eat or shopping at a grocery market.

I suppose there are still still a few local Mom and pop shops that have reasonable prices when it comes to breakfast. Perhaps soon far between though.
buying at bulk isnt as cheap as you think it is,, at best maybe 15-20% savings,,

the benifit comes with consistancy of product along with bulk and delivery,,

my wifes brother has 25 resturants across the west side of the country,,
My sausage links and bacon were much smaller than pictured above.

Not too long ago that pictured would’ve cost five or six dollars. Now it is $10 plus the orange juice is probably another two dollars if not three dollars.

Also Most people get coffee with their breakfast so go ahead and add on $3.50 to that and most people also might want to get blueberry pancakes or chocolate pancakes. Go ahead and add another three dollars onto that.

Corporate greed, and the government giving us the lockdowns raised the prices. It’s ridiculous and only a slave would say “oh it’s totally fine shut up and pay the money for the meal and get your 5th Covid jab after”

No way man this is America. This isn’t how things were back in the day.
Not too long ago that would’ve cost five or six dollars. Most people get coffee with their breakfast so go ahead and add on $3.50 to that and most people also might want to get blueberry pancakes or chocolate pancakes. Go ahead and add another three dollars onto that.

Corporate greed, and the government giving us the lockdowns raised the prices. It’s ridiculous and only a slave would say “oh it’s totally fine shut up and pay the money for the meal and get your 5th Covid jab after”

No way man this is America. This isn’t how things were back in the day.
heres the example you want to use to talk about high food costs,,

in 50 yrs there will be old men complaining that this isnt the way it was back in the day,,
And by the way, I did not get toast included with my meal. It was two pancakes, two eggs, two pieces of bacon and two pieces of sausage. The sausage and bacon were very small. And it was $10 for that, including an additional three dollars for substituted pancakes and another $3.70 for coffee.
I'm just curious WHY you had to go to Breakfast.......By Yourself.
No Friends or Family?


Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 5.35.05 PM.png
We can all agree that we are going through a very difficult time economically. Under the Biden administration one of the worst economies in American history. The wealthiest, billionaires and millionaires don’t get affected, but this has a huge effect on the middle-class who can’t afford a home. We can only hope as American patriots that things get better in the future and I think with the American spirit we will have a comeback.
heres the example you want to use to talk about high food costs,,

in 50 yrs there will be old men complaining that this isnt the way it was back in the day,,
Can’t be the case. If it wasn’t for the lockdowns, we would not have astronomical prices today.

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