Just paid $25 for a late breakfast at Denny’s- how can anybody still support the lockdowns and printing of trillions of dollars that caused this ?

He said he was a good tipper...btw, if he tipped $5, that would be closer to 25 than 20.
It was $24.18 total including tip. I tipped six dollars and so that was the total.

But again, what some of the people are not understanding is the price of the food itself was much lower during the Trump administration compared to now.

So the combination of the stimulus money but more importantly, perhaps the lockdowns iow forcing people to stay inside their homes caused this economic downturn we’re dealing with right now. Who would’ve ever thought we would see this in America. People getting paid $1000 a week in “stimulus “ to not work to sit at home. And it went on for almost a year.

Of course, right when the fake virus took off you had people hoarding supplies. Remember that the disgraceful behavior of some Americans to buy up a bunch of paper towels or toilet paper and then sell them online for astronomical prices. Behavior and is against Christianity and that was also part of the problem. Of course, this caused the prices of goods to increase in many of these supply chains and companies have simply kept the prices high because people are willing to pay for it. And so it’s the peoples fault for paying such high prices.

Like for example I don’t pay $150 per tire for my four-door sedan at Mr. Goodyear. I’ll get tires for about $100 apiece from a guy I know and he will install them and do my mechanical work for much less than these places like Mr. Tire or Mr. Goodyear.

You got these major corporations in this country, utterly robbing people blind, and on top of it, all, they pay a shit wage to their employees

I wish it was the 1950s when employees and employers were incredible. Look at all the trouble we have today.
Its been years since the last time that I went to a Denny's. What does the Super Slam consist of?

God bless you always!!!

I got two pancakes, two eggs, two very small portions of sausage links, and bacon. The pancakes were pretty big, but the bacon and sausage were tiny.

It was good, but I paid extra because I also got the cinnamon pancakes. Probably filled with sugar lol.

Also, my 1st cup of coffee was cold so they threw it out. Gave me a new one. So apparently they don’t care about wasting coffee, even though they charge astronomical money for a cup of coffee.

I saw at the other table was a couple with three children. I can’t imagine how they’re affording this kind of price.
Shoulda just made your own Super Slam and coffee at home.

You chose to spend that much.
I usually usually make my own breakfast. I’ll have three sausage patties and a bagel. I’ll put in the air fryer.

I get six bagels for about three dollars and 50 cents

But you go to a place like Dunkin’ Donuts or Tim Hortons? You’re spending $1.50 -2$ on one bagel. How does that work out.

I mean I want to support the restaurants in this country. We had it so much better back in the day you know the 1940s you had a great jobs in this country and then after a hard day work, a man would take his family out to a restaurant and leave a nice tip. Things were affordable back in those days, and we had a hell of a lot more patriotism
It was $24.18 total including tip. I tipped six dollars and so that was the total.

But again, what some of the people are not understanding is the price of the food itself was much lower during the Trump administration compared to now.

So the combination of the stimulus money but more importantly, perhaps the lockdowns iow forcing people to stay inside their homes caused this economic downturn we’re dealing with right now. Who would’ve ever thought we would see this in America. People getting paid $1000 a week in “stimulus “ to not work to sit at home. And it went on for almost a year.

Of course, right when the fake virus took off you had people hoarding supplies. Remember that the disgraceful behavior of some Americans to buy up a bunch of paper towels or toilet paper and then sell them online for astronomical prices. Behavior and is against Christianity and that was also part of the problem. Of course, this caused the prices of goods to increase in many of these supply chains and companies have simply kept the prices high because people are willing to pay for it. And so it’s the peoples fault for paying such high prices.

Like for example I don’t pay $150 per tire for my four-door sedan at Mr. Goodyear. I’ll get tires for about $100 apiece from a guy I know and he will install them and do my mechanical work for much less than these places like Mr. Tire or Mr. Goodyear.

You got these major corporations in this country, utterly robbing people blind, and on top of it, all, they pay a shit wage to their employees

I wish it was the 1950s when employees and employers were incredible. Look at all the trouble we have today.
Bbbbut, bbbbut, bbbbut, Pedo Joe said if I made less than $400K, my taxes wouldn't go up. Let's see--Grand Slam in 2018--$6 ($0.36 tax @ 6%). Grand Slam in 2023--$10 ($0.60 tax @ 6%) That's a tax increase of 4%--not counting the inflation increase of the breakfast that was brought on by Bidenomics.
So the combination of the stimulus money but more importantly, perhaps the lockdowns iow forcing people to stay inside their homes caused this economic downturn we’re dealing with right now. Who would’ve ever thought we would see this in America. People getting paid $1000 a week in “stimulus “ to not work to sit at home. And it went on for almost a year.

That was all in 2020 under Trump.
So you just want to dismiss that he said he tips well? As I said, not everyone is as cheap as you.
I’m inspired by a man like this, who gives all praise to Jesus

And there’s plenty of other people on this board who tipped way more than me. They’re doing the right thing. It’s very pro American.
so you just want to dismiss it was his choice to make the bill 25 bucks and then goes on line and whines like a little bitch for something he created??

other than 3.69 for coffee I dont see any problem with the bill,,
it was his tip that jacked the price up,,

I tipped our waitress 20 bucks the last time we went out and the bill was only 23 bucks,,

I didnt go on line and whine about a 43 dollar bill,,
Your intentionally misrepresenting what people say or you simply don’t read peoples posts.

Many families in America cannot afford to go out to eat, and they are making choices between putting gas in their car and paying for groceries. That’s not complaining. It is the degradation of American society and it’s a disgrace. It was man-made it was created by politicians and suits giving us the lockdowns. So locking us down was anti-American and it gave us inflation…. people have every right to bring it up and discuss it and figure out ways to bring American values back.

That said, good job on tipping well keep it up.
Many families in America cannot afford to go out to eat, and they are making choices between putting gas in their car and paying for groceries.
And those SAME people couldn't afford it under previous administrations.
Poor is Poor.
They didn't just become POOR in the last 3 years.
That was all in 2020 under an overwhelmingly democrat congress that controlled the purse strings, moron. Maybe you ought to learn how the branches work.

I suppose you were in grade school learning about the branches of government at the time.

Well, you see, that $9.99 Super Slam, a few years ago a meal like that went for more like $3.69. And coffee went for $1.69. I mean, eggs are 10¢ apiece, pancakes are nothing to make and sausages cost little. Coffee is just flavored water.

But you paid it. So as long as they can sell that for $10, they will charge $10. Guess that's why I almost never eat out anymore.
Millions of Americans are employed by the restaurant industry. Somebody has to support it. And I rarely go out to eat.

You see I agree with you though I have a mechanic as I’ve said another posts and I’ve saved thousands of dollars when it comes to car repairs. Lot of people in America just don’t know any better and they get robbed the led by places like Mr. Goodyear, Mr. Tire when they go and get a tire patched up to a flat tire. When there’s a nail stuck in their tire, they pay $35 to get it patched up when it would be free if they simply knew somebody or if they knew somebody and could give them 10 bucks or something.

When we are talking about, increases and prices in America, because of the lockdowns due to the fake virus. You’re talking about things like Las Vegas, Disneyland, groceries, the restaurant, industry, and every basic cost of living. So you can throw in vacations and basic costs of living that are necessary like eating food. Everything’s up in price and it’s really hurting the middle-class in this country. It’s disgraceful it was all man-made. Never had to happen. Now we had to figure out how to climb out of it.
And those SAME people couldn't afford it under previous administrations.
Poor is Poor.
They didn't just become POOR in the last 3 years.
Hey brother, that’s not the case. Yes there have always been poor people in America but the point is undeniable …things are much more difficult now for even the middle-class compared to how it was under the Trump administration.

Because of the man-made lockdowns in 2020 by Republicans and Democrats people were priced out of going out to eat when they could go out to eat three years ago. That’s simply what the number say. We’re talking about increases in price of homes, gas, groceries, vacations, anything you name and you’re gonna see an increase in price.

try and get a hotel in Las Vegas you’re talking about paying 1.5 times If not double what you would’ve paid under the Trump administration.

We’re not even gonna talk about the price of homes man. The prices of homes are out of control in this country when just three years ago it was much more accessible to the middle class.
This ^^^^ is some type of a reward or honor for you?
You are tedious and dry as dust.
You are almost there old man.
Topic Winnie, You left it four posts ago when you resorted to public school playground games. Please mature and return to the topic. Your last on-topic post was:
Four Slams for $40.
Plus tip and tax.
$55 for 4.
Drink Water.
Your intentionally misrepresenting what people say or you simply don’t read peoples posts.

Many families in America cannot afford to go out to eat, and they are making choices between putting gas in their car and paying for groceries. That’s not complaining. It is the degradation of American society and it’s a disgrace. It was man-made it was created by politicians and suits giving us the lockdowns. So locking us down was anti-American and it gave us inflation…. people have every right to bring it up and discuss it and figure out ways to bring American values back.

That said, good job on tipping well keep it up.
paying for groceries and going out to eat are two different things,, so which one do you want to talk about??

as for this thread,, the cost was so high because you gave triple the tip,, so why do we need to hear you complain when its your fault the bill was so high??

as child we never went out to eat because we never had the money and that was the late 60s and eaarly 70s,, so how is today dofferent than back then??

beings the poor will always be among us there will always be people that cant afford to go out to eat,,, let alone leave a big tip like you did,,
I suppose you were in grade school learning about the branches of government at the time.

Try again. Trump signed the bills that were presented to him by the DEMOCRAT congress under threat of a gov't shut down.

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