Just in time economy becoming a problem.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2019
You will have to forgive me as I do not recall who it was exactly that noted how big of a problem this is where the current economic issues are concerned. I did hit like but I saw no one else even comment on it.

People want to blame all of our problems on politicians and it's not that they don't deserve a lot of blame for lots of things but it was business that instituted "just in time". Just in time was one thing that led me to get things in order so I could retire early a few years ago.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
You will have to forgive me as I do not recall who it was exactly that noted how big of a problem this is where the current economic issues are concerned. I did hit like but I saw no one else even comment on it.

People want to blame all of our problems on politicians and it's not that they don't deserve a lot of blame for lots of things but it was business that instituted "just in time". Just in time was one thing that led me to get things in order so I could retire early a few years ago.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

It isn't just that. Part of it also is also that Wall Street businesses really do take economies of scale to their extreme limits.
Some manufacturers do warehouse a lot before a union contract comes up for renewal to help keep product flowing if there is a strike (and to break the strike by keeping products moving around them). Other than that, not keeping a lot of warehouses makes sense economically, but only until nothing goes wrong.
Some manufacturers do warehouse a lot before a union contract comes up for renewal to help keep product flowing if there is a strike (and to break the strike by keeping products moving around them). Other than that, not keeping a lot of warehouses makes sense economically, but only until nothing goes wrong.

Only as long as the theoretical models work as they are supposed to in theory. As we see often, they do not.
Proof that Biden can fix things.

Are you serious???the first thing he did was cancel the pipeline and made drilling and fracking on public land illegal....and now he has to beg OPEC for more oil....that alone has harmed the economy....

Totally off topic so I will not reply after this to this BUT that has NOTHING to do with Just in Time so if you do not understand the issue the best thing to do is remain on the sidelines but I never did understand why if we were self sufficient as Trump said we need Canadian oil.
Totally off topic so I will not reply after this to this BUT that has NOTHING to do with Just in Time so if you do not understand the issue the best thing to do is remain on the sidelines but I never did understand why if we were self sufficient as Trump said we need Canadian oil.
Biden's polling on the economy is below 40%....wake up....
You will have to forgive me as I do not recall who it was exactly that noted how big of a problem this is where the current economic issues are concerned. I did hit like but I saw no one else even comment on it.

People want to blame all of our problems on politicians and it's not that they don't deserve a lot of blame for lots of things but it was business that instituted "just in time". Just in time was one thing that led me to get things in order so I could retire early a few years ago.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
The issue with JIT supply chains is that timing is key to its success. Hence, the name.

The models for this were created and developed out of the necessity of trying to reduce the extreme tax burden that the left has put on businesses. Taxation of large inventories at the end of Fiscal Years demands that a business that creates things, keep its operation as lean as possible. You can learn about it by searching the concept of Lean Six Sigma. To keep productivity and manufacturing at a level to meet the demands of a large population, JIT supply chains are a survival nessecity.

Knowing all that, who would think that the government would be so fucking stupid as to shut down a 4 trillion dollar economy and disrupt the carefully balanced flow of raw materials?

When the economy was shut down, in an effort to meet demand, manufacturers continued to make products until their reserve of raw material was depleted.

Couple that with the fact that the people who supply those raw materials are now in the same boat, and you begin to see the delemma.

Companies can't hire back employees until they can create things, they can't create things until the supply chains are at least partially returned to the normal flow. In additon, there are people who supply these chains who are not returning to work.

It comes down to a catch 22. You can't make a widget without the material the widget is made of, but the people who mine the widget material can't start mining until they get the necessary supplies for their process.

Top it off with high paid lazy fucks in our ports who are playing games, and it is no wonder we have the problems we have.

The JIT supply model works very well and it is the most efficient model to service 8 billion people.

As long as you don't cut the engine driving it.

THAT is how the government fucked this all up.


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