Just how dangerous is Ted Cruz?

It is interesting to see these hate threads. Because that's what they are. Whoever the Left thinks might be a presidential contender, their first impulse is to slander him. He's Joe McCarthy. He's George Bush. He's Adolph Hitler.
Tells me the left is crapping their pants at the prospect of Ted running. And before some asshat says they relish it because he's way to the right to get elected, they said exactly the same thing about Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.

Cruz enjoys pulling the wings off of flies and stealing walkers from little old ladies
Here is a synopsis of the article.

Ted Cruz is a conservative. He is also a Republican Senator. There are a lot of conservative Republicans in Congress. He made a speech praising another Republican Senator who is not as conservative as he is. This makes him a lying sleezebag who is trying to destroy America.

The End.

Cruz made a speech praising Jessie Helms, an avowed racist.

Nothing he did in congress was anything more than trying to bring apartheid into this country. That was the beginning and end to Jessie Helms.

What Cruz did was to assure that the "minority" vote will not be in the GOP column for quite some time.

And as such..congrats.

Glad he's with the GOP.
Here is a synopsis of the article.

Ted Cruz is a conservative. He is also a Republican Senator. There are a lot of conservative Republicans in Congress. He made a speech praising another Republican Senator who is not as conservative as he is. This makes him a lying sleezebag who is trying to destroy America.

The End.

Cruz made a speech praising Jessie Helms, an avowed racist.

Nothing he did in congress was anything more than trying to bring apartheid into this country. That was the beginning and end to Jessie Helms.

What Cruz did was to assure that the "minority" vote will not be in the GOP column for quite some time.

And as such..congrats.

Glad he's with the GOP.

This is what Jindal called being the party of stupid. Embracing Joe McCarthy and Jesse Helms while pursuing the 2016 GOP nomination soils the whole party
There's a perfect example of the level of intelligent discourse we've come to expect....:eek:

I am just warning America

As a child, Ted Cruz liked to push little girls off the swings. He even stole Pee Wee Hermans bicycle

Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?

Do you deny that Pee Wees bicycle was stolen?
Do you deny that Ted Cruz may have been the mastermind?

You are dumber than you look

Ted Cruz is dangerous
...not so good at getting in the trenches and learning how to work with a team.

'Cuz what we need is more team players, more compromise...it's not like that approach has gotten us 17 trillion dollars into debt or anything...:cuckoo:

You'll have to talk to the Republicans about that, they created most of the debt.

Yes, I know - you have a spin that says the opposite. :lol:

Bullshit. No one party created this mountain of debt, both did. Your bias is overwhelming.
Ted Cruz is dangerous

Care to state in your own words, using logic, reason and specificity, why you believe this to be the case?

Or shall we hear more childish rants from the playground?

Easy.....Ted Cruz is the spawn of the devil, as are all Canadians

He has plans to steal his way into the Presidency at which time he will surrender our great nation to Canada.
Ted Cruz is dangerous

Care to state in your own words, using logic, reason and specificity, why you believe this to be the case?

Or shall we hear more childish rants from the playground?

Easy.....Ted Cruz is the spawn of the devil, as are all Canadians

He has plans to steal his way into the Presidency at which time he will surrender our great nation to Canada.

Thanks for proving my point as to just how childish you are.
Care to state in your own words, using logic, reason and specificity, why you believe this to be the case?

Or shall we hear more childish rants from the playground?

Easy.....Ted Cruz is the spawn of the devil, as are all Canadians

He has plans to steal his way into the Presidency at which time he will surrender our great nation to Canada.

Thanks for proving my point as to just how childish you are.

Thanks for proving you'd rather choke than admit that RW is joking.
Easy.....Ted Cruz is the spawn of the devil, as are all Canadians

He has plans to steal his way into the Presidency at which time he will surrender our great nation to Canada.

Thanks for proving my point as to just how childish you are.

Thanks for proving you'd rather choke than admit that RW is joking.

I'd rather engage in civil discourse about important issues. Not always easy around here. Perhaps you would like to chime in and tell us in your own words exactly why Cruz is dangerous?

The floor is yours.
Thanks for proving my point as to just how childish you are.

Thanks for proving you'd rather choke than admit that RW is joking.

I'd rather engage in civil discourse about important issues. Not always easy around here. Perhaps you would like to chime in and tell us in your own words exactly why Cruz is dangerous?

The floor is yours.

It has apparently escaped your notice, but the floor is not yours to grant.
Thanks for proving you'd rather choke than admit that RW is joking.

I'd rather engage in civil discourse about important issues. Not always easy around here. Perhaps you would like to chime in and tell us in your own words exactly why Cruz is dangerous?

The floor is yours.

It has apparently escaped your notice, but the floor is not yours to grant.

About what we've come to expect. No specificity, no logic, no reason. Keep up the good work...:cuckoo:

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