Just got Shelby Steele's new book SHAME. It is a very important book that exposes how and why the Left creates White Guilt.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The full title is Shame: How America's past sins have polarized the country. It is a great read and Shelby Steele is brilliant at deconstructing how the Left uses America's Past as a weapon that ironically ends up hurting Black people worse than the Racism of the past ever did.
I love Shelby Steele's work. His previous book, titled "White Guilt" was so informative and he linked history to where we are today. Not enough conservative voices like Shelby, who tells it like it is.

He basically says that Blacks have freedom, but do not know how to handle it based on their history. Personal responsibility is not on the radar. Black communities are plagued by a 72% out of wedlock birth rate, little or no focus on education partially caused by pathetic schools in the inner city, a prevalence of gangs and drugs given the lack of male roll models in the home, and the ability to play the race card to get stuff. Whites are petrified of being called racist and blacks use it to their advantage.
From your description, I' d say Steele is right on the money.

Blacks have been trained to whine for ever more free stuff. Why work for a living when whining is so easy and works so well.

"Dear White Progressives; A Word About Being Called A C°°n" ~Jasmyne

Hello. Witness a conservative minded American citizen verbally spank "white progressive" Americans, sharing her belief that "WHITE GUILT" is a mental disease.

☮️ EndHate2021
I love Shelby Steele's work. His previous book, titled "White Guilt" was so informative and he linked history to where we are today. Not enough conservative voices like Shelby, who tells it like it is.

He basically says that Blacks have freedom, but do not know how to handle it based on their history. Personal responsibility is not on the radar. Black communities are plagued by a 72% out of wedlock birth rate, little or no focus on education partially caused by pathetic schools in the inner city, a prevalence of gangs and drugs given the lack of male roll models in the home, and the ability to play the race card to get stuff. Whites are petrified of being called racist and blacks use it to their advantage.
It is unconscionable to me that Blacks look to a Race Pimp like Al Sharpton for leadership and ignore Shelby Steele.
I love Shelby Steele's work. His previous book, titled "White Guilt" was so informative and he linked history to where we are today. Not enough conservative voices like Shelby, who tells it like it is.

He basically says that Blacks have freedom, but do not know how to handle it based on their history. Personal responsibility is not on the radar. Black communities are plagued by a 72% out of wedlock birth rate, little or no focus on education partially caused by pathetic schools in the inner city, a prevalence of gangs and drugs given the lack of male roll models in the home, and the ability to play the race card to get stuff. Whites are petrified of being called racist and blacks use it to their advantage.
Shelby Steele is an idiot accomodationist. His book White Guilt is a joke. But you racists will pay up because he tells you what you want to hear, not what you need to know.
I love Shelby Steele's work. His previous book, titled "White Guilt" was so informative and he linked history to where we are today. Not enough conservative voices like Shelby, who tells it like it is.

He basically says that Blacks have freedom, but do not know how to handle it based on their history. Personal responsibility is not on the radar. Black communities are plagued by a 72% out of wedlock birth rate, little or no focus on education partially caused by pathetic schools in the inner city, a prevalence of gangs and drugs given the lack of male roll models in the home, and the ability to play the race card to get stuff. Whites are petrified of being called racist and blacks use it to their advantage.
It is unconscionable to me that Blacks look to a Race Pimp like Al Sharpton for leadership and ignore Shelby Steele.
Why should we look to Shelby Steele? Because he says what you want to hear about black people? It is unconscionable to me that whites look to a Race Pimp like Shelby Steele then try telling blacks who to listen to..
I love Shelby Steele's work. His previous book, titled "White Guilt" was so informative and he linked history to where we are today. Not enough conservative voices like Shelby, who tells it like it is.

He basically says that Blacks have freedom, but do not know how to handle it based on their history. Personal responsibility is not on the radar. Black communities are plagued by a 72% out of wedlock birth rate, little or no focus on education partially caused by pathetic schools in the inner city, a prevalence of gangs and drugs given the lack of male roll models in the home, and the ability to play the race card to get stuff. Whites are petrified of being called racist and blacks use it to their advantage.
It is unconscionable to me that Blacks look to a Race Pimp like Al Sharpton for leadership and ignore Shelby Steele.
Why should we look to Shelby Steele? Because he says what you want to hear about black people? It is unconscionable to me that whites look to a Race Pimp like Shelby Steele then try telling blacks who to listen to..

I love Shelby Steele's work. His previous book, titled "White Guilt" was so informative and he linked history to where we are today. Not enough conservative voices like Shelby, who tells it like it is.

He basically says that Blacks have freedom, but do not know how to handle it based on their history. Personal responsibility is not on the radar. Black communities are plagued by a 72% out of wedlock birth rate, little or no focus on education partially caused by pathetic schools in the inner city, a prevalence of gangs and drugs given the lack of male roll models in the home, and the ability to play the race card to get stuff. Whites are petrified of being called racist and blacks use it to their advantage.
It is unconscionable to me that Blacks look to a Race Pimp like Al Sharpton for leadership and ignore Shelby Steele.
Why should we look to Shelby Steele? Because he says what you want to hear about black people? It is unconscionable to me that whites look to a Race Pimp like Shelby Steele then try telling blacks who to listen to..
OK keep your ass hanging out of your pants, scoff at education, keep making babies with different mommas, let the gangs continue to mentor your kids, and call those that break the cycle and make something out of themselves "Uncle Toms". Keep buying what Sharpton's selling - the victim mindset. And in 65 years we'll be having the same conversation.
OK keep your ass hanging out of your pants, scoff at education, keep making babies with different mommas, let the gangs continue to mentor your kids, and call those that break the cycle and make something out of themselves "Uncle Toms". Keep buying what Sharpton's selling - the victim mindset. And in 65 years we'll be having the same conversation.
DING DING DING!!! We have another winner Johnny what do we have for the man??? :clap::clap:
Why should we look to Shelby Steele? Because he says what you want to hear about black people? It is unconscionable to me that whites look to a Race Pimp like Shelby Steele then try telling blacks who to listen to..
More ass backward-think from he who believes the Calendar is stuck at 1960.
I love Shelby Steele's work. His previous book, titled "White Guilt" was so informative and he linked history to where we are today. Not enough conservative voices like Shelby, who tells it like it is.

He basically says that Blacks have freedom, but do not know how to handle it based on their history. Personal responsibility is not on the radar. Black communities are plagued by a 72% out of wedlock birth rate, little or no focus on education partially caused by pathetic schools in the inner city, a prevalence of gangs and drugs given the lack of male roll models in the home, and the ability to play the race card to get stuff. Whites are petrified of being called racist and blacks use it to their advantage.
It is unconscionable to me that Blacks look to a Race Pimp like Al Sharpton for leadership and ignore Shelby Steele.
Why should we look to Shelby Steele? Because he says what you want to hear about black people? It is unconscionable to me that whites look to a Race Pimp like Shelby Steele then try telling blacks who to listen to..

I love Shelby Steele's work. His previous book, titled "White Guilt" was so informative and he linked history to where we are today. Not enough conservative voices like Shelby, who tells it like it is.

He basically says that Blacks have freedom, but do not know how to handle it based on their history. Personal responsibility is not on the radar. Black communities are plagued by a 72% out of wedlock birth rate, little or no focus on education partially caused by pathetic schools in the inner city, a prevalence of gangs and drugs given the lack of male roll models in the home, and the ability to play the race card to get stuff. Whites are petrified of being called racist and blacks use it to their advantage.
It is unconscionable to me that Blacks look to a Race Pimp like Al Sharpton for leadership and ignore Shelby Steele.
Why should we look to Shelby Steele? Because he says what you want to hear about black people? It is unconscionable to me that whites look to a Race Pimp like Shelby Steele then try telling blacks who to listen to..
OK keep your ass hanging out of your pants, scoff at education, keep making babies with different mommas, let the gangs continue to mentor your kids, and call those that break the cycle and make something out of themselves "Uncle Toms". Keep buying what Sharpton's selling - the victim mindset. And in 65 years we'll be having the same conversation.
IM2 can die in a fucking fire, for all I care. That dude has not ONE objective bone in his racist black body.
I love Shelby Steele's work. His previous book, titled "White Guilt" was so informative and he linked history to where we are today. Not enough conservative voices like Shelby, who tells it like it is.

He basically says that Blacks have freedom, but do not know how to handle it based on their history. Personal responsibility is not on the radar. Black communities are plagued by a 72% out of wedlock birth rate, little or no focus on education partially caused by pathetic schools in the inner city, a prevalence of gangs and drugs given the lack of male roll models in the home, and the ability to play the race card to get stuff. Whites are petrified of being called racist and blacks use it to their advantage.
It is unconscionable to me that Blacks look to a Race Pimp like Al Sharpton for leadership and ignore Shelby Steele.

Hi, MM.

When recognizing The Player or The Hustler is one of the most admired citizens populating America's large, dominant, ProBlack BLM community that has been raising and conditioning generations of children to hate America, as well as white people, it makes sense Race Hustling Al Sharpton is a hero for many citizens. Though fortunately, not all.

"Blacks Are Taught To Hate America" ~It's Kyou

"They want to BRAINWASH your kids" ~Vanessa Gothix

Are Black People Ready To Talk About Race Hustlers?" ~Vanessa Gothix

☮️♥️ EndHate2021



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I love Shelby Steele's work. His previous book, titled "White Guilt" was so informative and he linked history to where we are today. Not enough conservative voices like Shelby, who tells it like it is.

He basically says that Blacks have freedom, but do not know how to handle it based on their history. Personal responsibility is not on the radar. Black communities are plagued by a 72% out of wedlock birth rate, little or no focus on education partially caused by pathetic schools in the inner city, a prevalence of gangs and drugs given the lack of male roll models in the home, and the ability to play the race card to get stuff. Whites are petrified of being called racist and blacks use it to their advantage.
It is unconscionable to me that Blacks look to a Race Pimp like Al Sharpton for leadership and ignore Shelby Steele.
Why should we look to Shelby Steele? Because he says what you want to hear about black people? It is unconscionable to me that whites look to a Race Pimp like Shelby Steele then try telling blacks who to listen to..

I love Shelby Steele's work. His previous book, titled "White Guilt" was so informative and he linked history to where we are today. Not enough conservative voices like Shelby, who tells it like it is.

He basically says that Blacks have freedom, but do not know how to handle it based on their history. Personal responsibility is not on the radar. Black communities are plagued by a 72% out of wedlock birth rate, little or no focus on education partially caused by pathetic schools in the inner city, a prevalence of gangs and drugs given the lack of male roll models in the home, and the ability to play the race card to get stuff. Whites are petrified of being called racist and blacks use it to their advantage.
It is unconscionable to me that Blacks look to a Race Pimp like Al Sharpton for leadership and ignore Shelby Steele.
Why should we look to Shelby Steele? Because he says what you want to hear about black people? It is unconscionable to me that whites look to a Race Pimp like Shelby Steele then try telling blacks who to listen to..
OK keep your ass hanging out of your pants, scoff at education, keep making babies with different mommas, let the gangs continue to mentor your kids, and call those that break the cycle and make something out of themselves "Uncle Toms". Keep buying what Sharpton's selling - the victim mindset. And in 65 years we'll be having the same conversation.
IM2 can die in a fucking fire, for all I care. That dude has not ONE objective bone in his racist black body.
I am very objective, I just don't accept ideas that racists agree with.

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