Just Curious

Yes, they would. That was the context here.
The Arabs call blacks "Ibd"

Really, I so have a hard time seeing that, now would a white non orthodox Jew treat a black Jew (non orthodox) the same as a white Jew? Also from what I have read secular Jews have a hard time with orthodox Jews and do not want to live in the same building complex with them, is that right? What does Ibd stand for?
You have a hard time seeing that because you see everyting in terms of black and white. I can assure you in Israel it isnt that way.
As to your theoretical question, it is blatantly racist. I cannot predict how any given white person Orthodox or non Orthodox will react to any other given person. Because people are not white or black People are individuals.

Nothing is ever a black and white issue, but you saying its a religious thing more so in Israel is not really correct as I bet its bad for blacks no matter what their religious views.

What does IBD stand for? You never said.

Its not good to be racial against anyone as you know why, the same thing that is happening among the Pals and Jews in Israel, is happening here between whites and blacks (not all of course) but some of the blacks think they deserve special privileges because of how whites treated them for years, you know kinda how some of the Jews figure , since their holocaust, the are yet special.
I dont recall whites ever rounding up blacks and sending them wholesale to die in ovens and gas chambers. Please link to that incident.
The worst atrocities against blacks have occurred in Africa, usually perpeatrated by other blacks. As always.
Ibd doesnt stand for anything. That's the word they use. It literally means "slave". Bin Laden referred to Obama as a "bit ibid" which means a house slave, or in our terms a house n1gger.

What incident? Back on track, Israel is turning into a racial country, wanting it to be Jewish, but not really wanting Orthodox or black Jews, right? OH and heck with the Pals, they want rid of them as well.

Your "curiousity" is nothing but an attempt to make Israel hate blacks. Well, I don't see cops shooting Afro-Israelis who play in playgrounds, and I don't see any "Fergusons" happening here. Why don't you clean your own back-yard before eyeing ours?
Really, I so have a hard time seeing that, now would a white non orthodox Jew treat a black Jew (non orthodox) the same as a white Jew? Also from what I have read secular Jews have a hard time with orthodox Jews and do not want to live in the same building complex with them, is that right? What does Ibd stand for?
You have a hard time seeing that because you see everyting in terms of black and white. I can assure you in Israel it isnt that way.
As to your theoretical question, it is blatantly racist. I cannot predict how any given white person Orthodox or non Orthodox will react to any other given person. Because people are not white or black People are individuals.

Nothing is ever a black and white issue, but you saying its a religious thing more so in Israel is not really correct as I bet its bad for blacks no matter what their religious views.

What does IBD stand for? You never said.

Its not good to be racial against anyone as you know why, the same thing that is happening among the Pals and Jews in Israel, is happening here between whites and blacks (not all of course) but some of the blacks think they deserve special privileges because of how whites treated them for years, you know kinda how some of the Jews figure , since their holocaust, the are yet special.
I dont recall whites ever rounding up blacks and sending them wholesale to die in ovens and gas chambers. Please link to that incident.
The worst atrocities against blacks have occurred in Africa, usually perpeatrated by other blacks. As always.
Ibd doesnt stand for anything. That's the word they use. It literally means "slave". Bin Laden referred to Obama as a "bit ibid" which means a house slave, or in our terms a house n1gger.

What incident? Back on track, Israel is turning into a racial country, wanting it to be Jewish, but not really wanting Orthodox or black Jews, right? OH and heck with the Pals, they want rid of them as well.

Your "curiousity" is nothing but an attempt to make Israel hate blacks. Well, I don't see cops shooting Afro-Israelis who play in playgrounds, and I don't see any "Fergusons" happening here. Why don't you clean your own back-yard before eyeing ours?

I believe both those cops were in the right according to what I read. Neither of them were throwing stones , which is what will get one shot and killed in Israel. No I figured I'd get the infor from those in the know, and well it does appear that there seems to be a black racial issue in Israel as well, not one from religion, but as there is in the states, skin color.
What started as a white looking down on blacks and using them as slaves has now turned into some of the blacks thinking they are special and look down on the whites. Some of them have become racial against the whites due to anger and the oppression the whites have done for years.

Now they could say look how nice we had it, had a place to live and work, food on our table,just do was those white folks said, but they were still oppressed and some are still angry today.
Ultra-Orthodox man hurls racial epithets at Ethiopian MK
Shimon Solomon, of the Yesh Atid party, says he was called a ‘slave’ and told to ‘go back to Africa’
By Adiv StermanNovember 26, 2013, 10:19 pm

group of ultra-Orthodox men yelled racist slurs and otherwise verbally assaulted Yesh Atid MK Shimon Solomon, claiming his party’s policies deliberately targeted ultra-Orthodox Israelis.
Solomon, who emigrated from Ethiopia to Israel some 33 years ago, claimed he would have been subjected to physical violence had he not decided to leave the scene rather than engage with the demonstrators

“On my way home from the Knesset, a number of ultra-Orthodox civilians identified me, and immediately began cursing and provoking me,” Solomon wrote in a Facebook post.
“I tried to explain politely that they have a different, misguided opinion, and that we do not act against the ultra-Orthodox,” he said. “But they were motivated by hatred; they did not try to listen. I left because I saw no point in going on; it was like talking to a wall. If I had stayed, I have no doubt that they would have directed physical violence towards me.”

Read more: Ultra-Orthodox man hurls racial epithets at Ethiopian MK | The Times of Israelhttp://www.timesofisrael.com/ultra-orthodox-man-hurls-racial-epithets-at-ethiopian-mk/#ixzz3KIwT9g1N
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Now this is sad. I get tired of the black and white stuff here though.
Thats not a black/white thing. That's a religious/secular thing. They would have done thie same had he been white.
btw, do you know the Arabic slang term for blacks?

No I don't know the slang term. Are you telling me the Orthodox Jew would treat the white non orthodox Jew the same as the black Jew?
Yes, they would. That was the context here.
The Arabs call blacks "Ibd"

From which Abdul is derived meaning black slave, so any muslim called Abdul is a slave or descended from slaves.
You have a hard time seeing that because you see everyting in terms of black and white. I can assure you in Israel it isnt that way.
As to your theoretical question, it is blatantly racist. I cannot predict how any given white person Orthodox or non Orthodox will react to any other given person. Because people are not white or black People are individuals.

Nothing is ever a black and white issue, but you saying its a religious thing more so in Israel is not really correct as I bet its bad for blacks no matter what their religious views.

What does IBD stand for? You never said.

Its not good to be racial against anyone as you know why, the same thing that is happening among the Pals and Jews in Israel, is happening here between whites and blacks (not all of course) but some of the blacks think they deserve special privileges because of how whites treated them for years, you know kinda how some of the Jews figure , since their holocaust, the are yet special.
I dont recall whites ever rounding up blacks and sending them wholesale to die in ovens and gas chambers. Please link to that incident.
The worst atrocities against blacks have occurred in Africa, usually perpeatrated by other blacks. As always.
Ibd doesnt stand for anything. That's the word they use. It literally means "slave". Bin Laden referred to Obama as a "bit ibid" which means a house slave, or in our terms a house n1gger.

What incident? Back on track, Israel is turning into a racial country, wanting it to be Jewish, but not really wanting Orthodox or black Jews, right? OH and heck with the Pals, they want rid of them as well.

Your "curiousity" is nothing but an attempt to make Israel hate blacks. Well, I don't see cops shooting Afro-Israelis who play in playgrounds, and I don't see any "Fergusons" happening here. Why don't you clean your own back-yard before eyeing ours?

I believe both those cops were in the right according to what I read. Neither of them were throwing stones , which is what will get one shot and killed in Israel. No I figured I'd get the infor from those in the know, and well it does appear that there seems to be a black racial issue in Israel as well, not one from religion, but as there is in the states, skin color.
What started as a white looking down on blacks and using them as slaves has now turned into some of the blacks thinking they are special and look down on the whites. Some of them have become racial against the whites due to anger and the oppression the whites have done for years.

Now they could say look how nice we had it, had a place to live and work, food on our table,just do was those white folks said, but they were still oppressed and some are still angry today.

America seems to be going the same way that South Africa and Zimbabwe went, and the blacks will take over and destroy the country in 6 months.
Penelope Thank you for sharing your beliefs but we rather move on to the dry facts.
Israel been throughout loads of hardship with each 'wave' of immigrants, there was also the group called 'Black Panthers ' (In LA they turned out to become the Creeps and Bloods) - another small similarity with the US btw - we had difficulties, and that's the way it is - past.
Today we all know that the social forge in Israel succeeded - we are Israelis.
Well by golly you did have your own Black Panthers movement there, which led me to
Mizrahi Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia which leads to the question who does have more of a right to live in Israel? Such a tiny country can't fit everyone. I see you had the Russian Panthers and now you still have the Palestinians Panthers. I'm not too sure its over yet, I think you have a long way to go, and well if its like the US it will never be over. Radicals will always exist.
I dont recall whites ever rounding up blacks and sending them wholesale to die in ovens and gas chambers. Please link to that incident.
The worst atrocities against blacks have occurred in Africa, usually perpeatrated by other blacks. As always.
Ibd doesnt stand for anything. That's the word they use. It literally means "slave". Bin Laden referred to Obama as a "bit ibid" which means a house slave, or in our terms a house n1gger.

This close enough?

"What better solution for the Germans living in the crowded cities of the Rhineland than to create a new Germany on African soil? And it was easy to justify the elimination of the local Africans because they were an 'inferior race'.

However, the Herero and the Nama did not prove quite as 'inferior' as the German occupiers thought. For years they stubbornly resisted being driven off their lands into the desert to die, despite huge loss of life at the hands of the Schutztruppe (colonial army) and their 'cleansing patrols'.

But by 1905 the survivors were weary and weakened. The final straw came when the Kaiser issued an imperial decree expropriating the African lands.

Most of the Africans surrendered and were rounded up into concentration camps to build the colony's new railways - gruelling work where men were routinely beaten and women workers systematically raped. on one section of the line, two-thirds of the prisoners died in 18 months.

But a sinister new idea was forming in the evil minds of the governors of German South-West Africa. An 'anthropologist' was commissioned to investigate the prisoners, who reported that it was of 'vital importance' for the success of the German colonial project that those races deemed 'unfit for labour' should be allowed to disappear. 'The struggle for our own existence' depends on it, he warned.

And so the first Holocaust was born."

Hitler s Holocaust blueprint Africa concentration camps used to advance racial theories Daily Mail Online
Yes, they would. That was the context here.
The Arabs call blacks "Ibd"

Really, I so have a hard time seeing that, now would a white non orthodox Jew treat a black Jew (non orthodox) the same as a white Jew? Also from what I have read secular Jews have a hard time with orthodox Jews and do not want to live in the same building complex with them, is that right? What does Ibd stand for?
You have a hard time seeing that because you see everyting in terms of black and white. I can assure you in Israel it isnt that way.
As to your theoretical question, it is blatantly racist. I cannot predict how any given white person Orthodox or non Orthodox will react to any other given person. Because people are not white or black People are individuals.

Nothing is ever a black and white issue, but you saying its a religious thing more so in Israel is not really correct as I bet its bad for blacks no matter what their religious views.

What does IBD stand for? You never said.

Its not good to be racial against anyone as you know why, the same thing that is happening among the Pals and Jews in Israel, is happening here between whites and blacks (not all of course) but some of the blacks think they deserve special privileges because of how whites treated them for years, you know kinda how some of the Jews figure , since their holocaust, the are yet special.
I dont recall whites ever rounding up blacks and sending them wholesale to die in ovens and gas chambers. Please link to that incident.
The worst atrocities against blacks have occurred in Africa, usually perpeatrated by other blacks. As always.
Ibd doesnt stand for anything. That's the word they use. It literally means "slave". Bin Laden referred to Obama as a "bit ibid" which means a house slave, or in our terms a house n1gger.

What incident? Back on track, Israel is turning into a racial country, wanting it to be Jewish, but not really wanting Orthodox or black Jews, right? OH and heck with the Pals, they want rid of them as well.
Gee I guess that dig didnt turn out well when called for specifics.
Probably the majority of aliya into Israel from the West is from Orthodox Jews. So, you would be wrong yet again. As for blacks, virtually all of them are Ethiopians, flown to Israel at state expense and resettled at state expense. So looks like you're wrong there too.
Why dont you quit while you're behind?
Nothing is ever a black and white issue, but you saying its a religious thing more so in Israel is not really correct as I bet its bad for blacks no matter what their religious views.

What does IBD stand for? You never said.

Its not good to be racial against anyone as you know why, the same thing that is happening among the Pals and Jews in Israel, is happening here between whites and blacks (not all of course) but some of the blacks think they deserve special privileges because of how whites treated them for years, you know kinda how some of the Jews figure , since their holocaust, the are yet special.
I dont recall whites ever rounding up blacks and sending them wholesale to die in ovens and gas chambers. Please link to that incident.
The worst atrocities against blacks have occurred in Africa, usually perpeatrated by other blacks. As always.
Ibd doesnt stand for anything. That's the word they use. It literally means "slave". Bin Laden referred to Obama as a "bit ibid" which means a house slave, or in our terms a house n1gger.

What incident? Back on track, Israel is turning into a racial country, wanting it to be Jewish, but not really wanting Orthodox or black Jews, right? OH and heck with the Pals, they want rid of them as well.

Your "curiousity" is nothing but an attempt to make Israel hate blacks. Well, I don't see cops shooting Afro-Israelis who play in playgrounds, and I don't see any "Fergusons" happening here. Why don't you clean your own back-yard before eyeing ours?

I believe both those cops were in the right according to what I read. Neither of them were throwing stones , which is what will get one shot and killed in Israel. No I figured I'd get the infor from those in the know, and well it does appear that there seems to be a black racial issue in Israel as well, not one from religion, but as there is in the states, skin color.
What started as a white looking down on blacks and using them as slaves has now turned into some of the blacks thinking they are special and look down on the whites. Some of them have become racial against the whites due to anger and the oppression the whites have done for years.

Now they could say look how nice we had it, had a place to live and work, food on our table,just do was those white folks said, but they were still oppressed and some are still angry today.

America seems to be going the same way that South Africa and Zimbabwe went, and the blacks will take over and destroy the country in 6 months.

African-Americans are about 13% of the population.
Well by golly you did have your own Black Panthers movement there, which led me to
Mizrahi Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia which leads to the question who does have more of a right to live in Israel? Such a tiny country can't fit everyone. I see you had the Russian Panthers and now you still have the Palestinians Panthers. I'm not too sure its over yet, I think you have a long way to go, and well if its like the US it will never be over. Radicals will always exist.
No, everyone have the same rights with zero racial relation, only thing differs is minorities which get benefits for being a designated minority and that's all, the Palestinian Leeches are not part of Israel nor the Israeli society and chose not to.
Now I don't know what you know about the Black Panthers but I'll give it a rest, you should read instead of jump to conclusions.
I dont recall whites ever rounding up blacks and sending them wholesale to die in ovens and gas chambers. Please link to that incident.
The worst atrocities against blacks have occurred in Africa, usually perpeatrated by other blacks. As always.
Ibd doesnt stand for anything. That's the word they use. It literally means "slave". Bin Laden referred to Obama as a "bit ibid" which means a house slave, or in our terms a house n1gger.

What incident? Back on track, Israel is turning into a racial country, wanting it to be Jewish, but not really wanting Orthodox or black Jews, right? OH and heck with the Pals, they want rid of them as well.

Your "curiousity" is nothing but an attempt to make Israel hate blacks. Well, I don't see cops shooting Afro-Israelis who play in playgrounds, and I don't see any "Fergusons" happening here. Why don't you clean your own back-yard before eyeing ours?

I believe both those cops were in the right according to what I read. Neither of them were throwing stones , which is what will get one shot and killed in Israel. No I figured I'd get the infor from those in the know, and well it does appear that there seems to be a black racial issue in Israel as well, not one from religion, but as there is in the states, skin color.
What started as a white looking down on blacks and using them as slaves has now turned into some of the blacks thinking they are special and look down on the whites. Some of them have become racial against the whites due to anger and the oppression the whites have done for years.

Now they could say look how nice we had it, had a place to live and work, food on our table,just do was those white folks said, but they were still oppressed and some are still angry today.

America seems to be going the same way that South Africa and Zimbabwe went, and the blacks will take over and destroy the country in 6 months.

African-Americans are about 13% of the population.

And about 90% of the criminals
No this is about Israel and how racist they are, when they try and tell us how to live with their ACLU and ADA League.
No this is about Israel and how racist they are, when they try and tell us how to live with their ACLU and ADA League.
I Disproved your ridiculous attempt to delegitimatize Israel, despite this being non-related to the conflict directly you try harder to delegitimize Israel and even demonize when your claim fall apart time and again which is the only thing related to the conflict - Team Palestine's attempts to delegitimize Israel and even demonize whenever you run out of ammo, so keep encouraging the Palestinians to fight Israel, keep support false claims to satisfy your irrational hatred, keep lying miserably like the liars you are, you cowards only afraid from the truth - and like most fearful thoughts it gets bigger every day - see where it got you, see where it got the Palestinians.
No this is about Israel and how racist they are, when they try and tell us how to live with their ACLU and ADA League.

And yet you fail to produce one scrap of reliable evidence to back up your claims of racism
No this is about Israel and how racist they are, when they try and tell us how to live with their ACLU and ADA League.

And yet you fail to produce one scrap of reliable evidence to back up your claims of racism

No this is about Israel and how racist they are, when they try and tell us how to live with their ACLU and ADA League.
I Disproved your ridiculous attempt to delegitimatize Israel, despite this being non-related to the conflict directly you try harder to delegitimize Israel and even demonize when your claim fall apart time and again which is the only thing related to the conflict - Team Palestine's attempts to delegitimize Israel and even demonize whenever you run out of ammo, so keep encouraging the Palestinians to fight Israel, keep support false claims to satisfy your irrational hatred, keep lying miserably like the liars you are, you cowards only afraid from the truth - and like most fearful thoughts it gets bigger every day - see where it got you, see where it got the Palestinians.

Keep on demolishing their homes and snatching their land and building your own homes in place of theirs , keeping them off of public transportation, keeping them fenced it, and trying to take over, yes take over the temple mount, and I'll keep talking about it.:wink_2:
No this is about Israel and how racist they are, when they try and tell us how to live with their ACLU and ADA League.

And yet you fail to produce one scrap of reliable evidence to back up your claims of racism

No this is about Israel and how racist they are, when they try and tell us how to live with their ACLU and ADA League.
I Disproved your ridiculous attempt to delegitimatize Israel, despite this being non-related to the conflict directly you try harder to delegitimize Israel and even demonize when your claim fall apart time and again which is the only thing related to the conflict - Team Palestine's attempts to delegitimize Israel and even demonize whenever you run out of ammo, so keep encouraging the Palestinians to fight Israel, keep support false claims to satisfy your irrational hatred, keep lying miserably like the liars you are, you cowards only afraid from the truth - and like most fearful thoughts it gets bigger every day - see where it got you, see where it got the Palestinians.

Keep on demolishing their homes and snatching their land and building your own homes in place of theirs , keeping them off of public transportation, keeping them fenced it, and trying to take over, yes take over the temple mount, and I'll keep talking about it.:wink_2:
Sorry but what race are Palestinians?

You know absolutely zero about what's going o nthere. You've proven that over and over. All you can do is mouth accusations that have zero basis in fact.
You are not a serious poster. You are a serious head case.

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