Just Asking, Part 1

And you've been shown he wouldn't have qualified.
Where was I shown that, troll? Can't you tell reality from fiction at all?
But even funnier, you're now arguing with yourself. Earlier, you implied hd didn't even go to Columbia University.
Where did I imply that, liar? You really are a desperate Obama ass-lickerraren't you?
Now you're claiming he applied for a scholarship
Where did I ever claim that? Has the heat gotten to you, boy?
Don't you know Obama is a life long dyed in the wool CHRISTIAN?
That is why he spent his youth going around looking like this!


When I went to church, we never looked like that. Must be that NEW church. :lmao: :laughing0301: :lmao:
And you've been shown he wouldn't have qualified.
Where was I shown that, troll? Can't you tell reality from fiction at all?
But even funnier, you're now arguing with yourself. Earlier, you implied hd didn't even go to Columbia University.
Where did I imply that, liar? You really are a desperate Obama ass-lickerraren't you?
Now you're claiming he applied for a scholarship
Where did I ever claim that? Has the heat gotten to you, boy?
Don't you know Obama is a life long dyed in the wool CHRISTIAN?
That is why he spent his youth going around looking like this!

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When I went to church, we never looked like that. Must be that NEW church. :lmao: :laughing0301: :lmao:

Aww, you poor birther, you're completely insane....

"Where was I shown that, troll?

I showed you that myself, here -->
That's exactly the point, you poor deranged birfer.... Fulbright scholarships are not offered to non-U.S. foreign exchange students coming to America to study. They're for U.S. citizens who want to study in foreign countries. Furthermore, Fulbright scholarships are not available for undergrads, such as Obama was while attending Occidental. They're for post-doctoral studies... Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program | Fulbright Scholar Program Fulbright does have a program for foreigners who come here... but it's for "faculty and professionals" who come here for "advanced research and university lecturing." Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program | Fulbright Scholar Program The point being... Obama didn't qualify for a Fulbright scholarship. It was a hoax, ya brain-dead Birfer. Even more evidence it was a hoax is found in the fact it appeared in an AP article which didn't actually come from the Associated Press; and about a group known as the “Americans for Freedom of Information” which didn't actually exist. This just goes to prove how crazy birfers like boobtoob really are that they will clutch to their hallucinations even long after they're debunked.
"Where did I imply that, liar?"

When you posted a meme of a college professor purportedly saying hd doesn't recall ever seeing Obama at Columbia -->
"Where did I ever claim that?"

You just claimed it here -->
Yet you still don't answer why Obama applied for foreign student [aid]...
There, I just proved you're insane by showing every one of your denials was cast in hallucinations.

You're batshit crazy, birther.

Yet you still don't answer why Obama applied for foreign student and and both he and Michelle called him Kenyan? They never denied it until HILLARY CLINTON mentioned it in her 2008 campaign run against him, THEN Trump picked up on it. THEN it became a rat bat crazy accusation. Poor little snowflake.
Boobtube, Hillary never said Obama was born in Kenya. Not even once.

Are you ever not stupid?


Where did I ever say that? Man, you are batting 000. Hillary's campaign brought up mention of his muslim lineage, not Trump, it is right on YouTube, everyone has seen it except YOU I guess.


Obama. Best Muslim speaking christian America ever had.
But g'head, tell me again how Kenya is in Oman.

Sure! Just as soon as you show me where I ever claimed that! Damn sad thing to see an idiot tard apologist falling down into utter delusion as well.
You posted a photo of sign in Oman and claimed it's in Kenya. The only way that sign is in Kenya is if Kenya is in Oman.
Proof? No, all you have is JIVE TALK. Do you make up these lies or does someone feed them to you?
You're batshit crazy, birther.

Yet you still don't answer why Obama applied for foreign student and and both he and Michelle called him Kenyan? They never denied it until HILLARY CLINTON mentioned it in her 2008 campaign run against him, THEN Trump picked up on it. THEN it became a rat bat crazy accusation. Poor little snowflake.
Boobtube, Hillary never said Obama was born in Kenya. Not even once.

Are you ever not stupid?


Where did I ever say that? Man, you are batting 000. Hillary's campaign brought up mention of his muslim lineage, not Trump, it is right on YouTube, everyone has seen it except YOU I guess.

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Obama. Best Muslim speaking christian America ever had.

You should consider taking Lithium, maybe that will help you.

boobtube: Yet you still don't answer why Obama applied for foreign student and and both he and Michelle called him Kenyan? They never denied it until HILLARY CLINTON mentioned it in her 2008 campaign run against him

Faun: Boobtube, Hillary never said Obama was born in Kenya. Not even once.

boobtube: Where did I ever say that?

You should consider taking Lithium, maybe that will help you.
Insults are the last resort of someone with no argument. I've link the video before where the Obamas admitted he was Kenyan. And now I've linked you to a news article talking about how Hillary used it in her 2008 campaign. Let's face it Fraud, you can't afford to concede to the obvious to the troll masters who pay you. We get that, and all of the attempted slurs and animatrons can't change facts.
You should consider taking Lithium, maybe that will help you.
Insults are the last resort of someone with no argument. I've link the video before where the Obamas admitted he was Kenyan. And now I've linked you to a news article talking about how Hillary used it in her 2008 campaign. Let's face it Fraud, you can't afford to concede to the obvious to the troll masters who pay you. We get that, and all of the attempted slurs and animatrons can't change facts.

But it's different when you hurl insults, right? Besides, I don't just hurl insults, I prove you're crazy when I call you crazy. Shit, calling yourself a birther is the same as you calling yourself crazy. :lmao:

As far as your video about Hillary, it starts with a lie, rendering it utterly useless. It claims...

In the 2008 primary campaign, Hillary had her supporters start rumours about Obama's birth and religion.

It then proceeds to show clips, but none show Hillary inspiring her supporters to claim Obama was born in Kenya.
Shit, calling yourself a birther

But Jackass, you really do need to see a doctor. That is six lies you've made up in one thread. I have never CALLED myself a "Birther" in my life.

Dumbfuck, you call yourself a birther everytime you spew your birther nonsense.

Thanks. You can't tell the difference between calling yourself something and merely being LABELED something. You just admitted calling yourself a liar again. I knew you would. You are so easy to trick.
Hey Mindnumbing Dipshit, THIS ISN'T A DEMOCRACY. It is a Representative Republic. We count people, AT THE STATE LEVEL. Once you win the state, by TWO votes or 2 million, you cannot win the state more. Each state counts for so many Electoral College votes. THOSE determine the election by a weighting system that assures all 50 states have a proportional voice in the election by their relative population density. So damn sick and tired of talking to a dumb ignorant idiot jackass like you who has to be explained every simple basic thing and STILL never gets anything through his THICK DUMB SKULL. So you can take your "What the people said..." bullshit and shove it right up your ass.

Look, just because we still have a dumb system devised by slave owners that has been largely ignored for the last 100 years because the dumb system just echoed what the people decided.

You can whine how you "won under the rules" all day, but the reality is, the people said no. By 3 million votes. They rejected Trump loudly.
Look, just because we still have a dumb system
Don't like America? Canada is right over the border. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. We thank you for leaving. Mail us a postcard from Ontario.
the people said no. By 3 million votes. They rejected Trump loudly.
It was only 2.8 million votes with god knows how many of them illegitimate, all within a few city blocks of LA, Chicago and NYC. Go sit on it and TWIST. America the beautiful thankfully has a system in place that ensures the entire nation gets representation, not just a few city blocks of 0.1% of the nation by a-holes like you who would decide our government for the other 99.9% of us! This is a RED nation, baby, and we have all you clowns fenced off into a few small areas now. Your 2.8 million fraudulent votes don't count for shit, they didn't in 2016 and it won't again in 2020. HaHa


SEA OF RED BABY, SEA OF RED. You see a lot of dark red but even the blue areas, there isn't much dark blue. People have woken up to the democrats.
Don't like America? Canada is right over the border. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. We thank you for leaving. Mail us a postcard from Ontario.

Why, eventually you guys won't be able to cheat the MAJORITY that wants to fix this country.

Don't worry, we'll fix the country, you'll be better off for it..

It was only 2.8 million votes with god knows how many of them illegitimate, all within a few city blocks of LA, Chicago and NYC. Go sit on it and TWIST. America the beautiful thankfully has a system in place that ensures the entire nation gets representation,

Okay, buddy, we don't base the will on the people on how much dirt is covered.

The fact is, the majority of people LIVE in those blue areas..Those red areas are sparsely populated by inbred idiots... who need government subsidies to maintain their lifestyle.
Why, eventually you guys won't be able to cheat the MAJORITY that wants to fix this country.
Too funny, BUTTHOLE. So you telling us the country was fine until January 2017 then it just broke? You assholes had the country for YEARS and YEARS and YEARS, if you haven't fixed it by now, how stupid to believe you ever will.
Those red areas are sparsely populated by inbred idiots... who need government subsidies to maintain their lifestyle.
The CLOWN is a RIOT. So all the red areas are sparsely populated by INBRED IDIOTS living on government subsidies? NO ONE in a blue district collects off the government?



Also happens to be where most of your hardest working, most productive people live, wine producers, retired wealthy people, etc. Most of the concentrated blue area is just where all the concentrated power base of the DNC happens to be. HaHa

Thanks for informing us, Clod, that despite the fact that red and blue districts change from year to year and election to election, that ANYONE living in a red shaded area is an inbred idiot living on government subsidies!!! Do keep it coming! I love to see someone absolutely destroy themselves!


2016nationwidecountymapshadedbyvoteshare copy.jpg

Too funny, BUTTHOLE. So you telling us the country was fine until January 2017 then it just broke? You assholes had the country for YEARS and YEARS and YEARS, if you haven't fixed it by now, how stupid to believe you ever will.

Uh, yeah, 2016 was the best year of my life, pretty much. We came a long way from how bad Bush fucked up everything.

But since you guys just can't bring yourself to thank a Negro for fixing things, we'll have Trump fuck it all up again by doing the same thing Bush did.

Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.


Yawn, places where nobody lives and they all fuck their cousins..
Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?
LINK: Liberal Media Scream: ‘No such thing as an illegal immigrant’
This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the fight over the caravan of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Only this time the battle on TV wasn’t over laws or President Trump’s border wall but over what to call them and the liberal refrain that nobody can be “illegal” despite how the government refers to unauthorized aliens.

OP: Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

This thread has proven that it is because they are hypocrites and liars, and therefore cannot give a good answer.
OP: Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

This thread has proven that it is because they are hypocrites and liars, and therefore cannot give a good answer.

We gave you all sorts of answers.... just not the ones you wanted to hear.

Just remember, Jesus hates gays and Mexicans, just like you do.

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