Just a little political history lesson for our liberal posters...Vlad Lenin says, “The goal of socialism is communism”


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Those trying to claim “Democratic socialism” is some beautiful paradise need to wake the fuck up. Its a rest stop on the way to communism. What the fuck are you lefties thinking? If it all goes sideways, you will realize you fucked up just before the bullet hits your head on the bank of a mass grave.


Those trying to claim “Democratic socialism” is some beautiful paradise need to wake the fuck up. Its a rest stop on the way to communism. What the fuck are you lefties thinking? If it all goes sideways, you will realize you fucked up just before the bullet hits your head on the bank of a mass grave.


I'd be interested in a link to where he said that.
Was it a speech or in a pamphlet perhaps?
We have seen these baby steps for decades. They are becoming glaringly clear. The communists have taken over our schools, Hollywood, the “news” and our tech corporations.

They are a seditious force trying to take down our nation. Wake the fuck up people, The war is on. Now. We are at war with China. They intentionally spawned this pandemic upon us.

Isnt it a weird coincidence that all these ANTIFA AND BLM riots perfectly hit when the pandemic hit?

Wake up!

Liberals, do your research. Have any of you ever had a history lesson. This shit isnt new. Progressive ideas are actually REGRESSIVE ideas back to the early 1900s. How fucking PROGRESSIVE is that?

agreed Socialism sucks
Those trying to claim “Democratic socialism” is some beautiful paradise need to wake the fuck up. Its a rest stop on the way to communism. What the fuck are you lefties thinking? If it all goes sideways, you will realize you fucked up just before the bullet hits your head on the bank of a mass grave.


and what is the goal of communism? A stateless state..Which never did materialize because these people were not true Marxist or communist but totalitarians just like the Tsar.
You would be surprised how many adults believe in socialism, because thats what most of them have been taught, in many many schools.
Entitlement Mentality !
Those trying to claim “Democratic socialism” is some beautiful paradise need to wake the fuck up. Its a rest stop on the way to communism. What the fuck are you lefties thinking? If it all goes sideways, you will realize you fucked up just before the bullet hits your head on the bank of a mass grave.


and what is the goal of communism? A stateless state..Which never did materialize because these people were not true Marxist or communist but totalitarians just like the Tsar.
The end result is that the communists in Russia cleaned the elites out. Then the communists in Russia cleaned a percentage of their people out after they took control. Using people against themselves. As the top jobs and good jobs dwindled, murders of people who helped the revolution increased. That cemented the power of people at the top after a time. The Soviet Union could not even feed itself. There were times they had abundant supplies of farm goods. And their transportation network from the glorious state failed them. The people stopped smiling after a while. The oppressive state controlling their lives and even their emotions. The latter sentence is what Progs and their party have been attempting the last several years.
We have seen these baby steps for decades. They are becoming glaringly clear. The communists have taken over our schools, Hollywood, the “news” and our tech corporations.

They are a seditious force trying to take down our nation. Wake the fuck up people, The war is on. Now. We are at war with China. They intentionally spawned this pandemic upon us.

Isnt it a weird coincidence that all these ANTIFA AND BLM riots perfectly hit when the pandemic hit?

Wake up!

There are no communist controlling out schools unless Betsy DeVos has changed...
Those trying to claim “Democratic socialism” is some beautiful paradise need to wake the fuck up. Its a rest stop on the way to communism. What the fuck are you lefties thinking? If it all goes sideways, you will realize you fucked up just before the bullet hits your head on the bank of a mass grave.


and what is the goal of communism? A stateless state..Which never did materialize because these people were not true Marxist or communist but totalitarians just like the Tsar.
The end result is that the communists in Russia cleaned the elites out. Then the communists in Russia cleaned a percentage of their people out after they took control. Using people against themselves. As the top jobs and good jobs dwindled, murders of people who helped the revolution increased. That cemented the power of people at the top after a time. The Soviet Union could not even feed itself. There were times they had abundant supplies of farm goods. And their transportation network from the glorious state failed them. The people stopped smiling after a while. The oppressive state controlling their lives and even their emotions. The latter sentence is what Progs and their party have been attempting the last several years.
The communist acted the same way the Tsar regimes had acted.
The progressive historical role of capitalism may be summed up in two brief propositions: increase in the productive forces of social labour, and the socialisation of that labour. But both these facts manifest themselves in extremely diverse processes in different branches of the national economy. .https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1899/dcr8viii/viii8vi.htm
Those trying to claim “Democratic socialism” is some beautiful paradise need to wake the fuck up. Its a rest stop on the way to communism. What the fuck are you lefties thinking? If it all goes sideways, you will realize you fucked up just before the bullet hits your head on the bank of a mass grave.


and what is the goal of communism? A stateless state..Which never did materialize because these people were not true Marxist or communist but totalitarians just like the Tsar.
The end result is that the communists in Russia cleaned the elites out. Then the communists in Russia cleaned a percentage of their people out after they took control. Using people against themselves. As the top jobs and good jobs dwindled, murders of people who helped the revolution increased. That cemented the power of people at the top after a time. The Soviet Union could not even feed itself. There were times they had abundant supplies of farm goods. And their transportation network from the glorious state failed them. The people stopped smiling after a while. The oppressive state controlling their lives and even their emotions. The latter sentence is what Progs and their party have been attempting the last several years.

Exactly. Its like our liberals never read a history book.
Those trying to claim “Democratic socialism” is some beautiful paradise need to wake the fuck up. Its a rest stop on the way to communism. What the fuck are you lefties thinking? If it all goes sideways, you will realize you fucked up just before the bullet hits your head on the bank of a mass grave.


and what is the goal of communism? A stateless state..Which never did materialize because these people were not true Marxist or communist but totalitarians just like the Tsar.
The end result is that the communists in Russia cleaned the elites out. Then the communists in Russia cleaned a percentage of their people out after they took control. Using people against themselves. As the top jobs and good jobs dwindled, murders of people who helped the revolution increased. That cemented the power of people at the top after a time. The Soviet Union could not even feed itself. There were times they had abundant supplies of farm goods. And their transportation network from the glorious state failed them. The people stopped smiling after a while. The oppressive state controlling their lives and even their emotions. The latter sentence is what Progs and their party have been attempting the last several years.

Exactly. Its like our liberals never read a history book.
My first one was at eight on the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire given to me by my Grandmother who owned a bookstore in OKC. The next one at nine was the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich..Do yous have any proof that what the Bolsheviks did was any different than what humans have been doing to each other for thousands of years?

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