Jury Duty

Good! That’s a start.

And do you think most jurors (possibly influenced by their own community and political standards) at least try to honor their oaths?
Sure do.

And if people are determined not to serve jury duty, I encourage them to skip out and watch what happens to them.
Sure do.

And if people are determined not to serve jury duty, I encourage them to skip out and watch what happens to them.
Having tried lots of cases, I noticed that there are some jurors who obviously seek to evade their duty. Some I wish were better at it.

But by and large, when they’ve been through the jury selection process (which is kind of tedious, though crucial), once they’ve been selected and gotten sworn in, they tend to take their roles seriously. And I commend all of them for it.
Having tried lots of cases, I noticed that there are some jurors who obviously seek to evade their duty. Some I wish were better at it.

But by and large, when they’ve been through the jury selection process (which is kind of tedious, though crucial), once they’ve been selected and gotten sworn in, they tend to take their roles seriously. And I commend all of them for it.
I’ve been selected for it once. I didn’t want to be there. But I took it seriously.
I’ve been selected for it once. I didn’t want to be there. But I took it seriously.
I got called three times. I only got as far as a selection process one time. I knew I’d never be selected. I don’t blame them. I never put lawyers on my juries, either.
I got called three times. I only got as far as a selection process one time. I knew I’d never be selected. I don’t blame them. I never put lawyers on my juries, either.
I've been on the jury once. It was a fascinating experience.
Don’t get held in contempt. But you are certainly free to state that you have lost your a faith in our legal system. In fact, that’s something you should say if it’s the truth.

You might get asked if you’re a fair minded person. And if you say you think you are, then the next question might be, “well then, don’t you think fair minded people are the ones who should be on a jury?” I assume you’d agree. Then they may ask you, “and if other fair minded people like you don’t serve on juries, aren’t you guilty of making the jury pool less fair minded on balance?”

But I’d politely recommend to you that you not make any claim about generalized corruption.

So, jury duty. They compel you to be there. I mean, COMPEL. But then if you tell them this is corruption, they spank you for telling what you think?

Is this what my Revolutionary War-fighting patriot ancestors fought and died for? So that the courts could COMPEL me to be there and when I--calmly and politely--tell them my opinion they throw the book at me?

That's outrageous to be honest.
Decades as a registered voter and have never been called up for jury duty.

Wife was a couple years ago, but was never required to show because of Covid.
So, jury duty. They compel you to be there. I mean, COMPEL. But then if you tell them this is corruption, they spank you for telling what you think?

Is this what my Revolutionary War-fighting patriot ancestors fought and died for? So that the courts could COMPEL me to be there and when I--calmly and politely--tell them my opinion they throw the book at me?

That's outrageous to be honest.
Absent proof of corruption, you’re better off saying that it seems like corruption to you. And, again, it that’s what you see it as, then say so. Just be precise. Absent proof don’t make the claim.

In the unlikely event they press you on it, you get to go to town by telling them why it seems corrupt to you. 😎
Given not only today's events with Trump's indictment, but what a not-small percentage of my fellow so-called "Americans" think of that indictment, just wait til the next time I get called for Jury Duty.

These lawyers/judge are going to get a dissertation they don't see coming. "I have no faith in this banana republic system at any level. It is corrupt from the ground up. I resent that I am required to take time away from work to report to this mockery."

Who's with me?
Prosecute Rump the liar, thief, con man, woman ubuser, fraud and generally speaking a turd. BTW get his close associates as many times as possible.


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