Jury awards white principal $371K in discrimination case

And a jury composed of Black people heard the evidence and agreed to compensate her.
Not surprisingly your.ignorance again raises it's dumbfounded head.
You accused me of making it about Black and White, however anyone can see that was a lie you tried to present.
You then interjected race into the argument and weren't intellectually honest enough to admit it.
Then you ignore the fact that Black jurors sided with this woman and agreed to her being compensated; which totally destroys your silly passed inference that Black people as a whole would not fairly hear a case involving a white person.

Your entire position is void of common sense and fact...I did ask if you were a conservative...didn't I???
now I get where you are coming. Your really are a dumber son of bitch than I thought your were
look this link up and then look at thinking error number 2
I want everyone on this forum to look this address up and look at number 2
and ask themselves who was the one interjecting race in this thread
Black white thinking isn't about race .....dumb ass

15 Common Cognitive Distortions
Well I guess I was wrong after all, you aren't finished with your lies and deflections...lol.
So you want people to click your bullshit link that has nothing to do with your denial that you made this a racial issue.
They don't have to click your link to see that you are a lying piece of shit, all they have to do is read your own words on this thread.

  • You're damn right it was about race. A hostilework environment was created around her because she was white.
What a stupid idiot you are...
When one argues about black white situations in an abstract sense they are NOT talking about race. Black and white mean polar opposite positions with no middle ground allowed, no grey areas. Has our educational system gotten so bad that you do not understand that concept at all and assume simply because the words "black" and "white" were used he meant race?

Remember when the DC official got hammered for saying niggerdly and accused of racism? This is more of the same ignorance.
That's either an ignorant attempt at justification or a willful attempt at deflection.
I know the meaning of the word "niggardly" and it's connotation; there's no way in hell anyone with an ounce of sense would use it in an professional environment.
However some people have the naive arrogance that whatever issues from their mouths should carry no consequence.
You keep proving just how fucking stupid you are. keep it up anyone with half a brain is getting a HUGE laugh out of your ignorance.

How old are you? 12? Black and white thinking has been around for millennia. It means just what i said it means but you, probably a result of public school education have never heard of it and are just to stupid to look it up.
So my first sentence nailed you perfectly...how surprising.
And a jury composed of Black people heard the evidence and agreed to compensate her.
Not surprisingly your.ignorance again raises it's dumbfounded head.
You accused me of making it about Black and White, however anyone can see that was a lie you tried to present.
You then interjected race into the argument and weren't intellectually honest enough to admit it.
Then you ignore the fact that Black jurors sided with this woman and agreed to her being compensated; which totally destroys your silly passed inference that Black people as a whole would not fairly hear a case involving a white person.

Your entire position is void of common sense and fact...I did ask if you were a conservative...didn't I???
now I get where you are coming. Your really are a dumber son of bitch than I thought your were
look this link up and then look at thinking error number 2
I want everyone on this forum to look this address up and look at number 2
and ask themselves who was the one interjecting race in this thread
Black white thinking isn't about race .....dumb ass

15 Common Cognitive Distortions
Well I guess I was wrong after all, you aren't finished with your lies and deflections...lol.
So you want people to click your bullshit link that has nothing to do with your denial that you made this a racial issue.
They don't have to click your link to see that you are a lying piece of shit, all they have to do is read your own words on this thread.

  • You're damn right it was about race. A hostilework environment was created around her because she was white.
What a stupid idiot you are...
When one argues about black white situations in an abstract sense they are NOT talking about race. Black and white mean polar opposite positions with no middle ground allowed, no grey areas. Has our educational system gotten so bad that you do not understand that concept at all and assume simply because the words "black" and "white" were used he meant race?

Remember when the DC official got hammered for saying niggerdly and accused of racism? This is more of the same ignorance.
That's either an ignorant attempt at justification or a willful attempt at deflection.
I know the meaning of the word "niggardly" and it's connotation; there's no way in hell anyone with an ounce of sense would use it in an professional environment.
However some people have the naive arrogance that whatever issues from their mouths should carry no consequence.
You keep proving just how fucking stupid you are. keep it up anyoowne with half a brain is getting a HUGE laugh out of your ignorance.

How old are you? 12? Black and white thinking has been around for millennia. It means just what i said it means but you, probably a result of public school education have never heard of it and are just to stupid to look it up.

Wow, huge anger problem also
No doubt in his personal and private life he uses anger to control people
You're damn right it was about race. A hostile work environment was created around her because she was white.
And a jury composed of Black people heard the evidence and agreed to compensate her.
Not surprisingly your.ignorance again raises it's dumbfounded head.
You accused me of making it about Black and White, however anyone can see that was a lie you tried to present.
You then interjected race into the argument and weren't intellectually honest enough to admit it.
Then you ignore the fact that Black jurors sided with this woman and agreed to her being compensated; which totally destroys your silly passed inference that Black people as a whole would not fairly hear a case involving a white person.

Your entire position is void of common sense and fact...I did ask if you were a conservative...didn't I???
now I get where you are coming. Your really are a dumber son of bitch than I thought your were
look this link up and then look at thinking error number 2
I want everyone on this forum to look this address up and look at number 2
and ask themselves who was the one interjecting race in this thread
Black white thinking isn't about race .....dumb ass

15 Common Cognitive Distortions
Well I guess I was wrong after all, you aren't finished with your lies and deflections...lol.
So you want people to click your bullshit link that has nothing to do with your denial that you made this a racial issue.
They don't have to click your link to see that you are a lying piece of shit, all they have to do is read your own words on this thread.

  • You're damn right it was about race. A hostilework environment was created around her because she was white.
What a stupid idiot you are...
When one argues about black white situations in an abstract sense they are NOT talking about race. Black and white mean polar opposite positions with no middle ground allowed, no grey areas. Has our educational system gotten so bad that you do not understand that concept at all and assume simply because the words "black" and "white" were used he meant race?

Remember when the DC official got hammered for saying niggerdly and accused of racism? This is more of the same ignorance.
That's either an ignorant attempt at justification or a willful attempt at deflection.
I know the meaning of the word "niggardly" and it's connotation; there's no way in hell anyone with an ounce of sense would use it in an professional environment.
However some people have the naive arrogance that whatever issues from their mouths should carry no consequence.

Its from the 1300's of Scandinavian or Middle English origins and has nothing to do with black people and is not etymologically connected to the latin niger, the origins of the actual offensive word.

Niggard and niggardly are used across the pond. Its just the US that goes into hysterics.
As I stated, I know what the word means.
I also know the perceptions and connotation of the word, I would be utterly naive to include that word as part of my professional vocabulary.
Yet you do NOT know what white and black thinking means as you have proven in this thread. When someone is afraid to use normal everyday words for fear of upsetting stupid people we have gone to far. I suppose you think Guam will tip over and sink too right?

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