Jon Stewart to Media: Go Fuck Yourselves

Hey, you whiny far right reactionaries, quit crying if you can't take what you try to dish to others. :lol:
It's noteworthy because the liberal mouthpieces are starting to crack and turn on obama. They are worth praise because they are finally seeing what their messiah really is.

Is Jon Stewart a bellwether? We hope so. Stewart can be a leader, the canary in the coal mine, if he picks up the reins.

A bellwether is any entity in a given arena that serves to create or influence trends or to presage future happenings.

The term is derived from the Middle English bellewether and refers to the practice of placing a bell around the neck of a castrated ram (a wether) leading his flock of sheep. The movements of the flock could be noted by hearing the bell before the flock was in sight.

Castrated sheep is a good image to describe all the Demwit, GOPer, and Libretardian loyalists today.
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gawd, the left creaming themselves over John much we have two threads on it

not a pretty thing

Yeah, the folks from the left! Man, that is so irritating! You never see the folks from the right duplicate, triplicate threads, I mean never. Obamacare's fucked up website only had one thread. Zimmerman, one thread. Benghazi, one thread. I could go on and on. This is so irritating! The left just has to stop this crap!

chill pill dear...all I said is, it was so IMPORTANT there are two threads on it

dear gawd

Well, you don't have to jump all over everybody about it. :lol:
Which is what I perceive O`Reilly doing on a regular basis, which is why his show is, and will remain, #1 in cable as long as he is captain. Every liberal I know, along the coast, listens to him and when I have asked why, they all say the same thing in different ways, "because that is where the news is."

I like Bill because he is masterful, informative and intelligent, and doesn't let his guests spin the answers to his questions. There is only a certain amount of time for each segment and Bill knows how to make the most of it.

Megyn Kelly is much the same way. :D
O'Reilly kills in the ratings because he knows how to play this whole game.

Give some fair criticisms of the "other guy" but never engage in political talking points
Be hard, but not TOO hard, on "your guy" to make it look like you are fair

He tells both sides what they want to hear to keep them happy, but leans a little bit more to one side to appease his real audience.

Exactly! That is why I consider him so successful. He pleases everybody in some way. :D That is called good customer service.

If Lolo Reilly had give good customer service when serving phone sex, he wouldn't have been sued for sexual harassment.
How many times have we seen conservatives post messages about how Jon is just a nobody comedian who only skewers the right and how stupid liberals are for listening to him. But as soon as he cracks a joke about Obama, he is a voice to be listen to and is a bellwether of the true state of affairs.

[ame=]The Daily Show 10/31/13 Jon Stewart DESTROYS Cable News "Go F*ck Yourself" - YouTube[/ame]

Yes Boop he is still a nobody comedian who exists to make money. That was in fact what the whole skit was about. You should try actually watching it.
Dear Pogo... It's been MONTHS on USMB since I've called anyone a stupid hypocritical asshole --- But you just won the award.. This is what you said about the Daily Show when you helped to get this thread on Sebelius's interview moved from Politics to Media..

Your argument at the time WAS EXACTLY that nobody should be held accountable for their comments on the Daily Show because THAT SHOW "was just entertainment"...

That's right -- Because Sebelius made an ass of herself on the Daily Show --- those comments didn't belong in a political discussion forum..


I'll have to return that award to sender then, because here's the part you conveniently left out, carefully posting the single post without the context--

The OP of that thread:
This is important because, believe it or not, a HUGE percentage of libturds actually get their News from Comedy Central.

And no, I am NOT kidding.

While I don't like Stewart all that much, he has been known to skewer dimocraps; though not as much as he does Republicans.

Stewart to Sebelius on health care law ?Am I a stupid man?? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Worth reading.

dimocraps are going to take this one on the chin, boys and girls.

Believe it

I emphasized the crucial part since you've been looking past it.

The thread was about the Daily Show, ya dishonest hack. It's about Stewart and his handling of his guest. That's why it belonged in media. You never did get the point when the thread was live, and you still don't get it now. And by the way you never gave a good answer why being in the Media forum is the crime of the century.


That was YOUR EXCUSE to not discuss the Sebelius interview in the POLITICS forum..
A public official makes POLITICAL NEWS with their comments even they occurred on the PEE WEE HERMAN show.

The QUOTE supplied made the OP SPECIFICALLY about her lying comments.

But there you were --- calling it "entertainment" when the NEWS WAS her comments in the interview themselves.. Hypocrit.

Jon Stewart was doing the job that the rest of the media wouldn't do. That is to warn us about Sebelius's tendency to lie.
And we know SINCE that interview -- that Sebelius really can lie her ass off -- dont we?

Uh -- comedy IS entertainment, jackwagon. It can riff on any topic; Stewart focuses on the news and the absurdities therein. That's what he did in that thread, that's what he did in this thread, that's what he always does. Read the OP -- the thread is about the Daily Show and that's why it belonged in Media. If the thread had been intended to be about Sebelius's interview it could have been framed that way. It wasn't.

And guess what Einstein: I don't move threads to other forums. The site does that.
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The National Enquirer has a larger circulation than the top 5 newspapers combined. It's certainly not because of the quality of reporting.


They have a better accuracy rating then the New York Times. They broke the "Blue Dress" while the Times tried to bury the story. They broke the Gary Condit story while the Times covered it up. They broke the John Edwards story while the Times tried to cover it up.

You're an engineer and you read The National Enquirer? ...for actual news coverage? LMAO! Have you told any of your coworkers?
gawd, the left creaming themselves over John much we have two threads on it

not a pretty thing

Yeah, the folks from the left! Man, that is so irritating! You never see the folks from the right duplicate, triplicate threads, I mean never. Obamacare's fucked up website only had one thread. Zimmerman, one thread. Benghazi, one thread. I could go on and on. This is so irritating! The left just has to stop this crap!

chill pill dear...all I said is, it was so IMPORTANT there are two threads on it

dear gawd

Did you have a point to make then?
How about the Wall Street Journal the best selling newspaper which the National Enquirer has triple the circulation?
How many stories has the National Enquirer broke that were wrong? About 99.9% of them? I know their story "I married a lizard only to find out she was an alien from Mars" turned out not to be true! :lol:

The Enquirer does a lot of celebrity gossip that I have zero interest in. How much of it is "wrong?" No idea, but since they pay for stories (the definition of a tabloid,) I suspect most of it is fairly accurate.

And the Enquirer doesn't do the alien or bigfoot stories - never has.

The difference is that the Enquirer uses Journalists - the New York Times is about propaganda to serve the party.
The ODS crowd apparently didn't look at the clip, which showed, with many video clips, how Jon Stewart has been going after Obama for years.

But then, if they didn't ignore the real world, they wouldn't be ODS kooks.

Let's be realistic here, Stewart offers "soft opposition" so that people like yourself (I'm assuming your a Dem/Lib?) can claim "he's been going after Obama for years."

Had he really been going after Obama, the left wouldn't love him so much and he'd have an entirely different audience.

You play to your audience and offer just enough soft opposition to not appear like the whore you are. O'Reilly is a master at this as well.

True. Usually these guys only go after their side of things when they have majorly f*ck up and there is no way they can defend it.

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