As usual Laura makes a good point, we have a government that is telling us what we HAVE to buy and is not very much interested in individual freedom or rights.
And the eventual penalties for failing to do as ORDERED by the Federal Government are planned to be quite Draconian. So much for that whole "land of the free" concept.
I still think this horrid, communism-inspired bullshit legislation is better criticized and opposed without invoking the Nazi "final solution" as a metaphor, however.
But there's historical precedent we can't forget. We've already seen that if you scratch the surface of any American Librul there's a frothing, goosestepping Nazi ready to burst forth Alien-like and take control of everything we do.
They want to control our health and bodies and they want to make our economy go dark using fake science from the Greatest Scientific Fraud in history.
Most days I'm convinced we can get through this without a shooting civil war, other days I'm not too sure.