Jon Stewart Slams Laura Ingraham for Citing Holocaust Poem at Tea Party Rally

Who was that idiot who said we cannot allow the pen to be mightier than the sword?

Nice to know the totalitarians are with us :lol:
Yes, it's tough to be a blonde woman in America.

I like the other day he was making fun of that blonde on Fox & Friends in the morning. The two douch bags with that woman, I think her name is Gretchen? She was acting stupid saying, "I looked up the definition of a czar and it means king".

Stewart pointed out she went to Yale or some big Ivy League School and she's just acting like Chrissy Snow on 3's Company.

The Daily Show is the best political news program on tv. Isn't that sad?

I like the other day he was making fun of that blonde on Fox & Friends in the morning. The two douch bags with that woman, I think her name is Gretchen? She was acting stupid saying, "I looked up the definition of a czar and it means king".

Stewart pointed out she went to Yale or some big Ivy League School and she's just acting like Chrissy Snow on 3's Company.

The Daily Show is the best political news program on tv. Isn't that sad?

Just because one attended an Ivy League School does not necessarily mean that one know everything.... nor does it make one exceptionally intelligent, it makes one lucky. Nothing more, nothing less.

I like the other day he was making fun of that blonde on Fox & Friends in the morning. The two douch bags with that woman, I think her name is Gretchen? She was acting stupid saying, "I looked up the definition of a czar and it means king".

Stewart pointed out she went to Yale or some big Ivy League School and she's just acting like Chrissy Snow on 3's Company.

The Daily Show is the best political news program on tv. Isn't that sad?

Just because one attended an Ivy League School does not necessarily mean that one know everything.... nor does it make one exceptionally intelligent, it makes one lucky. Nothing more, nothing less.

The best of the best in Michigan get accepted to Ivy league schools. You gotta be smart, unless you have connections. She might have connections.

Point is, everyone that went to highschool knows what a czar is. And she knew what one was too. The Daily Show is great at pointing out when Fox dumbs down for its stupid audience.

And by the way, isn't there another thread about Republicans being smarter than Democrats? :eusa_liar: Not the poor/middle class ones that watch Fox. They might be successful at what they do and they might have money, but they don't know politics.

I like the other day he was making fun of that blonde on Fox & Friends in the morning. The two douch bags with that woman, I think her name is Gretchen? She was acting stupid saying, "I looked up the definition of a czar and it means king".

Stewart pointed out she went to Yale or some big Ivy League School and she's just acting like Chrissy Snow on 3's Company.

The Daily Show is the best political news program on tv. Isn't that sad?

Just because one attended an Ivy League School does not necessarily mean that one know everything.... nor does it make one exceptionally intelligent, it makes one lucky. Nothing more, nothing less.

some retards even sneak into oxford

I like the other day he was making fun of that blonde on Fox & Friends in the morning. The two douch bags with that woman, I think her name is Gretchen? She was acting stupid saying, "I looked up the definition of a czar and it means king".

Stewart pointed out she went to Yale or some big Ivy League School and she's just acting like Chrissy Snow on 3's Company.

The Daily Show is the best political news program on tv. Isn't that sad?

Just because one attended an Ivy League School does not necessarily mean that one know everything.... nor does it make one exceptionally intelligent, it makes one lucky. Nothing more, nothing less.

And its not like we tune into Fox hoping that they lie or say stupid things. They just never let us down.

Feel free to give us examples of MSNBC or Air America announcers acting like Fox hosts act. Or Rush.

Or when MSNBC says rediculous things like O'Reilly & Beck.

The morons that watch Fox news honestly think its fair and balanced. Some of them are nice people, like my buddies parents. But politically, they are being conned by Fox News. All spin. BS. Lies. Misleading.
After some searching (because the stupid OP doesn't bother to inform any readers of which Holocaust "poem" Laura Ingraham "cited") it appears that she alluded to the one that starts with "First they came for . . . . "

I believe Laura said (in reference to the Health Care Shit Legislation) something to the effect of "First they came for the rich, but I was not rich so I didn't speak up. . ."

So, of course, we can see why little Jonnie Lieberman Stewart is all self-righteously worked up.

As we all know, only libbies are permitted to analogize their opponent's proposed legislation along such lines!

Bonus points to the first lib who dares to make the dishonest claim that libbies NEVER argue along such lines.

I like Laura Ingraham a lot. Even so, I can see that her choice of metaphor in this case was a bit overwrought. But let's not pretend that only conservatives soemtimes over-reach when making criticism of their opponents' proposed legislative efforts.
Thank God for Jon Stewart now the Libruls have something to discuss for the next 2 days.

Did you know Obama's Uncle liberated Auschwitz and the experience so fucked him up that he stayed in his room for six months and hearing about his Uncle's experience was SEARED into Obama's memory?
As usual Laura makes a good point, we have a government that is telling us what we HAVE to buy and is not very much interested in individual freedom or rights.
As usual Laura makes a good point, we have a government that is telling us what we HAVE to buy and is not very much interested in individual freedom or rights.

And the eventual penalties for failing to do as ORDERED by the Federal Government are planned to be quite Draconian. So much for that whole "land of the free" concept.

I still think this horrid, communism-inspired bullshit legislation is better criticized and opposed without invoking the Nazi "final solution" as a metaphor, however.

I like the other day he was making fun of that blonde on Fox & Friends in the morning. The two douch bags with that woman, I think her name is Gretchen? She was acting stupid saying, "I looked up the definition of a czar and it means king".

Stewart pointed out she went to Yale or some big Ivy League School and she's just acting like Chrissy Snow on 3's Company.

The Daily Show is the best political news program on tv. Isn't that sad?

Just because one attended an Ivy League School does not necessarily mean that one know everything.... nor does it make one exceptionally intelligent, it makes one lucky. Nothing more, nothing less.

she was valdictorian of her high school class, attended stanford and oxford ... and she played classical violin like a professional concert violinist in the miss america pageant, which she won.

Gretchen Carlson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

she plays dumb for her audience. she should be ashamed. in watching Fox & Friends, I thought she was one of the most brain dead anchors I had ever seen. That's why it was so funny when the daily show showed her for who she is.
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As usual Laura makes a good point, we have a government that is telling us what we HAVE to buy and is not very much interested in individual freedom or rights.

And the eventual penalties for failing to do as ORDERED by the Federal Government are planned to be quite Draconian. So much for that whole "land of the free" concept.

I still think this horrid, communism-inspired bullshit legislation is better criticized and opposed without invoking the Nazi "final solution" as a metaphor, however.

But there's historical precedent we can't forget. We've already seen that if you scratch the surface of any American Librul there's a frothing, goosestepping Nazi ready to burst forth Alien-like and take control of everything we do.

They want to control our health and bodies and they want to make our economy go dark using fake science from the Greatest Scientific Fraud in history.

Most days I'm convinced we can get through this without a shooting civil war, other days I'm not too sure.
As usual Laura makes a good point, we have a government that is telling us what we HAVE to buy and is not very much interested in individual freedom or rights.

And the eventual penalties for failing to do as ORDERED by the Federal Government are planned to be quite Draconian. So much for that whole "land of the free" concept.

I still think this horrid, communism-inspired bullshit legislation is better criticized and opposed without invoking the Nazi "final solution" as a metaphor, however.

But there's historical precedent we can't forget. We've already seen that if you scratch the surface of any American Librul there's a frothing, goosestepping Nazi ready to burst forth Alien-like and take control of everything we do.

They want to control our health and bodies and they want to make our economy go dark using fake science from the Greatest Scientific Fraud in history.

Most days I'm convinced we can get through this without a shooting civil war, other days I'm not too sure.

I make my DAILY prediction:

Frank will not be in the mood, today, to put up with the kind of forced mental retardation known as modern American liberalism!
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