CDZ John McCain's funeral extravaganza, do we need to stop treating politicians like Lords and Ladies?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This never ending ceremony for John McCain brings to mind the idea that our politicians are now no longer public servants...but are lords and ladies, our "Betters" and not simply our corrupt, lazy, greedy, employees.

I think that we need to stop treating them like Nobility, end the ceremonies and the titles....instead of calling them Senator, and Congressman.....we should call them by their last names or their first names, give them a hell of a lot less deference and treat them like they actually are, mostly corrupt, and greedy and untrustworthy.......we have given them far too much respect. They work for us, they are not our lords and masters.

So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.
John McCain was more than just a politician.

Watching the endless whining of his dysfunctional opponents who find crudely disparaging a guy in a coffin before he is even buried has become mildly entertaining but very educational about the low moral character of those opponents.
This never ending ceremony for John McCain brings to mind the idea that our politicians are now no longer public servants...but are lords and ladies, our "Betters" and not simply our corrupt, lazy, greedy, employees.

I think that we need to stop treating them like Nobility, end the ceremonies and the titles....instead of calling them Senator, and Congressman.....we should call them by their last names or their first names, give them a hell of a lot less deference and treat them like they actually are, mostly corrupt, and greedy and untrustworthy.......we have given them far too much respect. They work for us, they are not our lords and masters.

So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.

I am in complete agreement with you. I was thinking something similar, a few days ago, but did not give voice to it then.

Public servants need to know their place. They are our SERVANTS, not, as they have foolishly been allowed to imagine themselves, our masters. We need to stop treating them and we need to stop allowing them to act, as if they are better than those of us that they are supposed to serve.
This never ending ceremony for John McCain brings to mind the idea that our politicians are now no longer public servants...but are lords and ladies, our "Betters" and not simply our corrupt, lazy, greedy, employees.

I think that we need to stop treating them like Nobility, end the ceremonies and the titles....instead of calling them Senator, and Congressman.....we should call them by their last names or their first names, give them a hell of a lot less deference and treat them like they actually are, mostly corrupt, and greedy and untrustworthy.......we have given them far too much respect. They work for us, they are not our lords and masters.

So, this endless funeral procession....we need to stop it. This was, to me, excessive and dumb. Let his family mourn him, then bury him....this lying in state as if he was a king....ridiculous. He was a brave man, and a corrupt politician..... nothing more.

I can see both sides. Pop stars get ridiculous funerals though. McCain, and I voted against him, by all accounts seems to have been an honest man, maybe thats why the hero worship
John McCain was more than just a politician.

Watching the endless whining of his dysfunctional opponents who find crudely disparaging a guy in a coffin before he is even buried has become mildly entertaining but very educational about the low moral character of those opponents.

How about the guy in the coffin reaching out and attacking the ones left behind? How about the low moral character of using the last moments on earth to attack other people, the very people you attacked while you were still alive.....
John McCain was more than just a politician.

Watching the endless whining of his dysfunctional opponents who find crudely disparaging a guy in a coffin before he is even buried has become mildly entertaining but very educational about the low moral character of those opponents.

This is what you are defending, this is the man you are defending...

Nolte: How Our Vulgar Media and Political Elite Ruined Two Funerals

May I be honest? Am I allowed to be honest in the age of CorrectThink? Please do argue with me if you disagree, but if the media reports are true, was it not John McCain himself who set the childish tone with his mean-girl invite list?

Apparently, he spent eight months planning his own funeral, which was, to begin with, — am I allowed to say it? — just a tad ostentatious.

But to snub a sitting president, to snub Sarah Palin, his unfailingly loyal 2008 vice presidential running mate? What was that other than petty and childish?

If I wanted Trump to look bad, I would have invited him to my funeral in the hope he would make himself look bad. If the man is as boorish as our Ruling Class says, why not be the bigger man, even if you are hoping to set him up?

But someone who did make McCain’s invite list was credibly accused rapist and perjurer Bill Clinton. And on the invite list at Aretha’s funeral was that same credibly accused rapist and perjurer Bill Clinton, who shared the front row dais with raging racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, anti-Semite Al Sharpton, and Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson.

This was the least of it, though. The behavior at both of these funerals was so cheap, so crass… And all of it on national television.

To begin with, in a fit of mean-spiritedness that beggars belief, the McCains obviously invited Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared to humiliate them, to force them to sit there as Meghan McCain and former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush took cheap shots at Ivanka’s father.

Worse still, while a war hero’s national funeral was turned into a bitter and divisive campaign rally, a cathedral full of elites cheered.
Snowflake buffoons are still whining about John McCain's finale message to and about the crude and gross illegitimate President with the class of a garden slug.
There were two obvious problems with John McCain's funeral. First problem it was a WEEK LONG. Solution? How about ONE DAY. Second problem standing on John McCain's coffin to hurl criticism at President Trump. Is that what eulogizing a man's life is all about? Posturing and using the moment to make points for yourself? It was a disgusting spectacle.
Out in AZ, all flags 1/2 down "forever" and freeway signs with pro mccain messages I heard. When does it end? What happens now when a black one goes? Shut down the country?
A Wellstone moment. And they just can’t help themselves. Remember what happened last time? These people get excited and show their true selves.

“But Wellstone supporters handed Republicans a second chance at victory by turning a televised memorial service into a partisan foot-stomp. The scene offended Republicans and some undecided voters, and though Democrats later apologized, the fallout lingered...”

Mondale's Senate Bid Falls Short
The left deeply desires to bow the knee. As Lucy Hamilton pointed out recently celebrities are the ruling nobility here. A politician dies and they bring in Jay Leno, Warren Beatty etc etc. or, conversely, when a celebrity like Aretha Franklin dies the ruling elites bring in politicians like Clinton’s and Obama’s to sit on the podium.
McCain's funeral was a far-left farce. It proves that, in life, he had no idea where to draw the line. I think his brain cancer might have been a long running problem. Especially after the physical abuse he took while being a POW.

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