John Fetterman Trolls Mehmet Oz's Campaign Over Questionable Grocery List

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I was today years old when I learned what a crudité is.

Oz also didn't seem to know the name of the store he was in. He referred to it as "Wengers." The store is called Renders, however, there is also a chain called Wegman's. Sounds like he spliced them together.

Oz is another Trump endorsed mistake whose campaign has been flailing in the wind and consistently polling behind Fetterman in a Senate seat the Republicans should have been able to keep.

Oz sucks in my opinion. I think he's along the line of many of my friends thought she was the be all and end all and these same friends put Oz on a pedestal. lol...

but you know what. ANd i don't mean to disrespect the intelligent people in Pennsylvania but that state if filled with people who don't pay attention to politics, don't understand it, don't know what their core beliefs are and apparently they are easily manipulated by corrupt authorities. I have relatives and inlaws in Pennsy...even worked out of Pittsburg so i have some experience with it.
I was today years old when I learned what a crudité is.

Oz also didn't seem to know the name of the store he was in. He referred to it as "Wengers." The store is called Renders, however, there is also a chain called Wegman's. Sounds like he spliced them together.

Oz is another Trump endorsed mistake whose campaign has been flailing in the wind and consistently polling behind Fetterman in a Senate seat the Republicans should have been able to keep.

isn’t Fetterman the guy that was living off his parents well into his 40s?
I was today years old when I learned what a crudité is.

Oz also didn't seem to know the name of the store he was in. He referred to it as "Wengers." The store is called Renders, however, there is also a chain called Wegman's. Sounds like he spliced them together.

Oz is another Trump endorsed mistake whose campaign has been flailing in the wind and consistently polling behind Fetterman in a Senate seat the Republicans should have been able to keep.

I could never support someone who spent so much time in the company of a racist elitist like Oprah.

However, it's funny that you're not familiar with crudite.
I was today years old when I learned what a crudité is.

Oz also didn't seem to know the name of the store he was in. He referred to it as "Wengers." The store is called Renders, however, there is also a chain called Wegman's. Sounds like he spliced them together.

Oz is another Trump endorsed mistake whose campaign has been flailing in the wind and consistently polling behind Fetterman in a Senate seat the Republicans should have been able to keep.

Since Fetterman has had a stroke and can't speak on his own very well...which campaign member did that?
Oz sucks in my opinion. I think he's along the line of many of my friends thought she was the be all and end all and these same friends put Oz on a pedestal. lol...

but you know what. ANd i don't mean to disrespect the intelligent people in Pennsylvania but that state if filled with people who don't pay attention to politics, don't understand it, don't know what their core beliefs are and apparently they are easily manipulated by corrupt authorities. I have relatives and inlaws in Pennsy...even worked out of Pittsburg so i have some experience with it.
Truly is a lot of ignorance here. I find myself feeling very alone most of the time. Most people here only have this cookie cutter understanding of politics, no ideas or observations that are truly their own. In the cities it's Biden all the the boonies it's Trump Trump Trump. I support Trump, but not in the blind way that redneck trailer trash does. I have my own reasons and my reasons are based on economic realism, not on flag waving and the preservation of redneck culture. Many of those people don't really understand that the true reasons they should be voting for Trump are all economic and not cultural. Same reason the City slickers don't realize the same goes for why they shouldn't vote for Biden. They don't understand that the Biden administration likes to be locked in this perpetual game of saving the people from urban plights and poverty. All they do is lock people into this pattern so that the Democrats' welfare services are in perpetual need. Interestingly Pennsylvania is considered a purple State, neither blue nor red. There are many of us in betweeners who don't get any air time because the media only wants to publicize the fight and the polarity. Someday I may get tired of seeing and hearing Trump's arrogance.... But in the meantime I see his policies as the only immediate antidote for all the New World Order bullshit which we have been tricked into over multiple presidencies. When there's no antibiotic available sometimes you simply have to resort to dumping alcohol on your wounds to stave off infection. At least we know it works.
Fetterman pegs the needle on the super creepy meter.
He reminds me of a combination of Uncle Fester and of the Sling Blade character.
When he speaks, he is incoherent
He is another far left knuttjob.
He would just make Schumer and Biden's inflation and recession disaster even worse if they elected him.

Fetterman pegs the needle on the super creepy meter.
He reminds me of a combination of Uncle Fester and of the Sling Blade character.
When he speaks, he is incoherent
He is another far left knuttjob.
He would just make Schumer and Biden's inflation and recession disaster even worse if they elected him.

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You can see how he altered his image somewhat when he entered politics. He's obviously trying to aspire as a RINO
to some people. At first glance he looks like a biker bro. You can easily imagine him waving a flag, wearing a bandana and brandishing a rifle in the name of the second amendment. But nothing could be further from the truth. The man that he worked for was a scummy weasel (Tom Wolf), a Democrat who fell out of the favor of his own voter base by the time he was halfway through his term. Like most Democrats he has extremely reckless spending habits. Just try to drive down route 28 today on your way to Pittsburgh and you will see an absolute horrific mess. Even the detours you have to take are under construction. The Pennsylvania Dems probably did this on purpose in order to make it look like they were creating jobs. Maybe they even did create jobs...but they've also created a mess. Some people may even lose their jobs because they can't make it to work right now because of this construction. So it's all just a b******* ploy to make it look like they were doing something. Personally I had no major problem with route 28 before Tom Wolfe signed off on this crap. There was absolutely no reason all this spending and construction had to be this aggressive.

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