John Cougar (Mellencamp) Says Only 1-2% of American Blacks Better off Today than Slaves

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

It is truly frightening that there are idiots walking around that are this fucking out of touch with reality. John's already smooth brain has been completely bleached with leftist ideological hyperbole. He has zero self-awareness and absolutely no shame. I think he actually believes what he is saying too.

I am not one to worry too much over the opinions expressed by entertainers on matters not involving entertainment. My opinions are much more important to me, and are much more likely to be relevant than that of some bubble-living nimrod who is unduly influenced by leftist interests in the entertainment industry. It is almost cute how they get all agitated and start lecturing us common folks about shit they do not even understand. But John Cougar is off the fucking chain with this stupid take. His brain is neutered.

It is truly frightening that there are idiots walking around that are this fucking out of touch with reality. John's already smooth brain has been completely bleached with leftist ideological hyperbole. He has zero self-awareness and absolutely no shame. I think he actually believes what he is saying too.

I am not one to worry too much over the opinions expressed by entertainers on matters not involving entertainment. My opinions are much more important to me, and are much more likely to be relevant than that of some bubble-living nimrod who is unduly influenced by leftist interests in the entertainment industry. It is almost cute how they get all agitated and start lecturing us common folks about shit they do not even understand. But John Cougar is off the fucking chain with this stupid take. His brain is neutered.
Yep, wacked out. Too much intake of CO2 has he stopped wearing his facediaper yet??

It is truly frightening that there are idiots walking around that are this fucking out of touch with reality. John's already smooth brain has been completely bleached with leftist ideological hyperbole. He has zero self-awareness and absolutely no shame. I think he actually believes what he is saying too.

I am not one to worry too much over the opinions expressed by entertainers on matters not involving entertainment. My opinions are much more important to me, and are much more likely to be relevant than that of some bubble-living nimrod who is unduly influenced by leftist interests in the entertainment industry. It is almost cute how they get all agitated and start lecturing us common folks about shit they do not even understand. But John Cougar is off the fucking chain with this stupid take. His brain is neutered.

Given that blacks vote in huge numbers for DemoKKKrats and DemoKKKrat policies, what does that tell you?

It is truly frightening that there are idiots walking around that are this fucking out of touch with reality. John's already smooth brain has been completely bleached with leftist ideological hyperbole. He has zero self-awareness and absolutely no shame. I think he actually believes what he is saying too.

I am not one to worry too much over the opinions expressed by entertainers on matters not involving entertainment. My opinions are much more important to me, and are much more likely to be relevant than that of some bubble-living nimrod who is unduly influenced by leftist interests in the entertainment industry. It is almost cute how they get all agitated and start lecturing us common folks about shit they do not even understand. But John Cougar is off the fucking chain with this stupid take. His brain is neutered.
The Left would have you believe that the country has not changed since the 1800's, then spend all their time crying about slavery hundreds of years ago they can do nothing about. However, they then turn a blind eye regarding slavery today, which there is more of than at any other time in human history.


It is truly frightening that there are idiots walking around that are this fucking out of touch with reality. John's already smooth brain has been completely bleached with leftist ideological hyperbole. He has zero self-awareness and absolutely no shame. I think he actually believes what he is saying too.

I am not one to worry too much over the opinions expressed by entertainers on matters not involving entertainment. My opinions are much more important to me, and are much more likely to be relevant than that of some bubble-living nimrod who is unduly influenced by leftist interests in the entertainment industry. It is almost cute how they get all agitated and start lecturing us common folks about shit they do not even understand. But John Cougar is off the fucking chain with this stupid take. His brain is neutered.
Well, from stats I can find, about 20% of blacks live outside of large cities. The other 80% are trapped inside the inner portion of the cities controlled by Democrat welfare programs. In the cities, the blacks are told to shut up and sit down, vote for Democrats or they will lose their pensions (welfare). And, over the decades of this, what has happened to the nuclear family? 70-80% of black children have fatherless homes. Working mothers try hard but have little support for their children in the union controlled schools system of the communist democrat party. What I'm saying is that his numbers are off but he's right about most blacks are controlled by slave minded Democrats.
Now, even those in the cities under Democrat slavery are better off with food and roofs over their heads. But, their other needs like faith in God has taken a hit because of the destruction of the family unit. The more and more woke the U.S. gets, the worse everything gets for blacks. The sick thing about this is that many of the Democrat slave owners or indentured servitude leaders are black themselves.
Well, from stats I can find, about 20% of blacks live outside of large cities. The other 80% are trapped inside the inner portion of the cities controlled by Democrat welfare programs. In the cities, the blacks are told to shut up and sit down, vote for Democrats or they will lose their pensions (welfare). And, over the decades of this, what has happened to the nuclear family? 70-80% of black children have fatherless homes. Working mothers try hard but have little support for their children in the union controlled schools system of the communist democrat party. What I'm saying is that his numbers are off but he's right about most blacks are controlled by slave minded Democrats.
Now, even those in the cities under Democrat slavery are better off with food and roofs over their heads. But, their other needs like faith in God has taken a hit because of the destruction of the family unit. The more and more woke the U.S. gets, the worse everything gets for blacks. The sick thing about this is that many of the Democrat slave owners or indentured servitude leaders are black themselves.
I think the message is different from the article. The argument I think he is making is that helping the lower gene pool thrive is harming society, such as welfare programs.

But I would disagree. I think the welfare programs, which reward single parents, are promoting single parent home, thus perpetuating poverty and crime due to fatherless homes.

The government is not helping them with their social programs, they are destroying them.
Well, blacks had 2 percent of the wealth in America during slavery and 2.7 percent of the wealth now. So Mellencamp might be on to something.
The Left would have you believe that the country has not changed since the 1800's, then spend all their time crying about slavery hundreds of years ago they can do nothing about. However, they then turn a blind eye regarding slavery today, which there is more of than at any other time in human history.

The issue is modern racism and you practice it.

It is truly frightening that there are idiots walking around that are this fucking out of touch with reality. John's already smooth brain has been completely bleached with leftist ideological hyperbole. He has zero self-awareness and absolutely no shame. I think he actually believes what he is saying too.

I am not one to worry too much over the opinions expressed by entertainers on matters not involving entertainment. My opinions are much more important to me, and are much more likely to be relevant than that of some bubble-living nimrod who is unduly influenced by leftist interests in the entertainment industry. It is almost cute how they get all agitated and start lecturing us common folks about shit they do not even understand. But John Cougar is off the fucking chain with this stupid take. His brain is neutered.
An aging hipster.
I think the message is different from the article. The argument I think he is making is that helping the lower gene pool thrive is harming society, such as welfare programs.

But I would disagree. I think the welfare programs, which reward single parents, are promoting single parent home, thus perpetuating poverty and crime due to fatherless homes.

The government is not helping them with their social programs, they are destroying them.
That’s pretty much what I wrote as well. However, Democrats are helping blacks remain in welfare chains. I just wouldn’t refer to blacks as the lower gene pool. It’s weird how black leaders are purposely destroying their own communities.

It is truly frightening that there are idiots walking around that are this fucking out of touch with reality. John's already smooth brain has been completely bleached with leftist ideological hyperbole. He has zero self-awareness and absolutely no shame. I think he actually believes what he is saying too.

I am not one to worry too much over the opinions expressed by entertainers on matters not involving entertainment. My opinions are much more important to me, and are much more likely to be relevant than that of some bubble-living nimrod who is unduly influenced by leftist interests in the entertainment industry. It is almost cute how they get all agitated and start lecturing us common folks about shit they do not even understand. But John Cougar is off the fucking chain with this stupid take. His brain is neutered.
Mellencamp is a has-been moron trying to remain relevant. I guess the little pink houses and club cherry bomb proceeds are getting thin.
Even though I don't discriminate against people based on race nor do I advocate it here?

Do tell.

IM2 is projecting because he's ashamed that he and the other DemoKKKrats here vote for people like this:

I think the message is different from the article. The argument I think he is making is that helping the lower gene pool thrive is harming society, such as welfare programs.

But I would disagree. I think the welfare programs, which reward single parents, are promoting single parent home, thus perpetuating poverty and crime due to fatherless homes.

The government is not helping them with their social programs, they are destroying them.
I knew a guy back during our child bearing days, that would have a convenient argument with his wife that prompted a nine month separation while welfare picked up all the pre natal care and delivery of both his kids. Democrats are clueless when they suggest the system isn't being played.
Is that what John Cougar Melloncamp said?

Another in a long line of reasons I don’t give a hoot about the political “opinions” of celebrities or athletes.

He might be on to something, though. Blacks overwhelmingly support DemoKKKrats, who we all know are racist AF. And, as Mellencamp is saying, blacks are still essentially slaves. I see the connection.

It is truly frightening that there are idiots walking around that are this fucking out of touch with reality. John's already smooth brain has been completely bleached with leftist ideological hyperbole. He has zero self-awareness and absolutely no shame. I think he actually believes what he is saying too.

I am not one to worry too much over the opinions expressed by entertainers on matters not involving entertainment. My opinions are much more important to me, and are much more likely to be relevant than that of some bubble-living nimrod who is unduly influenced by leftist interests in the entertainment industry. It is almost cute how they get all agitated and start lecturing us common folks about shit they do not even understand. But John Cougar is off the fucking chain with this stupid take. His brain is neutered.
Lol, if ya believe that shit go over to the middle east and volunteer to be a slave. Till then stfu. Let us know how that works out for ya!
He might be on to something, though. Blacks overwhelmingly support DemoKKKrats, who we all know are racist AF. And, as Mellencamp is saying, blacks are still essentially slaves. I see the connection.
The DNC does have a view of the Democrat plantation as having a right to the “black” vote. Indeed, Potato said it:

If you don’t vote for him, you ain’t black.
Even though I don't discriminate against people based on race nor do I advocate it here?

Do tell.
Lol! Racism is a belief in superiority/inferiority based on race. You have shown that you believe whites are superior.

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