John Brennan one of the architects of the Ukraine war?


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Given the reputation of this nut job
If I were putin and I knew brennan was in u-kraine I would invade the country too

Given the reputation of this nut job
If I were putin and I knew brennan was in u-kraine I would invade the country too

When he dies of a heart attack I'd gladly piss on his grave.
Given the reputation of this nut job
If I were putin and I knew brennan was in u-kraine I would invade the country too

More Russian propaganda?!?! Didn’t the Tucker interview make you realize people were seeing right through MAGA lies?
The CIA funded the euromaiden coup 10 years ago there. Does anyone remember Nuland getting caught discussing hand selecting their president?
Given the reputation of this nut job
If I were putin and I knew brennan was in u-kraine I would invade the country too



We've known Brennan is a Marxist for some time. He fits well within structure of the Democrat Neo-Marxist/Socialist CPUSA Party.

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