Joe The Plumber Was A Great Conservative


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
How many people remember Joe-the-plumber? Working class conservatives loved Joe-the-plumber (real name: Samuel Wurzelbacher) for his confrontation with then candidate Barack Obama, when he condemned the future president’s “spread the wealth” message.

Joe, like all conservatives, was opposed to wealth redistribution, unless, of course, it takes the hard-earned money from middle and lower income workers and puts it in the pockets of the 1%.

Conservatives will be aghast to learn Joe-the-plumber abandoned his principles when he took a union job with Chrysler Group LLC. It is a job in Joe’s hometown, at a Chrysler plant, which would NOT have been opened without the federal bailout of the auto industry.

Remember the bailout, conservatives hated it. Had Joe-the-Trump-voter in 2016 wanted to prove himself a true, union-hating conservative, he would have, instead, taken one of the many minimum wage jobs available. Now, he is Joe-the-hypocrite and not such a great conservative.

But, conservatives will soon have another working class guy to admire. Oops, no they won’t. While Randy Bryce IS a working class guy, and IS “mounting a challenge to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) in 2018,” like Joe-the-plumber, Randy is a union worker. But conservatives are going to hate him, why, he just received an endorsement from the very influential, Working Families Party.

Working Families Party, sounds like people who are supportive of candidates who advocate and will represent the interests of working Americans if elected. Ah, yes, this is why conservatives will hate Randy Bryce (this, and he belongs to a union).

Conservatives have no use for anyone who will champion the interests and needs of working Americans. Conservatives have sworn their allegiance to the billionaires, and will only vote for Republicans, the lapdogs of the super-rich.

Hopefully, the congressional Republicans can muster the votes needed in the Senate and then the House to pass McConnell’s new Trumpcare bill. When this extremely unpopular bill becomes law, the millions of Americans slated to lose health coverage will be a major factor in turning the congress a deep, deep blue.

The GOP can only hope those millions of members of their devoted conservative base who lose their health insurance don’t get sick. What are the chances?

Union ironworker mounting a challenge to Paul Ryan in 2018 scores a major endorsement



Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, EVERYTHING, and still believe they won.

Joe the Plumber is a total douche. He is a media creation by someone in McCain's campaign team. The same people who made Sarah Palin a Vice Presidential candidate.

Second most powerful person in America. Sarah Fucking Palin. This explains how we have a reality television star as our current President.

America……getting dumber every day.
Joe lost to a Democrat in the 9th district - Ohio.

prolly because he was full of shit.

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