Joe Biden's Approval Rating Hits All Time Low in New Poll


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
President Joe Biden's approval rating is continuing to slide, with the latest Quinnipiac poll putting him at his lowest ever score of 38 percent.

The survey found that Biden received negative scores in the double digits on a number of issues, including the economy, immigration and his handling of the crisis in Afghanistan.

Biden's 38 percent job approval rating is his lowest in any poll since he took office. It's down from the 42 percent he received in Quinnipiac's last poll three weeks ago.

The results are part of a trend that has seen Biden's approval ratings drop consistently. for the past few months. Joe Biden's approval rating hits all time low in new poll

Do you all think Biden even cares if he is thought of as a bumbling idiot? 38%!!! Good grief...Good job lefties.

The assertion the Potato Puppet Pervert's poll numbers EVER WERE anywhere near 50% is a total lie.

The globalist media is covering it's collectivist ass because the hatred of the potato has far surpassed anyone who can even tolerate this level of incompetence and total stupidity.

As I've pointed out before, this potato couldn't draw flies to parking lot rallies where a handful of mask wearing moonbats in cars honked their horns on que during an insipid speech while at least twice as many patriots heckled the bullshit show from across the street. No cognizant person believes Xiden was EVER "POPULAR". If not for mail in ballots being stuffed into machines at the last minute, and courts full of Lefts Syndrome Lawyers allowing fraud to take place Trump would still be in the WH facing his 4th impeachment for putting an aluminum coke can in a non-recyclable trash bin.

The left is going to start admitting Joe is drooling will start with someone big who makes a small indication that it is ok to admit Joe is senile....someone like Obama will do it.

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