Joe Biden's 40% Drop in the Polls


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Back in May of 2019, the Democrats were 100% positive that Joe Biden would be the next President. He was the one who was going to lead them back to the "glory days" of the Obama president. Biden's polling skyrocketed from 28.3% to 41.4%, in only one month! At the same time, Bernie Sanders' poll numbers were plummeting as Biden's were rising.

But something happened between then and now. Joe Biden has managed to drop from 41.4% on May of 2019, to the dismal level of 16.5% a couple days ago. That's a 40% drop in the polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination!

So what happened? Think "impeachment." Biden's numbers started dropping when the Democrats realized that the Senate would not impeach President Trump, and continued to fall through the floor. The Democrats were hedging all their bets on reliving the Obama days with Joe Biden as their surrogate, but that crashed and burned because of the failure of the Senate to impeach President Trump.

Now let's go back to the phone call between President Trump, and Ukraine President Zelensky: Does anyone really believe that wasn't a setup to knock Biden out of the race? President Trump was well aware of the BIdens' corrupt dealings in Ukraine. Conservative media had been covering that for some time but even so, the liberal media sources such as CNN and MSNBC would touch it. They were far to sure that Joe Biden was going to be the next President, and far be it from them to report anything scandalous about their next President.

So how to bring this scandal to the forefront, and remove a presidential candidate? The phone call. President Trump knew how many people were listening. He knew that there would be leaks to the media. He probably even knew that the House would get their impeachment wish, the Senate would drop it like a hot potato, and that Biden would pretty much be dead in the water. And he was even willing to risk an impeachment.

That was a pretty slick trick there, Mr. President. You truly are the master of 3D chess.:04:
Dimms shot themselves in the dick with impeachment. For months, Biden’s corruption was front page every day.

What fucking morons.
Back in May of 2019, the Democrats were 100% positive that Joe Biden would be the next President. He was the one who was going to lead them back to the "glory days" of the Obama president. Biden's polling skyrocketed from 28.3% to 41.4%, in only one month! At the same time, Bernie Sanders' poll numbers were plummeting as Biden's were rising.

But something happened between then and now. Joe Biden has managed to drop from 41.4% on May of 2019, to the dismal level of 16.5% a couple days ago. That's a 40% drop in the polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination!

So what happened? Think "impeachment." Biden's numbers started dropping when the Democrats realized that the Senate would not impeach President Trump, and continued to fall through the floor. The Democrats were hedging all their bets on reliving the Obama days with Joe Biden as their surrogate, but that crashed and burned because of the failure of the Senate to impeach President Trump.

Now let's go back to the phone call between President Trump, and Ukraine President Zelensky: Does anyone really believe that wasn't a setup to knock Biden out of the race? President Trump was well aware of the BIdens' corrupt dealings in Ukraine. Conservative media had been covering that for some time but even so, the liberal media sources such as CNN and MSNBC would touch it. They were far to sure that Joe Biden was going to be the next President, and far be it from them to report anything scandalous about their next President.

So how to bring this scandal to the forefront, and remove a presidential candidate? The phone call. President Trump knew how many people were listening. He knew that there would be leaks to the media. He probably even knew that the House would get their impeachment wish, the Senate would drop it like a hot potato, and that Biden would pretty much be dead in the water. And he was even willing to risk an impeachment.

That was a pretty slick trick there, Mr. President. You truly are the master of 3D chess.:04:
pretty despicable and dishonorable IMO... Biden is a good guy, didn’t deserve to be attacked that way. Sad how our political discourse has devolved into schoolyard smear tactics
Back in May of 2019, the Democrats were 100% positive that Joe Biden would be the next President. He was the one who was going to lead them back to the "glory days" of the Obama president. Biden's polling skyrocketed from 28.3% to 41.4%, in only one month! At the same time, Bernie Sanders' poll numbers were plummeting as Biden's were rising.

But something happened between then and now. Joe Biden has managed to drop from 41.4% on May of 2019, to the dismal level of 16.5% a couple days ago. That's a 40% drop in the polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination!

So what happened? Think "impeachment." Biden's numbers started dropping when the Democrats realized that the Senate would not impeach President Trump, and continued to fall through the floor. The Democrats were hedging all their bets on reliving the Obama days with Joe Biden as their surrogate, but that crashed and burned because of the failure of the Senate to impeach President Trump.

Now let's go back to the phone call between President Trump, and Ukraine President Zelensky: Does anyone really believe that wasn't a setup to knock Biden out of the race? President Trump was well aware of the BIdens' corrupt dealings in Ukraine. Conservative media had been covering that for some time but even so, the liberal media sources such as CNN and MSNBC would touch it. They were far to sure that Joe Biden was going to be the next President, and far be it from them to report anything scandalous about their next President.

So how to bring this scandal to the forefront, and remove a presidential candidate? The phone call. President Trump knew how many people were listening. He knew that there would be leaks to the media. He probably even knew that the House would get their impeachment wish, the Senate would drop it like a hot potato, and that Biden would pretty much be dead in the water. And he was even willing to risk an impeachment.

That was a pretty slick trick there, Mr. President. You truly are the master of 3D chess.:04:
pretty despicable and dishonorable IMO... Biden is a good guy, didn’t deserve to be attacked that way. Sad how our political discourse has devolved into schoolyard smear tactics
Biden is a goddamn crook and you know it.

I can rent you a clue if you don't have the funds handy to buy one.
Back in May of 2019, the Democrats were 100% positive that Joe Biden would be the next President. He was the one who was going to lead them back to the "glory days" of the Obama president. Biden's polling skyrocketed from 28.3% to 41.4%, in only one month! At the same time, Bernie Sanders' poll numbers were plummeting as Biden's were rising.

But something happened between then and now. Joe Biden has managed to drop from 41.4% on May of 2019, to the dismal level of 16.5% a couple days ago. That's a 40% drop in the polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination!

So what happened? Think "impeachment." Biden's numbers started dropping when the Democrats realized that the Senate would not impeach President Trump, and continued to fall through the floor. The Democrats were hedging all their bets on reliving the Obama days with Joe Biden as their surrogate, but that crashed and burned because of the failure of the Senate to impeach President Trump.

Now let's go back to the phone call between President Trump, and Ukraine President Zelensky: Does anyone really believe that wasn't a setup to knock Biden out of the race? President Trump was well aware of the BIdens' corrupt dealings in Ukraine. Conservative media had been covering that for some time but even so, the liberal media sources such as CNN and MSNBC would touch it. They were far to sure that Joe Biden was going to be the next President, and far be it from them to report anything scandalous about their next President.

So how to bring this scandal to the forefront, and remove a presidential candidate? The phone call. President Trump knew how many people were listening. He knew that there would be leaks to the media. He probably even knew that the House would get their impeachment wish, the Senate would drop it like a hot potato, and that Biden would pretty much be dead in the water. And he was even willing to risk an impeachment.

That was a pretty slick trick there, Mr. President. You truly are the master of 3D chess.:04:
pretty despicable and dishonorable IMO... Biden is a good guy, didn’t deserve to be attacked that way. Sad how our political discourse has devolved into schoolyard smear tactics

He’s a shamwow salesman, who forgot his rap.

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It is a commentary on the utter stupidity of the Democrat Voter that it has taken so long for some of them to realize that this man belongs in a nursing home. And a few still haven't realized.

If you have ever even tried on a Pussy Hat, you should not be allowed to vote.
He dropped in the polls because he kept talking and more and more people found out he's just a clueless, creepy old man.

And yet, the Democrats couldn't figure that out during the 8 years he was VP. We knew about all the groping and sniffing he was doing to little girls and women, but CNN and MSNBC never mentioned it.
Back in May of 2019, the Democrats were 100% positive that Joe Biden would be the next President. He was the one who was going to lead them back to the "glory days" of the Obama president. Biden's polling skyrocketed from 28.3% to 41.4%, in only one month! At the same time, Bernie Sanders' poll numbers were plummeting as Biden's were rising.

But something happened between then and now. Joe Biden has managed to drop from 41.4% on May of 2019, to the dismal level of 16.5% a couple days ago. That's a 40% drop in the polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination!

So what happened? Think "impeachment." Biden's numbers started dropping when the Democrats realized that the Senate would not impeach President Trump, and continued to fall through the floor. The Democrats were hedging all their bets on reliving the Obama days with Joe Biden as their surrogate, but that crashed and burned because of the failure of the Senate to impeach President Trump.

Now let's go back to the phone call between President Trump, and Ukraine President Zelensky: Does anyone really believe that wasn't a setup to knock Biden out of the race? President Trump was well aware of the BIdens' corrupt dealings in Ukraine. Conservative media had been covering that for some time but even so, the liberal media sources such as CNN and MSNBC would touch it. They were far to sure that Joe Biden was going to be the next President, and far be it from them to report anything scandalous about their next President.

So how to bring this scandal to the forefront, and remove a presidential candidate? The phone call. President Trump knew how many people were listening. He knew that there would be leaks to the media. He probably even knew that the House would get their impeachment wish, the Senate would drop it like a hot potato, and that Biden would pretty much be dead in the water. And he was even willing to risk an impeachment.

That was a pretty slick trick there, Mr. President. You truly are the master of 3D chess.:04:
pretty despicable and dishonorable IMO... Biden is a good guy, didn’t deserve to be attacked that way. Sad how our political discourse has devolved into schoolyard smear tactics
Biden is a goddamn crook and you know it.

I can rent you a clue if you don't have the funds handy to buy one.
i don't know it and I don't believe it after listening to the weak unsubstantiated and petty attacks that have been thrown at him these past few months. He served as VP for 8 years.... he’s been vetted and transparent and all of a sudden he is a big crook now that he is running against Trump. What a joke!!!
Back in May of 2019, the Democrats were 100% positive that Joe Biden would be the next President. He was the one who was going to lead them back to the "glory days" of the Obama president. Biden's polling skyrocketed from 28.3% to 41.4%, in only one month! At the same time, Bernie Sanders' poll numbers were plummeting as Biden's were rising.

But something happened between then and now. Joe Biden has managed to drop from 41.4% on May of 2019, to the dismal level of 16.5% a couple days ago. That's a 40% drop in the polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination!

So what happened? Think "impeachment." Biden's numbers started dropping when the Democrats realized that the Senate would not impeach President Trump, and continued to fall through the floor. The Democrats were hedging all their bets on reliving the Obama days with Joe Biden as their surrogate, but that crashed and burned because of the failure of the Senate to impeach President Trump.

Now let's go back to the phone call between President Trump, and Ukraine President Zelensky: Does anyone really believe that wasn't a setup to knock Biden out of the race? President Trump was well aware of the BIdens' corrupt dealings in Ukraine. Conservative media had been covering that for some time but even so, the liberal media sources such as CNN and MSNBC would touch it. They were far to sure that Joe Biden was going to be the next President, and far be it from them to report anything scandalous about their next President.

So how to bring this scandal to the forefront, and remove a presidential candidate? The phone call. President Trump knew how many people were listening. He knew that there would be leaks to the media. He probably even knew that the House would get their impeachment wish, the Senate would drop it like a hot potato, and that Biden would pretty much be dead in the water. And he was even willing to risk an impeachment.

That was a pretty slick trick there, Mr. President. You truly are the master of 3D chess.:04:
pretty despicable and dishonorable IMO... Biden is a good guy, didn’t deserve to be attacked that way. Sad how our political discourse has devolved into schoolyard smear tactics
Biden is a goddamn crook and you know it.

I can rent you a clue if you don't have the funds handy to buy one.
i don't know it and I don't believe it after listening to the weak unsubstantiated and petty attacks that have been thrown at him these past few months. He served as VP for 8 years.... he’s been vetted and transparent and all of a sudden he is a big crook now that he is running against Trump. What a joke!!!
If you don't know it then you're a fucking clueless buffoon.....The evidence is all over the place, if you can be bothered to see it.
Back in May of 2019, the Democrats were 100% positive that Joe Biden would be the next President. He was the one who was going to lead them back to the "glory days" of the Obama president. Biden's polling skyrocketed from 28.3% to 41.4%, in only one month! At the same time, Bernie Sanders' poll numbers were plummeting as Biden's were rising.

But something happened between then and now. Joe Biden has managed to drop from 41.4% on May of 2019, to the dismal level of 16.5% a couple days ago. That's a 40% drop in the polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination!

So what happened? Think "impeachment." Biden's numbers started dropping when the Democrats realized that the Senate would not impeach President Trump, and continued to fall through the floor. The Democrats were hedging all their bets on reliving the Obama days with Joe Biden as their surrogate, but that crashed and burned because of the failure of the Senate to impeach President Trump.

Now let's go back to the phone call between President Trump, and Ukraine President Zelensky: Does anyone really believe that wasn't a setup to knock Biden out of the race? President Trump was well aware of the BIdens' corrupt dealings in Ukraine. Conservative media had been covering that for some time but even so, the liberal media sources such as CNN and MSNBC would touch it. They were far to sure that Joe Biden was going to be the next President, and far be it from them to report anything scandalous about their next President.

So how to bring this scandal to the forefront, and remove a presidential candidate? The phone call. President Trump knew how many people were listening. He knew that there would be leaks to the media. He probably even knew that the House would get their impeachment wish, the Senate would drop it like a hot potato, and that Biden would pretty much be dead in the water. And he was even willing to risk an impeachment.

That was a pretty slick trick there, Mr. President. You truly are the master of 3D chess.:04:
pretty despicable and dishonorable IMO... Biden is a good guy, didn’t deserve to be attacked that way. Sad how our political discourse has devolved into schoolyard smear tactics
Biden is a goddamn crook and you know it.

I can rent you a clue if you don't have the funds handy to buy one.
i don't know it and I don't believe it after listening to the weak unsubstantiated and petty attacks that have been thrown at him these past few months. He served as VP for 8 years.... he’s been vetted and transparent and all of a sudden he is a big crook now that he is running against Trump. What a joke!!!
If you don't know it then you're a fucking clueless buffoon.....The evidence is all over the place, if you can be bothered to see it.
If the evidence was all over the place then Barr would have Biden in cuffs. The fact that he isn’t just shows that you’re full of shit.
Back in May of 2019, the Democrats were 100% positive that Joe Biden would be the next President. He was the one who was going to lead them back to the "glory days" of the Obama president. Biden's polling skyrocketed from 28.3% to 41.4%, in only one month! At the same time, Bernie Sanders' poll numbers were plummeting as Biden's were rising.

But something happened between then and now. Joe Biden has managed to drop from 41.4% on May of 2019, to the dismal level of 16.5% a couple days ago. That's a 40% drop in the polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination!

So what happened? Think "impeachment." Biden's numbers started dropping when the Democrats realized that the Senate would not impeach President Trump, and continued to fall through the floor. The Democrats were hedging all their bets on reliving the Obama days with Joe Biden as their surrogate, but that crashed and burned because of the failure of the Senate to impeach President Trump.

Now let's go back to the phone call between President Trump, and Ukraine President Zelensky: Does anyone really believe that wasn't a setup to knock Biden out of the race? President Trump was well aware of the BIdens' corrupt dealings in Ukraine. Conservative media had been covering that for some time but even so, the liberal media sources such as CNN and MSNBC would touch it. They were far to sure that Joe Biden was going to be the next President, and far be it from them to report anything scandalous about their next President.

So how to bring this scandal to the forefront, and remove a presidential candidate? The phone call. President Trump knew how many people were listening. He knew that there would be leaks to the media. He probably even knew that the House would get their impeachment wish, the Senate would drop it like a hot potato, and that Biden would pretty much be dead in the water. And he was even willing to risk an impeachment.

That was a pretty slick trick there, Mr. President. You truly are the master of 3D chess.:04:
pretty despicable and dishonorable IMO... Biden is a good guy, didn’t deserve to be attacked that way. Sad how our political discourse has devolved into schoolyard smear tactics
Biden is a goddamn crook and you know it.

I can rent you a clue if you don't have the funds handy to buy one.
i don't know it and I don't believe it after listening to the weak unsubstantiated and petty attacks that have been thrown at him these past few months. He served as VP for 8 years.... he’s been vetted and transparent and all of a sudden he is a big crook now that he is running against Trump. What a joke!!!
If you don't know it then you're a fucking clueless buffoon.....The evidence is all over the place, if you can be bothered to see it.
If the evidence was all over the place then Barr would have Biden in cuffs. The fact that he isn’t just shows that you’re full of shit.
Never heard of the two-tiered justice system either, I see...Goddammit are you one naive mofo.
pretty despicable and dishonorable IMO... Biden is a good guy, didn’t deserve to be attacked that way. Sad how our political discourse has devolved into schoolyard smear tactics
Biden is a goddamn crook and you know it.

I can rent you a clue if you don't have the funds handy to buy one.
i don't know it and I don't believe it after listening to the weak unsubstantiated and petty attacks that have been thrown at him these past few months. He served as VP for 8 years.... he’s been vetted and transparent and all of a sudden he is a big crook now that he is running against Trump. What a joke!!!
If you don't know it then you're a fucking clueless buffoon.....The evidence is all over the place, if you can be bothered to see it.
If the evidence was all over the place then Barr would have Biden in cuffs. The fact that he isn’t just shows that you’re full of shit.
Goddammit are you one naive mofo.
Explain why Barr hasn’t taken action if there is evidence all over the place. Calling me names tells me you can’t explain your nonsense
He dropped in the polls because he kept talking and more and more people found out he's just a clueless, creepy old man.

Dementia can do that to you...

Wish him and Sanders would find a rocking chair and go sit but alas it is the year of the really old crypt keeper politicians!!!
I hope old Joe doesn't drop out any time soon. It's fun watching democrat candidates telling truthful stuff about each other that you don't hear in the media.
He dropped in the polls because he kept talking and more and more people found out he's just a clueless, creepy old man.

Dementia can do that to you...

Wish him and Sanders would find a rocking chair and go sit but alas it is the year of the really old crypt keeper politicians!!!
You know they are the same age as Trump, right?

Has nothing to do with the fact that Joe's cheese has slipped of it's cracker.
Let me explain it another way: The Democrat's impeachment was a reaction to President Trump's exposing Joe Biden's corruption. President Trump knew what he was doing, and he knew of the risk involved.

Had he not brought Biden's corruption to the foreground and made so many uninformed Democrats aware of it, Joe Biden would be the Democrat's top candidate today.

The fact that Biden had dropped so far in the polling is an indication that Democrats are now aware of how bad a candidate Biden really is.

And the best part? President Trump pretty much took him out of the race without even having to wait for the election.

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