Joe Biden: The New George Wallace


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Joe Biden: The New George Wallace
He’s all for identity politics, the son of segregation, forever.​

Joe Biden: The New George Wallace | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
22 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jeffery Lord
Alabama’s late Democrat Gov. George Wallace was notorious for his racist ways.
Aside from standing in the schoolhouse door of the University of Alabama to physically try and block the enrollment of two black students, Wallace is recalled for his 1963 inaugural address as governor. Said the new governor:
In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny … and I say … segregation today … segregation tomorrow … segregation forever.
Now comes President Joe Biden, first elected to the U.S. Senate the year Wallace was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. The new president, in his own inaugural address, said there was “A rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.”​
On his Wednesday show, Fox’s Tucker Carlson responded this way, bold print for emphasis supplied:
On one level, this is not very remarkable. Not many Americans support white supremacy. Most people in this country find it disgusting, and they should. But the question is, what does it mean to wage war on white supremacists? Can somebody tell us in very clear language what a white supremacist is?
This is not a question of semantics. Joe Biden is the president of the United States, not a high school debate coach. He controls the largest military and law enforcement agencies in the world. He has now declared war, and we have a right to know, specifically and precisely, who exactly he has declared war on. Innocent people could be hurt in this war. They usually are. There could be collateral damage in this war, and the casualties will be Americans.
So, again, what is a white supremacist? You might be surprised to learn just how broad the definition has become. Bloomberg News has described a wall along our southern border as “a Monument to White Supremacy,” so be certain not to support that. Colin Kaepernick, who seems to have the unequivocal support of corporate America, calls the Fourth of July an example of white supremacy. Better put away the fireworks and the hot dogs.
The United States Army, a trusted institution if there ever was one, has an entire manual on what is and what is not white supremacy. Apparently, among the tell-tale signs of a committed white supremacist are these: Celebrating Columbus Day, using the term “American exceptionalism,” any support for federal border security or English-only measures or “education funding from property taxes.” Using the phrase “there’s only one human race” is white supremacy, too, according to the Army.
What is really at play here with President Biden, as with George Wallace, is identity politics. The original identity politics was slavery. After the abolition of slavery came the next installment of identity politics — segregation. The identity politics of today is the new segregation — identity politics being the son of segregation and the grandson of slavery. It’s all about race, and its practitioners can easily be called racial supremacists.
In fact, what Biden was doing is exactly what Democrats have been doing for the two-plus centuries of their party’s existence.
Biden was playing the race card.
Simply put, when it comes to Democrats playing the race card, whether it’s Joe Biden or George Wallace, some things never change.

Hmm... comparing apple to apples... George Wallace a Democrat to China Joey Xi Biden a Democrat....
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists like their previous Democrat fellow traveling racists view of minorities has not changed one iota from the day the party was founded. Joe Biden is a perfect embodiment of that.
Joey Xi is a addled old, racist grifter credibly accused of sexual assault and in the pocket of the Communist Chinese regime, which got him elected.
Here's what Joey Xi has given us in his first 48 hours as president:
At least the soldiers have been invited to stay at the Trump Hotel in DC. Wonder if that will be allowed?
Trump supporter being labeled as insurrectionists, cultists with calls for deprogramming. Well you know better than anyone here where to find the links to this.
In 1975 Biden said "I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal George Wallace — someone who's not afraid to stand up and offend people...."
The Left specializes in situational ethics; in fungible etymology. Like Humpty Dumpty, a word means exactly what the Left says it does until the Left says it means something else.

The Left is defined not so much by its leftism but its psychotic doublethink. It is rancidly intolerant while touting itself as ethereally tolerant. It promotes racism in the name of combatting it.

And it thinks property rights only apply to correct privately owned businesses; i.e., to their businesses.
Joe Biden: The New George Wallace
He’s all for identity politics, the son of segregation, forever.​

Joe Biden: The New George Wallace | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
22 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jeffery Lord
Alabama’s late Democrat Gov. George Wallace was notorious for his racist ways.
Aside from standing in the schoolhouse door of the University of Alabama to physically try and block the enrollment of two black students, Wallace is recalled for his 1963 inaugural address as governor. Said the new governor:
In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny … and I say … segregation today … segregation tomorrow … segregation forever.
Now comes President Joe Biden, first elected to the U.S. Senate the year Wallace was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. The new president, in his own inaugural address, said there was “A rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.”​
On his Wednesday show, Fox’s Tucker Carlson responded this way, bold print for emphasis supplied:
On one level, this is not very remarkable. Not many Americans support white supremacy. Most people in this country find it disgusting, and they should. But the question is, what does it mean to wage war on white supremacists? Can somebody tell us in very clear language what a white supremacist is?
This is not a question of semantics. Joe Biden is the president of the United States, not a high school debate coach. He controls the largest military and law enforcement agencies in the world. He has now declared war, and we have a right to know, specifically and precisely, who exactly he has declared war on. Innocent people could be hurt in this war. They usually are. There could be collateral damage in this war, and the casualties will be Americans.
So, again, what is a white supremacist? You might be surprised to learn just how broad the definition has become. Bloomberg News has described a wall along our southern border as “a Monument to White Supremacy,” so be certain not to support that. Colin Kaepernick, who seems to have the unequivocal support of corporate America, calls the Fourth of July an example of white supremacy. Better put away the fireworks and the hot dogs.
The United States Army, a trusted institution if there ever was one, has an entire manual on what is and what is not white supremacy. Apparently, among the tell-tale signs of a committed white supremacist are these: Celebrating Columbus Day, using the term “American exceptionalism,” any support for federal border security or English-only measures or “education funding from property taxes.” Using the phrase “there’s only one human race” is white supremacy, too, according to the Army.
What is really at play here with President Biden, as with George Wallace, is identity politics. The original identity politics was slavery. After the abolition of slavery came the next installment of identity politics — segregation. The identity politics of today is the new segregation — identity politics being the son of segregation and the grandson of slavery. It’s all about race, and its practitioners can easily be called racial supremacists.
In fact, what Biden was doing is exactly what Democrats have been doing for the two-plus centuries of their party’s existence.
Biden was playing the race card.
Simply put, when it comes to Democrats playing the race card, whether it’s Joe Biden or George Wallace, some things never change.

Hmm... comparing apple to apples... George Wallace a Democrat to China Joey Xi Biden a Democrat....
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists like their previous Democrat fellow traveling racists view of minorities has not changed one iota from the day the party was founded. Joe Biden is a perfect embodiment of that.
Joey Xi is a addled old, racist grifter credibly accused of sexual assault and in the pocket of the Communist Chinese regime, which got him elected.
Here's what Joey Xi has given us in his first 48 hours as president:
At least the soldiers have been invited to stay at the Trump Hotel in DC. Wonder if that will be allowed?
Trump supporter being labeled as insurrectionists, cultists with calls for deprogramming. Well you know better than anyone here where to find the links to this.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake us all up when Trump gets out of prison and right wing rednecks put wheels on their trailors and move to Maro-loga
Actually its a photo from Finland, that country Trump wanted to buy......I thought I'd give you guys a treat....the Trumps new home. Complete with green erry lights illuminating from the space ship that will take him there.

Trump wanted to buy Greenland not Finland.

I think it’s safe to say geography isn’t triggered59’s strong suit.
Joe Biden: The New George Wallace
He’s all for identity politics, the son of segregation, forever.​

Joe Biden: The New George Wallace | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
22 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jeffery Lord
Alabama’s late Democrat Gov. George Wallace was notorious for his racist ways.
Aside from standing in the schoolhouse door of the University of Alabama to physically try and block the enrollment of two black students, Wallace is recalled for his 1963 inaugural address as governor. Said the new governor:
In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny … and I say … segregation today … segregation tomorrow … segregation forever.
Now comes President Joe Biden, first elected to the U.S. Senate the year Wallace was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. The new president, in his own inaugural address, said there was “A rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.”​
On his Wednesday show, Fox’s Tucker Carlson responded this way, bold print for emphasis supplied:
On one level, this is not very remarkable. Not many Americans support white supremacy. Most people in this country find it disgusting, and they should. But the question is, what does it mean to wage war on white supremacists? Can somebody tell us in very clear language what a white supremacist is?
This is not a question of semantics. Joe Biden is the president of the United States, not a high school debate coach. He controls the largest military and law enforcement agencies in the world. He has now declared war, and we have a right to know, specifically and precisely, who exactly he has declared war on. Innocent people could be hurt in this war. They usually are. There could be collateral damage in this war, and the casualties will be Americans.
So, again, what is a white supremacist? You might be surprised to learn just how broad the definition has become. Bloomberg News has described a wall along our southern border as “a Monument to White Supremacy,” so be certain not to support that. Colin Kaepernick, who seems to have the unequivocal support of corporate America, calls the Fourth of July an example of white supremacy. Better put away the fireworks and the hot dogs.
The United States Army, a trusted institution if there ever was one, has an entire manual on what is and what is not white supremacy. Apparently, among the tell-tale signs of a committed white supremacist are these: Celebrating Columbus Day, using the term “American exceptionalism,” any support for federal border security or English-only measures or “education funding from property taxes.” Using the phrase “there’s only one human race” is white supremacy, too, according to the Army.
What is really at play here with President Biden, as with George Wallace, is identity politics. The original identity politics was slavery. After the abolition of slavery came the next installment of identity politics — segregation. The identity politics of today is the new segregation — identity politics being the son of segregation and the grandson of slavery. It’s all about race, and its practitioners can easily be called racial supremacists.
In fact, what Biden was doing is exactly what Democrats have been doing for the two-plus centuries of their party’s existence.
Biden was playing the race card.
Simply put, when it comes to Democrats playing the race card, whether it’s Joe Biden or George Wallace, some things never change.

Hmm... comparing apple to apples... George Wallace a Democrat to China Joey Xi Biden a Democrat....
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists like their previous Democrat fellow traveling racists view of minorities has not changed one iota from the day the party was founded. Joe Biden is a perfect embodiment of that.
Joey Xi is a addled old, racist grifter credibly accused of sexual assault and in the pocket of the Communist Chinese regime, which got him elected.
Here's what Joey Xi has given us in his first 48 hours as president:
At least the soldiers have been invited to stay at the Trump Hotel in DC. Wonder if that will be allowed?
Trump supporter being labeled as insurrectionists, cultists with calls for deprogramming. Well you know better than anyone here where to find the links to this.

Wow, you're quite lonely scouring right wing BS sites for any nugget of nonsense to repost here.

Biden hasn't declared war on anyone, he hasn't violated the Geneva convention, the soldiers were there because the blob's shock troops posed a clear and present threat to the inauguration, there was no 11,000 job loss (much less 60,000 indirect jobs)....

Makes you wonder why the blob didn't have them stay at his hotel while he was President. Hmmm. Oh yeah, he's shit.
Actually its a photo from Finland, that country Trump wanted to buy......I thought I'd give you guys a treat....the Trumps new home. Complete with green erry lights illuminating from the space ship that will take him there.

Trump wanted to buy Greenland not Finland.

I think it’s safe to say geography isn’t triggered59’s strong suit.

Either that or he don't know how to research information. :D
Joe Biden: The New George Wallace
He’s all for identity politics, the son of segregation, forever.​

Joe Biden: The New George Wallace | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
22 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jeffery Lord
Alabama’s late Democrat Gov. George Wallace was notorious for his racist ways.
Aside from standing in the schoolhouse door of the University of Alabama to physically try and block the enrollment of two black students, Wallace is recalled for his 1963 inaugural address as governor. Said the new governor:
In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny … and I say … segregation today … segregation tomorrow … segregation forever.
Now comes President Joe Biden, first elected to the U.S. Senate the year Wallace was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. The new president, in his own inaugural address, said there was “A rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.”​
On his Wednesday show, Fox’s Tucker Carlson responded this way, bold print for emphasis supplied:
On one level, this is not very remarkable. Not many Americans support white supremacy. Most people in this country find it disgusting, and they should. But the question is, what does it mean to wage war on white supremacists? Can somebody tell us in very clear language what a white supremacist is?
This is not a question of semantics. Joe Biden is the president of the United States, not a high school debate coach. He controls the largest military and law enforcement agencies in the world. He has now declared war, and we have a right to know, specifically and precisely, who exactly he has declared war on. Innocent people could be hurt in this war. They usually are. There could be collateral damage in this war, and the casualties will be Americans.
So, again, what is a white supremacist? You might be surprised to learn just how broad the definition has become. Bloomberg News has described a wall along our southern border as “a Monument to White Supremacy,” so be certain not to support that. Colin Kaepernick, who seems to have the unequivocal support of corporate America, calls the Fourth of July an example of white supremacy. Better put away the fireworks and the hot dogs.
The United States Army, a trusted institution if there ever was one, has an entire manual on what is and what is not white supremacy. Apparently, among the tell-tale signs of a committed white supremacist are these: Celebrating Columbus Day, using the term “American exceptionalism,” any support for federal border security or English-only measures or “education funding from property taxes.” Using the phrase “there’s only one human race” is white supremacy, too, according to the Army.
What is really at play here with President Biden, as with George Wallace, is identity politics. The original identity politics was slavery. After the abolition of slavery came the next installment of identity politics — segregation. The identity politics of today is the new segregation — identity politics being the son of segregation and the grandson of slavery. It’s all about race, and its practitioners can easily be called racial supremacists.
In fact, what Biden was doing is exactly what Democrats have been doing for the two-plus centuries of their party’s existence.
Biden was playing the race card.
Simply put, when it comes to Democrats playing the race card, whether it’s Joe Biden or George Wallace, some things never change.

Hmm... comparing apple to apples... George Wallace a Democrat to China Joey Xi Biden a Democrat....
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists like their previous Democrat fellow traveling racists view of minorities has not changed one iota from the day the party was founded. Joe Biden is a perfect embodiment of that.
Joey Xi is a addled old, racist grifter credibly accused of sexual assault and in the pocket of the Communist Chinese regime, which got him elected.
Here's what Joey Xi has given us in his first 48 hours as president:
At least the soldiers have been invited to stay at the Trump Hotel in DC. Wonder if that will be allowed?
Trump supporter being labeled as insurrectionists, cultists with calls for deprogramming. Well you know better than anyone here where to find the links to this.

Wow, you're quite lonely scouring right wing BS sites for any nugget of nonsense to repost here.

Biden hasn't declared war on anyone, he hasn't violated the Geneva convention, the soldiers were there because the blob's shock troops posed a clear and present threat to the inauguration, there was no 11,000 job loss (much less 60,000 indirect jobs)....

Makes you wonder why the blob didn't have them stay at his hotel while he was President. Hmmm. Oh yeah, he's shit.

Someone seems triggered.:auiqs.jpg:
Which George Wallace? The guy who championed segregation or the one who tried to redeem himself for his part in fighting desegregation? As a native Alabamian I lived through all his vote pandering, election rigging hyjinks and I can tell you right now that he was a master of getting conservatives to vote for him. Biden? not so much.
Joe Biden: The New George Wallace
He’s all for identity politics, the son of segregation, forever.​

Joe Biden: The New George Wallace | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
22 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jeffery Lord
Alabama’s late Democrat Gov. George Wallace was notorious for his racist ways.
Aside from standing in the schoolhouse door of the University of Alabama to physically try and block the enrollment of two black students, Wallace is recalled for his 1963 inaugural address as governor. Said the new governor:
In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny … and I say … segregation today … segregation tomorrow … segregation forever.
Now comes President Joe Biden, first elected to the U.S. Senate the year Wallace was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. The new president, in his own inaugural address, said there was “A rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.”​
On his Wednesday show, Fox’s Tucker Carlson responded this way, bold print for emphasis supplied:
On one level, this is not very remarkable. Not many Americans support white supremacy. Most people in this country find it disgusting, and they should. But the question is, what does it mean to wage war on white supremacists? Can somebody tell us in very clear language what a white supremacist is?
This is not a question of semantics. Joe Biden is the president of the United States, not a high school debate coach. He controls the largest military and law enforcement agencies in the world. He has now declared war, and we have a right to know, specifically and precisely, who exactly he has declared war on. Innocent people could be hurt in this war. They usually are. There could be collateral damage in this war, and the casualties will be Americans.
So, again, what is a white supremacist? You might be surprised to learn just how broad the definition has become. Bloomberg News has described a wall along our southern border as “a Monument to White Supremacy,” so be certain not to support that. Colin Kaepernick, who seems to have the unequivocal support of corporate America, calls the Fourth of July an example of white supremacy. Better put away the fireworks and the hot dogs.
The United States Army, a trusted institution if there ever was one, has an entire manual on what is and what is not white supremacy. Apparently, among the tell-tale signs of a committed white supremacist are these: Celebrating Columbus Day, using the term “American exceptionalism,” any support for federal border security or English-only measures or “education funding from property taxes.” Using the phrase “there’s only one human race” is white supremacy, too, according to the Army.
What is really at play here with President Biden, as with George Wallace, is identity politics. The original identity politics was slavery. After the abolition of slavery came the next installment of identity politics — segregation. The identity politics of today is the new segregation — identity politics being the son of segregation and the grandson of slavery. It’s all about race, and its practitioners can easily be called racial supremacists.
In fact, what Biden was doing is exactly what Democrats have been doing for the two-plus centuries of their party’s existence.
Biden was playing the race card.
Simply put, when it comes to Democrats playing the race card, whether it’s Joe Biden or George Wallace, some things never change.

Hmm... comparing apple to apples... George Wallace a Democrat to China Joey Xi Biden a Democrat....
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists like their previous Democrat fellow traveling racists view of minorities has not changed one iota from the day the party was founded. Joe Biden is a perfect embodiment of that.
Joey Xi is a addled old, racist grifter credibly accused of sexual assault and in the pocket of the Communist Chinese regime, which got him elected.
Here's what Joey Xi has given us in his first 48 hours as president:
At least the soldiers have been invited to stay at the Trump Hotel in DC. Wonder if that will be allowed?
Trump supporter being labeled as insurrectionists, cultists with calls for deprogramming. Well you know better than anyone here where to find the links to this.
Hmmmm.I just started a thread on this and you mentioned it in Jan.......lolol

I'm a lil late eh?`
Joe Biden: The New George Wallace
He’s all for identity politics, the son of segregation, forever.​

Joe Biden: The New George Wallace | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
22 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jeffery Lord
Alabama’s late Democrat Gov. George Wallace was notorious for his racist ways.
Aside from standing in the schoolhouse door of the University of Alabama to physically try and block the enrollment of two black students, Wallace is recalled for his 1963 inaugural address as governor. Said the new governor:
In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny … and I say … segregation today … segregation tomorrow … segregation forever.
Now comes President Joe Biden, first elected to the U.S. Senate the year Wallace was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. The new president, in his own inaugural address, said there was “A rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.”​
On his Wednesday show, Fox’s Tucker Carlson responded this way, bold print for emphasis supplied:
On one level, this is not very remarkable. Not many Americans support white supremacy. Most people in this country find it disgusting, and they should. But the question is, what does it mean to wage war on white supremacists? Can somebody tell us in very clear language what a white supremacist is?
This is not a question of semantics. Joe Biden is the president of the United States, not a high school debate coach. He controls the largest military and law enforcement agencies in the world. He has now declared war, and we have a right to know, specifically and precisely, who exactly he has declared war on. Innocent people could be hurt in this war. They usually are. There could be collateral damage in this war, and the casualties will be Americans.
So, again, what is a white supremacist? You might be surprised to learn just how broad the definition has become. Bloomberg News has described a wall along our southern border as “a Monument to White Supremacy,” so be certain not to support that. Colin Kaepernick, who seems to have the unequivocal support of corporate America, calls the Fourth of July an example of white supremacy. Better put away the fireworks and the hot dogs.
The United States Army, a trusted institution if there ever was one, has an entire manual on what is and what is not white supremacy. Apparently, among the tell-tale signs of a committed white supremacist are these: Celebrating Columbus Day, using the term “American exceptionalism,” any support for federal border security or English-only measures or “education funding from property taxes.” Using the phrase “there’s only one human race” is white supremacy, too, according to the Army.
What is really at play here with President Biden, as with George Wallace, is identity politics. The original identity politics was slavery. After the abolition of slavery came the next installment of identity politics — segregation. The identity politics of today is the new segregation — identity politics being the son of segregation and the grandson of slavery. It’s all about race, and its practitioners can easily be called racial supremacists.
In fact, what Biden was doing is exactly what Democrats have been doing for the two-plus centuries of their party’s existence.
Biden was playing the race card.
Simply put, when it comes to Democrats playing the race card, whether it’s Joe Biden or George Wallace, some things never change.

Hmm... comparing apple to apples... George Wallace a Democrat to China Joey Xi Biden a Democrat....
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists like their previous Democrat fellow traveling racists view of minorities has not changed one iota from the day the party was founded. Joe Biden is a perfect embodiment of that.
Joey Xi is a addled old, racist grifter credibly accused of sexual assault and in the pocket of the Communist Chinese regime, which got him elected.
Here's what Joey Xi has given us in his first 48 hours as president:
At least the soldiers have been invited to stay at the Trump Hotel in DC. Wonder if that will be allowed?
Trump supporter being labeled as insurrectionists, cultists with calls for deprogramming. Well you know better than anyone here where to find the links to this.
Not only is he a racist but a dirty mouth racist It wasn't that long ago he slung the N word around the senate along with hateful comment. That's why I call the Black democRats no better than Nazi Jews It amasses me what some won't do for a food stamps and the false promise of a better life but every 4 years they vote for more the same.

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