Joe Biden Lies in Brussels Spreading B.S. While Supposedly Commenting on NATO

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
"U.S. President Joe Biden views the Republican Party as vastly diminished in numbers even as it remains in lockstep with the man he defeated, former President Donald Trump."

Feckless Joe Biden violates protocol politicking overseas while addressing NATO, supposedly.
And he took the time to lie about the republicans hemorrhaging members, which Reuters
points out is untrue.

"Joe Biden’s comments about the GOP are lies and his dismissal of the 74 million Americans who voted Republican in November 2020, which flipped 15 seats in the House, underscores his failure to unite and lead our country," Republican National Committee spokeswoman Emma Vaughn said.

So why does Joe lie so frequently when he doesn't need to and in such an inappropriate way?
Is it purely out of habit? Does Joe realize he's lying? Does he think no one will notice? Is it because his brain
is so diminished and worn out?

In any case this is the guy leftist penis suckers tell us is so admired and restoring American dignity.
Like hell he is!
People laughed at Joe's cognitive misadventures in England and elsewhere and the public perception is Joe
couldn't find his own ass in a darkened room. And now this. Telling bald faced political lies while addressing NATO!

Joe is a decrepit floundering joke! THIS is the guy the DNC placed in the presidency? Incredible!
China and Russia know what's going on. They must be licking their lips when they think about dealing with this doddering fool!
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Stay sharp Joe, Tell us why the quislings here think you are the savior of the G-7 meeting.
You fellow leaders laugh at your disorienting bouts of senility.

Biden: Hey don't forget about that world leader over there. (Biden double fist pumps himself)
Boris: I didn't forget about him Joe I already introduced him you moron come here. :itsok:
Biden: Oh ah (mumbles incoherently)
Biden: Hey don't forget about that world leader over there. (Biden double fist pumps himself)
Boris: I didn't forget about him Joe I already introduced him you moron come here. :itsok:
Biden: Oh ah (mumbles incoherently)
More comedy relief from Feckless Joe Biden, none of which is intentional, and that cheers up his fellow leaders, none of whom are senile.
Joe gets worse and his credibility drops to new lows. The Town Hall meeting was a hoot!

When the left decided to steal the election whose brilliant idea was it to make Lying Joe Biden
the guy they selected to become the fake president?

Word is Obama and his cast of toadies engineered the whole thing. Great call, Barry!
The Democrat party and our crooked MSM are responsible for stealing the election and installing a laughing stock and embarrassment as our President. NATO just goes along with our imitation President to see how much they can con out of him. Russia and China laugh at us and our rigged election, even though they are both quite happy with the result. And our country and the American people get left behind in a cloud of totalitarianism.

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