Joe Biden Just Said Something That’s Pretty Racist About Asians


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Joe Biden Just Said Something That’s Pretty Racist About Asians

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Matt Vespa
All it takes is one horrendous debate performance for Biden to blow up the supposed lead he has over Donald Trump. And given his past remarks, it looks like that’s likely to happen.
Take this nugget here. Apparently, Biden thinks that we cannot get tough on China for sitting on their hands for nearly a week when they knew COVID would become a pandemic because all Asians look alike. Yes, you can’t tell who’s who regarding a Korean or someone from Beijing. Actually, you can—but the remarks come after the infamous 7-11 Indians statement and the cringeworthy lecture he gave to black voters, where Joe said if you don’t vote for him, then you’re not really black. It all boils down that when it comes to race talk, Joe is a disaster. And telling Asians they all look the same is one of the oldest racist tropes out there. He’s lucky that no one watches these remarks live, but on a debate stage, with millions glued to the television, this is bound to happen.

And if it’s not stepping on the rake regarding racially insensitive remarks, it’ll be his many ‘WTF’ moments he’s had on the virtual trail that truly raises concerns about his mental capacity. The man’s mind is pretty much being eaten by worms at this point.
Either way, with the absence of campaign rallies and events en masse this cycle, a debate has to happen. And we’ll see how those poll numbers look when Trump destroys Biden, looks lively, fresh, in command, and knows what day it is.

I saw that comment by Biden last night and I thought 'Oh Boy', he’s stepped in it now... for that racist remark’ and then I remembered it was Biden and figured the ‘LSM’ would ignore it. The 'Double Standard on speech and a two tiered justice system is in full swing by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.
As long as the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists foist Biden as their 'best and brightest', they will not back down. You have to hand it to them, if Joey could order us up some slurpees from the indian or paki dude at the 7-11.
Biden is the poster child for why Trump won the only election he's ever run in---for the Presidency. Biden has spent his entire adult life as an elected politician, and Trump has done better in 3 years as President than Biden's done in half a century in Congress. It's not even a contest. Biden represents the PROBLEM.
There is absolutely no chance Biden's keepers will all Joey to debate Trump three time as promised. Not a chance. The guy can't string together a sentence without tripping up even with the use of the teleprompter. Even if he had all the debate questions before hand (very likely knowing the democrats - fed by Donna Brazile) he STILL couldn't do it. Anybody that has listened to the man speak for more than 30 seconds knows this.

He didn't actually SAY that was HIS opinion.. He was talking about other folks.. Not specifically, but in generally.. Heap little fire here under the smoke..

The fact that SOME people spout off these generalizations more than others MIGHT be an indication of how many times they THINK about them.. But NOBODY can prove intent here...
Joe Biden Just Said Something That’s Pretty Racist About Asians

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Matt Vespa
All it takes is one horrendous debate performance for Biden to blow up the supposed lead he has over Donald Trump. And given his past remarks, it looks like that’s likely to happen.
Take this nugget here. Apparently, Biden thinks that we cannot get tough on China for sitting on their hands for nearly a week when they knew COVID would become a pandemic because all Asians look alike. Yes, you can’t tell who’s who regarding a Korean or someone from Beijing. Actually, you can—but the remarks come after the infamous 7-11 Indians statement and the cringeworthy lecture he gave to black voters, where Joe said if you don’t vote for him, then you’re not really black. It all boils down that when it comes to race talk, Joe is a disaster. And telling Asians they all look the same is one of the oldest racist tropes out there. He’s lucky that no one watches these remarks live, but on a debate stage, with millions glued to the television, this is bound to happen.

And if it’s not stepping on the rake regarding racially insensitive remarks, it’ll be his many ‘WTF’ moments he’s had on the virtual trail that truly raises concerns about his mental capacity. The man’s mind is pretty much being eaten by worms at this point.
Either way, with the absence of campaign rallies and events en masse this cycle, a debate has to happen. And we’ll see how those poll numbers look when Trump destroys Biden, looks lively, fresh, in command, and knows what day it is.

I saw that comment by Biden last night and I thought 'Oh Boy', he’s stepped in it now... for that racist remark’ and then I remembered it was Biden and figured the ‘LSM’ would ignore it. The 'Double Standard on speech and a two tiered justice system is in full swing by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.
As long as the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists foist Biden as their 'best and brightest', they will not back down. You have to hand it to them, if Joey could order us up some slurpees from the indian or paki dude at the 7-11.
Biden is the poster child for why Trump won the only election he's ever run in---for the Presidency. Biden has spent his entire adult life as an elected politician, and Trump has done better in 3 years as President than Biden's done in half a century in Congress. It's not even a contest. Biden represents the PROBLEM.
There is absolutely no chance Biden's keepers will all Joey to debate Trump three time as promised. Not a chance. The guy can't string together a sentence without tripping up even with the use of the teleprompter. Even if he had all the debate questions before hand (very likely knowing the democrats - fed by Donna Brazile) he STILL couldn't do it. Anybody that has listened to the man speak for more than 30 seconds knows this.

Pretty close to an earlier Democrat's comment.

FDR, known as antagonistic to minorities of every sort, picked a KKKer, Hugo Black, as his first Supreme Court nominee.

a. "... [Hugo] Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."]

Let's remind all, again, that the KKK was an arm of the Democrat Party post-Civil War...and, clearly, continued to be so through Roosevelt's time.

b. Hugo Black was his first selection, in 1937. Black was a multi-faceted hater....This KKK Senator from Alabama wrote the majority decision on Korematsu v. US; in 1967, he said ‘They all look alike to a person not a Jap.” Engage: Conversations in Philosophy: "They all look alike to a person not a Jap"*: The Legacy of Korematsu at OSU
He didn't actually SAY that was HIS opinion.. He was talking about other folks.. Not specifically, but in generally.. Heap little fire here under the smoke..

The fact that SOME people spout off these generalizations more than others MIGHT be an indication of how many times they THINK about them.. But NOBODY can prove intent here...

I think he was trying to say that all Asians look alike to Asians. Pretty sure that's still inexcusably stupid and racist.
It does NOT matter what that pitiful fellow senior citizen of mine says.

Everyone knows that he is only a puppet for the woke VP and the woke Congress and the woke Supreme Court (the Dems will impeach the conservative & moderate justices).

The Trump haters will vote for him regardless of what he says or does.
Joe Biden Just Said Something That’s Pretty Racist About Asians

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Matt Vespa
All it takes is one horrendous debate performance for Biden to blow up the supposed lead he has over Donald Trump. And given his past remarks, it looks like that’s likely to happen.
Take this nugget here. Apparently, Biden thinks that we cannot get tough on China for sitting on their hands for nearly a week when they knew COVID would become a pandemic because all Asians look alike. Yes, you can’t tell who’s who regarding a Korean or someone from Beijing. Actually, you can—but the remarks come after the infamous 7-11 Indians statement and the cringeworthy lecture he gave to black voters, where Joe said if you don’t vote for him, then you’re not really black. It all boils down that when it comes to race talk, Joe is a disaster. And telling Asians they all look the same is one of the oldest racist tropes out there. He’s lucky that no one watches these remarks live, but on a debate stage, with millions glued to the television, this is bound to happen.

And if it’s not stepping on the rake regarding racially insensitive remarks, it’ll be his many ‘WTF’ moments he’s had on the virtual trail that truly raises concerns about his mental capacity. The man’s mind is pretty much being eaten by worms at this point.
Either way, with the absence of campaign rallies and events en masse this cycle, a debate has to happen. And we’ll see how those poll numbers look when Trump destroys Biden, looks lively, fresh, in command, and knows what day it is.

I saw that comment by Biden last night and I thought 'Oh Boy', he’s stepped in it now... for that racist remark’ and then I remembered it was Biden and figured the ‘LSM’ would ignore it. The 'Double Standard on speech and a two tiered justice system is in full swing by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.
As long as the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists foist Biden as their 'best and brightest', they will not back down. You have to hand it to them, if Joey could order us up some slurpees from the indian or paki dude at the 7-11.
Biden is the poster child for why Trump won the only election he's ever run in---for the Presidency. Biden has spent his entire adult life as an elected politician, and Trump has done better in 3 years as President than Biden's done in half a century in Congress. It's not even a contest. Biden represents the PROBLEM.
There is absolutely no chance Biden's keepers will all Joey to debate Trump three time as promised. Not a chance. The guy can't string together a sentence without tripping up even with the use of the teleprompter. Even if he had all the debate questions before hand (very likely knowing the democrats - fed by Donna Brazile) he STILL couldn't do it. Anybody that has listened to the man speak for more than 30 seconds knows this.

"just said"?
2008 was 12 years ago.

It apparently isn't Joe who is the senile one.
Joe Biden Just Said Something That’s Pretty Racist About Asians

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Matt Vespa
All it takes is one horrendous debate performance for Biden to blow up the supposed lead he has over Donald Trump. And given his past remarks, it looks like that’s likely to happen.
Take this nugget here. Apparently, Biden thinks that we cannot get tough on China for sitting on their hands for nearly a week when they knew COVID would become a pandemic because all Asians look alike. Yes, you can’t tell who’s who regarding a Korean or someone from Beijing. Actually, you can—but the remarks come after the infamous 7-11 Indians statement and the cringeworthy lecture he gave to black voters, where Joe said if you don’t vote for him, then you’re not really black. It all boils down that when it comes to race talk, Joe is a disaster. And telling Asians they all look the same is one of the oldest racist tropes out there. He’s lucky that no one watches these remarks live, but on a debate stage, with millions glued to the television, this is bound to happen.

And if it’s not stepping on the rake regarding racially insensitive remarks, it’ll be his many ‘WTF’ moments he’s had on the virtual trail that truly raises concerns about his mental capacity. The man’s mind is pretty much being eaten by worms at this point.
Either way, with the absence of campaign rallies and events en masse this cycle, a debate has to happen. And we’ll see how those poll numbers look when Trump destroys Biden, looks lively, fresh, in command, and knows what day it is.

I saw that comment by Biden last night and I thought 'Oh Boy', he’s stepped in it now... for that racist remark’ and then I remembered it was Biden and figured the ‘LSM’ would ignore it. The 'Double Standard on speech and a two tiered justice system is in full swing by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.
As long as the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists foist Biden as their 'best and brightest', they will not back down. You have to hand it to them, if Joey could order us up some slurpees from the indian or paki dude at the 7-11.
Biden is the poster child for why Trump won the only election he's ever run in---for the Presidency. Biden has spent his entire adult life as an elected politician, and Trump has done better in 3 years as President than Biden's done in half a century in Congress. It's not even a contest. Biden represents the PROBLEM.
There is absolutely no chance Biden's keepers will all Joey to debate Trump three time as promised. Not a chance. The guy can't string together a sentence without tripping up even with the use of the teleprompter. Even if he had all the debate questions before hand (very likely knowing the democrats - fed by Donna Brazile) he STILL couldn't do it. Anybody that has listened to the man speak for more than 30 seconds knows this.

Pretty close to an earlier Democrat's comment.

FDR, known as antagonistic to minorities of every sort, picked a KKKer, Hugo Black, as his first Supreme Court nominee.

a. "... [Hugo] Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."]

Let's remind all, again, that the KKK was an arm of the Democrat Party post-Civil War...and, clearly, continued to be so through Roosevelt's time.

b. Hugo Black was his first selection, in 1937. Black was a multi-faceted hater....This KKK Senator from Alabama wrote the majority decision on Korematsu v. US; in 1967, he said ‘They all look alike to a person not a Jap.” Engage: Conversations in Philosophy: "They all look alike to a person not a Jap"*: The Legacy of Korematsu at OSU

At least Joe Biden was not refusing to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans like Donald Trump did for years.

In a 1991 book, one of Trump’s former colleagues recalled him saying, “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” (Trump called the things written about him in the book “probably true.”)
Joe Biden Just Said Something That’s Pretty Racist About Asians

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Matt Vespa
All it takes is one horrendous debate performance for Biden to blow up the supposed lead he has over Donald Trump. And given his past remarks, it looks like that’s likely to happen.
Take this nugget here. Apparently, Biden thinks that we cannot get tough on China for sitting on their hands for nearly a week when they knew COVID would become a pandemic because all Asians look alike. Yes, you can’t tell who’s who regarding a Korean or someone from Beijing. Actually, you can—but the remarks come after the infamous 7-11 Indians statement and the cringeworthy lecture he gave to black voters, where Joe said if you don’t vote for him, then you’re not really black. It all boils down that when it comes to race talk, Joe is a disaster. And telling Asians they all look the same is one of the oldest racist tropes out there. He’s lucky that no one watches these remarks live, but on a debate stage, with millions glued to the television, this is bound to happen.

And if it’s not stepping on the rake regarding racially insensitive remarks, it’ll be his many ‘WTF’ moments he’s had on the virtual trail that truly raises concerns about his mental capacity. The man’s mind is pretty much being eaten by worms at this point.
Either way, with the absence of campaign rallies and events en masse this cycle, a debate has to happen. And we’ll see how those poll numbers look when Trump destroys Biden, looks lively, fresh, in command, and knows what day it is.

I saw that comment by Biden last night and I thought 'Oh Boy', he’s stepped in it now... for that racist remark’ and then I remembered it was Biden and figured the ‘LSM’ would ignore it. The 'Double Standard on speech and a two tiered justice system is in full swing by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.
As long as the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists foist Biden as their 'best and brightest', they will not back down. You have to hand it to them, if Joey could order us up some slurpees from the indian or paki dude at the 7-11.
Biden is the poster child for why Trump won the only election he's ever run in---for the Presidency. Biden has spent his entire adult life as an elected politician, and Trump has done better in 3 years as President than Biden's done in half a century in Congress. It's not even a contest. Biden represents the PROBLEM.
There is absolutely no chance Biden's keepers will all Joey to debate Trump three time as promised. Not a chance. The guy can't string together a sentence without tripping up even with the use of the teleprompter. Even if he had all the debate questions before hand (very likely knowing the democrats - fed by Donna Brazile) he STILL couldn't do it. Anybody that has listened to the man speak for more than 30 seconds knows this.

Pretty close to an earlier Democrat's comment.

FDR, known as antagonistic to minorities of every sort, picked a KKKer, Hugo Black, as his first Supreme Court nominee.

a. "... [Hugo] Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."]

Let's remind all, again, that the KKK was an arm of the Democrat Party post-Civil War...and, clearly, continued to be so through Roosevelt's time.

b. Hugo Black was his first selection, in 1937. Black was a multi-faceted hater....This KKK Senator from Alabama wrote the majority decision on Korematsu v. US; in 1967, he said ‘They all look alike to a person not a Jap.” Engage: Conversations in Philosophy: "They all look alike to a person not a Jap"*: The Legacy of Korematsu at OSU

At least Joe Biden was not refusing to rent to African Americans and Puerto Ricans like Donald Trump did for years.

Every time you lie, I'll slap you down with the truth.

FBI releases files on Trump apartments' race discrimination probe in '70s
"Many of the accounts of discrimination appear to have originated with the National Urban League, which relayed the information to the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division. Some of those complaints are barely legible, and many of the records are heavily redacted...
The Trumps and their company entered into a consent decree settling the litigation in 1975. The agreement contained no admission of wrongdoing, but required the Trump firm to institute a series of safeguards to make sure apartments were rented without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

Every builder was sued.

"Donald started his career, back in 1973, being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination — because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy," Clinton said on Monday night.

Clinton And Trump Clash In Tense First Presidential Debate

Trump responded to Clinton by emphasizing that the case was settled with no admission of guilt.

"Yes, when I was very young, I went into my father's company — had a real estate company in Brooklyn and Queens," Trump said. "And we, along with many, many other companies throughout the country — it was a federal lawsuit — were sued. We settled the suit with zero, with no admission of guilt."

Decades-Old Housing Discrimination Case Plagues Donald Trump

In the 1970s, the U.S. Department of Justice sued Donald Trump, his father and Trump Management, alleging the Trumps engaged in racial discrimination at their properties.

"Although some of the allegations were damning, the majority of those interviewed in the investigation said they were unaware of discrimination, according to Politico.

Trump eventually filed a $100 million countersuit, accusing the government of defamation, alleging that they were saying “such outrageous lies.” Trump said that although the company wanted to avoid renting to welfare applicants, he'd never discriminated based on race.

In 1975, Trump agreed to a consent decree, whereby no admission of wrongdoing would be given, however, his management company was ordered to take out ads telling ethnic minorities that they were welcome to seek housing at Trump properties."
Seems to me that Koreans are significantly taller than Chinese.

I won't say they definitively aren't, but not that I've noticed.

Keeping in mind that there are always exceptions, Koreans seem to me to be stockier in build than most other Asian groups.
He didn't actually SAY that was HIS opinion.. He was talking about other folks.. Not specifically, but in generally.. Heap little fire here under the smoke..

The fact that SOME people spout off these generalizations more than others MIGHT be an indication of how many times they THINK about them.. But NOBODY can prove intent here...

I think he was trying to say that all Asians look alike to Asians. Pretty sure that's still inexcusably stupid and racist.

It IS hard to tell with Biden.. I'll give you that.. But he was NOT saying that HE THOUGHT "all asians look alike"...
Joe Biden Just Said Something That’s Pretty Racist About Asians

23 Jul 2020 ~~ By Matt Vespa
All it takes is one horrendous debate performance for Biden to blow up the supposed lead he has over Donald Trump. And given his past remarks, it looks like that’s likely to happen.
Take this nugget here. Apparently, Biden thinks that we cannot get tough on China for sitting on their hands for nearly a week when they knew COVID would become a pandemic because all Asians look alike. Yes, you can’t tell who’s who regarding a Korean or someone from Beijing. Actually, you can—but the remarks come after the infamous 7-11 Indians statement and the cringeworthy lecture he gave to black voters, where Joe said if you don’t vote for him, then you’re not really black. It all boils down that when it comes to race talk, Joe is a disaster. And telling Asians they all look the same is one of the oldest racist tropes out there. He’s lucky that no one watches these remarks live, but on a debate stage, with millions glued to the television, this is bound to happen.

And if it’s not stepping on the rake regarding racially insensitive remarks, it’ll be his many ‘WTF’ moments he’s had on the virtual trail that truly raises concerns about his mental capacity. The man’s mind is pretty much being eaten by worms at this point.
Either way, with the absence of campaign rallies and events en masse this cycle, a debate has to happen. And we’ll see how those poll numbers look when Trump destroys Biden, looks lively, fresh, in command, and knows what day it is.

I saw that comment by Biden last night and I thought 'Oh Boy', he’s stepped in it now... for that racist remark’ and then I remembered it was Biden and figured the ‘LSM’ would ignore it. The 'Double Standard on speech and a two tiered justice system is in full swing by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.
As long as the PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists foist Biden as their 'best and brightest', they will not back down. You have to hand it to them, if Joey could order us up some slurpees from the indian or paki dude at the 7-11.
Biden is the poster child for why Trump won the only election he's ever run in---for the Presidency. Biden has spent his entire adult life as an elected politician, and Trump has done better in 3 years as President than Biden's done in half a century in Congress. It's not even a contest. Biden represents the PROBLEM.
There is absolutely no chance Biden's keepers will all Joey to debate Trump three time as promised. Not a chance. The guy can't string together a sentence without tripping up even with the use of the teleprompter. Even if he had all the debate questions before hand (very likely knowing the democrats - fed by Donna Brazile) he STILL couldn't do it. Anybody that has listened to the man speak for more than 30 seconds knows this.

"just said"?
2008 was 12 years ago.

It apparently isn't Joe who is the senile one.

You dont read posts. This "asian" gaffe was a couple days ago.. The 2008 gaffe was just piling on.. In fact, most ANY DAY Joe has a speaking schedule is "Gaffe Day"...
Seems to me that Koreans are significantly taller than Chinese.
American/North Korean/South Korean

Anyone who thinks they can always tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese or Korean is full of it.
Anyone who thinks they can always tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese or Korean is full of it.

I don't disagree but in context to what was being discussed what does that have to do with it?
Seems to me that Koreans are significantly taller than Chinese.

I won't say they definitively aren't, but not that I've noticed.

Keeping in mind that there are always exceptions, Koreans seem to me to be stockier in build than most other Asian groups.

Just between us, usually I can detect facial differences, Koreans and Chinese.....but, pretty often, it's a guess. And, I am Korean.

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