Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

Hitler was sometimes competent, hence it's unfair to Hitler to compare him to Trump and his followers.
Plus, Hitler was a lot less genocidal and antisemitic than Trump and the Trump cultists.
And Hitler actually fought in a war once. He wasn't just a whiny coward, so again unlike Trump and the Trump cultists.
And you wonder why one of your people took a shot at Trump.
It’s comment like this from Xiden, that made the would be assassin donate to act blue and why he was willing to get a gun and put a bullseye on trump like his dear leader xiden ordered
Hitler was sometimes competent, hence it's unfair to Hitler to compare him to Trump and his followers.

Plus, Hitler was a lot less genocidal and antisemitic than Trump and the Trump cultists.

And Hitler actually fought in a war once. He wasn't just a whiny coward, so again unlike Trump and the Trump cultists.
Democrat civility!
Hitler was sometimes competent, hence it's unfair to Hitler to compare him to Trump and his followers.

Plus, Hitler was a lot less genocidal and antisemitic than Trump and the Trump cultists.

And Hitler actually fought in a war once. He wasn't just a whiny coward, so again unlike Trump and the Trump cultists.
/----/ Biden tried to jail Trump, then tried to get him murdered, just like Hitler.
And you talk a lot of shit without any evidence....

You are living ina fantasy world where reality is not allowed to enter...
/----/ There was no evidence against Trump except what the crooked DA made up. And Biden and democRATs calling Trump Hitler was red meat for unstable wackjobs.
/----/ There was no evidence against Trump except what the crooked DA made up. And Biden and democRATs calling Trump Hitler was red meat for unstable wackjobs.
Well if you don't see the documents on the floor all over Maralargo then of course you see no evidence...

There is plenty of evidence and the other two cases are stronger...

Trump is running to stay out of jail
Well if you don't see the documents on the floor all over Maralargo then of course you see no evidence...

There is plenty of evidence and the other two cases are stronger...

Trump is running to stay out of jail
/---/ FBI disabled the house video cameras. Neither you or I know who placed them there.

Jun 25, 2024 #trump #court #news
During the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, agents reportedly stopped the security cameras on the property, raising concerns about transparency and procedural conduct. The decision to disable the cameras has sparked controversy and speculation over what occurred during the search. This action is likely to become a focal point in the ongoing legal and political debates surrounding the Jack Smith Special Counsel Trump Trial.

Well if you don't see the documents on the floor all over Maralargo then of course you see no evidence...

There is plenty of evidence and the other two cases are stronger...

Trump is running to stay out of jail
You mean the staged documents that the fbi planted? Those documents?

/---/ FBI disabled the house video cameras. Neither you or I know who placed them there.

Jun 25, 2024 #trump #court #news
During the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, agents reportedly stopped the security cameras on the property, raising concerns about transparency and procedural conduct. The decision to disable the cameras has sparked controversy and speculation over what occurred during the search. This action is likely to become a focal point in the ongoing legal and political debates surrounding the Jack Smith Special Counsel Trump Trial.

So you have no actual proof of anything...

And it sounds like bullshit..

So Eric is lying then
You mean the staged documents that the fbi planted? Those documents?

Well if Trump wants to question the chain of custody of the documnets he can go ahead...

Small Problem, he has already admitted he had the documents in his possession after he got his lawyers to lie about giving them back...

Do you see how stupid that defence is...
Well if Trump wants to question the chain of custody of the documnets he can go ahead...

Small Problem, he has already admitted he had the documents in his possession after he got his lawyers to lie about giving them back...

Do you see how stupid that defence is...
Do you understand that Biden had secret documents from when he was a Senator?

That's a huge felony sport!
Well if you don't see the documents on the floor all over Maralargo then of course you see no evidence...

There is plenty of evidence and the other two cases are stronger...

Trump is running to stay out of jail
Hey stupid, already revealed that the FBI put those documents on the floor with folders THEY brought with them. In other words, STAGED. And of course you fall for it. All cases on Trump will be dismissed and you'll cry. As usual.
Do you understand that Biden had secret documents from when he was a Senator?

That's a huge felony sport!
Nope... It is not....

Did Biden pack those documents personally? Have you proof that he did?

So a staffer (i.e. a federal employee packed them), So Biden didn't take the documents...

Have you proof that he knew he had them?

Was he asked for them and refused to return them?

Did he lie to the FBI about returning them?

Look at what Trump was charged and he was charged for deception...
Hitler was sometimes competent, hence it's unfair to Hitler to compare him to Trump and his followers.

Plus, Hitler was a lot less genocidal and antisemitic than Trump and the Trump cultists.

And Hitler actually fought in a war once. He wasn't just a whiny coward, so again unlike Trump and the Trump cultists.
We realize in your mind that you think Hitler was great. The rest of us know he wasn’t and hate and despise him.
We realize in your mind that you think Hitler was great. The rest of us know he wasn’t and hate and despise him.
Nope, he said that Trump is worse than one of the most vile human beings in the 20th Century...

Personally I think Trump lacks the competency, intelligence and dedication to be compared to Hitler.
Nope, he said that Trump is worse than one of the most vile human beings in the 20th Century...

Personally I think Trump lacks the competency, intelligence and dedication to be compared to Hitler.
That you want Hitler over Republicans isn’t on me, it’s on you. I don’t like Trump or Biden but preferring Hitler over either one of them is just pure racist, bigoted, stupidity but you extremist are just that stupid extremist and just contribute to the great divide of America. Sad that you people are so ignorant. Hitler is responsible for the deaths 12 million people, he hated Jews, transvestites, homosexuals, Gypsies, Pols, Jehovah’s Witnesses, he sent them to concentration camps to be tortured and slaughtered, he was pure evil but I dislike both Trump and Biden but they are far better than your hero Hitler.

You people are just ignorant on many levels. To compare Presidents to Hitler, pedophiles and the like are just anti-American BS and you are continuing to stir division, hate and violence, the party over country rhetoric needs to stop but you people continue to justify your bigotry and hatred.

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