Joe Biden Gets Only 1,000 Viewers to Watch His Thanksgiving Address Live β€” But He Got 80 Million Votes? β€” What a COMPLETE JOKE!

Since Trump has repeatedly said that he does not support Neo Nazis...why do you even bother to bring them up?
The neo-nazis obviously have their reasons for enthusiastically supporting and endorsing their Trump regardless of whether he thinks it advantageous to publicly acknowledge that enduring support.

Trump's neo-nazi fanatics are taking the names of those whom they believe have betrayed their "Fearless Leader."

November 30, 2020

All these people have betrayed our president by publicly denouncing him and saying that the usurper won legitimately:

  • Mitt Romney – UT
  • Marco Rubio – FL
  • Mike Shirkey – MI
  • Mike DeWine – OH
  • Brian Kemp – GA
  • Brad Raffensperger – GA
  • Pat Toomey – PA
  • Liz Cheney – WY
  • Doug Ducey – AZ
  • Larry Hogan – MD
  • Fred Upton – MI
  • John Cornyn – TX
  • Paul Mitchell – MI
  • James Lankford – OK
  • Lisa Murkowski – AK
  • Ben Sasse – NE
  • Susan Collins – ME
  • Jim Durkin – IL
  • Dan Young – AK
  • Francis Rooney – FL
  • John Shimkus – IL
  • Adam Kinzinger – IL
  • Paul Mitchell – MI
  • Don Bacon – NE
  • Tom Reed – NY
  • Will Hurd – TX
  • John Kurtis – UT
  • Denver Riggleman – VA
Republican politicians have remained silent, while also allegedly expressing hatred for our great (and very real) President:

  • John Thune – SD
  • Rob Portman – OH
  • Lamar Alexander – TN
  • Roy Blunt – MO
  • Mike Braun – IN
  • Todd Young – IN
  • Tim Scott – SC
  • Rick Scott – FL
  • Chuck Grassley – IA
  • Richard Burr – NC
  • Martha McSally – AZ
  • Jerry Moran – KS
  • Pat Roberts – KS
  • Richard Shelby – AL
Simply remaining silent is not enough!

The people from both lists must be removed from office!

We cannot tolerate traitors!

These people have always hated Trump because he gets in the way of their ability to serve their donors in the corruption orgy that is Washington, D.C. They view this as their time to strike against him by siding with the usurper!

What has happened instead is that they’ve shown their true colors!

We should have used the primary system a long, long time ago to get rid of these people. Primaries are usually decided by money – but we could have changed that.

Now, here we are, in the moment of truth – and we’re getting stabbed in the back!

These people are not simply betrayers of the country – they are criminals! They are complicit in massive fraud! They need to be charged with crimes!

Once again...since Trump has consistently and regularly denounced White Supremacist groups...why are you once again bringing them up?
Trump doesn't CONSISTENTLY denounce any group if it is a part of his voter base. He will say one thing and another,
depending upon the flow of the wind.
Bullshit! Trump has consistently denounced White Supremacist groups!
Yea right. You assfucks ignore the lies your orange buddy tells.
Since Trump has repeatedly said that he does not support Neo Nazis...why do you even bother to bring them up?
The neo-nazis obviously have their reasons for enthusiastically supporting and endorsing their Trump regardless of whether he thinks it advantageous to publicly acknowledge that enduring support.

Trump's neo-nazi fanatics are taking the names of those whom they believe have betrayed their "Fearless Leader."

November 30, 2020

All these people have betrayed our president by publicly denouncing him and saying that the usurper won legitimately:

  • Mitt Romney – UT
  • Marco Rubio – FL
  • Mike Shirkey – MI
  • Mike DeWine – OH
  • Brian Kemp – GA
  • Brad Raffensperger – GA
  • Pat Toomey – PA
  • Liz Cheney – WY
  • Doug Ducey – AZ
  • Larry Hogan – MD
  • Fred Upton – MI
  • John Cornyn – TX
  • Paul Mitchell – MI
  • James Lankford – OK
  • Lisa Murkowski – AK
  • Ben Sasse – NE
  • Susan Collins – ME
  • Jim Durkin – IL
  • Dan Young – AK
  • Francis Rooney – FL
  • John Shimkus – IL
  • Adam Kinzinger – IL
  • Paul Mitchell – MI
  • Don Bacon – NE
  • Tom Reed – NY
  • Will Hurd – TX
  • John Kurtis – UT
  • Denver Riggleman – VA
Republican politicians have remained silent, while also allegedly expressing hatred for our great (and very real) President:

  • John Thune – SD
  • Rob Portman – OH
  • Lamar Alexander – TN
  • Roy Blunt – MO
  • Mike Braun – IN
  • Todd Young – IN
  • Tim Scott – SC
  • Rick Scott – FL
  • Chuck Grassley – IA
  • Richard Burr – NC
  • Martha McSally – AZ
  • Jerry Moran – KS
  • Pat Roberts – KS
  • Richard Shelby – AL
Simply remaining silent is not enough!

The people from both lists must be removed from office!

We cannot tolerate traitors!

These people have always hated Trump because he gets in the way of their ability to serve their donors in the corruption orgy that is Washington, D.C. They view this as their time to strike against him by siding with the usurper!

What has happened instead is that they’ve shown their true colors!

We should have used the primary system a long, long time ago to get rid of these people. Primaries are usually decided by money – but we could have changed that.

Now, here we are, in the moment of truth – and we’re getting stabbed in the back!

These people are not simply betrayers of the country – they are criminals! They are complicit in massive fraud! They need to be charged with crimes!

Once again...since Trump has consistently and regularly denounced White Supremacist groups...why are you once again bringing them up?
Trump's denouncements mean nothing since they are tongue in cheek. First he embraces them and then he
walks it back the next day. He is only fooling you,
I HOPE THEY’RE PREPARED TO BE DISAPPOINTED: 33 Groups Urge Illegitimate Biden to Reject Big Tech Appointments to His Cabinet.
As you prepare for the presidential transition, we write to urge you to reject the influence of these corporations by committing to exclude Big Tech executives, lobbyists, lawyers and consultants from your administration. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft once promised innovation and opportunity, and while they continue to provide many remarkable products, they now represent serious threats to privacy, democracy, innovation, and Americans’ economic well-being.
If they'll pay like China pays, Illegitimate Joe is their best friend!
Each of these companies have developed predatory business practices that harvest user data for profit. Over the last few years, we have seen how Facebook and Google irresponsibly wield immense influence over democratic elections, without oversight or accountability.
Well, yes β€” and now that they’ve used that influence to buy access to the White House, they’re going to get it, Big Time.
They're gonna this and they're gonna that. Biden was just elected, yes? Let's wait and see what They're gonna do.
One good thing is that they're not gonna deploy amateurs around the world to represent our nation in world affairs.
Another thing that they're not gonna do is to appoint "yes" men to the inner circle.
Another thing that they're gonna do is to encourage opposing viewpoints on subject matter and not fire people who disagree with the President.
Another thing that they're gonna do is to bring women and people of color into leadership positions of power.
In fact, they have already started this process in case you haven't noticed.
That's a lot of happy nonsense. What matters is talent and ability not gonads and melanin.

Will they back up Big Crony Corporatists who want to whipsaw the American Worker against the Lying Outlaw Slavers in China, or will they stand up for our American Workers?

Does it bother you that we all know the answer?

WHAT OUR WOKE CORPORATIONS DO IN BETWEEN LECTURING THE REST OF US ON DECENCY: Report: Nike, Coke, other companies lobbying against bill that would ban goods made with slave labor of Uighurs in Xinjiang.
What bothers me is that you don't know the answer and are making silly assumptions that mean nothing.
Let's see what transpires. The fact is that the voters are sick of trump, and his shenanigans these past few weeks are only serving to solidify their feelings about him as he now is putting a strain on our democracy. Trump lost and he
needs to put his oversized ego aside and let our new administration move forward and govern.
Fake News. When the Left made certain that cheating could occur, they did so so they could cheat. That's the whole purpose for making sure cheating can occur.

We have every right to closely examine the election and you folks are only against it because you are concerned that your theft will be uncovered and safeguards put into place so that you cannot continue to cheat.

If you were confident that you won fairly you would be welcoming the examination. Examination does not undercut confidence, resisting it does. But, we all know that Biden stole it.

They revealed themselves as complete cheats, and only ended up with old Lame Duck Joe while they were badly beaten everywhere else. That's fine. He's a one termer. Our job now is to make sure that this is the very last presidency that is stolen.

The Epoch Times,

The Republican plaintiffs who are challenging legislation that allowed mail-in ballots from all comers in Pennsylvania, today filed a request to the Supreme Court to block the state from certifying the corrupt election.

The state Supreme Court had dismissed the case on Nov. 28, overturning a temporary block on election certification issued by a lower court.

Challenging that ruling, the emergency application for injunction, dated Dec. 1, asks the Supreme Court to prohibit the Pennsylvania governor and secretary of state from β€œtaking official action to tabulate, compute, canvass, certify, or otherwise finalize the results of the election.”
β€œTo the extent that the above-prohibited actions have already taken place, petitioners seek an injunction to restore the status quo ante, compelling respondents to nullify any such actions already taken, until further order of this court,” says the petition.
The emergency application essentially asks the court to put a temporary hold on certifying the state election pending the filing of a full writ of certiorari - asking the court to review the lower court decisions.

The case was filed by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) and others. They claim that an act passed last year by the state legislature that allows voting by mail without excuse violated the state constitution.

The state Supreme Court dismissed the case with prejudice, saying that the lawsuit had not been filed in a β€œtimely manner,” since the act in question was signed into law on Oct. 31, 2019.

That ruling, however, appears to leave open the broader merits of the case - that the law, Act 77, requires an amendment to the state constitution.

One of the plaintiffs, Republican congressional candidate Sean Parnell, told KDKA on Nov. 30:
β€œWhile we believe that Act 77 is certainly a state issue, we also believe that there are very important federal questions nested within it. So what we’re doing is we’re looking to appeal to the Supreme Court on those federal questions.”
The petition, filed with Judge Samuel A. Alito, poses two questions for the Supreme Court to answer:
  1. Can a state violate its own constitutional restrictions without violating the U.S. constitutional clauses relating to elections and due process?
  2. And did the Pennsylvania Supreme Court violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution β€œby dismissing with prejudice the case below, on the basis of laches, thereby foreclosing any opportunity for petitioners to seek retrospective and prospective relief for ongoing constitutional violations?”
The state Supreme Court said on Nov. 28 that the petitioners waited until days before the county of boards of election were required to certify the election results, which could β€œresult in the disenfranchisement of millions of Pennsylvania voters” who voted by mail.
β€œIt is beyond cavil that petitioners failed to act with due diligence in presenting the instant claim,” the court wrote.
Parnell told KDKA that it was a β€œCatch-22” situation.
β€œHad I filed it earlier, I would have probably not been able to bring the case into court because I wouldn’t have had legal standing,” he said.
β€œSo they would have probably said, β€˜Well, the harm that you’re alleging is speculative.'”
Parnell said that the case was not about whether mail-in ballots are good or bad per se, but about state constitutional procedure.
β€œDemocrat or Republican, if the citizen learns that his law is unconstitutional, it’s our duty and responsibility as citizens to challenge that law.”
The lawsuit is filed against the state, the majority Republican general assembly, Gov. Tom Wolf, and Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar.
N0, Dems don't welcome an investigation because there is no semblance of fraud. If there was a semblance of fraud, then there should be an investigation. All the investigations have turned up O, zilch, and that is not acceptable to you and your ilk. In America, elections decide the winner, and we have a winner. Throughout his 4 years, Trump has exhibited mental instability, an oversized ego, and the only reason that trump is carrying-on like this is to disrupt the process because he lost. What you are looking for is not going to happen. Your attorney general, who has been Trump's lapdog, dissed the investigation and now you are dissing him because he did the right thing. Even Barr admitted that there is no fraud. Trump is denigrating Republican officials because they did the right thing.
You and your cohorts are threatening those officials with violence and even death? One or more of your loonies may well act out. What the fuck are you doing?
It was a Bernie supporter, not a Trump supporter that shot up the Congressional Baseball team after asking if they were Republicans. It's the Left that spent the summer rioting, burning, assaulting and attacking police officers. You fool no one. We all know who you guys are. That's why you guys were soundly trounced in the election, other than stealing the Presidency by fraud.
I HOPE THEY’RE PREPARED TO BE DISAPPOINTED: 33 Groups Urge Illegitimate Biden to Reject Big Tech Appointments to His Cabinet.
As you prepare for the presidential transition, we write to urge you to reject the influence of these corporations by committing to exclude Big Tech executives, lobbyists, lawyers and consultants from your administration. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft once promised innovation and opportunity, and while they continue to provide many remarkable products, they now represent serious threats to privacy, democracy, innovation, and Americans’ economic well-being.
If they'll pay like China pays, Illegitimate Joe is their best friend!
Each of these companies have developed predatory business practices that harvest user data for profit. Over the last few years, we have seen how Facebook and Google irresponsibly wield immense influence over democratic elections, without oversight or accountability.
Well, yes β€” and now that they’ve used that influence to buy access to the White House, they’re going to get it, Big Time.
They're gonna this and they're gonna that. Biden was just elected, yes? Let's wait and see what They're gonna do.
One good thing is that they're not gonna deploy amateurs around the world to represent our nation in world affairs.
Another thing that they're not gonna do is to appoint "yes" men to the inner circle.
Another thing that they're gonna do is to encourage opposing viewpoints on subject matter and not fire people who disagree with the President.
Another thing that they're gonna do is to bring women and people of color into leadership positions of power.
In fact, they have already started this process in case you haven't noticed.
That's a lot of happy nonsense. What matters is talent and ability not gonads and melanin.

Will they back up Big Crony Corporatists who want to whipsaw the American Worker against the Lying Outlaw Slavers in China, or will they stand up for our American Workers?

Does it bother you that we all know the answer?

WHAT OUR WOKE CORPORATIONS DO IN BETWEEN LECTURING THE REST OF US ON DECENCY: Report: Nike, Coke, other companies lobbying against bill that would ban goods made with slave labor of Uighurs in Xinjiang.
What bothers me is that you don't know the answer and are making silly assumptions that mean nothing.
Let's see what transpires. The fact is that the voters are sick of trump, and his shenanigans these past few weeks are only serving to solidify their feelings about him as he now is putting a strain on our democracy. Trump lost and he
needs to put his oversized ego aside and let our new administration move forward and govern.
Fake News. When the Left made certain that cheating could occur, they did so so they could cheat. That's the whole purpose for making sure cheating can occur.

We have every right to closely examine the election and you folks are only against it because you are concerned that your theft will be uncovered and safeguards put into place so that you cannot continue to cheat.

If you were confident that you won fairly you would be welcoming the examination. Examination does not undercut confidence, resisting it does. But, we all know that Biden stole it.

They revealed themselves as complete cheats, and only ended up with old Lame Duck Joe while they were badly beaten everywhere else. That's fine. He's a one termer. Our job now is to make sure that this is the very last presidency that is stolen.

The Epoch Times,

The Republican plaintiffs who are challenging legislation that allowed mail-in ballots from all comers in Pennsylvania, today filed a request to the Supreme Court to block the state from certifying the corrupt election.

The state Supreme Court had dismissed the case on Nov. 28, overturning a temporary block on election certification issued by a lower court.

Challenging that ruling, the emergency application for injunction, dated Dec. 1, asks the Supreme Court to prohibit the Pennsylvania governor and secretary of state from β€œtaking official action to tabulate, compute, canvass, certify, or otherwise finalize the results of the election.”
β€œTo the extent that the above-prohibited actions have already taken place, petitioners seek an injunction to restore the status quo ante, compelling respondents to nullify any such actions already taken, until further order of this court,” says the petition.
The emergency application essentially asks the court to put a temporary hold on certifying the state election pending the filing of a full writ of certiorari - asking the court to review the lower court decisions.

The case was filed by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) and others. They claim that an act passed last year by the state legislature that allows voting by mail without excuse violated the state constitution.

The state Supreme Court dismissed the case with prejudice, saying that the lawsuit had not been filed in a β€œtimely manner,” since the act in question was signed into law on Oct. 31, 2019.

That ruling, however, appears to leave open the broader merits of the case - that the law, Act 77, requires an amendment to the state constitution.

One of the plaintiffs, Republican congressional candidate Sean Parnell, told KDKA on Nov. 30:
β€œWhile we believe that Act 77 is certainly a state issue, we also believe that there are very important federal questions nested within it. So what we’re doing is we’re looking to appeal to the Supreme Court on those federal questions.”
The petition, filed with Judge Samuel A. Alito, poses two questions for the Supreme Court to answer:
  1. Can a state violate its own constitutional restrictions without violating the U.S. constitutional clauses relating to elections and due process?
  2. And did the Pennsylvania Supreme Court violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution β€œby dismissing with prejudice the case below, on the basis of laches, thereby foreclosing any opportunity for petitioners to seek retrospective and prospective relief for ongoing constitutional violations?”
The state Supreme Court said on Nov. 28 that the petitioners waited until days before the county of boards of election were required to certify the election results, which could β€œresult in the disenfranchisement of millions of Pennsylvania voters” who voted by mail.
β€œIt is beyond cavil that petitioners failed to act with due diligence in presenting the instant claim,” the court wrote.
Parnell told KDKA that it was a β€œCatch-22” situation.
β€œHad I filed it earlier, I would have probably not been able to bring the case into court because I wouldn’t have had legal standing,” he said.
β€œSo they would have probably said, β€˜Well, the harm that you’re alleging is speculative.'”
Parnell said that the case was not about whether mail-in ballots are good or bad per se, but about state constitutional procedure.
β€œDemocrat or Republican, if the citizen learns that his law is unconstitutional, it’s our duty and responsibility as citizens to challenge that law.”
The lawsuit is filed against the state, the majority Republican general assembly, Gov. Tom Wolf, and Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar.
N0, Dems don't welcome an investigation because there is no semblance of fraud. If there was a semblance of fraud, then there should be an investigation. All the investigations have turned up O, zilch, and that is not acceptable to you and your ilk. In America, elections decide the winner, and we have a winner. Throughout his 4 years, Trump has exhibited mental instability, an oversized ego, and the only reason that trump is carrying-on like this is to disrupt the process because he lost. What you are looking for is not going to happen. Your attorney general, who has been Trump's lapdog, dissed the investigation and now you are dissing him because he did the right thing. Even Barr admitted that there is no fraud. Trump is denigrating Republican officials because they did the right thing.
You and your cohorts are threatening those officials with violence and even death? One or more of your loonies may well act out. What the fuck are you doing?
It was a Bernie supporter, not a Trump supporter that shot up the Congressional Baseball team after asking if they were Republicans. It's the Left that spent the summer rioting, burning, assaulting and attacking police officers. You fool no one. We all know who you guys are. That's why you guys were soundly trounced in the election, other than stealing the Presidency by fraud.
I HOPE THEY’RE PREPARED TO BE DISAPPOINTED: 33 Groups Urge Illegitimate Biden to Reject Big Tech Appointments to His Cabinet.
As you prepare for the presidential transition, we write to urge you to reject the influence of these corporations by committing to exclude Big Tech executives, lobbyists, lawyers and consultants from your administration. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft once promised innovation and opportunity, and while they continue to provide many remarkable products, they now represent serious threats to privacy, democracy, innovation, and Americans’ economic well-being.
If they'll pay like China pays, Illegitimate Joe is their best friend!
Each of these companies have developed predatory business practices that harvest user data for profit. Over the last few years, we have seen how Facebook and Google irresponsibly wield immense influence over democratic elections, without oversight or accountability.
Well, yes β€” and now that they’ve used that influence to buy access to the White House, they’re going to get it, Big Time.
They're gonna this and they're gonna that. Biden was just elected, yes? Let's wait and see what They're gonna do.
One good thing is that they're not gonna deploy amateurs around the world to represent our nation in world affairs.
Another thing that they're not gonna do is to appoint "yes" men to the inner circle.
Another thing that they're gonna do is to encourage opposing viewpoints on subject matter and not fire people who disagree with the President.
Another thing that they're gonna do is to bring women and people of color into leadership positions of power.
In fact, they have already started this process in case you haven't noticed.
That's a lot of happy nonsense. What matters is talent and ability not gonads and melanin.

Will they back up Big Crony Corporatists who want to whipsaw the American Worker against the Lying Outlaw Slavers in China, or will they stand up for our American Workers?

Does it bother you that we all know the answer?

WHAT OUR WOKE CORPORATIONS DO IN BETWEEN LECTURING THE REST OF US ON DECENCY: Report: Nike, Coke, other companies lobbying against bill that would ban goods made with slave labor of Uighurs in Xinjiang.
What bothers me is that you don't know the answer and are making silly assumptions that mean nothing.
Let's see what transpires. The fact is that the voters are sick of trump, and his shenanigans these past few weeks are only serving to solidify their feelings about him as he now is putting a strain on our democracy. Trump lost and he
needs to put his oversized ego aside and let our new administration move forward and govern.
Fake News. When the Left made certain that cheating could occur, they did so so they could cheat. That's the whole purpose for making sure cheating can occur.

We have every right to closely examine the election and you folks are only against it because you are concerned that your theft will be uncovered and safeguards put into place so that you cannot continue to cheat.

If you were confident that you won fairly you would be welcoming the examination. Examination does not undercut confidence, resisting it does. But, we all know that Biden stole it.

They revealed themselves as complete cheats, and only ended up with old Lame Duck Joe while they were badly beaten everywhere else. That's fine. He's a one termer. Our job now is to make sure that this is the very last presidency that is stolen.

The Epoch Times,

The Republican plaintiffs who are challenging legislation that allowed mail-in ballots from all comers in Pennsylvania, today filed a request to the Supreme Court to block the state from certifying the corrupt election.

The state Supreme Court had dismissed the case on Nov. 28, overturning a temporary block on election certification issued by a lower court.

Challenging that ruling, the emergency application for injunction, dated Dec. 1, asks the Supreme Court to prohibit the Pennsylvania governor and secretary of state from β€œtaking official action to tabulate, compute, canvass, certify, or otherwise finalize the results of the election.”
β€œTo the extent that the above-prohibited actions have already taken place, petitioners seek an injunction to restore the status quo ante, compelling respondents to nullify any such actions already taken, until further order of this court,” says the petition.
The emergency application essentially asks the court to put a temporary hold on certifying the state election pending the filing of a full writ of certiorari - asking the court to review the lower court decisions.

The case was filed by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) and others. They claim that an act passed last year by the state legislature that allows voting by mail without excuse violated the state constitution.

The state Supreme Court dismissed the case with prejudice, saying that the lawsuit had not been filed in a β€œtimely manner,” since the act in question was signed into law on Oct. 31, 2019.

That ruling, however, appears to leave open the broader merits of the case - that the law, Act 77, requires an amendment to the state constitution.

One of the plaintiffs, Republican congressional candidate Sean Parnell, told KDKA on Nov. 30:
β€œWhile we believe that Act 77 is certainly a state issue, we also believe that there are very important federal questions nested within it. So what we’re doing is we’re looking to appeal to the Supreme Court on those federal questions.”
The petition, filed with Judge Samuel A. Alito, poses two questions for the Supreme Court to answer:
  1. Can a state violate its own constitutional restrictions without violating the U.S. constitutional clauses relating to elections and due process?
  2. And did the Pennsylvania Supreme Court violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution β€œby dismissing with prejudice the case below, on the basis of laches, thereby foreclosing any opportunity for petitioners to seek retrospective and prospective relief for ongoing constitutional violations?”
The state Supreme Court said on Nov. 28 that the petitioners waited until days before the county of boards of election were required to certify the election results, which could β€œresult in the disenfranchisement of millions of Pennsylvania voters” who voted by mail.
β€œIt is beyond cavil that petitioners failed to act with due diligence in presenting the instant claim,” the court wrote.
Parnell told KDKA that it was a β€œCatch-22” situation.
β€œHad I filed it earlier, I would have probably not been able to bring the case into court because I wouldn’t have had legal standing,” he said.
β€œSo they would have probably said, β€˜Well, the harm that you’re alleging is speculative.'”
Parnell said that the case was not about whether mail-in ballots are good or bad per se, but about state constitutional procedure.
β€œDemocrat or Republican, if the citizen learns that his law is unconstitutional, it’s our duty and responsibility as citizens to challenge that law.”
The lawsuit is filed against the state, the majority Republican general assembly, Gov. Tom Wolf, and Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar.
N0, Dems don't welcome an investigation because there is no semblance of fraud. If there was a semblance of fraud, then there should be an investigation. All the investigations have turned up O, zilch, and that is not acceptable to you and your ilk. In America, elections decide the winner, and we have a winner. Throughout his 4 years, Trump has exhibited mental instability, an oversized ego, and the only reason that trump is carrying-on like this is to disrupt the process because he lost. What you are looking for is not going to happen. Your attorney general, who has been Trump's lapdog, dissed the investigation and now you are dissing him because he did the right thing. Even Barr admitted that there is no fraud. Trump is denigrating Republican officials because they did the right thing.
You and your cohorts are threatening those officials with violence and even death? One or more of your loonies may well act out. What the fuck are you doing?
It was a Bernie supporter, not a Trump supporter that shot up the Congressional Baseball team after asking if they were Republicans. It's the Left that spent the summer rioting, burning, assaulting and attacking police officers. You fool no one. We all know who you guys are. That's why you guys were soundly trounced in the election, other than stealing the Presidency by fraud.
SO YOU are saying that all dems are violent as described in your rhetoric? It looks as though trump supporters are threatening violence now and are starting to act out. And where is the fraud, except in your hopes and dreams?
Because there is a direct correlation between the number of votes received in an election and the number of viewers tuned in to a live stream... the day before Thanksgiving...
Yes. One figure, Biden votes it's claimed, are inordinately large and non proportional for a candidate
who couldn't draw flies at the very few rallies he held.
More people voted for Biden than Obama, it's alleged despite all common sense to the contrary.

And the other figure, is in keeping with a president who no one cares much for and who has
embarrassingly small approval ratings.
Yes. One figure, Biden votes it's claimed, are inordinately large and non proportional for a candidate
who couldn't draw flies at the very few rallies he held.
More people voted for Biden than Obama, it's alleged despite all common sense to the contrary.

And the other figure, is in keeping with a president who no one cares much for and who has
embarrassingly small approval ratings.
The one thing you are missing is that folks didn't necessarily care about voting for Biden, we just wanted to see Trump's ass gone.
The one thing you are missing is that folks didn't necessarily care about voting for Biden, we just wanted to see Trump's ass gone.

And the price being paid for all the Biden chaos and weakness today is the result of you and your ilk buying into fake news and paltry propaganda because you never had the smarts and ability to critically think.
The one thing you are missing is that folks didn't necessarily care about voting for Biden, we just wanted to see Trump's ass gone.


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Joe Biden Gets Only 1,000 Viewers to Watch His Thanksgiving Address Live -- But He Got 80 Million Votes? -- What a COMPLETE JOKE! (
25 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
They don’t care how about their how ridiculous their lies appear. They really don’t care.
Joe Biden delivered a Thanksgiving Day Teleprompter message on Wednesday.
Only 1,000 people watched his statement live.
What a complete joke!
The Democrat liars want you to believe Joe Biden had 80 million votes this year.
What complete rubbish.

Andrew @ Don't Walk, RUN! Productions on Twitter: "WOW! 1000 viewers? Yet, we're supposed to believe he got 80 million votes? Yeah sure." / Twitter

The Democrats still do not fully understand what is going to happen when Trump is re-elected. They are so drunk on the propagandist misinformation and celebrating their misdeeds they will lose their minds and then... the worst will be yet to come. It will be the complete exposure and dismantling of the Democrat party.
At the same time, hundreds of thousands, maybe even a million viewers watched the Pennsylania Legislation Hearing live today. Americans know who won the election. Stay tuned, it's gonna get interesting...
Jelly, eh?
And the price being paid for all the Biden chaos and weakness today is the result of you and your ilk buying into fake news and paltry propaganda because you never had the smarts and ability to critically think.
....but Trump Humpers are the smart folks and they do all the thinking. You clowns live for propaganda and bullshit.
And the price being paid for all the Biden chaos and weakness today is the result of you and your ilk buying into fake news and paltry propaganda because you never had the smarts and ability to critically think.
There is no chaos and weakness today, nor was there fake news except for Fox. The price being paid today is a result of tump's chaotic presidency.

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