Joe Biden Gets Only 1,000 Viewers to Watch His Thanksgiving Address Live — But He Got 80 Million Votes? — What a COMPLETE JOKE!

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"Screw what over 80 million Americans affirm in a free and fair election!
You don't need any actual friggin' evidence for what some right-wing nut job tweets if it is about TV!"
Y'all screeched for almost 4 years the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. You kept insisting the evidence would be provided "any day now! No, really!"

NOW you insist if the evidence of election fraud isn't produced RIGHT NOW, it doesn't exist.

If it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
Russia did interfere & to Trump's advantage.

The Trump campaign sent their internal polling to the Russians. Why?


The only thing the investigation proved was that the Hillary Campaign colluded with foreign intelligence services and the Obama Admin spied on American citizens.
You forgot to tell me why Manafort sent their internal polling to the Russians.

Clinton hired a opposition research firm. They sent one of their people to Russia ti see what Trump was doing there. That is not colluding you stupiud shit.

Colluding is sending the Russians polling details so they know where to concentrate their efforts.
You need to step out of your bubble.

In fact, the entire Russian collusion conspiracy that held the nation hostage for more than two years was the brainchild of a foreign national who was working on behalf of a sanctioned Russian oligarch with close ties to the Kremlin. At the same time he was telling the media that Trump was the undisclosed agent of Russia, that foreign national was lobbying the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to ease up on his Russian benefactor.

As it turns out, the DOJ official being lobbied was the spouse of one of that foreign national’s co-workers at the firm that hired the two of them to foment Russian hysteria on behalf of the Clinton campaign. And in a twist almost too absurd for even the most bizarre Franz Kafka novel, that firm was itself working on behalf of a Russian billionaire’s corporation that had been charged by U.S. federal prosecutors with illegally evading U.S. sanctions.

That foreign spook-turned-international political provocateur was none other than Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous and utterly debunked Steele dossier that ignited a domestic firestorm after it was briefed to president-elect Trump in January 2016 and subsequently published in full by BuzzFeed. His Russian benefactor at the time was Oleg Deripaska. His co-conspirator at DOJ was Bruce Ohr, whose wife Nellie Ohr received more than $40,000 for her work for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign-sponsored opposition research firm that just so happened to be working on behalf of Prevezon, a company owned by Russian billionaire Denis Katsyv, during the 2016 campaign.

The curious Clinton campaign collusion connections don’t end there. Somehow it gets worse. The Russian attorney for Prevezon, which later settled charges of laundering money and violating sanctions in exchange for $5.9 million in fines paid to the DOJ, was none other than Natalia Veselnitskaya, who arranged the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner, a meeting that was alleged to be proof-positive that the Trump campaign had illegally colluded with the Russians during the 2016 campaign.

Unlike the fabulist musings of Steele, who by his own admission colluded with Kremlin officials as he prepared and disseminated his anti-Trump dossier, the Clinton-Russian connections are not the delusions of a deranged conspiracy theorist. They are documented and verified facts which for some reason escaped the attention of the scores of journalists and investigators who purported to root out any and all instances of foreign collusion during the 2016 election.

If you want to know what a Democrat's guilty of, look to see what she accuses Republicans of.
You still haven't said why Manafort gave their internal polling to the Russians. Why is that?
Are you saying Spenser didn't endorse Biden?
I did not say anything concerning your Mr Spencer.

I noted that the neo-nazi Daily Stormer supported and endorsed their Trump in 2016, 2020, and continues to be enamored of the Loser.
"China's regime is totalitarian and brutal." Yes, I know. That's why Democrats support it.
I can find nothing in any Democratic platform that remotely suggests "support" for China. Please provide a link to a reputable source so that your claim does not appear to be a lie.
June 16, 2020

In Beijing, officials have come around to support four more years of Trump.

Interviews with nine current and former Chinese officials point to a shift in sentiment in favor of the sitting president...

The chief reason? A belief that the benefit of the erosion of America’s postwar alliance network would outweigh any damage to China from continued trade disputes and geopolitical instability.

China warms to the idea of Trump's reelection in 2020
Democrats have always supported totalitarian regimes. China's no different. And China would rather deal with Biden, who is more likely to give them what they want.

You don't have to believe me. Let's look at what the Communist Chinese propaganda paper has to say:
Many Chinese analysts predict that China will need to deal with Biden in at least the next four years, and they noticed that the proposed Democrat platform on foreign policy showed that if Biden wins, the US will remain tough on China. So Beijing should remain vigilant. But tactically, the US approach would be more predictable, and Biden is much smoother to deal with than Trump — a viewpoint that is shared by many countries.​
Although Biden would very likely to use totally different tactics to continue the US-launched great power competition with China, such as restoring negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. As long as the US returns to multilateralism, the two greatest economies in the world could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, Chinese analysts said.​
Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University, said that "Biden is definitely smoother to deal with, which is the consensus around the world. For China, because Biden was vice president during Obama's term, and had a lot of prior experience dealing with Chinese leaders, we would expect to facilitate more effective communication with Biden if he wins."​
Lü said Biden could not only reactivate the TPP, he would very likely place the US back into the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iranian Nuclear Deal and other multilateral and international treaties and organization that the Trump administration withdrew from in the past four years.​
"Although Trump's unilateralism has made China receive higher expectations from other countries, and strengthened ties with them, including from some US allies, China still welcomes the US to return to multilateralism," Lü added.​
If Biden wins and fixes the damage caused by Trump, China and the US could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, such as joint efforts to deal with climate change and solve the Iranian nuclear issue, Lü noted.​
Of course China prefers Biden to Trump! Trump was the first US President in decades that actually held their feet to the fire to get them to play fair on trade! They'd love to get back to US policy under Obama! Bad trade deals for US businesses and workers...and the Paris Accord gives China a massive economic advantage with their energy costs! They get to keep on burning fossil fuels for another decade polluting the planet while WE cut our use of fossil fuels now!
Typical dumbass Republican. China is still developing. They still need to add generation capacity. Meanwhile, we are where we are because of developed nations who have been polluting for decades.

Joe Biden Gets Only 1,000 Viewers to Watch His Thanksgiving Address Live -- But He Got 80 Million Votes? -- What a COMPLETE JOKE! (
25 Nov 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
They don’t care how about their how ridiculous their lies appear. They really don’t care.
Joe Biden delivered a Thanksgiving Day Teleprompter message on Wednesday.
Only 1,000 people watched his statement live.
What a complete joke!
The Democrat liars want you to believe Joe Biden had 80 million votes this year.
What complete rubbish.

Andrew @ Don't Walk, RUN! Productions on Twitter: "WOW! 1000 viewers? Yet, we're supposed to believe he got 80 million votes? Yeah sure." / Twitter

The Democrats still do not fully understand what is going to happen when Trump is re-elected. They are so drunk on the propagandist misinformation and celebrating their misdeeds they will lose their minds and then... the worst will be yet to come. It will be the complete exposure and dismantling of the Democrat party.
At the same time, hundreds of thousands, maybe even a million viewers watched the Pennsylania Legislation Hearing live today. Americans know who won the election. Stay tuned, it's gonna get interesting...

Maybe because of COVID?????? LMAO!!!!
Are you saying Spenser didn't endorse Biden?
I did not say anything concerning your Mr Spencer.

I noted that the neo-nazi Daily Stormer supported and endorsed their Trump in 2016, 2020, and continues to be enamored of the Loser.
"China's regime is totalitarian and brutal." Yes, I know. That's why Democrats support it.
I can find nothing in any Democratic platform that remotely suggests "support" for China. Please provide a link to a reputable source so that your claim does not appear to be a lie.
June 16, 2020

In Beijing, officials have come around to support four more years of Trump.

Interviews with nine current and former Chinese officials point to a shift in sentiment in favor of the sitting president...

The chief reason? A belief that the benefit of the erosion of America’s postwar alliance network would outweigh any damage to China from continued trade disputes and geopolitical instability.

China warms to the idea of Trump's reelection in 2020
Democrats have always supported totalitarian regimes. China's no different. And China would rather deal with Biden, who is more likely to give them what they want.

You don't have to believe me. Let's look at what the Communist Chinese propaganda paper has to say:
Many Chinese analysts predict that China will need to deal with Biden in at least the next four years, and they noticed that the proposed Democrat platform on foreign policy showed that if Biden wins, the US will remain tough on China. So Beijing should remain vigilant. But tactically, the US approach would be more predictable, and Biden is much smoother to deal with than Trump — a viewpoint that is shared by many countries.​
Although Biden would very likely to use totally different tactics to continue the US-launched great power competition with China, such as restoring negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. As long as the US returns to multilateralism, the two greatest economies in the world could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, Chinese analysts said.​
Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University, said that "Biden is definitely smoother to deal with, which is the consensus around the world. For China, because Biden was vice president during Obama's term, and had a lot of prior experience dealing with Chinese leaders, we would expect to facilitate more effective communication with Biden if he wins."​
Lü said Biden could not only reactivate the TPP, he would very likely place the US back into the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iranian Nuclear Deal and other multilateral and international treaties and organization that the Trump administration withdrew from in the past four years.​
"Although Trump's unilateralism has made China receive higher expectations from other countries, and strengthened ties with them, including from some US allies, China still welcomes the US to return to multilateralism," Lü added.​
If Biden wins and fixes the damage caused by Trump, China and the US could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, such as joint efforts to deal with climate change and solve the Iranian nuclear issue, Lü noted.​
Of course China prefers Biden to Trump! Trump was the first US President in decades that actually held their feet to the fire to get them to play fair on trade! They'd love to get back to US policy under Obama! Bad trade deals for US businesses and workers...and the Paris Accord gives China a massive economic advantage with their energy costs! They get to keep on burning fossil fuels for another decade polluting the planet while WE cut our use of fossil fuels now!
Typical dumbass Republican. China is still developing. They still need to add generation capacity. Meanwhile, we are where we are because of developed nations who have been polluting for decades.

So according to you China should be allowed to pollute because it's devleoping?
You are so full of shit.
Oh, irony.

This is not the site for porn and we all know why you are attacking Hunter Biden and it
is only because he is the son of our President-Elect and you hope that it reflects badly on Joe Biden.
So you don't dispute what I said. You just don't like hearing it. Hunter Biden's predatory sex with
under age girls, be they Chinese prostitutes or his own relative, do reflect badly on daddy Joe Biden
but it doesn't seem to matter to his backers.

And we know that the corrupt charges are there because your corrupt president created the concept.
You would have much more credibility if you criticized your current president who has admitted sexual misconduct.
No, I don't have to cite any attacks because I heard him admit them and 23 women have openly accused him.
Your gutless lies are false for reasons already listed and accusations aren't fact.
They are just that, accusations. What pathetic bullshit.
You talk about Hunter Biden and porn as if it matters in the scheme of things. It doesn't. Your president is the most scheming and corrupt grifter ever to be elected. His whole life is based on fraud, and he is accusing the democrats of fraud without evidence? what a joke. I believe that trump had predatory sex with a minor, too. Let's discuss trump's son and a baby elephant tail around his neck. 23 women? All pathetic? Nah.
My point is that when your ilk leans on the irrelevant for obvious reasons, what do you expect? Oh, gee. Hunter is a bad boy so his daddy is a bad man. Hogwash
You talk about Hunter Biden and porn as if it matters in the scheme of things. It doesn't.
Of course. Nothing matters when you are compelled to back a corrupt swamp dweller of 47 years.
It would matter if it was Trump's son puffing on a crack pipe while boning some little Chinese girls.
And it would have mattered if the Big Media hadn't been all the bag for Joe, and they still are there
and their silence on the two matters (Biden depravity and election theft) is deafening.

But this is all water under the bridge since all that matters now is stopping the theft of a national election
by Biden.
Are you saying Spenser didn't endorse Biden?
I did not say anything concerning your Mr Spencer.

I noted that the neo-nazi Daily Stormer supported and endorsed their Trump in 2016, 2020, and continues to be enamored of the Loser.
"China's regime is totalitarian and brutal." Yes, I know. That's why Democrats support it.
I can find nothing in any Democratic platform that remotely suggests "support" for China. Please provide a link to a reputable source so that your claim does not appear to be a lie.
June 16, 2020

In Beijing, officials have come around to support four more years of Trump.

Interviews with nine current and former Chinese officials point to a shift in sentiment in favor of the sitting president...

The chief reason? A belief that the benefit of the erosion of America’s postwar alliance network would outweigh any damage to China from continued trade disputes and geopolitical instability.

China warms to the idea of Trump's reelection in 2020
Democrats have always supported totalitarian regimes. China's no different. And China would rather deal with Biden, who is more likely to give them what they want.

You don't have to believe me. Let's look at what the Communist Chinese propaganda paper has to say:
Many Chinese analysts predict that China will need to deal with Biden in at least the next four years, and they noticed that the proposed Democrat platform on foreign policy showed that if Biden wins, the US will remain tough on China. So Beijing should remain vigilant. But tactically, the US approach would be more predictable, and Biden is much smoother to deal with than Trump — a viewpoint that is shared by many countries.​
Although Biden would very likely to use totally different tactics to continue the US-launched great power competition with China, such as restoring negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. As long as the US returns to multilateralism, the two greatest economies in the world could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, Chinese analysts said.​
Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University, said that "Biden is definitely smoother to deal with, which is the consensus around the world. For China, because Biden was vice president during Obama's term, and had a lot of prior experience dealing with Chinese leaders, we would expect to facilitate more effective communication with Biden if he wins."​
Lü said Biden could not only reactivate the TPP, he would very likely place the US back into the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iranian Nuclear Deal and other multilateral and international treaties and organization that the Trump administration withdrew from in the past four years.​
"Although Trump's unilateralism has made China receive higher expectations from other countries, and strengthened ties with them, including from some US allies, China still welcomes the US to return to multilateralism," Lü added.​
If Biden wins and fixes the damage caused by Trump, China and the US could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, such as joint efforts to deal with climate change and solve the Iranian nuclear issue, Lü noted.​
Of course China prefers Biden to Trump! Trump was the first US President in decades that actually held their feet to the fire to get them to play fair on trade! They'd love to get back to US policy under Obama! Bad trade deals for US businesses and workers...and the Paris Accord gives China a massive economic advantage with their energy costs! They get to keep on burning fossil fuels for another decade polluting the planet while WE cut our use of fossil fuels now!
Trump showed us how to win this, if we want to win this. Look the far right side of the graph after Trump's tariffs kicked in.


For the first time in "many snows" as Lizzy Warren would say, our trade deficit with China was finally moving in the right direction.

Biden will "fix" that! He'll get us right back to where we were during the Obama Administration...bending over while the Chinese give us the high hard one!

Are you saying Spenser didn't endorse Biden?
I did not say anything concerning your Mr Spencer.

I noted that the neo-nazi Daily Stormer supported and endorsed their Trump in 2016, 2020, and continues to be enamored of the Loser.
"China's regime is totalitarian and brutal." Yes, I know. That's why Democrats support it.
I can find nothing in any Democratic platform that remotely suggests "support" for China. Please provide a link to a reputable source so that your claim does not appear to be a lie.
June 16, 2020

In Beijing, officials have come around to support four more years of Trump.

Interviews with nine current and former Chinese officials point to a shift in sentiment in favor of the sitting president...

The chief reason? A belief that the benefit of the erosion of America’s postwar alliance network would outweigh any damage to China from continued trade disputes and geopolitical instability.

China warms to the idea of Trump's reelection in 2020
Democrats have always supported totalitarian regimes. China's no different. And China would rather deal with Biden, who is more likely to give them what they want.

You don't have to believe me. Let's look at what the Communist Chinese propaganda paper has to say:
Many Chinese analysts predict that China will need to deal with Biden in at least the next four years, and they noticed that the proposed Democrat platform on foreign policy showed that if Biden wins, the US will remain tough on China. So Beijing should remain vigilant. But tactically, the US approach would be more predictable, and Biden is much smoother to deal with than Trump — a viewpoint that is shared by many countries.​
Although Biden would very likely to use totally different tactics to continue the US-launched great power competition with China, such as restoring negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. As long as the US returns to multilateralism, the two greatest economies in the world could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, Chinese analysts said.​
Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University, said that "Biden is definitely smoother to deal with, which is the consensus around the world. For China, because Biden was vice president during Obama's term, and had a lot of prior experience dealing with Chinese leaders, we would expect to facilitate more effective communication with Biden if he wins."​
Lü said Biden could not only reactivate the TPP, he would very likely place the US back into the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iranian Nuclear Deal and other multilateral and international treaties and organization that the Trump administration withdrew from in the past four years.​
"Although Trump's unilateralism has made China receive higher expectations from other countries, and strengthened ties with them, including from some US allies, China still welcomes the US to return to multilateralism," Lü added.​
If Biden wins and fixes the damage caused by Trump, China and the US could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, such as joint efforts to deal with climate change and solve the Iranian nuclear issue, Lü noted.​
Of course China prefers Biden to Trump! Trump was the first US President in decades that actually held their feet to the fire to get them to play fair on trade! They'd love to get back to US policy under Obama! Bad trade deals for US businesses and workers...and the Paris Accord gives China a massive economic advantage with their energy costs! They get to keep on burning fossil fuels for another decade polluting the planet while WE cut our use of fossil fuels now!
Trump showed us how to win this, if we want to win this. Look the far right side of the graph after Trump's tariffs kicked in.


For the first time in "many snows" as Lizzy Warren would say, our trade deficit with China was finally moving in the right direction.

Biden will "fix" that! He'll get us right back to where we were during the Obama Administration...bending over while the Chinese give us the high hard one!
You have no clue what Biden will do, yes?...
Fake News. He's been in federal office for 20% of the nation's existence, his performance level is a known quantity. He is singularly ineffective at everything other than personal corrupt enrichment. He has blown every major foreign policy call. As Obama warned, "never underestimate Joe's ability to fk things up." And that Joe before his obvious mental decline.
... Biden has said that he would tackle China economically...
Joe will bend over and grab his ankles for China, just as fast as Lebron James.
... "Economists say the hefty tariffs Mr. Trump has placed on China have encouraged American consumers to purchase goods from other countries and have not led to an American manufacturing renaissance....
Fake News:

Here are the year end numbers for MFG output for the last 3 years of the Obama Administration:


The decline is clear.

Here are the year end numbers for the first three years for Trump, and the trend reversal is equally clear.


... “Tariffs to date have clearly had a significant impact on imports from China,” said Brad Setser, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. “They equally clearly have not led to a stronger U.S. manufacturing sector.”...
Fake News. 2019 real manufacturing output was at a 12 year high, even as mfg employment hit a ten year high. Here's the deal. Big Crony Business makes more money pitting the American Worker against China's Slave Labor and the entire DC establishment favors this. Trump's approach has worked extremely well, all the claims that the "economists" made failed. Obama even claimed that for Trump to accomplish what he clearly accomplished would take a "magic wand".


We are beyond fortunate to have had such a talented and driven man as president, who fearlessly pursued common sense policies, ignoring the naysayers, even as he labored on our behalf, donating every paycheck to worthy charities. As a grateful nation bids him farewell, we have benefitted and we will continue to learn from his common sense, fearless approach. And the topper? No new foreign wars. And unlike Jimmy Carter, he didn't accomplish this by letting tin horn dictators push us around. He accomplished peace through overwhelming strength, and when necessary, even justifiable ruthlessness.
... the clash with China has caused American companies and consumers to shift purchases to other countries, like Mexico, Vietnam and South Korea...
And none of those nations are building a military specifically designed to prevent us from keeping international shipping lanes open to all nations.
... Data released Wednesday morning showed the trade deficit in goods with Mexico increased $21.1 billion last year to a record $101.8 billion, as the United States brought in more goods from its southern neighbor. The trade deficit in goods with Canada grew by $8 billion...
Yup. Mexico and Canada are now our #1 and #2 trading partners with China dropping from #1 to #3. Rather than supply lines stretch all the way around the world, we now can resupply with Truck and Rail. This is a much stronger system, and we even have Mexico controlling the previous surge of illegal immigration, because they now can make so much more money with us, through legal commerce. Again, very simple, very bright, yet, it took Trump to get it done.
We are beyond fortunate to have had such a talented and driven man as president
Well beyond.

The delay in disposing of the Cry Baby is due to the American electorate only getting the opportunity recently, having registered their low regard for him throughout his crapping upon our democracy.

Screen Shot 2020-12-01 at 4.38.23 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-12-01 at 4.38.10 PM.png

- It should be acknowledged that, radically parting way with the prevailing sentiment of Americans, are the neo-nazis at DAILY STORMER who have stood by their "Fearless Leader" throughout the national nightmare, endorsing him twice and supporting him throughout the ordeal, even buying into all his fake claims that befoul democracy.
The delay in disposing of the Cry Baby is due to the American electorate only getting the opportunity recently, having registered their low regard for him throughout his crapping upon our democracy.
"Crapping on our democracy"? You mean like hijacking the presidential elections?
Like trying to institute a N Korean or Venezuelan style government that doesn't accept dissent or
any challengers to it's authority?

You fix the elections that's just what you get.
Are you saying Spenser didn't endorse Biden?
I did not say anything concerning your Mr Spencer.

I noted that the neo-nazi Daily Stormer supported and endorsed their Trump in 2016, 2020, and continues to be enamored of the Loser.
"China's regime is totalitarian and brutal." Yes, I know. That's why Democrats support it.
I can find nothing in any Democratic platform that remotely suggests "support" for China. Please provide a link to a reputable source so that your claim does not appear to be a lie.
June 16, 2020

In Beijing, officials have come around to support four more years of Trump.

Interviews with nine current and former Chinese officials point to a shift in sentiment in favor of the sitting president...

The chief reason? A belief that the benefit of the erosion of America’s postwar alliance network would outweigh any damage to China from continued trade disputes and geopolitical instability.

China warms to the idea of Trump's reelection in 2020
Democrats have always supported totalitarian regimes. China's no different. And China would rather deal with Biden, who is more likely to give them what they want.

You don't have to believe me. Let's look at what the Communist Chinese propaganda paper has to say:
Many Chinese analysts predict that China will need to deal with Biden in at least the next four years, and they noticed that the proposed Democrat platform on foreign policy showed that if Biden wins, the US will remain tough on China. So Beijing should remain vigilant. But tactically, the US approach would be more predictable, and Biden is much smoother to deal with than Trump — a viewpoint that is shared by many countries.​
Although Biden would very likely to use totally different tactics to continue the US-launched great power competition with China, such as restoring negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. As long as the US returns to multilateralism, the two greatest economies in the world could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, Chinese analysts said.​
Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University, said that "Biden is definitely smoother to deal with, which is the consensus around the world. For China, because Biden was vice president during Obama's term, and had a lot of prior experience dealing with Chinese leaders, we would expect to facilitate more effective communication with Biden if he wins."​
Lü said Biden could not only reactivate the TPP, he would very likely place the US back into the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iranian Nuclear Deal and other multilateral and international treaties and organization that the Trump administration withdrew from in the past four years.​
"Although Trump's unilateralism has made China receive higher expectations from other countries, and strengthened ties with them, including from some US allies, China still welcomes the US to return to multilateralism," Lü added.​
If Biden wins and fixes the damage caused by Trump, China and the US could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, such as joint efforts to deal with climate change and solve the Iranian nuclear issue, Lü noted.​
Of course China prefers Biden to Trump! Trump was the first US President in decades that actually held their feet to the fire to get them to play fair on trade! They'd love to get back to US policy under Obama! Bad trade deals for US businesses and workers...and the Paris Accord gives China a massive economic advantage with their energy costs! They get to keep on burning fossil fuels for another decade polluting the planet while WE cut our use of fossil fuels now!
Trump showed us how to win this, if we want to win this. Look the far right side of the graph after Trump's tariffs kicked in.


For the first time in "many snows" as Lizzy Warren would say, our trade deficit with China was finally moving in the right direction.

Biden will "fix" that! He'll get us right back to where we were during the Obama Administration...bending over while the Chinese give us the high hard one!

Are you saying Spenser didn't endorse Biden?
I did not say anything concerning your Mr Spencer.

I noted that the neo-nazi Daily Stormer supported and endorsed their Trump in 2016, 2020, and continues to be enamored of the Loser.
"China's regime is totalitarian and brutal." Yes, I know. That's why Democrats support it.
I can find nothing in any Democratic platform that remotely suggests "support" for China. Please provide a link to a reputable source so that your claim does not appear to be a lie.
June 16, 2020

In Beijing, officials have come around to support four more years of Trump.

Interviews with nine current and former Chinese officials point to a shift in sentiment in favor of the sitting president...

The chief reason? A belief that the benefit of the erosion of America’s postwar alliance network would outweigh any damage to China from continued trade disputes and geopolitical instability.

China warms to the idea of Trump's reelection in 2020
Democrats have always supported totalitarian regimes. China's no different. And China would rather deal with Biden, who is more likely to give them what they want.

You don't have to believe me. Let's look at what the Communist Chinese propaganda paper has to say:
Many Chinese analysts predict that China will need to deal with Biden in at least the next four years, and they noticed that the proposed Democrat platform on foreign policy showed that if Biden wins, the US will remain tough on China. So Beijing should remain vigilant. But tactically, the US approach would be more predictable, and Biden is much smoother to deal with than Trump — a viewpoint that is shared by many countries.​
Although Biden would very likely to use totally different tactics to continue the US-launched great power competition with China, such as restoring negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. As long as the US returns to multilateralism, the two greatest economies in the world could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, Chinese analysts said.​
Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University, said that "Biden is definitely smoother to deal with, which is the consensus around the world. For China, because Biden was vice president during Obama's term, and had a lot of prior experience dealing with Chinese leaders, we would expect to facilitate more effective communication with Biden if he wins."​
Lü said Biden could not only reactivate the TPP, he would very likely place the US back into the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iranian Nuclear Deal and other multilateral and international treaties and organization that the Trump administration withdrew from in the past four years.​
"Although Trump's unilateralism has made China receive higher expectations from other countries, and strengthened ties with them, including from some US allies, China still welcomes the US to return to multilateralism," Lü added.​
If Biden wins and fixes the damage caused by Trump, China and the US could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, such as joint efforts to deal with climate change and solve the Iranian nuclear issue, Lü noted.​
Of course China prefers Biden to Trump! Trump was the first US President in decades that actually held their feet to the fire to get them to play fair on trade! They'd love to get back to US policy under Obama! Bad trade deals for US businesses and workers...and the Paris Accord gives China a massive economic advantage with their energy costs! They get to keep on burning fossil fuels for another decade polluting the planet while WE cut our use of fossil fuels now!
Trump showed us how to win this, if we want to win this. Look the far right side of the graph after Trump's tariffs kicked in.


For the first time in "many snows" as Lizzy Warren would say, our trade deficit with China was finally moving in the right direction.

Biden will "fix" that! He'll get us right back to where we were during the Obama Administration...bending over while the Chinese give us the high hard one!
You have no clue what Biden will do, yes?...
Fake News. He's been in federal office for 20% of the nation's existence, his performance level is a known quantity. He is singularly ineffective at everything other than personal corrupt enrichment. He has blown every major foreign policy call. As Obama warned, "never underestimate Joe's ability to fk things up." And that Joe before his obvious mental decline.
... Biden has said that he would tackle China economically...
Joe will bend over and grab his ankles for China, just as fast as Lebron James.
... "Economists say the hefty tariffs Mr. Trump has placed on China have encouraged American consumers to purchase goods from other countries and have not led to an American manufacturing renaissance....
Fake News:

Here are the year end numbers for MFG output for the last 3 years of the Obama Administration:


The decline is clear.

Here are the year end numbers for the first three years for Trump, and the trend reversal is equally clear.


... “Tariffs to date have clearly had a significant impact on imports from China,” said Brad Setser, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. “They equally clearly have not led to a stronger U.S. manufacturing sector.”...
Fake News. 2019 real manufacturing output was at a 12 year high, even as mfg employment hit a ten year high. Here's the deal. Big Crony Business makes more money pitting the American Worker against China's Slave Labor and the entire DC establishment favors this. Trump's approach has worked extremely well, all the claims that the "economists" made failed. Obama even claimed that for Trump to accomplish what he clearly accomplished would take a "magic wand".

We are beyond fortunate to have had such a talented and driven man as president, who fearlessly pursued common sense policies, ignoring the naysayers, even as he labored on our behalf, donating every paycheck to worthy charities. As a grateful nation bids him farewell, we have benefitted and we will continue to learn from his common sense, fearless approach. And the topper? No new foreign wars. And unlike Jimmy Carter, he didn't accomplish this by letting tin horn dictators push us around. He accomplished peace through overwhelming strength, and when necessary, even justifiable ruthlessness.
... the clash with China has caused American companies and consumers to shift purchases to other countries, like Mexico, Vietnam and South Korea...
And none of those nations are building a military specifically designed to prevent us from keeping international shipping lanes open to all nations.
... Data released Wednesday morning showed the trade deficit in goods with Mexico increased $21.1 billion last year to a record $101.8 billion, as the United States brought in more goods from its southern neighbor. The trade deficit in goods with Canada grew by $8 billion...
Yup. Mexico and Canada are now our #1 and #2 trading partners with China dropping from #1 to #3. Rather than supply lines stretch all the way around the world, we now can resupply with Truck and Rail. This is a much stronger system, and we even have Mexico controlling the previous surge of illegal immigration, because they now can make so much more money with us, through legal commerce. Again, very simple, very bright, yet, it took Trump to get it done.
trump has negative job growth over his term.
Are you saying Spenser didn't endorse Biden?
I did not say anything concerning your Mr Spencer.

I noted that the neo-nazi Daily Stormer supported and endorsed their Trump in 2016, 2020, and continues to be enamored of the Loser.
"China's regime is totalitarian and brutal." Yes, I know. That's why Democrats support it.
I can find nothing in any Democratic platform that remotely suggests "support" for China. Please provide a link to a reputable source so that your claim does not appear to be a lie.
June 16, 2020

In Beijing, officials have come around to support four more years of Trump.

Interviews with nine current and former Chinese officials point to a shift in sentiment in favor of the sitting president...

The chief reason? A belief that the benefit of the erosion of America’s postwar alliance network would outweigh any damage to China from continued trade disputes and geopolitical instability.

China warms to the idea of Trump's reelection in 2020
Democrats have always supported totalitarian regimes. China's no different. And China would rather deal with Biden, who is more likely to give them what they want.

You don't have to believe me. Let's look at what the Communist Chinese propaganda paper has to say:
Many Chinese analysts predict that China will need to deal with Biden in at least the next four years, and they noticed that the proposed Democrat platform on foreign policy showed that if Biden wins, the US will remain tough on China. So Beijing should remain vigilant. But tactically, the US approach would be more predictable, and Biden is much smoother to deal with than Trump — a viewpoint that is shared by many countries.​
Although Biden would very likely to use totally different tactics to continue the US-launched great power competition with China, such as restoring negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. As long as the US returns to multilateralism, the two greatest economies in the world could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, Chinese analysts said.​
Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University, said that "Biden is definitely smoother to deal with, which is the consensus around the world. For China, because Biden was vice president during Obama's term, and had a lot of prior experience dealing with Chinese leaders, we would expect to facilitate more effective communication with Biden if he wins."​
Lü said Biden could not only reactivate the TPP, he would very likely place the US back into the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iranian Nuclear Deal and other multilateral and international treaties and organization that the Trump administration withdrew from in the past four years.​
"Although Trump's unilateralism has made China receive higher expectations from other countries, and strengthened ties with them, including from some US allies, China still welcomes the US to return to multilateralism," Lü added.​
If Biden wins and fixes the damage caused by Trump, China and the US could at least have more reasons to dialogue and cooperate, such as joint efforts to deal with climate change and solve the Iranian nuclear issue, Lü noted.​
Of course China prefers Biden to Trump! Trump was the first US President in decades that actually held their feet to the fire to get them to play fair on trade! They'd love to get back to US policy under Obama! Bad trade deals for US businesses and workers...and the Paris Accord gives China a massive economic advantage with their energy costs! They get to keep on burning fossil fuels for another decade polluting the planet while WE cut our use of fossil fuels now!
Typical dumbass Republican. China is still developing. They still need to add generation capacity. Meanwhile, we are where we are because of developed nations who have been polluting for decades.

So according to you China should be allowed to pollute because it's devleoping?
Well, Mr Brilliant, if you are still adding generation capacity, it is hard to reduce your totals.
The Biggest Loser is going out on a roll!


Having failed to contrive any phony pretexts for indicting all the folks that made the Cry Baby so pissy that he wanted them all "locked up", Trump's erstwhile lickspittle emerges as Trump's "Sessions II."

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"... and turn in that stupid hat!"


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I HOPE THEY’RE PREPARED TO BE DISAPPOINTED: 33 Groups Urge Illegitimate Biden to Reject Big Tech Appointments to His Cabinet.
As you prepare for the presidential transition, we write to urge you to reject the influence of these corporations by committing to exclude Big Tech executives, lobbyists, lawyers and consultants from your administration. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft once promised innovation and opportunity, and while they continue to provide many remarkable products, they now represent serious threats to privacy, democracy, innovation, and Americans’ economic well-being.
If they'll pay like China pays, Illegitimate Joe is their best friend!
Each of these companies have developed predatory business practices that harvest user data for profit. Over the last few years, we have seen how Facebook and Google irresponsibly wield immense influence over democratic elections, without oversight or accountability.
Well, yes — and now that they’ve used that influence to buy access to the White House, they’re going to get it, Big Time.
I HOPE THEY’RE PREPARED TO BE DISAPPOINTED: 33 Groups Urge Illegitimate Biden to Reject Big Tech Appointments to His Cabinet.
As you prepare for the presidential transition, we write to urge you to reject the influence of these corporations by committing to exclude Big Tech executives, lobbyists, lawyers and consultants from your administration. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft once promised innovation and opportunity, and while they continue to provide many remarkable products, they now represent serious threats to privacy, democracy, innovation, and Americans’ economic well-being.
If they'll pay like China pays, Illegitimate Joe is their best friend!
Each of these companies have developed predatory business practices that harvest user data for profit. Over the last few years, we have seen how Facebook and Google irresponsibly wield immense influence over democratic elections, without oversight or accountability.
Well, yes — and now that they’ve used that influence to buy access to the White House, they’re going to get it, Big Time.
Sniveling crackpots, alienated from America by the expression of the democratic will of the People, and that popular mandate being upheld by courts across the land, regress further and further into their fantasy bubble.

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You talk about Hunter Biden and porn as if it matters in the scheme of things. It doesn't.
Of course. Nothing matters when you are compelled to back a corrupt swamp dweller of 47 years.
It would matter if it was Trump's son puffing on a crack pipe while boning some little Chinese girls.
And it would have mattered if the Big Media hadn't been all the bag for Joe, and they still are there
and their silence on the two matters (Biden depravity and election theft) is deafening.

But this is all water under the bridge since all that matters now is stopping the theft of a national election
by Biden.
You are in la-la land. Barr said today that there was no evidence of voter fraud and you had to know that because it was trump trying to save face and his oversized ego. Let's face it. People are sick of him and his divisive ways.
Big media was not in the bag for anybody. Fox News? Trump created this antagonism all by his stupid little self by
starting with lies and then using the "fake news" nonsense to describe the media. And then there were his personal attacks on individuals in the media. The guy is a grifter and a dope. He is psychologically weak to behave in this manner. He lost. Be gracious and think about the interests of our country. Nah, not trump because it is all about him.
Now he has collected 170 million dollars from hard-working Americans so that he can pay off some of his debt.
You are in la-la land. Barr said today that there was no evidence of voter fraud and you had to know that because it was trump trying to save face and his oversized ego. Let's face it. People are sick of him and his divisive ways.
Big media was not in the bag for anybody. Fox News? Trump created this antagonism all by his stupid little self by
starting with lies and then using the "fake news" nonsense to describe the media. And then there were his personal attacks on individuals in the media. The guy is a grifter and a dope. He is psychologically weak to behave in this manner. He lost. Be gracious and think about the interests of our country. Nah, not trump because it is all about him.
Now he has collected 170 million dollars from hard-working Americans so that he can pay off some of his debt.
So just a very short while ago you were calling Bill Barr a fat servant for Trump.
But now Barr makes the incredible unbelievable comment today that there is no evidence of voter fraud
and you suddenly think Barr is okay.

I'd advise you to get all the Trump hate out of your system but that will never happen for
damaged people like you.

No evidence, Bill? Really? I don't know what's going on but that comment of Barr's is right up there
with Baghdad Bob claiming America has been repelled, while US Army tanks were literally rolling
into town right behind Bob as he was claiming victory.
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Since Trump has repeatedly said that he does not support Neo Nazis...why do you even bother to bring them up?
The neo-nazis obviously have their reasons for enthusiastically supporting and endorsing their Trump regardless of whether he thinks it advantageous to publicly acknowledge that enduring support.

Trump's neo-nazi fanatics are taking the names of those whom they believe have betrayed their "Fearless Leader."

November 30, 2020

All these people have betrayed our president by publicly denouncing him and saying that the usurper won legitimately:

  • Mitt Romney – UT
  • Marco Rubio – FL
  • Mike Shirkey – MI
  • Mike DeWine – OH
  • Brian Kemp – GA
  • Brad Raffensperger – GA
  • Pat Toomey – PA
  • Liz Cheney – WY
  • Doug Ducey – AZ
  • Larry Hogan – MD
  • Fred Upton – MI
  • John Cornyn – TX
  • Paul Mitchell – MI
  • James Lankford – OK
  • Lisa Murkowski – AK
  • Ben Sasse – NE
  • Susan Collins – ME
  • Jim Durkin – IL
  • Dan Young – AK
  • Francis Rooney – FL
  • John Shimkus – IL
  • Adam Kinzinger – IL
  • Paul Mitchell – MI
  • Don Bacon – NE
  • Tom Reed – NY
  • Will Hurd – TX
  • John Kurtis – UT
  • Denver Riggleman – VA
Republican politicians have remained silent, while also allegedly expressing hatred for our great (and very real) President:

  • John Thune – SD
  • Rob Portman – OH
  • Lamar Alexander – TN
  • Roy Blunt – MO
  • Mike Braun – IN
  • Todd Young – IN
  • Tim Scott – SC
  • Rick Scott – FL
  • Chuck Grassley – IA
  • Richard Burr – NC
  • Martha McSally – AZ
  • Jerry Moran – KS
  • Pat Roberts – KS
  • Richard Shelby – AL
Simply remaining silent is not enough!

The people from both lists must be removed from office!

We cannot tolerate traitors!

These people have always hated Trump because he gets in the way of their ability to serve their donors in the corruption orgy that is Washington, D.C. They view this as their time to strike against him by siding with the usurper!

What has happened instead is that they’ve shown their true colors!

We should have used the primary system a long, long time ago to get rid of these people. Primaries are usually decided by money – but we could have changed that.

Now, here we are, in the moment of truth – and we’re getting stabbed in the back!

These people are not simply betrayers of the country – they are criminals! They are complicit in massive fraud! They need to be charged with crimes!

Once again...since Trump has consistently and regularly denounced White Supremacist groups...why are you once again bringing them up?
Trump doesn't CONSISTENTLY denounce any group if it is a part of his voter base. He will say one thing and another,
depending upon the flow of the wind.
Bullshit! Trump has consistently denounced White Supremacist groups!
Happy viewing!
I hope you like foot jobs.
Hilarious. What'll they contrive next?

Meanwhile, back in reality,

View attachment 423867
"We’re going to win. We’re going to win so much.
We’re going to win at trade, we’re going to win at the border.
We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning,
you’re going to come to me and go ‘Please, please, we can’t win anymore.’
You’ve heard this one. You’ll say ‘Please, Mr. President, we beg you sir,
we don’t want to win anymore. It’s too much. It’s not fair to everybody else.
And I’m going to say ‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep

winning, winning, winning!”


Trump campaign loses 5 more cases in Pennsylvania Supreme ...

Trump loses court battles in Georgia

Trump's lawsuit in Arizona is over

Trump Campaign Loses Nevada Suit

Trump campaign loses legal fights in Michigan

Trump Loses Recount He Paid $3 Million For in Wisconsin

View attachment 423868
“Well, he done heard our prayers and lost the election big time!
And he continues to lose, lose, lose,
replacing all that tiresome “winning’ -
that "big, beautiful" wall he made Mexico paid for, that “something terrific!”
replacement of "immediately" repealed ‘ObamaCare’, etc. -
with relentless

The man is on a roll!"
View attachment 423873

Are you denying the Biden porn tape. Are you sure it's not on your porn hub favorites?

Foot fetish is the thing, am I right?

trump paid off stormy daniels

for porn

and we all know about trumps Pee tapes

you have no problem with trump being a porn pig but it pisses you off that there is a fake porn video of hunter?

typical trumper
You do know that there has never been any evidence what so ever that the so called "pee tapes" ever existed, right? That they were just part of the smear job done by the Clinton campaign? You DO know that, right? I mean at this point you'd have to be a complete idiot to even bring up the "pee tapes"!

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