Joe Biden coddles another terrorist group — and Florida's Democrats are screaming


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Joe Biden coddles another terrorist group — and Florida's Democrats are screaming​

25 Nov 2021 ~~ By Monica Showalter
As if dealing with the Taliban as a "partner" and taking the Houthis off the terrorist watch list weren't enough, Joe Biden has decided to succor another terrorist group: FARC.
Most people don't remember them, but these were the vile Marxist narco-terrorists who terrorized Colombia for 60 years and then got off scot-free based on a "peace deal" from a lousy Colombian president whose hankering for a Nobel prize was so strong that he literally ignored a popular referendum rejecting such a deal. They had good reason: in FARC's war on that country, 200,000 people were killed, and two million were displaced as refugees in their own country. Want to know where shantytowns come from? Yes, the displaced. Millions more fled the country, leaving it a bleak, impoverished landscape.
FARC's depravities against individuals were unspeakable, and every Colombian was touched by them. I recall the plaintive signs in Bogota windows and the scrawlings on church walls from locals begging FARC to return their missing and kidnapped loved ones. To describe just one incident Americans may remember vaguely, FARC's inhuman monsters (and if you read this book, they most certainly were monsters) held three innocent Americans hostage for five and a half years in chains in the disease-filled Colombian jungle, enduring privation and torture until they were spectacularly rescued in 2007. They shot two others dead in cold blood, including a fourth American. FARC, which pioneered car bombs, child soldiers, child rape, child kidnapping, child torture, a war on the family, burning churches with terrified people in them, school attacks, disco attacks, ransom kidnapping, dancing around with their hero Fidel Castro, and other depravities was pretty much a combination of al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Mexican cartels,

That is one ugly move on Joe Biden's part, born of his ever-continuing desire to please the radical left. Now he's got pretty much everyone in Florida mad at him, including local Democrats, and yes, he's thrown fat on the fire that is moving the Latino vote over to the Republican column for 2022. Why anyone would think FARC deserves recognition, cash, or any succor after the failures of the U.S. to sweet-talk the Taliban into dealing with them, or the succor to the Houthis, who responded with violence, is a mystery. FARC will be no better than these odious characters, and there's reason to think, as Ted Cruz and other Senate Republicans have observed, that they will be a threat to the U.S. as a result.
What does Joe gain from this? The love of the radical far left and its NGO allies, and pretty much no one else. He should be prepared for a message from Florida come 2022 and 2024.

FARC was trained and supplied by Russia via Venezuela. Most Colombians would like FARC killed off.
Joey Xi Joe never met a terrorist or tyrant he didn’t admire.
Progressives Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie are purposely trying to create as much havoc within America as possible. The purpose is to literally crash the system this winter, then buy everyone off with the “infrastructure” cash.
Consider: COVID, Illegal immigration, borders BLM, Antifa, Jan 6, energy, bail, jail, Afghanistan, FARC funds (this week) , Omarova banking nominee, Keystone, and much more....
Each event, policy decision makes one wonder; they can’t be this stupid. It's intentional. They couldn’t ruin a country faster if they tried.
See also:
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Joe Biden coddles another terrorist group — and Florida's Democrats are screaming​

25 Nov 2021 ~~ By Monica Showalter
As if dealing with the Taliban as a "partner" and taking the Houthis off the terrorist watch list weren't enough, Joe Biden has decided to succor another terrorist group: FARC.
Most people don't remember them, but these were the vile Marxist narco-terrorists who terrorized Colombia for 60 years and then got off scot-free based on a "peace deal" from a lousy Colombian president whose hankering for a Nobel prize was so strong that he literally ignored a popular referendum rejecting such a deal. They had good reason: in FARC's war on that country, 200,000 people were killed, and two million were displaced as refugees in their own country. Want to know where shantytowns come from? Yes, the displaced. Millions more fled the country, leaving it a bleak, impoverished landscape.
FARC's depravities against individuals were unspeakable, and every Colombian was touched by them. I recall the plaintive signs in Bogota windows and the scrawlings on church walls from locals begging FARC to return their missing and kidnapped loved ones. To describe just one incident Americans may remember vaguely, FARC's inhuman monsters (and if you read this book, they most certainly were monsters) held three innocent Americans hostage for five and a half years in chains in the disease-filled Colombian jungle, enduring privation and torture until they were spectacularly rescued in 2007. They shot two others dead in cold blood, including a fourth American. FARC, which pioneered car bombs, child soldiers, child rape, child kidnapping, child torture, a war on the family, burning churches with terrified people in them, school attacks, disco attacks, ransom kidnapping, dancing around with their hero Fidel Castro, and other depravities was pretty much a combination of al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Mexican cartels,

That is one ugly move on Joe Biden's part, born of his ever-continuing desire to please the radical left. Now he's got pretty much everyone in Florida mad at him, including local Democrats, and yes, he's thrown fat on the fire that is moving the Latino vote over to the Republican column for 2022. Why anyone would think FARC deserves recognition, cash, or any succor after the failures of the U.S. to sweet-talk the Taliban into dealing with them, or the succor to the Houthis, who responded with violence, is a mystery. FARC will be no better than these odious characters, and there's reason to think, as Ted Cruz and other Senate Republicans have observed, that they will be a threat to the U.S. as a result.
What does Joe gain from this? The love of the radical far left and its NGO allies, and pretty much no one else. He should be prepared for a message from Florida come 2022 and 2024.

FARC was trained and supplied by Russia via Venezuela. Most Colombians would like FARC killed off.
Joey Xi Joe never met a terrorist or tyrant he didn’t admire.
Progressives Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie are purposely trying to create as much havoc within America as possible. The purpose is to literally crash the system this winter, then buy everyone off with the “infrastructure” cash.
Consider: COVID, Illegal immigration, borders BLM, Antifa, Jan 6, energy, bail, jail, Afghanistan, FARC funds (this week) , Omarova banking nominee, Keystone, and much more....
Each event, policy decision makes one wonder; they can’t be this stupid. It's intentional. They couldn’t ruin a country faster if they tried.

I would like to say I am shocked, but seems like every single thing this administration does hurts America 🇺🇸 and Americans. Let's see who defends this!

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